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61. Texttemplate Foundations of Western European Cartography in Texas Collections. A Special CollectionsExhibition. The influence of Ptolemy. oronce fine, World map, 1531. http://libraries.uta.edu/SpecColl/Exhibits/weuromaps/text_tms6-fine.htm | |
62. Cosmographia Universalis Ab Oronto Olim Descripta Cosmographia universalis ab Oronto olim descripta / fine, oronce. ?, (1566)., . , 38×42/TD . http://ambitious.lib.hokudai.ac.jp/hoppodb/map/doc/0D030330000001.html | |
63. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page 350*), Fibonacci, Leonardo (2223*) Fields, John (290*) Finck, Pierre-Joseph-Etienne(367) Fincke, Thomas (213) fine, Henry (486*) fine, oronce (204) Finsler http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/Flllph.htm | |
64. Bibliography fine, oronce, 14941555, Orontii Finaei De rebus mathematicis, hactenus desideratis,libri III. Lutetiae Parisiorvm, ex officina M. Vascosan, 1556. http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/bibliography/display.cgi?start=F& |
65. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page 350*) Fibonacci, Leonardo (289*) Fields, John (290*) Finck, Pierre-Joseph-Etienne(367) Fincke, Thomas (213) fine, Henry (486*) fine, oronce (204) Finsler http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4142/matematici.html |
66. Inspection Académique Des Hautes-Alpes (05) > Adresses Translate this page eepu05.briancon.michaussee@ac-aix-marseille.fr Site http//perso.wanadoo.fr/briancon.michaussee.05BRIANCON oronce-fine ECOLE PRIMAIRE Rue http://www.ia05.ac-aix-marseille.fr/infos/adresses2.htm | |
67. ESI-References Looks like Medieval education in math and science was better than ours ifthis is representative! fine, oronce. Second Book of Solar Horology. http://www.humboldt.edu/~rap1/EarlySciInstSite/References.htm | |
68. Buteo, Logistica 1559 circuli Buteo refutes the pretensions of those who claimed to have found thesolution of the quadrature, most notably those of his master, oronce fine. http://www.polybiblio.com/watbooks/2671.html | |
69. FINÉ, Oronce., De Mundi Sphaera, Sive Cosmographia, Primáve Astronomiae Parte. FINÉ, oronce. The work is an excellent example of both the illustrative skill ofFiné, who prepared the illustrations and initials, and the fine printing of http://www.polybiblio.com/finch/6225.html | |
70. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page Richard (350*), Fibonacci, Leonardo (2223*) Fields, John (290*) Finck, Pierre-Joseph(367) Fincke, Thomas (213) fine, Henry (486*) fine, oronce (204) Finsler http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm | |
71. ETRANGES DOCUMENTS oronce fine montre la mer de Ross, laisse apparaître desestuaires, des fjords et des cours d eau. Mercator inclut dans http://www.hfk-city.com/lvlb/lire/7.html | |
72. Web Articles: 3. People oronce fine (hyperlinked biography, from the MacTutor History of MathematicsArchive, University of St Andrews) {March, 2002}; oronce fine. http://www.maphistory.info/textpeople.html | |
73. The History Of Cartography, Volume 3: Caption CORDIFORM WORLD MAP OF oronce fine, CA. 1536. Although not printed until the mid1530s,oronce fine began work on this double-sheet woodcut in 1518-19. http://www.geography.wisc.edu/histcart/v3cap.html | |
74. Neue Seite 1 Translate this page Fields, John (14.5.1863 - 9.8.1932). Fincke, Thomas (1561 - 1656). fine, oronce (1494- 1555). Finsler, Paul (1894 - 1970). Fischer, Ernst (12.7.1875 - 14.11.1954). http://www.mathe-ecke.de/mathematiker.htm | |
75. Fine .. fine Biography of oronce fine (14941555) oronce fine was educated in Parisobtaining a medical degree from the Coll¨ge de Navarre in 1522. http://www.dollarfarm.com/16/fine.html |
76. Food For Thought: Biographies fine, Larry (Laurence Feinberg) (American comedian), 19021975. fine,oronce (Orontius fineus) (French mathematician), 1494-1555. Finiguerra http://www.junkfoodforthought.com/bio/bio_F.htm | |
77. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page Fibonacci (Leonardo von Pisa, um 1170 - um 1240) Fields, John (14.5.1863 - 9.8.1932)Fincke, Thomas (1561 - 1656) fine, oronce (1494 - 1555) Finsler, Paul http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
78. ISBN.pl - Surveying to lower and upper inner margins throughout, just encroaching onto text, front freeendpapers with small tears, occasional browning.BOUND WITH fine, oronce. http://www.isbn.pl/3163-7-Surveying.html | |
79. JEAN CLOUET There is no doubt that he painted a portrait of the mathematician, oronce fine,in 1530, when fine was thirty-six years old, but the portrait is now known http://14.1911encyclopedia.org/C/CL/CLOUET_JEAN.htm | |
80. Réponses(s) Translate this page chimie fine (la) On désigne ainsi le secteur de la chimie qui prépare, parune fine (oronce) Humaniste, mathématicien et cartographe français http://encyclo.voila.fr/s?str=fines |
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