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         Flamsteed John:     more books (62)
  1. On Flamsteed's stars "observed, but not existing" (National academy of sciences [Memoirs]) by Christian Heinrich Friedrich Peters, 1886
  2. Correspondence Of Scientific Men Of The Seventeenth Century V2: Including Letters Of Barrow, Flamsteed, Wallis And Newton by Isaac Barrow, Isaac Newton, et all 2007-04-10
  3. Correspondence Of Scientific Men Of The Seventeenth Century V2: Including Letters Of Barrow, Flamsteed, Wallis And Newton by Isaac Barrow, Isaac Newton, et all 2010-09-10
  4. Correspondence of Scientific Men of the Seventeenth Century: Including Letters of Barrow, Flamsteed, Wallis, and Newton, Printed from the Originals in ... Right Honourable the Earl of Macclesfield by Augustus De Morgan, Isaac Barrow, et all 2010-02-09
  5. Guide to the Old Royal Observatory Greenwich by Derek Howse, Carole Stott, et all 1984

81. The Correspondence Of John Flamsteed, The First Astronomer Royal: 3 Volume Set
The Correspondence of john flamsteed, The First Astronomer Royal 3 Volume Set,EricGray Forbes, and edited by Lesley Murdin and Frances Willmoth P Editorial

82. John Flamsteed
en 1676, par le roi Charles II, l observatoire de Greenwich.
CLUB ASTRONOMIQUE M51 DE DIVONNE-LES-BAINS John FLAMSTEED (1646 - 1719) C'est sur sa proposition que fut fondé, en 1676, par le roi Charles II, l'observatoire de Greenwich. Devenu "astronome royal", Flamsteed observa systématiquement les planètes et les étoiles jusqu'à sa mort. Il améliora les instruments et les techniques d'observation (méthode des déclinaisons correspondantes.), mit au point une méthode de projection à laquelle son nom reste attaché (méridien du milieu de la carte et parallèles développés en ligne droite, autres méridiens courbes.), rédigea "l'Historia Coelestis Britannica"
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John Flamsteed
John Flamsteed astronomer , was born on August 19 in Denby, Derbyshire England . He was ordained deacon and was preparing to take up a living in Derbyshire, when he was invited to London. On March 4, 1675, he was appointed by royal warrant "The King's Astronomical Observator" - the first British Astronomer Royal , with an allowance of £100 a year. In June 1675, another royal warrant provided for the founding of the Royal Greenwich Observatory , and Flamsteed laid the foundation stone in August. In February 1676, he was admitted a Fellow of the Royal Society , and in July, he moved into the Observatory where he lived until 1684, when he was finally appointed priest to the parish of Burstow, Surrey . He held that office, as well as that of Astronomer Royal, until his death on

84. Famous People Of Amber Valley - Flamsteed
Famous People of Amber Valley john flamsteed. Born in Denby, Derbyshirein 1646, he became the first Astronomer Royal and established
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Famous People of Amber Valley -John Flamsteed
Born in Denby, Derbyshire in 1646, he became the first Astronomer Royal and established the Greenwich observatory near the site of the new millennium dome. A great friend of Mr Isaak Newton, Flamsteed calculated and formed a catalogue of the fixed stars. His calculations and findings were of considerable value to subsequent generations of astronomers. more info..
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  • 86. ST ALFEGE | The Reverend John Flamsteed (1646-1719)
    The Reverend john flamsteed (16461719) Born in Derbyshire in 1646,john flamsteed showed an early talent for practical astronomy


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    The Reverend John Flamsteed (1646-1719) Born in Derbyshire in 1646, John Flamsteed showed an early talent for practical astronomy, and his work in this field became known among scholars. One of his papers, sent to the President of the Royal Academy, brought him to the attention of Sir Isaac Newton, then Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University. As a result, Flamsteed went to Jesus College, Cambridge, where he took a degree in 1674. Another patron was Sir Jonas Moore who procured for him the newly-created office of Astronomer Royal.
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    The building of the Observatory was brought about by the need for a satisfactory method of finding the longitude of ships at sea. A project had been promulgated in London by a Frenchman, Le Sieur de St Pierre, but Flamsteed pointed out that it could not be carried out because, "The places of the fixed stars" were not accurately enough known. The King, Charles II, is said to have reacted with some vehemence, ordering that they should be "anew observed, examined and corrected for the use of his seamen". So the Observatory was built at Greenwich. The King gave a grant of £500, bricks from Tilbury Fort and wood, iron and lead from a demolished gatehouse at the Tower, and promised "whatever else became necessary".

    87. BNSC - The Learning Zone - Advanced Explorers
    john flamsteed (16461720). The first Astronomer Royal, john flamsteed,was born in 1646. He entered the Church, but his greatest

    88. Flamsteed - Fortin Atlas Celeste On-Line Celestial Atlas
    At first, in 1745, john Bevis (discoverer of M1) tried to improve the Atlas. Comparationbetween flamsteed ATLAS (rigth) and FORTINflamsteed ATLAS (feft).
    Flamsteed - Fortin Atlas Celeste - 1776
    By Giangi Caglieris
    Go to the Atlas without reading this introduction Per accedere alla versione Italiana I am grateful to my friend Henk Bril , who transformed in a good English my row translation of the Italian same page.
    Please, have a look on his very interesting site
    Why put a celestial Atlas on-line? XVII and XVIII' century Celestial Atlases, are among the most longed-for books by bibliophiles, especially if he is an Amateur Astronomer. That I am, and owing by luck one of these atlases, I think it is a good thing to keep it at everyone's disposal. I hope with this to set a precedent; both big organisations and institutes (such as Biblioteca dell'Osservatorio di Brera - INAF, Milan- Italy , Biblioteque Nationale du Frace Francese, Smithsonian Institution Libraries ) and private collectors should put Atlases and historical books on line. The necessary tools are available; the costs for a scanner and publishing on the Web are within everybody's reach, and so are high-speed telephonic lines (required for high resolution image transferring). Flamsteed and the development of Celestial Atlases in the 1700's The Flamsteed Atlas coelestis (London, 1729) was the first stellar atlas based on a telescopic catalogue. Flamsteed, the First Royal Astronomer in Greenwich, a very rigorous observer, died in 1719, leaving his works unpublished, to be published later by his widow. The

    89. John Flamsteed - Buy John Flamsteed - Read Reviews Of John Flamsteed
    john flamsteed Buy john flamsteed - Read Reviews of john flamsteed - -AllBooks is your source for All books in print. Books john flamsteed.
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    90. John Flamsteed: The First Astronomer Royal At Greenwich - Buy John Flamsteed: Th
    john flamsteed The First Astronomer Royal at Greenwich Buy john flamsteed TheFirst Astronomer Royal at Greenwich - Read Reviews of john flamsteed The
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    Accessories Antiques Art Baby Books Cars, Trucks, Parts Clothing Coins Collectibles Computers Consumer Electronics Motorcycles Music Musical Instruments PDA's Real Estate Sporting Goods Sporting Memorabilia Stamps Tickets Tools Toys Travel TV Video Games Watches Miscellaneous Books : John Flamsteed: The First Astronomer Royal at Greenwich by: John Flamsteed James M.P. Barry See Larger Image's Price: price not available Prices subject to change. Not currently available for purchase. Release Date: June, 1999 Media: Hardcover Manufacturer: Avon Books London Customer Reviews Average Rating: none WorldVillage

    91. AllRefer Encyclopedia - John Flamsteed (Astronomy, Biographies) - Encyclopedia reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete informationon john flamsteed, Astronomy, Biographies. Includes related research links.
    AllRefer Channels :: Health Yellow Pages Reference Weather SEARCH : in Reference May 31, 2004 You are here : Reference Encyclopedia Astronomy, Biographies ... John Flamsteed
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    John Flamsteed, Astronomy, Biographies
    Related Category: Astronomy, Biographies John Flamsteed E d] Pronunciation Key Historia Coelestis, which included the first of the Greenwich star catalogues, was published in 1712. His complete work, Historia Coelestis Britannica, finished after his death by his assistants, did not appear until 1725. See E. F. McPike, Hevelius, Flamsteed and Halley
  • Encyclopedia U com Check out around 175,000 brief encyclopedia articles on almost all topics. Related Categories: People Science and Technology
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  • 92. John Flamsteed Definition Meaning Information Explanation
    john flamsteed definition, meaning and explanation and more about john flamsteed.FreeDefinition - Online Glossary and Encyclopedia, john flamsteed.
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    John Flamsteed
    John Flamsteed , astronomer, was born on August 19 in Denby, Derbyshire England . He was ordained deacon and was preparing to take up a living in Derbyshire, when he was invited to London. On March 4, 1675, he was appointed by royal warrant "The King's Astronomical Observator" - the first British Astronomer Royal , with an allowance of £100 a year. In June 1675, another royal warrant provided for the founding of the Royal Greenwich Observatory , and Flamsteed laid the foundation stone in August. In February 1676, he was admitted a Fellow of the Royal Society , and in July, he moved into the Observatory where he lived until 1684, when he was finally appointed priest to the parish of Burstow, Surrey . He held that office, as well as that of Astronomer Royal, until his death on January 12 . In 1720 he is buried at Burstow, Surrey In 1666 and 1668, Flamsteed calculated accurately the solar eclipses. He is responsible for the earliest recorded sighting of the planet Uranus , which he mistook for a star and catalogued as 34 Tauri Flamsteed is also remembered for his conflicts with Isaac Newton , then President of the Royal Society , who attempted to steal some of Flamsteed's findings for his own work. Newton tricked Flamsteed into doing so through an edict from the King, and produced the findings without crediting Flamsteed. Some years later, Flamsteed managed to buy most copies of the books back, and publicly burnt them in front of the Royal Observatory.

    93. The Galileo Project
    flamsteed, john 1. Dates Born Denby, near Derby, 19 Aug. 1646 DiedGreenwich, 3 Dec. 1719 john flamsteed, (London, 1835), pp. xxiii
    Flamsteed, John
    1. Dates
    Born: Denby, near Derby, 19 Aug. 1646
    Died: Greenwich, 3 Dec. 1719
    Dateinfo: Dates Certain
    2. Father
    Occupation: Merchant
    Stephen Flamsteed is described as a prosperous maltster.
    3. Nationality
    Birth: English
    Career: English
    Death: English
    4. Education
    Schooling: No University
    Derby free school. Flamsteed was not sent to the university because of ill health.
    Studied astronomical science by himself, 1662-9apparently against the wishes of his father.
    Enrolled non-residently at Cambridge, 1670-4. I am not listing this.
    M.A. at Cambridge by letter-patent, 1674. That is, though he received a degree, he did not really study at a university. I am not listing the M.A.
    Note: no B.A.
    5. Religion
    Affiliation: Anglican
    After he received his M.A., Flamsteed took orders and eventually served a parish near Greenwich.
    6. Scientific Disciplines
    Primary: Astronomy
    Subordinate: Optics, Meteorology
    Flamsteed's lifelong task was to replace existing observational data of the heavens with more exact tables. Lunar theory was always a special interest. His Historia coelestis britannica, 1725, contained his catalogue of 3000 stars.
    Flamsteed's method of determining right ascensions has been called the basis of modern astronomy.

    94. Local Heritage Initiative - John Flamsteed Historical Research
    The local community are undertaking research into the life and studies of JohnFlamsteed (16461719), the nation s first Astronomer Royal, who was born and

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    John Flamsteed Historical Research
    Location: Derbyshire
    The local community is undertaking research into the life and studies of John Flamsteed (1646-1719), the nation's first Astronomer Royal, who was born and raised in Denby. The project is raising awareness within the community of the significant achievements of John Flamsteed. The community is participating in all elements of the initiative. Leaflets and interpretation boards are being produced. Furthermore, workshops, activity days and a celebratory event are being held for the benefit of the wider public.
    Group Name
    John Flamsteed Memorial Park Steering Group Address Denby, Derbyshire Grants: Heritage Lottery Fund: £12,115 Search projects: Filter by region: Select region East Midlands East of England London Area North East North West South East South West West Midlands Similar LHI Projects St Bride's Project Group Belper Triangle Heritage Interpretation Project The Melbourne Clearance Areas Legal Notice ... Print Version

    95. Ingenta: Article Summary -- Whither Editing? - The Correspondence Of John Flamst
    Keywords Archives; Correspondence; Digitisation; Editions; flamsteed, john; HartlibPapers; Wallis, john Language English Document Type Book review ISSN

    96. The Preface To John Flamsteed's Historia Coelestis Britannica, Or, British Catal
    The Preface to john flamsteed s Historia Coelestis Britannica, Or, BritishCatalogue of the Heavens Search for books at
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    Published by National Maritime Museum (January 1982)
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    97. Linda Hall Library - Exhibitions
    Welcome To Out of This World. The Golden Age of the Celestial Atlas. An Exhibition of Rare Books from the Collection of the Linda Hall Library. Welcome to our exhibition of celestial atlases!
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    98. Linda Hall Library - Star Atlases
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