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1. Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher. 18901962. Ronald Fisher received a B.A. in astronomy from Cambridge in 1912. There he studied the theory of errors under Stratton using Airy's manual Theory of Errors. http://www.stetson.edu/~efriedma/periodictable/html/Ir.html | |
2. Fisher Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher. Born 17 Feb 1890 in London, England Died 29 July 1962in Adelaide, Australia. Click the picture above to see four larger pictures http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Fisher.html | |
3. Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher -- Encyclopædia Britannica Fisher, Sir Ronald Aylmer Encyclopædia Britannica Article. Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher. MLAstyle Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=35017&tocid=0&query=fisher |
4. WIEM: Fisher Sir Ronald Aylmer fisher sir ronald Aylmer (18901962), genetyk i statystyk brytyjski. Matematyka,Wielka Brytania fisher sir ronald Aylmer (1890-1962). http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/00b0cd.html | |
5. Ronald Fisher Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher (February 17, 1890 July 29, 1962) was a geneticist andstatistician, inventor of the techniques of maximum likelihood and analysis http://www.fact-index.com/r/ro/ronald_fisher.html | |
6. Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher. Born 17 Feb 1890 in London, England. Died29 July 1962 in Adelaide, Australia. The contributions Ronald http://www.roma.unisa.edu.au/10920/Fisher.htm | |
7. Ronald Fisher Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher (Únor 17, 1890 Cervenec 29, 1962) byl geneticist a statistik,vynálezce technik maximální pravdepodobnost a disperzní analýza http://wikipedia.infostar.cz/r/ro/ronald_fisher.html | |
8. Fisher Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher. Born 17 Feb 1890 in London, England Died29 July 1962 in Adelaide, Australia. Show birthplace location. http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/Fshr.htm | |
9. History Of Statistics STATHOUSE Sir Ronald Aylmer fisher sir ronald Aylmer Fisher Born 17 Feb 1890 in London,England Died 29 July 1962 in Adelaide, Australia Please visit Fisher. http://filebox.vt.edu/org/stathouse/history.html | |
10. Fisher Translate this page fisher sir ronald Aylmer, anglais, 1890-1962. On ne le confondra pasavec le mathématicien autrichien Ernst Fischer. Statisticien. http://www.sciences-en-ligne.com/momo/chronomath/chrono2/Fisher.html | |
11. Fisher Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher. Feb 17 1890 July 29 1962 Born in EnglandDied 29 July 1962 in Adelaide, Australia. The contributions http://www.stolaf.edu/depts/statistics/stats/Fisher.html | |
12. Biol413 Ronald A. fisher sir ronald Fisher was one of the founders of populationgenetics. His 1918 paper showed how Mendelian genetics http://www.towson.edu/~scully/biol413.html | |
13. Fisher, Sir Ronald Aylmer. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 2001. fisher, sir ronald Aylmer. 18901962, English statistician and geneticist,b. East Finchley, Middlesex, England; educated at Cambridge Univ. http://www.bartleby.com/65/fi/FisherRA.html | |
14. Fisher, Sir Ronald Aylmer Search Biographies Bio search tips fisher, sir ronald Aylmer. fisher, sir ronald Aylmer 1890 http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0818779.hmtl | |
15. Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher Was Born February 17, 1890 In East Finchley, London To sir ronald Aylmer fisher. sir ronald Aylmer fisher was born February 17, 1890 in East Finchley, London to fine arts auctioneer named George fisher and Katie (Heath). None of his http://www.mrs.umn.edu/~sungurea/introstat/history/w98/RAFisher.html | |
16. Fisher, Sir Ronald Aylmer fisher, sir ronald Aylmer. fisher, sir ronald Aylmer 18901962, English statistician and geneticist, b. East Finchley, Middlesex, England; educated at Cambridge Univ. ( 19091915; Sc.D. http://www.factmonster.com/cgi-bin/id/A0818779.hmtl | |
17. Fisher Biography of R A fisher (18901962) sir ronald Aylmer fisher. Born 17 Feb 1890 in London, England would have a "y" in their name. ronald Aylmer fisher was the second of twins, but the http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Fisher.html | |
18. MSN Encarta - Fisher, Sir Ronald Aylmer Already a subscriber? Sign in above. fisher, sir ronald Aylmer. Find more aboutfisher, sir ronald Aylmer from, Related Items, Other Features from Encarta. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761556350/Fisher_Sir_Ronald_Aylmer.html | |
19. MSN Encarta - Search Results - Ross Sir Ronald 6. fisher, sir ronald Aylmer*. ArticleEncarta Encyclopedia. 11. Evolutionsir ronald fisher, British mathematician. ArticleEncarta Encyclopedia. http://encarta.msn.com/Ross_Sir_Ronald.html | |
20. Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher -- Encyclopædia Britannica Cite this article. sir ronald Aylmer fisher. born February 17, 1890, London, England MLA style " sir ronald Aylmer fisher." Encyclopædia Britannica http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=35017 |
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