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         Fraenkel Adolf:     more books (24)
  1. The principle of choice and the continuum problem, (Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities) by Abraham Adolf Fraenkel, 1967
  2. Einleitung in Die Mengenlehre: Eine Gemeinverständliche Einführung in Das Reich Der Unendlichen Grössen (German Edition) by Abraham Adolf Fraenkel, 2010-01-01
  3. Mathématicien Israélien: Oded Schramm, Doron Zeilberger, Abraham Adolf Fraenkel, Yehoshua Bar-Hillel, Hillel Furstenberg, Saharon Shelah (French Edition)
  4. Biography - Fraenkel, Abraham Adolf (1891-1965): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2003-01-01
  5. Adolf Fraenkel (German Edition)
  6. Hitler: The Man and the Myth by Roger Manvell, Heinrich Fraenkel, et all 1978-08-31
  7. Einleitung In Die Mengenlehre: Eine Gemeinverstandliche Einfuhrung In Das Reich Der Unendlichen Grossen (1919) (German Edition) by Adolf Fraenkel, 2010-04-18
  8. Einleitung in die Mengenlehre Eine gemeinverständliche Einführung in das Reich der unendlichen Größen by Adolf Fraenkel, 1919
  9. Einleitung in Die Mengenlehre (Die Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften, Band 9) by Adolf Fraenkel, 1946
  10. Einleitung In Die Mengenlehre: Eine Gemeinverstandliche Einfuhrung In Das Reich Der Unendlichen Grossen (1919) (German Edition) by Adolf Fraenkel, 2010-09-10
  11. Set theory and logic, (Adiwes international series) by Abraham Adolf Fraenkel, 1966
  12. Abstract set theory (Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics) by Abraham Adolf Fraenkel, 1976
  13. Gesammelte Abhandlungen mathematischen und philosophischen Inhalts: Mit erläuternden Anmerkungen sowie mit Ergänzungen aus dem Briefwechsel Cantor-Dedekind (German Edition) by Georg Cantor, 1980-09-01
  14. Einleitung in Die Mengenlehre, Eine Elementare Einfuhrung in Das Reich DesUnendlichgrossen by Adolf Fraenkel, 1923-01-01

1. Fraenkel
Adolf Abraham Halevi Fraenkel. Born 17 Feb 1891 in Munich, Germany Died 15 Oct1965 in Jerusalem, Israel. Click the picture above to see a larger version
Adolf Abraham Halevi Fraenkel
Born: 17 Feb 1891 in Munich, Germany
Died: 15 Oct 1965 in Jerusalem, Israel
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to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Abraham Fraenkel, in common with most students in Germany in his time, studied for periods at different universities. He spent some time at the University of Munich, the University of Marburg, the University of Berlin and the University of Breslau. From 1916 he lectured at the University of Marburg, being promoted to professor there in 1922. In 1928 Fraenkel left Marburg and spent one year teaching at the University of Kiel. He was a fervent Zionist and, after leaving Kiel, he taught at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem from 1929, joining the university four years after its foundation. Fraenkel was to spend the rest of his career at the Hebrew University, being appointed the first Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, and serving as the rector of the university for a period. Fraenkel's first work was on Hensel 's p-adic numbers and on the theory of rings. However he is best known for his work on set theory, writing his first major work on the topic

2. Adolf Abraham Halevi Fraenkel
Adolf Abraham Halevi Fraenkel. thumb Adolf fraenkel adolf Abraham Halevi Fraenkel(February 17 1891 October 15 1965) was a German / Israelian mathematician.
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Adolf Abraham Halevi Fraenkel
Adolf Abraham Halevi Fraenkel February 17 October 15 ) was a German / Israelian mathematician . Born in Munich Germany on February 17 , Fraenkel studiet mathematics at the University of Munich University of Berlin University of Marburg and University of Breslau; after graduating, he lectured at the University of Marburg from on, and was promoted to professor in . Fraenkel left Marburg six years later, in ; after a year of teaching at the University of Kiel , he moved to Jerusalem in , four years after the Hebrew University of Jerusalem 's founding, where he spent the rest of his career. He became the first dean of the faculty of mathematics and also served as the rector of the university for a while. Fraenkel's first work was on Hensel's

3. Adolf_Fraenkel : Essential Information, Explanation, Recent Texts, Monographs, A
(Redirected from Adolf Fraenkel) Adolf fraenkel adolf Abraham Halevi Fraenkel (February17, 1891 October 15, 1965) was a German / Israelian mathematician.

Foundations of Set Theory
by Abraham A. Fraenkel
Abstract set theory
by Abraham Adolf Fraenkel
Adolf Hitler: The Man and the Myth
by Roger Manvell
Adolf Abraham Halevi Fraenkel
(Redirected from Adolf Fraenkel Adolf Fraenkel Adolf Abraham Halevi Fraenkel ( February 17 October 15 ) was a German Israelian mathematician . Born in Munich Germany on February 17 , Fraenkel studiet mathematics at the University of Munich University of Berlin University of Marburg and University of Breslau ; after graduating, he lectured at the University of Marburg from on, and was promoted to professor in . Fraenkel left Marburg six years later, in ; after a year of teaching at the University of Kiel , he moved to Jerusalem in , four years after the Hebrew University of Jerusalem 's founding, where he spent the rest of his career. He became the first dean of the faculty of mathematics and also served as the rector of the university for a while. Fraenkel's first work was on Hensel 's p-adic numbers and on the theory of rings ; he is, however, most well-known for his work on axiomatic set theory , publishing his first major work on the topic ("Einleitung in die Mengenlehre") in . He made two attempts in and to put set theory into an axiomatic setting without paradoxes, improving

4. Fraenkel
Adolf Abraham Halevi Fraenkel. Adolf Fraenkel, in common with most studentsin Germany in his time, studied for periods at different universities.
Adolf Abraham Halevi Fraenkel
Born: 17 Feb 1891 in Munich, Germany
Died: 15 Oct 1965 in Jerusalem, Israel
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(Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Adolf Fraenkel , in common with most students in Germany in his time, studied for periods at different universities. He spent some time at the University of Munich, the University of Marburg, the University of Berlin and the University of Breslau. From 1916 he lectured at the University of Marburg, being promoted to professor there in 1922. In 1928 Fraenkel left Marburg and spent one year teaching at the University of Kiel. He was a fervent Zionist and, after leaving Kiel, he taught at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem from 1929. Fraenkel was to spend the rest of his career at the Hebrew University. Fraenkel's first work was on Hensel 's p-adic numbers and on the theory of rings. However he is best known for his work on set theory, writing his first major work on the topic Einleitung in die Mengenlehre in 1919.

5. Nuova Pagina 1
Translate this page di Fourier. fraenkel adolf Abraham (1891-1965). Nasce a Monaco e studianella sua città, e Marburgo, Berlino e Breslavia. È stato
F Fermat Pierre de (1601-1665) n +y n =z n , quando n è un intero maggiore di 2. Ferrari Ludovico (1522-1565) Bolognese, è stato allievo e collaboratore di Cardano; ha insegnato a Milano e a Bologna e ha scoperto il metodo per risolvere mediante radicali l'equazione di 4° grado riconducendola a un'equazione di 3° grado. Fibonacci, Leonardo Pisano detto (Pisa, 1170 ca. - Pisa, 1240 ca.) Fourier Jean Baptiste Joseph (1768-1830) Orfano a nove anni, Fourier nel 1789 esercitò attività di insegnante a Auxerre, sua città natale. Arrestato nel 1794 e poi rilasciato dopo l'esecuzione di Robespierre, si trasferisce a Parigi per entrare all'Ecole Normale, fondata e chiusa nello stesso anno. Nel 1795 diventa assistente all'Ecole Polytechnique, e nel 1798 segue Monge nella campagna d'Egitto di Bonaparte. Al ritorno, nel 1801, Napoleone lo nomina prefetto dell'Isère. Dopo i Cento Giorni, grazie a un amico, Fourier viene nominato direttore dell'ufficio di statistica della Senna. Nel 1817 diventa membro dell'Académie des Sciences e nel 1822 segretario perpetuo della stessa. Viene eletto all'Académie française nel 1827. Il suo contributo più importante è la creazione della teoria del calore, che lo porta a elaborare le basi di ciò che oggi chiamiamo le serie e gli integrali di Fourier. Fraenkel Adolf Abraham (1891-1965) Nasce a Monaco e studia nella sua città, e Marburgo, Berlino e Breslavia. È stato docente all'Università di Marburgo dal 1916 al 1925, dal 1928 al 1929 all'Università di Kiel e dal 1929 al 1959 all'Università ebraica di Gerusalemme. I suoi lavori riguardano la logica e la teoria degli insiemi.

6. Mathematical Family Of Jakob Stoustrup
Translate this page Kuku Adi Ben-Israel Adi Shamir Adib Bagh Adib Fadlalla Adil Naoum Adil Yaqub AdilsonGoncalves Adinew Alemayehu Adnah Kostenbauder Adolf fraenkel adolf Hess
Mathematical family of Jakob Stoustrup
In the below list, you will find all mathematicians listed with a common ancestor to Jakob Stoustrup in The Mathematics Genealogy Project . So, if you find your own name in this list, it is because you are listed as a descendant of Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz in the project database. The list is sorted by first name or first initial.
A. Balakrishnan
A. Bloam
A. Bolstein
A. Bozorgnia
A. Bracy Elton
A. Davidenkoff
A. Dawes
A. do Vale
A. Dors
A. Everett Pitcher A. Fardoun A. Finkelstein A. Franc A. Gaur A. Glen Houston A. Hinds A. Humphreys A. Johan de Jong A. M. Fink A. Maill A. McGaughey A. Nowotny A. Porter A. Rajappa A. Ratto A. Rubio A. Small A. Stewart A. Vijayarajan A. Weiler A. Wiethoff Aaditya Rangan Aaron Abrams Aaron Bertram Aaron Beshears Aaron Cinzori Aaron Clark Aaron Diaz Aaron Fogelson Aaron Hagen Aaron Lebowitz Aaron Melman Aaron Robertson Aaron Siegel Aaron Trautwein Aaron Zoble Abbas Al-Anbari Abdalla Tallafha Abdallah Hakawati Abdel Mohammad Abdel Rahman Said Abdelali Benharbit Abdelaziz Laghrari Abdelghani Mehailia Abdellah. Sebbar

7. Fraenkel, Adolf Abraham (1891-1965) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific
Mathematicians. Nationality. German. fraenkel, adolf Abraham (18911965) ©. Eric W. Weisstein. , (-)
Branch of Science Mathematicians Nationality German
Fraenkel, Adolf Abraham (1891-1965)

8. Blank Entries From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography
Translate this page Marsilo (1433-1499) Florey, Howard (1898-1968) Flourens, Pierre (1794-1867) Fokker,Adriaan (1887-1972) fraenkel, adolf Abraham (1891-1965) Franck, James (1882
Please consider contributing or extending the following entries. For more information about making contributions, see the page on contributing . Please send contributions to
Abbe, Ernst (1840-1905)

Adams, John Couch (1819-1892)

Aepinus, Franz (1724-1802)
Zwicky, Fritz (1898-1974)

9. The Influence Of Big Business On The Rise Of Adolf Hitler
big business had a significant role in adolf Hitler's accession to power in Germany or not with Manvell and fraenkel and argued that "one trait of adolf Hitler which has
This file has moved to:
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10. Fraenkel
Biography of Abraham fraenkel, (18911965) adolf Abraham Halevi fraenkel. Born 17 Feb 1891 in Munich, Germany Abraham fraenkel, in common with most students in Germany in his time, studied
Adolf Abraham Halevi Fraenkel
Born: 17 Feb 1891 in Munich, Germany
Died: 15 Oct 1965 in Jerusalem, Israel
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to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Abraham Fraenkel, in common with most students in Germany in his time, studied for periods at different universities. He spent some time at the University of Munich, the University of Marburg, the University of Berlin and the University of Breslau. From 1916 he lectured at the University of Marburg, being promoted to professor there in 1922. In 1928 Fraenkel left Marburg and spent one year teaching at the University of Kiel. He was a fervent Zionist and, after leaving Kiel, he taught at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem from 1929, joining the university four years after its foundation. Fraenkel was to spend the rest of his career at the Hebrew University, being appointed the first Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, and serving as the rector of the university for a period. Fraenkel's first work was on Hensel 's p-adic numbers and on the theory of rings. However he is best known for his work on set theory, writing his first major work on the topic

11. F Index
de (255*) Forsyth, Andrew (691*) Forti, Cesare Burali (530) Fourier, Joseph (2156*)Fowler, Ralph (2443*) Fox, Charles (235*) fraenkel, adolf (439*) Français
Names beginning with F
The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait. , Francesco (521*)
,Georg (263)

Fagnano, Giovanni

Fagnano, Giulio

, Etta (1284*)
, Charles de La (233*)
, Gerd (275*)
, Gino (697*)
, Michael (2159*)
, John (1137) Farkas , Gyula (810) Fasenmyer , Mary (1272*) Farisi , Kamal al (1102) Fatou , Pierre (672*) Faulhaber , Johann (519*) Fawcett , Philippa (1985*) Fefferman , Charles (462*) Feigenbaum , Mitchell (2050*) Feigl , Georg (189*) Feller , William (394*) Fermat , Pierre de (2491*) Ferrar , Bill (547*) Ferrari , Lodovico (722) Ferrel , William (1916*) Ferro , Scipione del (1407) Feuerbach , Karl (337*) , Jean Le (542) Feynman , Richard (2533*) Fibonacci , Leonardo (2223*) Fields , John (1522*) Finck , Pierre-Joseph (367) Fincke , Thomas (213) Fine, Henry Fine, Oronce Finsler , Paul (529*) Fischer , Ernst (128*) Fisher , Sir Ronald (1966*) Fiske , Thomas (500*) FitzGerald , George (3163*) Flamsteed , John (772*) , Irmgard (357*) Fogels , Ernests (926) Fomin , Sergei (1118*) Fontaine des Bertins , A (555) Fontenelle , Bernard de (255*) Forsyth , Andrew (691*) Forti , Cesare Burali- (530) Fourier , Joseph (2156*) Fowler , Ralph (2443*) Fox , Charles (235*) Fraenkel , Adolf (439*) Francesca , Piero della (540*) Francoeur , Louis (301) Frank , Philipp (653) Franklin, Benjamin

12. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Adolf Fraenkel
Select a mirror. NDSU (main) Bielefeld. Ole Miss. AMS. adolf Abraham fraenkel. Biography. Dr. phil. PhilippsUniversität Marburg 1915. DissertationÜber die Teiler der Null und die Zerlegung von Ringen. Advisor Kurt Hensel. Student(s) According to our current on-line database, adolf fraenkel has 1 students and 10 descendants

13. Biografia De Fraenkel, Adolf Abraham
Translate this page fraenkel, adolf Abraham. (Munich, 1891-Jerusalén, 1965) Matemáticoisraelí de origen alemán. Revisó la axiomatización de la
Inicio Buscador Utilidades Recomendar sitio
Fraenkel, Adolf Abraham (Munich, 1891-Jerusalén, 1965) Matemático israelí de origen alemán. Revisó la axiomatización de la teoría de conjuntos que realizó Zermelo a principios de siglo, y lo publicó en su obra Fundamentos de la teoría de conjuntos Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

14. Einstein Archives Online - Contents Of Folder 37-1
Translate this page Get full record from archival database, 37-9.00, 06/21/1928, Get full recordfrom archival database, 37-10.00, 10/23/1928, fraenkel, adolf, Einstein, Albert,

15. A.A.Fraenkel's Thesis By Avinoam Mann
A.A.fraenkel's thesis by Avinoam Mann. reply to this message. post a message on a new topic. Back to mathhistory-list Subject A.A.fraenkel's thesis Author Avinoam Mann Date Tue about the thesis of Avraham (adolf) Halevi fraenkel. Today I received the
A.A.Fraenkel's thesis by Avinoam Mann
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Subject: A.A.Fraenkel's thesis Author: Date: The Math Forum

16. Einstein Archives Online - Contents Of Folder 37-2
Translate this page Get full record from archival database, 37-52.00, 02/16/1933, fraenkel, adolf,Einstein, Albert, Get full record from archival database, 37-53.00, 03/15/1933,

17. Food For Thought: Biographies
14331499. Fick, adolf Eugen (German physiologist) 1829-1901 c.1478-1553. fraenkel, adolf Abraham Halevi (German-born Israeli math
Faber, Frederick William (English clergyman, hymn writer) Faber, Sir Geoffrey Cust (English publisher, writer) Faber, Johann Lothar von (German pencil manufacturer) Faber, Johannes (orig. Heigerlin) (German bishop, theologian) Faber, John Eberhard (German-born American pencil manufacturer) Faber, Peter (orig. Pierre Favre) (French Jesuit theologian) Faberge, Karl Gustavovich (Russian goldsmith, jeweler) Fabert, Abraham de (French soldier) Fabius (Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus) (Roman general) d.203 BC Fabre, Emile (French playwright) Fabre, Ferdinand (French novelist) Fabre, Jean-Henri-Casimir (French entomologist) Fabre d'Eglantine, Philippe-Francois-Nazaire (Fr. playwright) Fabrice, Georg Friedrich Alfred von (German general) Fabrici (or Fabrizio), Girolamo (Italian surgeon, anatomist) Fabricius, David (German clergyman, astronomer) Fabricius, Johannes (German astronomer; son of David) 1587-c.1615 Fabricius, Johann Christian (Danish entomologist) Fabritius, Barent (orig. surname Pieterz) (Dutch painter) Fabritius, Carel (orig. surname Pieterz) (Dutch painter)

18. Fraenkel, Abraham Adolf
fraenkel, Abraham adolf (18911965). German-born Israeli mathematicianwho wrote many textbooks on set theory. He also investigated
Fraenkel, Abraham Adolf German-born Israeli mathematician who wrote many textbooks on set theory. He also investigated the axiomatic foundations of mathematical theories.
Fraenkel, born in Munich, studied there and at Marburg, Berlin, and Breslau (now Wroclaw, Poland). He was professor at Marburg 1922-28. In 1929 he emigrated to Israel and taught until 1959 at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Fraenkel became very involved with set theory as it had been formulated in 1908, in the axiomatic system put forward by German mathematician Ernst Zermelo.
He proposed in 1922 a solution for Zermelo's unexplained notion of a 'definite property', though his explanation did not become accepted. His research led him to posit an eighth axiom (to follow Zermelo's seventh), an axiom of replacement, which stated that if the domain of a single-valued function is a set, its counterdomain is also a set.
Fraenkel's works include Einleitung in die Mengenlehre 1919, Abstract Set Theory 1953, and Foundations of Set Theory 1958.

19. Index To KR Book
Flores, Fernando. 401. fraenkel, adolf. 101. Frege, Gottlob. 911, 13, 18-19, 40, 43-44, 47, 192-193, 195, 352 26, 27, 308. Lindenbaum, adolf. 96. L`ukasiewicz, Jan
Index to Knowledge Representation
This web page contains an index to the book Knowledge Representation by John F. Sowa. It consists of an index of names , an index of subjects , and a list of special symbols . All page numbers refer to the printed edition. Names and subjects displayed in blue have hypertext links to web pages that contain further information about the corresponding persons and topics. Please send any additions or corrections to those links to John Sowa Names: A B C D ... Z Subjects: A B C D ... Z
Name Index
Allen, James F.
Amarel, Saul
Anderson, Alan Ross
Apel, Karl-Otto
Apt, Krzysztof R.
Aquinas, Thomas, St.
Arieti, Silvano
Augustine, St.
Avicenna (Ibn Sina)
Badler, Norman I.
Bartlett, Frederic C.
Barwise, Jon
Belnap, Nuel D. ...
Beth, Evert
Blair, Howard A.
Bobrow, Daniel
Bogart, Humphrey
Bohr, Niels
Booch, Grady ...
Burke, Edmund
Burnstine, Donald
Cantor, Georg
Carnap, Rudolf
Carriero, Nicholas
Casati, Roberto
Ceccato, Silvio
Chamberlin, Don
Chandrasekaran, B.
Chen, Peter P. ...
Cyre, Walling
Dahl, Ole-Johan

20. Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
The Zermelofraenkel axioms of set theory (ZF), are the standard axioms of axiomatic set theory on which based on earlier work by adolf fraenkel in the same year, which
Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
(Redirected from ZFC The Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms of set theory (ZF) , are the standard axioms of axiomatic set theory on which, together with the axiom of choice , all of ordinary mathematics is based. When the axiom of choice is included, the resulting system is ZFC The axioms are the result of work by Thoralf Skolem in , based on earlier work by Adolf Fraenkel in the same year, which was based on the axiom system put forth by Ernst Zermelo in Zermelo set theory The axiom system is written in first-order logic . The axiom system has an infinite number of axioms because an axiom schema is used. An equivalent finite alternative system is given by the (NBG), which distinguish between classes and sets The axioms of ZFC are:

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