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         Flamsteed John:     more books (62)
  1. Your Humble Servant, John Flamsteed: Letters and Writings of the First Astronomer Royal - A Special Exhibition at the Whipple Museum of History of Science by John Flamsteed, 2002-04
  2. An Account of the Revd. John Flamsteed, the First Astronomer-Royal: Compiled from His Own Manuscripts, and Other Authentic Documents, Never Before Pu (2010 Reprint) by F.R.S. Baily Francis, 2010-01-26
  3. A LETTER CONCERNING EARTHQUAKES, WRITTEN IN THE YEAR 1693. by Mr. John. Flamsteed, 1750-01-01
  4. Supplement to the account of the Revd. John Flamsteed, the first Astronomer-Royal by John Flamsteed, 1837
  5. The correspondence of John Flamsteed, 1646-1917: The first Astronomer Royal of England by John Flamsteed, 1972
  6. An account of the Revd John Flamsteed,the first Astronomer-Royal by John Flamsteed, 1966
  7. An Account of the Revd. John Flamsteed, the First Astronomer-Royal; Compiled from His Own Manuscripts, and Other Authentic Documents, Never before Published. & Supplement to the Account of the Revd. John Flamsteed, with an Author Index. by John (1646-1719). FLAMSTEED, 1966-01-01
  8. Newton and Flamsteed: Remarks on an article in number CIX of the Quarterly review by William Whewell, 1836
  9. The Gresham Lectures of John Flamsteed
  10. Account of the Rev.John Flamsteed and Supplement by F. Bailey, 1966-03
  11. Newton's tyranny; the suppressed scientific discoveries of Stephen Gray and John Flamsteed.
  12. A catalogue of the positions (in 1690) of 564 stars observed by Flamsteed, but not inserted in his British catalogue;: Together with some remarks on Flamsteed's observations by Francis Baily, 1829
  13. Flamsteed's stars "observed but not existing" (Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences) by C. H. F Peters, 1886
  14. Hevelius, Flamsteed and Halley;: Three contemporary astronomers and their mutual relations, by Eugene Fairfield McPike, 1937

61. MSN Encarta - Flamsteed, John
Translate this page Sind Sie schon Abonennt? Melden Sie sich oben an. flamsteed, john. flamsteed, john(1646-1719), englischer Astronom. Erfahren Sie mehr über flamsteed, john aus,
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62. Flamsteed, Atlas, 1729
27. flamsteed, john. Atlas coelestis. john flamsteed was the first AstronomerRoyal of England and presided over the building of Greenwich Observatory.
27. Flamsteed, John. Atlas coelestis . London, 1729.
John Flamsteed was the first Astronomer Royal of England and presided over the building of Greenwich Observatory. He was a dedicated observational astronomer, and his "British Catalogue" of stars, finally published in 1725, well after his death, brought stellar astronomy to a new level. His star atlas, published four years after the catalogue but in development for over twenty years, was based on Flamsteed's new, more accurate observations, and that fact, coupled with its impressive size (it was the largest star atlas that had ever been published) immediately vaulted it into the select ranks of the great celestial atlases. One of Flamsteed's principal motives in publishing the atlas was to correct what Flamsteed felt were serious errors in Bayer's depiction of the constellation figures. Bayer had reversed many of the figures, showing them from the rear instead of the front, and these new positions contradicted the traditional star descriptions (i.e., Ptolemy's "star in the right shoulder" of Orion had become, in Bayer's rendering, the star in the left shoulder). Since most stars were still referred to by their Ptolemaic labels, Flamsteed objected to Bayer's revisions as introducing unnecessary confusion into stellar astronomy, and so all his figures follow the traditional descriptions exactly, as we can see in comparing the Orion figures in Flamsteed and Bayer The Flamsteed atlas was welcomed because of its unprecedented accuracy, but it did suffer from some deficiencies. It was, for one thing, almost too big to use, with its twenty-four-by-twenty inch plates. It also lacks the aesthetic quality of both the Bayer and Hevelius atlases. While Andromeda is graceful enough (

63. Imago Mundi - John Flamsteed
Dictionnaire biographique Les gens Flamsteed Historia coelestis britannica (1725); on y trouve un Catalogue de la Lune T. Mayer (1756) et Le Monnier Herschel , en mars 1781. A B C D ... Z

64. Jesus - The College: John Flamsteed
john flamsteed. john flamsteed (16461719) was appointed as CharlesII s `astronomical observator on 4 March 1675. In effect he
j esus college, cambridge college

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John Flamsteed
John Flamsteed (1646-1719) was appointed as Charles II's `astronomical observator' on 4 March 1675. In effect he was the first Astronomer Royal, though that title was not yet formally attached to his post. His task was to run the new Royal Observatory shortly to be built at Greenwich, and he remained in charge there until his death on the last day of 1719. His three-volume Historia Coelestis Britannica (1725), containing his observations and a new star-catalogue of unprecedented accuracy, and Atlas Coelestis (1729), containing celestial charts, were posthumous publications completed by his widow and assistants. During this second visit, Flamsteed wrote a letter to his patron Sir Jonas Moore. Dated `Jesus Coll: Cambridge: June 30: 1674:', it assures Moore that Flamsteed is continuing his previous studies in astronomy by reading a borrowed copy of Riccioli's Astronomia Reformata (1665). A long discussion of solar tables gives way to more general astronomical topics, including a query about Robert Hooke's claim to a method of observing stars during the daytime. In conclusion Flamsteed says he will `soone be aweary of Cambridge', but plans some diversions in the mean time: he hopes to make some observations with his fourteen-foot telescope, to consult Isaac Newton (at Trinity) about atmospheric refractions, and to learn something about dissecting from a companion who is `a very dextrous Anatomist' (regrettably unidentified, but evidently a member of Jesus College).

65. John Flamsteed And Towneley
john flamsteed and TOWNELEY. Sir Jonas Moore measurements. john flamsteedbecame the first Astronomer Royal to Charles II in 1675. He continued
Sir Jonas Moore gave Flamsteed a Towneley micrometer in 1670. The micrometer, which allowed astronomers to measure very small angular distances, had a big impact on Flamsteed. John Collins advised Flamsteed to write to Richard Towneley and a fruitful correspondence began in 1671. Flamsteed visited Towneley Hall on three occasions between July 1671 and September 1672. He came both to get advice on using the micrometer and to use the library. The library was amongst the best in the country for astronomical research. Richard Towneley's brother Charles, who was living in Paris, obtained the latest books. The library also contained unpublished work by William Gascoigne. Flamsteed said he had learned more from an hour reading Gascoigne's papers than in all his previous studying of optics.
On the last occasion he stayed for a week and worked with Richard Towneley. They were attempting to measure the distance of the planet Mars from the sun. The following week, back in Derbyshire, John Flamsteed completed his measurements and was able to make a good estimate of the size of the solar system. Around this time G. D. Cassini made similar measurements in Paris and they later exchanged letters and agreed their measurements.
John Flamsteed became the first Astronomer Royal to Charles II in 1675. He continued to write to Richard Towneley from Greenwich and, of these, 70 letters still exist to give a clear insight into the early yearsof Greenwich Observatory.

66. The Towneley/Flamsteed Time Trials
The Time tryals conducted for john flamsteed. Richard Towneley ranexperiments here at Towneley Hall to help john flamsteed when
The Time tryals conducted for John Flamsteed
Richard Towneley ran experiments here at Towneley Hall to help John Flamsteed when he first became Astronomer Royal. These notes describe Richard's "Tryals about the inequality of days" which happened in 1675. Before accurate clocks were invented people relied on sundials. The accuracy of a clock was tested against the sun at noon when the sun was directly to the south. When clock-makers began making pendulum clocks, soon after 1657, they found the clocks did not keep pace with the mid-day sun. As this quotation tells, astronomers had known for a long time that the sun was an uneven timekeeper. "Here take notice, that the earth makes an entire revolution in the Ecliptic in 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes or thereabouts and that those days reckoned from noon to noon are of different lengths; as is known to all, that are versed in Astronomy." [Christian Huygens, 1665] (If you are not "versed in Astronomy" these notes help to explain why each day from noon to noon is not exactly 24 hours long.) Huygens knew that days varied in length from 30 seconds more than 24 hours to 22 seconds less but that over a whole year the days averaged out at 24 hours exactly. He wrote a table of the differences between an accurate clock and the sun at noon for every day of the year.

67. John Flamsteed
Translate this page john flamsteed. (1646 - 1719). Fundador do Observatório de Greenwhiche primeiro astrónomo real de Inglaterra. Tendo abandonado
John Flamsteed
Fundador do Observatório de Greenwhich e primeiro astrónomo real de Inglaterra. Tendo abandonado a escola por razões de saúde, Flamsteed estudou Astronomia por iniciativa própria e, posteriormente, prosseguiu os estudos na Universidade de Cambridge, entre 1670 e 1674. Em 1677 tornou-se membro da Royal Society que fora fundada em 1666. O rei Charles II criou, em 1675, o Observatório de Greenwich com o objectivo de encontrar uma solução astronómica para o problema das longitudes, tendo nomeado Flamsteed para ser o primeiro director com o título inerente de astrónomo real Do ponto de vist material, a vida de Flamsteed foi difícil. Com verbas insuficientes foi forçado a dar lições particulares para conseguir os recursos necessários à aquisição do equipamento de observação tendo somente em 1688, graças a uma pequena herança por parte do pai, os meios para construir o quadrante mural, instrumento destinado a medir a altura das estrelas na sua passagem pelo meridiano. Um episódio notável da sua vida deu-se a propósito de uma controvérsia com Newton e Halley. Tendo já acumulado uma quantidade impressioannte de observações não desejava publicá-las enquanto não estivessem completas e com o nível de exactidão pretendido. Todavia, Newton, através da Royal Society, forçou a publicação e, com o apoio financeiro do Príncipe George da Dinamarca, as observações foram editadas por Halley em 1712. Dos 400 exemplares impressos, Flamsteed conseguiu comprar 300 e queimou-os.

68. Flamsteed
Ideas in Society, 15001700 john flamsteed. john flamsteed became the first AstronomerRoyal on the founding of the Royal Observatory in Greenwich in 1675.
Ideas in Society, 1500-1700
John Flamsteed
John Flamsteed became the first Astronomer
Royal on the founding of the Royal
Observatory in Greenwich in 1675.
Coincidentally, like Johannes Hevelius he was
the son of a prosperous brewer. As his
career progressed, he increasingly identified
himself with Tycho Brahe, whom he called
'the noble Tycho' or 'the noble Dane'. Like his mentor, Flamsteed was devoted to
astronomical measurement, was responsible for equipping and developing an observatory, received patronage from the king while also meeting many of his own costs, and was, he believed, beset by enemies and detractors.

69. Destins - Biographies - Fiard A Folengo
Translate this page On lui doit aussi un dictionnaire de la langue malgache. ACCUEIL, SOURCE. Hautde page. flamsteed, john. Né en 1646 à Derby (Grande-Bretagne). Astronome.
F Fiard Ficquet Filassier Fillastre ... Folengo MENU FIARD Jean Baptiste. Lettres magiques, ou lettres sur le diable (Paris 1781), (Paris 1803), (Paris 1815). ACCUEIL SOURCE FICQUET Etienne. ACCUEIL SOURCE FILASSIER Jean Jacques. Filassier Eraste ou l'ami de la jeunesse , et un ACCUEIL SOURCE FILLASTRE Guillaume. ACCUEIL SOURCE FITZGERALD Professeur Chirac De naturali catameniorum fluxu De tumoribus tunicatis De visu De carie ossium Tractatus pathologicus de affectibus foeminarumpraeternaturalibus (Paris 1758) ACCUEIL SOURCES FLACOURT Etienne de. ACCUEIL SOURCE FLAMSTEED John. ACCUEIL SOURCE FLANDRIN Pierre. ACCUEIL SOURCE FLOTTE ACCUEIL SOURCE FLOURENS Pierre Jean Marie. de Darwin. ACCUEIL SOURCE FOCLIN OU FOQUELIN, Antoine. Praelectiones Aurelianae (Paris 1559) et la Talon ACCUEIL SOURCE FOLENGO Hieronymo. Né en 1491 à Mantoue (Italie) macaronées , où les mots dialectaux se mêlent au latin, dans un foisonnement de pitreries, de scènes osées et de jeux de mots plus ou moins faciles. Il les publie en 1520, sous le titre d' Opus macaronicum . Il meurt en 1544 près de Bassano (Italie). Rabelais va s'en inspirer, en particulier dans deux épisodes du quart livre, Panurge et Dindenault le marchand de moutons, ainsi que la scène de la tempête.

70. John Flamsteed, The First Astronomer Royal : National Maritime Museum
john flamsteed, the first Astronomer Royal, john flamsteed, the first AstronomerRoyal By Thomas Gibson, artist and George Vertue, engraver Date 1721 Repro ID
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From our collections
John Flamsteed, the first Astronomer Royal
By: Thomas Gibson, artist and George Vertue, engraver
Date: 1721
Repro ID: A1905
John Flamsteed, the first Astronomer Royal Buy a print See also: © NMM London Related websites Collections online Maritime Art Greenwich Journal for Maritime Research SeaBritain 2005 ... PortCities UK
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71. Rev. John Flamsteed (1646-1719), First Astronomer Royal From (1675-1719) : Natio
john flamsteed (16461719), First Astronomer Royal from (1675-1719), Rev. john flamsteed(1646-1719), First Astronomer Royal from (1675-1719) Repro ID B5329.
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From our collections
Rev. John Flamsteed (1646-1719), First Astronomer Royal from (1675-1719)
Repro ID: B5329
Buy a print
See also: Related websites Collections online Maritime Art Greenwich Journal for Maritime Research SeaBritain 2005 ... PortCities UK
Home of the Prime Meridian of the World
Longitude 0° 0' 0", Latitude 51° 28' 38" Inland Revenue Exempt Charity (No X92488). Find out how to support the Museum's work
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72. Blintz! John Flamsteed
search, Your search history. •, john flamsteed. Previews by Thumbshots,flamsteed Open in new window john flamsteed. Born 19 Aug 1646
Search results for john flamsteed Home Blintz Gear Top Searches Recent Searches ... Contact Us search Your search history john flamsteed Web Search Horoscopes Games Weather News ... Download our FREE Popup Blocker! Web Results for john flamsteed Flamsteed
John Flamsteed
. Born: 19 Aug 1646 ... John father was a business
man who was quite wealthy. mother however died ... John Flamsteed
John Flamsteed
(August 19, 1646 - December 31, 1719). John Flamsteed was the
son of a prosperous merchant in Denby near Derby, Derbyshire, England. ... John Flamsteed Encyclopædia Britannica
John Flamsteed born Aug. 19, 1646, Denby, near Derby, Derbyshire, Eng. died
Dec. ... MLA style: " John Flamsteed ." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. ... Greenwich England: John Flamsteed
... Rev. John Flamsteed . First Astronomer Royal. ... Established the first Meridian Line in Greenwich. More John Flamsteed links. Advertisement. ...

73. John Flamsteed - InformationBlast
john flamsteed Information Blast. john flamsteed. john flamsteed, astronomer,was born on August 19, 1646 in Denby, Derbyshire, England.
John Flamsteed
John Flamsteed astronomer , was born on August 19 in Denby, Derbyshire England . He was ordained deacon and was preparing to take up a living in Derbyshire, when he was invited to London. On March 4, 1675, he was appointed by royal warrant "The King's Astronomical Observator" - the first British Astronomer Royal , with an allowance of £100 a year. In June 1675, another royal warrant provided for the founding of the Royal Greenwich Observatory , and Flamsteed laid the foundation stone in August. In February 1676, he was admitted a Fellow of the Royal Society , and in July, he moved into the Observatory where he lived until 1684, when he was finally appointed priest to the parish of Burstow, Surrey . He held that office, as well as that of Astronomer Royal, until his death on January 12 . In 1720 he is buried at Burstow, Surrey In 1666 and 1668, Flamsteed calculated accurately the solar eclipses. He is responsible for the earliest recorded sighting of the planet Uranus , which he mistook for a star and catalogued as 34 Tauri Flamsteed is also remembered for his conflicts with Isaac Newton , then President of the Royal Society , who attempted to steal some of Flamsteed's findings for his own work. Newton tricked Flamsteed into doing so through an edict from the King, and produced the findings without crediting Flamsteed. Some years later, Flamsteed managed to buy most copies of the books back, and publicly burnt them in front of the Royal Observatory.

74. John Flamsteed
Translate this page john flamsteed (1646 - 1719). Astrónomo inglés, fundador del Observatoriode Greenwich. En 1675 se convirtió en el primer director

75. Carte Du Ciel Et Planètes Pour Rev. John FLAMSTEED
Translate this page Carte du ciel et positions planétaires de Rev. john flamsteed, né le 29 août1646 à 19h16 à Denby Dale (Angleterre). Vierge 6°22 AS Poissons 22°30.
L'Astrologie NEWS ** Webmasters / Services *** Marque Blanche *** ... Espace Membres Identifiant Mot de passe Mot de passe perdu ? Astrologie : thème astral des célébrités Carte du ciel et positions planétaires de Rev. John FLAMSTEED,
né le 29 août 1646 à 19h16 à Denby Dale (Angleterre) Vierge 6°22 AS Poissons 22°30 Positions des planètes Soleil Vierge Lune Bélier Mercure Vierge Vénus Cancer Mars Cancer Jupiter Cancer Saturne Taureau Uranus Scorpion Neptune Sagittaire Pluton Gémeaux Chiron Scorpion Cérès Scorpion Pallas Sagittaire Junon Sagittaire Vesta Cancer Noeud Nord Cancer Lilith Capricorne Fortune Lion AS Poissons MC Sagittaire Positions des maisons Maison 1 Poissons Maison 2 Taureau Maison 3 Gémeaux Maison 4 Gémeaux Maison 5 Cancer Maison 6 Lion Maison 7 Vierge Maison 8 Scorpion Maison 9 Sagittaire Maison 10 Sagittaire Maison 11 Capricorne Maison 12 Verseau Liste des aspects Vénus Conjonction Jupiter Orbe Uranus Conjonction Neptune Orbe Neptune Opposition Pluton Orbe Mars Opposition MC Orbe Mercure Opposition AS Orbe Saturne Opposition Uranus Orbe Soleil Carré Neptune Orbe Mercure Carré Mars Orbe Soleil Carré Pluton Orbe Mercure Carré MC Orbe Vénus Trigone Uranus Orbe Jupiter Trigone Uranus Orbe Uranus Trigone AS Orbe Vénus Trigone AS Orbe Jupiter Trigone AS Orbe Jupiter Trigone Neptune Orbe Mercure Sextile Jupiter Orbe Mercure Sextile Vénus Orbe Mercure Sextile Uranus Orbe Saturne Sextile AS Orbe Vénus Quinconce MC Orbe Jupiter Quinconce MC Orbe Lune SemiSextile Saturne Orbe Uranus SemiSextile MC Orbe Etudes Instantanées Etude Globale de Compatibilité Etude de Compatibilité Rapport de Compatibilité ... *** T'chat avec un Medium !

76. John Flamsteed :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius
john flamsteed. Online Encyclopedia john flamsteed, astronomer, was bornon August 19, 1646 in Denby, Derbyshire, England.
Quantum Physics Pampered Chef Paintball Guns Cell Phone Reviews ... Science Articles John Flamsteed
Online Encyclopedia

John Flamsteed astronomer , was born on August 19 in Denby, Derbyshire England . He was ordained deacon and was preparing to take up a living in Derbyshire, when he was invited to London. On March 4, 1675, he was appointed by royal warrant "The King's Astronomical Observator" - the first British Astronomer Royal , with an allowance of £100 a year. In June 1675, another royal warrant provided for the founding of the Royal Greenwich Observatory , and Flamsteed laid the foundation stone in August. In February 1676, he was admitted a Fellow of the Royal Society , and in July, he moved into the Observatory where he lived until 1684, when he was finally appointed priest to the parish of Burstow, Surrey . He held that office, as well as that of Astronomer Royal, until his death on January 12 . In 1720 he is buried at Burstow, Surrey In 1666 and 1668, Flamsteed calculated accurately the solar eclipses. He is responsible for the earliest recorded sighting of the planet Uranus , which he mistook for a star and catalogued as 34 Tauri Flamsteed is also remembered for his conflicts with Isaac Newton , then President of the Royal Society , who attempted to steal some of Flamsteed's findings for his own work. Newton tricked Flamsteed into doing so through an edict from the King, and produced the findings without crediting Flamsteed. Some years later, Flamsteed managed to buy most copies of the books back, and publicly burnt them in front of the Royal Observatory.

77. Astronomes
Translate this page flamsteed, john. flamsteed, john (1646-1719), astronome anglais. flamsteed faitses études à l’école libre de Derby et à l’université de Cambridge.
Flamsteed, John Flamsteed, John (1646-1719), astronome anglais. Historia Coelestis Britannica

78. THE FLAMSTEED PAGE - (John Flamsteed - 1646-1719) - Biography - Bibliography - I
FLORIDA. john flamsteed (16461719) - flamsteed - Biography - RA Hatch.flamsteed Bibliography - flamsteed Bibliography - RA Hatch.
The Flamsteed Page - Flamsteed Galilei - Biography - Bibliography - Information - Links - Dr Robert A. Hatch T H E F L A M S T E E D P A G E
John Flamsteed (1646-1719) - Flamsteed - Biography - R.A. Hatch Flamsteed Bibliography - Flamsteed Bibliography - R.A. Hatch Flamsteed Chronology - Flamsteed's Life - Chronology - R.A. Hatch
The Scientific Revolution - Table of Contents


79. Photos
Translate this page john flamsteed. Greenwich Observatory.
John Flamsteed
Greenwich Observatory

80. The Correspondence Of John Flamsteed, The First Astronomer Royal: Volume 3
The Correspondence of john flamsteed, The First Astronomer Royal Volume 3,EricGray Forbes, and edited by Lesley Murdin and Frances Willmoth P Editorial

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