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21. "Münster Sebastian" At ZVAB - Register Of Antiquarian Books (order Antiquarian lower and upper inner margins throughout, just encroaching onto text, front freeendpapers with small tears, occasional browning. br BOUND WITH fine, oronce. http://www.zvab.com/offers/muenster-sebastian.html | |
22. FINEPI TEXT Fn and Ft finePI TEXT. Author Finé, oronce. Title Epithoma musice instrumentalis ad omnimodam personant, et finiunt cum in fine voces attenuantur quedam vero discrete, quarum http://www.music.indiana.edu/tml/16th/FINEPI_TEXT.html | |
23. Roger Gaskell Rare Books images. § fine, oronce (14951555). Literature AF Johnson, oronce fineas an illustrator of books, GutenbergJahrbuch (1928) 107109. images. http://www.rogergaskell.com/catdocs/15074.htm | |
24. Masterpieces Of Early Page Decoration Lucas Cranach the Elder / Melchior Lotter (Wittenberg, 1527). oronce fine / Simonde Colines (Paris, 1534). oronce fine / Simon de Colines (Paris, 1536). http://www.psymon.com/incunabula/masterpieces/ |
25. Index Of Renaissance Maps 356 Recens, Et Integra Orbis Descriptio . . ., oronce fine, 1534. 356.ARecens, Et Integra Orbis Descriptio . . ., oronce fine, 1534. http://www.henry-davis.com/MAPS/Ren/Ren1/Reno.html | |
26. Nova Totius Galliae Descriptio / Orontius, F. Delphinas, Faciebat 1553 Translate this page Auteur, fine, oronce (1494-1555) Cartographe Gourmont, Jérôme de (15..- - 15..) Éditeur. How did oronce fine draw his large map of France ? http://gallica.bnf.fr/anthologie/piece.asp?406 |
27. Recens, Et Integra Orbis Descriptio / Orontius F.[inus] Delph.[inus] Regi.[s] Ma Translate this page Auteur, fine, oronce (1494-1555) Cartographe. Ouvrages, articles Pelletier,Monique. Le monde dans un cur les deux mappemondes doronce fine. http://gallica.bnf.fr/anthologie/piece.asp?455 |
28. Ecole Oronce Fine http://echo.des.cols.ouvaton.org/article.php?id_article=76 |
29. Imaging SAcience - Oronce Fine RETURN. oronce fine, Polymath and Designer. This is a page from fine sProtomathesis, Paris, 1532. fine made great play of the fact http://cccw.adh.bton.ac.uk/schoolofdesign/MA.COURSE/LInfDes35.html | |
30. Anciens Elévès | Oronce Fine | Briançon | Aix-Marseille. Retrouve Tes Anciens Translate this page fr. oronce fine Enregistre-toi. Etape 5 sur 5, oronce fine. Moiaussi jai fréquenté oronce fine, Inscription Prénom http://www.passado.fr/index/qfm/fuseaction/registrationStep5/org_id/F27EE90E-D2C | |
31. Hugues De LATUDE - Antiquarian Bookseller - France Antiques fine, oronce. Il est suivi d un traité d astrologie d oronce fine. http://www.franceantiq.fr/slam/latude/Cat.asp?oPage=5&sqlQuery=select * from [La |
32. Berne, Trente Mars Gris, Aube Rude, Tonnerre américaine sur le Golfe du Mexique), fine (oronce - mathématicien et http://www.cetteadressecomportecinquantesignes.com/CadBerne.htm | |
33. Persfoto S Goochelen Met Getallen jongeman die zijn sommen schriftelijk maakt. Uit het boek Margarita philosophicavan Georg Reisch en oronce fine (editie Basel, 1535). http://www.museumboerhaave.nl/contact/persfotos.html | |
34. Cartographica Helvetica 12 (1995) 27-37: Zusammenfassung Translate this page Monique Pelletier Die herzförmigen Weltkarten von oronce fine. Das kartographischeWerk von oronce fine (14941555) ist deshalb umso interessanter. http://www.stub.unibe.ch/dach/ch/ch/summaries/d12d.html | |
35. Cartographica Helvetica 12 (1995) 27-37: Summary Monique Pelletier The cordiform World maps by oronce fine. The cartographicalwork of oronce fine (14941555) is therefore all the more interesting. http://www.stub.unibe.ch/dach/ch/ch/summaries/e12d.html | |
36. Weltkarten I Translate this page oronce fine, Paris, 1536 Recens et integra orbis descriptio Die äußerstseltene herzförmige Weltkarte gilt mit ihrer herrlichen, architektonisch http://www.geog.uni-heidelberg.de/~ttavk/weltkart01.htm | |
37. New Page 2 World Map by oronce fine. Map Created in 1531. oronce fine was themost prominent French cartographer in the sixteenth century. http://www.artbeau.com/fin_wor.htm | |
38. British Library Images Online - Item From Simon Grynaeus, Novus Orbis Regionum. Author fine, oronce. Illustrator. Production Paris, Apud Joannem Parvum,1532. Language/Script - / -. http://ibs001.colo.firstnet.net.uk/britishlibrary/controller/subjectidsearch?id= |
39. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Frisch Ragnar Translate this page Encyclopédie Fibonacci (Leonardo)Fields (John Charles)fine (oronce)Fontaine (Alexis)Fourier(Joseph)Fredholm (Erik Ivar)Frege (Gottlob)Frénicle de Bessy http://fr.encarta.msn.com/Frisch_Ragnar.html | |
40. I Misteri Della Mappa Di Piri Reis - 2 Translate this page Parte 1 (Piri Reis) - Parte 2 (oronce fine) - Parte 3 (Philippe Buache)- Parte 4 (Atlantide). LA CARTA DI ORONTIUS FINAEUS (oronce fine). http://xoomer.virgilio.it/dicuoghi/Piri_Reis/Finaeus.htm | |
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