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81. Society For Mathematical Pychology Zhongmin Shen (IndianaPurdue University) is an expert in finsler geometry and has Professorpaul Vos (University of East Carolina) and Professor paul Marriott http://www.cogs.indiana.edu/socmathpsych/meetings.html | |
82. Indice F Translate this page Fila. Fincke, Thomas. Finé, Oronce. Finetti, Bruno de. finsler, paul. Fiore,Antonio María. Fisher, Ernest. Fisicalismo Flauti, Vicenzo. fluente. http://ing.unne.edu.ar/Matem_diccion/p306_ind_f.htm | |
83. Neubühl Zürich - Biographien Translate this page paul Artaria Max Bill Hans finsler Hans Fischli Siegfried Giedion Friedrich TraugottGubler Max Ernst Haefeli Carl (Carlo) Hubacher Wilhelm Kienzle Emil Klöti http://www.neubuehl.ch/geschichte/biographien.asp | |
84. Elimination Of Variables Example 1.5 From the projection lemma, we have the following equivalenceFigure 1.2 paul finsler 11 Apr 1894 29 Apr 1970. Lemma http://cisl.snu.ac.kr/~lys/lmibook/lmibook4/node23.html | |
85. VOLUME FORMS IN FINSLER SPACES Houston Journal of Mathematicsc 1999 University of HoustonVolume 25, No. 4, 1999VOLUME FORMS IN finsler SPACESPAUL CENTORECommunicated by the editorsAbstract. This paper considers two possible volume http://math.uh.edu/~hjm/pdf25(4)/2CENTORE.pdf |
86. Finsler Geometry And Relativistic Applications THEORETICAL LABORATORY FOR finslerGEOMETRY RELATIVISTIC APPLICATIONS. to initiatethe scientific cooperation with You, Your Institutes or Laboratories. http://www.asanov-finsler.narod.ru/ | |
87. FINSLER LAPLACIANS AND MINIMAL-ENERGY MAPS http://www.worldscinet.com/ijm/11/1101/S0129167X00000027.html | |
88. Encre-Marine - Sommaire Des Livres Translate this page épuisé. Topographie de la passion paul AUDI. De la vie après la mort paulFINSLER. Clés et ébauches de clés OLIVIER BARDET. Lucrèce CLAUDE GAUDIN. http://www.vivandis.net/ENCRE/g_100.php?id=ENCRE&ru=100 |
89. ILLC Publications, Technical Notes (X) Series X1996-02 Arthur Bakker, Renatus Ziegler finsler-Mengenlehre . X-1997-01 PaulDekker, David Beaver Report on ECDS An Interactive Course on the Internet . http://www.illc.uva.nl/Publications/reportlist.php?Series=X |
90. Shop: Bücher - - Bestellen Versand Translate this page 75. Spiele Versand Bücher finsler Set Theory Platonism and Circularity. Buchfinsler Set Theory Platonism and Circularity. http://buch.geschenke-verkauf.de/shop/index-mode-books_de-page_num-8-node-295125 | |
91. Untitled Then the author's name and the last % two digits of the year follow, and (to distinguish publications made in % the same year) a letter. % http://www.phil.cmu.edu/projects/bernays/bernaysproject.bib |
92. Table Of Contents | |
93. Finsterhennen Translate this page Zurück. http://www.lexhist.ch/externe/protect/textes/d/D282.html | |
94. Universitätsbibliothek Karlsruhe papers on set theory with introductory comments / ed. by David Booth http://www.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/hylib-bin/suche.cgi?opacdb=UBKA_OPAC&nd=5349876 |
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