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         Fourier Joseph:     more books (78)
  1. Fourier Analysis and Its Impact: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Sherri Chasin Calvo, 2000
  2. Great Books of the Western World, [1988, Vol. 45 Lavoiser, Fourier, Faraday ] (Elements of Chemistry by Antoine Lavoisier, Analytical Theory of Heat by Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier & Experimental Researches in Electricity by Michael Farady) (1988) 13th. Edition.) by Michael Faraday, 1988
  3. Fourier: is this French mathematician the true father of modern engineering?: An article from: Mechanical Engineering-CIME by Eugene F. Adiutori, 2005-08-01
  4. Théorie Analytique De La Chaleur (French Edition) by Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier, 2010-02-26
  5. Elements Of Chemistry; Analytical Theory Of Heat; Experimental Researches - Great Books Of The Western World, Volume 45 by Antoine Laurent; Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph; Faraday, Michael; Editor-in-chief - Hutchins, Robert Maynard Lavoisier, 1952
  6. Magnetism: Fundamentals
  7. Elements of Chemistry / Analytical Theory of Heat / Experimental Researches in Electricity (Great Books of the Western World, Volume 45) (Great books of the Western World) by Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier, et all 1952
  8. Elements of Chemistry; Analytical Theory of Heat; Experimental Researches Electricity. (Great Books of the Western World Vol 45 by Antoine Laurent & Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph & Faraday, Michael (Hutchins, Robert Maynard Ed). (Addler, J. Mortime Lavoisier, 1952-01-01
  9. Joseph Fourier face aux objections contre sa theorie de la chaleur: Lettres inedites, 1808-1816 (Memoires de la Section des sciences / Ministere des universites, ... et scientifiques) (French Edition) by Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier, 1980
  10. Analyse des travaux de l'Académie royale des sciences, pendant l'année 1819, partie mathématique. with: Anlayse de travaux de l'Académie royale des sciences, pendant l'année 1820, partie mathématique. with: FOURIER, Jean Baptiste Joseph (1768-1830). Éloge de M. Delambre, par M. le baron Fourier. by Jean-Baptiste Joseph (1749-1822). DELAMBRE, 1820
  11. Joseph Fourier
  12. Joseph Fourier: Biography read before the French Academy of Sciences by F Arago, 1871
  13. Britannia Great Books #45: "Elements of Chemistry" (Lavoisier); "Analytical Theory of Heat" (Fourier); "Elemental Researches in Electricity" (Faraday) by Antoine Laurent Lavoisier; Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier; Michael Faraday, 1987
  14. Analytical Theory of Heat. by Joseph Fourier, 1959

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42. Lexikon - Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier Definition Erklärung Bedeutung
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Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier
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Artikel auf Englisch: Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier
Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier 21. M¤rz 16. Mai in Paris ) war ein franz¶sischer Mathematiker und Physiker Fourier war der Sohn eines Schneiders und wurde in der Kriegsschule zu Axerre erzogen, wo er sich als Fr¼hentwickler entpuppte. Mit 18 Jahren ernannten ihn die Verantwortlichen der Schule zum Professor. Es folgte eine Anstellung an der ber¼hmten Pariser Polytechnischen Schule. Ende des 18. Jahrhundert s folgte er Napol©on Bonaparte nach „gypten , wo er das Sekretariat des Institut d'Egypte ¼bernahm und an der Description de l'Egypte mitarbeitete. Nach der R¼ckkehr wurde Fourier zum Pr¤fekten des Departements Is¨re ernannt, zum Baron erhoben. In dieser Funktion sorgte er f¼r die lang ¼berf¤llige Trockenlegung der S¼mpfe bei Lyon ernannte ihn Napoleon (nach dessen R¼ckkehr von Elba zum Pr¤fekten des Departements Rhone. Seit 1815 lebte er in Paris und war Sekret¤r auf Lebenszeit der Akademie der Wissenschaften.

43. Jean Baptiste Fourier
Translate this page Jean Baptiste joseph fourier. geboren 1768 in Auxerre, gestorben 1830 inParis. Er führte ein bewegtes Leben in der Zeit der französischen
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Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier
geboren 1768 in Auxerre, gestorben 1830 in Paris. Seit 1807 beschäftigte sich Fourier mit dem Problem der Wärmeleitung. 1822 erschien seine "Théorie analytique de la chaleur". Von da ab waren Temperatur und Wärmetransport berechenbar, dabei halfen Fourierreihen und Fourierintegrale. Anfangs hatte Fourier Schwierigkeiten, seine Theorie gegen Einwände von Laplace, Poisson und Biot zu behaupten. Ausser Franz Neumann und Lord Kelvin waren später Heaviside und Hamilton von Fouriers Buch begeistert, Hamilton stellte ihn über Lagrange, Laplace, Cauchy und Poisson [Whittaker 1951, , 130]. Heutzutage werden Fouriertechniken in allen Zweigen der Naturwissenschaften angewandt. Fourier begründete auch die physikalische Dimensionsanalyse. 1831 schrieb er ein Buch über "Die Auflösung der bestimmten Gleichungen" (dtsch. Ostwalds Klassiker Nr.127). Literatur:
Arago schrieb seine Gedächtnisrede 1833 auf Grund seiner langjährigen Bekanntschaft [Werke dtsch. , 234-296], Herivel seine Biographie [1975] auf Grund sorgfältiger historischer Studien. Kürzere Darstellungen von Fouriers Werk und Leben findet man mancherorts, z.B. Bell [167, S.194ff].

44. Berühmte Mathematik: Mathematiker > Joseph Fourier
Translate this page trigonometrische Reihen und über Funktionen in einer reellen Veränderlichen.Am 16. May 1830 starb Jean Baptiste joseph fourier in Paris.
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1794 wurde er zum Studium an der Ecole Normal in Paris zugelassen. Dort besuchte er Vorlesungen von Lagrange Laplace Polytechnique . Im Jahr 1797 wurde er Nachfolger von Lagrange Dirichlet Am 16. May 1830 starb Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier in Paris.

45. Biography Of Joseph Fourier
About His Life. On March 21, 1768 in Auxerre, France Baron Jean Baptiste josephfourier was born the ninth of twelve children to a tailor joseph fourier.
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Biographies of Mathematicians-Fourier
About His Life
On March 21, 1768 in Auxerre, France Baron Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier was born the ninth of twelve children to a tailor Joseph Fourier. Born into a prominent family, he was trained for priesthood however, Fourier turned to the life of mathematics and the military. At only sixteen years of age, Joseph became a mathematics teacher at the military school in Auxerre. When he was 27, he began working at the Ecole Normale in Paris. Three years later, in 1798, he followed Napoleon on his Eastern expedition and was given the postion of governor of Lower Egypt. In 1801, Fourier returned to France and was named prefect of Grenoble. All the knowledge in the world however, could not save him from the inevitable. Fourier died in Paris on May 16, 1830.
Fourier's Accomplishments
Mathematical Accomplishments
Fourier Analysis
Established in the 1820's this branch of mathematics is often used to analyze repeating or periodic phenomena. Simple sine waves that are added together can end up producing some of the most complex and most complicated periodic wave motion. A sine wave is known as one of the simpliest of waves. All sine waves have a single frequency. By experiments Fourier found out that all periodic waves have a variety of sine waves and that they have different amplitudes and frequencies. Fourier Series
Often defined as: An infinite series whose terms are constants multiplied by sine and cosine functions and that can, if uniformly convergent, approximate a wide variety of functions.

46. Biography Of Joseph Fourier
Introduction. Our biography is about Baron Jean Baptiste joseph fourier. On March21, 1768 in Auxerre, France, joseph fourier was born, the son of a tailor.
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Biographies of Mathematicians- Fourier
Our biography is about Baron Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier. He was a famous mathematician who contributed many things to mathematics throughout his distinguished career.
About His Life
On March 21, 1768 in Auxerre, France, Joseph Fourier was born, the son of a tailor. Born into a prominent family, he was trained for the priesthood; however, Fourier turned to the life of mathematics and the military. At only sixteen years of age, Joseph became a mathematics teacher at the military school in Auxerre. When he was 27, he began working at the Ecole Normale in Paris. Three years later, in 1798, he followed Napoleon on his Eastern expedition and was given the postion of governor of Lower Egypt. In 1801, Fourier returned to France and was named prefect of Grenoble. This was where he conducted his experiments on the propagation of heat. Moving to Paris in 1816, he published his first book, Theorie Analytique de la Chaleur

47. Biografia De Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier
Translate this page F ourier. Jean Baptiste joseph fourier. Clique aqui para obter fotos.Jean Baptiste joseph fourier ¾ matemático e físico francês
F o u r i e r Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier matemático e físico francês, nascido a 21 de março de 1768 em uma cidade da França localizada às margens do rio Yonne tendo sido um centro religioso de grande importância com bispado e, por conseguinte, se fechou em estreita muralha a partir do século III. O condado da cidade, constituído sob os Carolíngios, transferiu-se, em 1184, a Pierre de Courtenay, imperador de Constantinopla que outorgou em 1186 uma carta de independência. Esta bela cidade com 44.000 habitantes e com suas belíssimas catedrais chama-se Auxerre. Aos oito anos, já órfão de pai cuja profissão era alfaiate, Fourier, através de recomendações do bispo da cidade, é admitido na escola militar a qual era dirigida pelos beneditinos. Em face de, aos doze anos, Fourier começar a mostrar seu talento literário, os seus mestres o incentivaram a redigir sermões para sacerdotes de várias cidades, chegando, alguns desses sermões, a se destacar em Paris. Considerado um menino-prodígio e tendo manifestado sua vocação para a ciência aos treze anos, mas especificamente pela álgebra, Fourier aproveitava todo o tempo de descanso para aproveitar na leitura de compêndios de física e de matemática. Em 1784 com apenas dezesseis anos, foi convidado a lecionar na escola da sua cidade. Em virtude de sua origem modesta, foi impedido de ingressar na artilharia apesar de haver intercessão de

48. Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier
Translate this page Jean-Baptiste-joseph fourier, barão (1768 - 1830) Matemático, professore burocrata público francês, nascido em Auxerre, conhecido
Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Fourier ilho de um alfaiate e educado . Teve Monge acompanhou e escreveu Description de l'Egypte Condecorado com o Nova B U S C A :

49. Fourier
Translate this page Jean Baptiste joseph fourier. Pour élucider les phénomènes de propagationde la chaleur, le courageux Jean-Baptiste fourier invente
Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier
P L. Euler Biot, Lagrange, Laplace, Legendre, Poisson, le traitement du signal etc... ZOOM image source exemple

50. Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier
Jean Baptiste joseph fourier. (1768 1830). Jean Baptiste joseph fourier wasborn at Auxerre on March 21, 1768, and died at Paris on May 16, 1830.
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Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier
From `A Short Account of the History of Mathematics' (4th edition, 1908) by W. W. Rouse Ball. Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier was born at Auxerre on March 21, 1768, and died at Paris on May 16, 1830. He was the son of a tailor, and was educated by the Benedictines. The commissions in the scientific corps of the army were, as is still the case in Russia, reserved for those of good birth, and being thus ineligible he accepted a military lectureship on mathematics. He took a prominent part in his own district in promoting the revolution, and was rewarded by an appointment in 1795 in the Normal school, and subsequently by a chair in the Polytechnic school.

51. Fourier
Jean Baptiste joseph fourier. March 21 1768 May 16 1830 Born Auxerre,France. Died Paris, France. Welcome page The World Great
Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier
March 21 1768 - May 16 1830
Born Auxerre, France. Died Paris, France.
Welcome page The World Great Mathematician
Fourier studied the mathematical theory of heat conduction. He established the partial differential equation governing heat diffusion and solved it by using infinite series of trigonometric functions. Fourier trained for the priesthood but did not take his vows. Instead took up mathematics studying (1794) and later teaching mathematics at the new Eacute;cole Normale. In 1798 he joined Napoleon's army in its invasion of Egypt as scientific advisor. He helped establish educational facilities in Egypt and carried out archaeological explorations. He returned to France in 1801 and was appointed prefect of the department of Isere by Napoleon. He published "Theacuteorie analytique de la chaleur" in 1822 devoted to the mathematical theory of heat conduction. He established the partial differential equation governing heat diffusion and solved it by using infinite series of trigonometric functions. In this he introduced the representation of a function as a series of sines or cosines now known as Fourier series. Fourier's work provided the impetus for later work on trigonometric series and the theory of functions of a real variable.

fourier, JEAN BAPTISTE joseph (17681830), French mathematician, was bornat Auxerre on the 21st of March 1768. JEAN BAPTISTE joseph fourier.
FOURIER, JEAN BAPTISTE JOSEPH For a list of Fouriers publications see the Catalogue of Scientific Papers of the Royal Society of London. Reference may also be made to Arago, Joseph Fourier, in the Smithsonian Report (1871). FRANCOIS CHARLES MARIE FOURIER FOURIERS SERIES

53. Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier
fourier werd lid van de Académie des Sciences in 1817 en werd zelfs secretarisvan de wiskundige afdeling in 1822 na de dood Delambre tot dan voorzitter van

E nkele bekende en minder bekende aspecten van een bewogen leven
G eboren op 21 maart 1768 te Auxerre in Bourgondië, Frankrijk ,als zoon van een kleermaker .Hij was het negende kind van de twaalf kinderen die zijn vader had uit twee huwelijken .Hij zal sterven op 16 mei 1830 te Parijs . R eeds zeer jong bleek zijn uitzonderlijke gave voor de wiskunde toen hij op dertien jarige leeftijd een studie voltooide over de zes volumes van Bézout 's Cours de mathematique en enige tijd later een prijs won met zijn studie over Bossut's Méchanique en général Z ijn levenslijn zou afhangen van verschillende belangrijke beslissingen en evenementen die hem balanseerden tussen verschillende uitersten. In 1787 besloot hij te studeren voor een religieuze carrière maar zijn affiniteit voor de wiskunde en wiskundige erkenning nam de overhand en nooit zou hij de religieuze gelofte afleggen. In 1793 werd politiek een deel van leven nadat de Franse Revolutie in 1789 ook voor velen anderen hun leven zou tekenen. Hij werd lid van het Revolutionaire Committé waarmee hij het idee van een natie vrij van koningen en priesters wel zag zitten. Niet akkoord echter met het terrorisme dat deze committées in het leven riepen wou hij ontslag nemen wat onmogelijk bleek.Door enkele ongelukkige tussenkomsten in deze committées ten gunste van enkele leden belandde hij in het gevang en vreesde voor zijn leven. Waarschijnlijk is het zo dat door het feit dat Robespierre zelf voor de bijl ging in 1794 hij niet kennis maakte met de guillotine !

54. Fourier, (Jean Baptiste) Joseph
fourier, (Jean Baptiste) joseph. French applied mathematician whose formulationof heat flow in 1807 contains the proposal that, with certain constraints, any
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Or search the encyclopaedia: Fourier, (Jean Baptiste) Joseph French applied mathematician whose formulation of heat flow in 1807 contains the proposal that, with certain constraints, any mathematical function can be represented by trigonometrical series. This principle forms the basis of Fourier analysis , used today in many different fields of physics. His idea, not immediately well received, gained currency and is embodied in his
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55. Baron Joseph Fourier
Translate this page Baron joseph fourier 1768-1830. joseph fourier naquit à Auxerre en1768. Issu d’un milieu pauvre, il demeure longtemps inconnu
Baron Joseph Fourier
Joseph Fourier naquit à Auxerre en 1768. Issu d’un milieu pauvre, il demeure longtemps inconnu des milieux scientifiques parisiens. Lorsque, en 1789, il envoie à l’Académie un mémoire sur l’approximation des racines des équations polynomiales, la tourmente révolutionnaire voue à l’échec cette première tentative de faire connaître ses travaux. D’ailleurs, la Révolution faillit être très funeste à sa propre personne. Fourier s’éloigne de sa ville natale pour suivre les cours de l’École normale de l’an III. Il s’y fait remarquer de Monge, Laplace et Lagrange et, à la fondation de l’ École polytechnique , il est nommé assistant de Lagrange ; il lui succédera en 1797. Ses recherches suivent la variété de ses enseignements: des équations numériques à la mécanique rationnelle. En 1798, il accompagne le corps expéditionnaire français en Égypte et manifeste un vif intérêt pour les monuments antiques et leur interprétation, pour le calcul des erreurs d’observations et pour la statistique. En août 1799, il devient administrateur civil de l’Égypte. Théorie analytique de la chaleur , devient en 1822 secrétaire perpétuel de l’Académie des sciences. Il meurt, le 16 mai 1830, laissant près de soixante publications dont une, inachevée, l’

Translate this page joseph fourier et le fameux mémoire de 1807 publié en 1808 dans le Bulletin dela Société philomathique, philomatique, bulletin, ouvrages fondateurs en
E. O., dans le (N o Mars p dans le calcul des coefficients. des preuves incontestable. sur la propagation de la Chaleur dans les corps solides , date de la publication de la , qui tous avaient eu des fonctions circulaires : au lieu de puis, l. 14, se trouve un facteur multiplicatif fautif p Et Darboux Besselsche Funxtion we can imagine the ordinary feeling towards those qui ante nos nostra dixerunt reversed into the pleasure of genuine admiration" (W. Thomson, Lord Kelvin). En particulier dans la Par exemple H. Lebesgue, Reproduit par J. Herivel en p. 21 de son main page page d'accueil*

57. Fourier, Jean-Joseph (1768-1830) - Component Of : Early Ideas In The History Of
Translate this page 2002. Jean-joseph fourier (1768-1830). I Geschichtliches. Geboren wurde Jean-josephfourier am 21.3.1768 in Auxerre, ca. 200 km südöstlich von Paris.
Jean-Joseph Fourier (1768-1830)
I : Geschichtliches.
Geboren wurde Jean-Joseph Fourier am 21.3.1768 in Auxerre, ca. 200 km südöstlich von Paris. Sein Vater war aus Lothringen gekommen und hatte in Auxerre eine Schneiderei aufgemacht Als Jean-Joseph etwa 10 Jahre alt war, starben hintereinander Vater und Mutter. Bis zu diesem Alter hatte Fourier in einer kleinen, privaten Schule Unterricht gehabt und war durch seine schnelle Auffassungsgabe aufgefallen und deswegen fand er in der Folge auch finanzielle Unterstützung zum weiteren Schulbesuch. Ab 1780 besuchte er die École Royale Militaire in Auxerre. Dort erwachte sein Interesse für Mathematik und Physik, welches Fourier buchstäblich Tag und auch Nacht vorantrieb, wobei er wahrscheinlich seiner Gesundheit ersten Schaden zufügte. Seinem Wunsch zur Ausbildung als Artillerieoffizier wollte man aber nicht stattgeben, da seine Herkunft für die damaligen gesellschaftlichen Gegebenheiten als zu niedrig eingestuft wurde. So trat er 1787 als Novize in das Kloster St. Benoit-sur-Loire ein. 1789 brach die Französische Revolution aus, die Zeiten waren bewegt und chaotisch. Der Kirchenbesitz wurde aufgelöst, Bücher gab es keine in St. Benoit. Fourier ging 1790, zwar formal als Abbé, doch ohne Gelübde ab, da nur wenige Wochen zuvor das Ablegen eines Gelübdes in Frankreich untersagt worden war. Fourier wechselte als Lehrer für Mathematik und Physik an seine frühere Schule École Royale Militaire in Auxerre, auf eine Stelle, die ihm sein guter Bekannter und lebenslanger Freund Bonard, Lehrer in Auxerre, verschafft hatte. Dort wurde er 1792 Schulleiter, was ihn natürlich ins Licht der Öffentlichkeit brachte - was in diesen Zeiten nicht unproblematisch war.

58. Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph
fourier, Jean Baptiste joseph. ?.
Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph

Fourier¡]1768¡ã1830¡^¥Í©óªk°ê Auxevre¡A1830¦~¨ò©ó¤Ú¾¤¡C¦]¬ã¨s¼ö¶Ç¾É²z½×¦W©ó¥@¡A¨ä Fourier ¯Å¼Æ¤èªk¬O¤ÀªR¾Çªº­«­n¤u¨ã¡C ¥»¤å°Ñ¦Ò¸ê®Æ¡G (1)¤j­^¦Ê¬ì¥þ®Ñ¡C (2)MacTutor ¼Æ¾Ç¥vÀɮ׺ô¯¸¡G Fourier ¡C (3)¡mDictionary of Scientist¡n, Oxford University Press¡C
¡D Fourier
¡D ¤û¹y
¡D Pascal
¡D Lagrange
¡D Laplace
¡D Monge
¡D Poisson ¡D Cauchy ¡D Dirichlet ¡]¼¶½Z¡G¯Îª¤¯¢A¥x¤j¼Æ¾Ç¨t¡^ ¡]­Y¦³«ü¥¿¡Bº°Ý¡K¡K¡A¥i¥H¦b¦¹ ¯d¨¥ ¼g«H µ¹§Ú­Ì¡C¡^ ¦Uºô­¶¤å³¹¤º®e¤§µÛ§@Åv¬°­ìµÛ§@¤H©Ò¦³ ½s¿è¡G§õ´ô¤Ñ

59. No. 186: Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier
186 JEAN BAPTISTE joseph fourier by John H. Lienhard. Isaac Newton led us into theastonishing 18th century, and Jean Baptiste joseph fourier led us out of it.
No. 186:
JEAN BAPTISTE JOSEPH FOURIER by John H. Lienhard Click here for audio of Episode 186. Today, we meet the last great 18th-century genius. The University of Houston's College of Engineering presents this series about the machines that make our civilization run, and the people whose ingenuity created them. T he 18th century radiated a peculiar kind of genius. It gave us people like Mozart, Jefferson, Euler, and Ben Franklin. Isaac Newton led us into the astonishing 18th century, and Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier led us out of it. If you've ever studied mathematics, heat flow, or acoustics, you've heard of Fourier. The man himself was born in France in 1768. He was trained in mathematics and military engineering. Then he was caught up in the politics of the French Revolution. He was a revolutionary, but other revolutionaries jailed him when he defended victims of the Reign of Terror. In 1795, Fourier, now 27, took a faculty post at the new Ecole Polytechnique. But politics followed him, and he was jailed again. A colleague finally took him out of harm's way by finding him a foreign post with a general even younger than he was. In 1798, Fourier went off to Egypt with Napoleon Bonaparte. Fourier went to work with astonishing energy. He built roads, he engineered a large land-drainage program, he wrote papers on mechanics and a book on Egypt and he was made a baron. He finally resigned the post in 1815 to avoid being entangled in Napoleon's abortive return from exile. He went back to full-time research.

60. No. 1878: Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier
No. 1878 JEAN BAPTISTE joseph fourier by John H. Lienhard. Clickhere for audio of Episode 1878. Today, joseph fourier.
No. 1878:
JEAN BAPTISTE JOSEPH FOURIER by John H. Lienhard Click here for audio of Episode 1878. Today, Joseph Fourier. The University of Houston's College of Engineering presents this series about the machines that make our civilization run, and the people whose ingenuity created them. T he eighteenth century radiated a peculiar kind of genius. It gave us people like Mozart, Jefferson, Euler, and Ben Franklin. Isaac Newton led us into the astonishing eighteenth century. And Joseph Fourier might well have been the last of those greats. If you've studied math, heat flow, or acoustics, you've heard of Fourier. He was born in France in 1768. Orphaned at nine, he never-theless gained an education in math and military engineering. Then he walked a slippery path through the politics of the French Revolution. He was jailed twice along the way. As the dust cleared, Fourier joined the faculty of France's new École Polytechnique for two-and-a-half years. He was then drafted into foreign service and sent off on a ship to a secret posting with Napoleon Bonaparte. It turned out he was to be part of Napoleon's Egypt campaign the Secretary of a so-called Cairo Institute, charged with answering a vast array of Egypt-related scientific and technical questions. Napoleon abandoned his army in Egypt, returned to Paris, staged a coup, and claimed the leadership of France. He was already beginning his European conquests while his Egypt forces were collapsing. When they returned in defeat, Napoleon made Fourier the Prefect of Isère kind of like an American state governor.

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