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81. PunchStock.com-- Stock Photo Of: Antique World Map (hand-colored Wood Engraving) Antique World Map (handcolored wood engraving), oronce fine, 1531 Image 02OF1531(View Large Comp in New Window - 02OF1531). Brand Visual Language. http://www.punchstock.com/stock_photography/visual_language/1400959/image_02OF15 | |
82. Index Des Noms De Personnes Et Ouvrages Anonymes C-F Translate this page M. 1689 Fierz, Samuel 1621, 2116, 2985 Fillbrandt, Thomas 4040 Filli, Flurin201, 239, 522, 1150, 3816 Findlay, SR 1187 fine, oronce 3041 Fior, Michel http://www.snl.admin.ch/bsnh/bsnh95/perso-cf.htm | |
83. 1279-1280 (Nordisk Familjebok / 1800-talsutgåvan. 4. Duplikator - Folkvandringe Se Finkenstein Finderup - Findhorn - fine, Ital., musikt., slut - Finé (Finæus),oronce - finelli, Carlo - fineman, Karl Olof - finering - fines herbes http://www.lysator.liu.se/runeberg/nfad/0646.html | |
84. 265-266 (Nordisk Familjebok / Uggleupplagan. 8. Feiss - Fruktmögel) Se Holstenhus fine - Finé (Finæus), oronce - finelli, Carlo - fineman,Karl Olof - finering l. Finbränning - fines herbes - finess. http://www.lysator.liu.se/runeberg/nfbh/0153.html | |
85. Le Riviste oronce fine ei mirabilia naturae p. 355; CAMPOREALE Sl OP, Umanesimo e http://space.tin.it/edicola/arverd/le_riviste.html | |
86. Stefano Caroti - Elenco Delle Pubblicazioni - oronce fine ei mirabilianaturae , Memorie Domenicane , ns VII-IX (1977-1978), pp. 355-410. http://www.unipr.it/arpa/dipfilos/caroti.html | |
87. Antique Maps France - French Prints 30 x 21 cm, condition good. Price £50.00/$90.00 Click for info. The mostprominent French cartographer in the 16th century was oronce fine. http://www.kittyprint.com/KTP/HTML/France.html | |
88. REVIEWS light on fundamental questions of cartographic history, offering, for example, freshinsight into the important image of world proposed by oronce fine in 1531 http://www.cosmography.com/emsa.htm | |
89. Creating French Culture (Library Of Congress Exhibition) Map of the World74. oronce fine (b. 1494d. 1555), Map of the World, 1534-36,Department of Maps and Plans, Rés. Ge DD 2987 (63), Paper. http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/bnf/bnf0004.html | |
90. Auctions . Ortelius 441. * oronce fine s map of the World is constructedon an unusual doublecordiform projection. The example on offer http://www.mapforum.com/10/10auct.htm | |
91. Research Catalog Subject Entries housing Finance, international Financial conditions Financial development Financialindustry Financial liberalization Financial reform fine, oronce (14941555 http://leardo.lib.uwm.edu/oldwww/webpage/rctops.html | |
92. Antique Maps ~ David Bannister, Rare Maps, Posters, Prints, Map Fair Apart from the work of the Dieppe map and chart makers, there were world maps byOronce fine and Andre Thevet which were copied by many cartographers and, some http://www.antiquemaps.co.uk/chapter14.html | |
93. The Oronteus Finaeus Map In Aramco World Magazine (Jan-Feb answer. Oronteus Finaeus Delphinashis vernacular name was oronce Finewasborn two years after the discovery of America. A Frenchman http://muweb.millersville.edu/~columbus/data/art/LUNDE02.ART | |
94. Liste Des Lieux-dits (F-FL) oronce Finede Briançon (1494) fut un mathématicien considéré. Fleur. Occurence http://perso.numericable.fr/~seylione/Tg9_F.htm | |
95. Complete Description Libri quatuor Paris, Guillaume Cavellat, 1560 in-4 http://www.franceantiq.fr/slam/chamonal/fiche.asp?IdTable=Chamonal1203&Index=269 |
96. Index.html de trouver certainement la longitude. (© Bibl. Nationale). http://www.ens.fr/pense-science/ | |
97. Bridgeman Art Library - Image Search - Advanced Search http://www.bridgeman.co.uk/search/research.asp?field=artist&page=1&alpha=F |
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