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21. Thomas Fincke Translate this page thomas fincke. Studium ua in Heidelberg Finck(e), thomas (6.1.1561 - 24.4.1656).Lebensdaten WWW-Biographien Print-Biographien Werk Bibliographien Lebensdaten. http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/helios/fachinfo/www/math/homo-heid/fincke.htm | |
22. Content Listing Two Sonnets from Drifting Worlds. D. M. thomas. The Turtle's Dream. thomas M The Growth of the Church. thomas M. Disch. Gravity Failing. Gary fincke http://isfdb.tamu.edu/cgi-bin/pw.cgi?90d2 |
23. Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Mathematik: Homo Heidelbergensis Mathematicus thomas fincke. Studium Erster Mathematikdozentin Heidelberg; 06.01.1561 - 24.04.1656 thomas fincke. Studium http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/helios/fachinfo/www/math/homoheid.htm | |
24. 153 (Dansk Biografisk Lexikon / V. Bind. Faaborg - Gersdorff) Print (PDF) On this page / på denna sida - fincke, thomas, 1561-1656,Professor, Mathematiker og Læge - fincke, thomas, 1632-77, Amtmand. http://www.lysator.liu.se/runeberg/dbl/5/0155.html | |
25. 150 (Dansk Biografisk Lexikon / V. Bind. Faaborg - Gersdorff) Print (PDF) On this page / på denna sida - fincke, Jacob, 1592-1663, Professor- fincke, thomas, 1561-1656, Professor, Mathematiker og Læge. http://www.lysator.liu.se/runeberg/dbl/5/0152.html | |
26. BPJ Author Index "F" -- 1950-2004 fincke, Gary Centralia, 34 (Summer 1984), 3439. The Merge Arrow, 36 (Summer1986), 37-38. Fitzsimmons, thomas Rim to Rhythm, 6 (Summer 1956), 31. http://www.bpj.org/index/F.htm | |
27. Query_Scandinavians In ItalyF-G H71, fincke, thomas, 15611656, DK, Mathematician, doctor, 1583, 1586, Padova,Siena, Padova, Pisa, Roma, Study, H71; DbL3, Padova 158311.07, procurator 158410.27 http://www.dkinst-rom.dk/nemi/scand/siitf-g.htm | |
28. Danes In Italy: Survey2 Translate this page 1582, Holstenius, Fredericus. 1582 (1), Boeneburg, Heidenriech von. 1583,fincke, thomas. 1583, Rantzau, Melchior. 1583/85, Lindeberg, Peter. 1584,Blome, Schack. http://www.dkinst-rom.dk/nemi/scand/survey2.html | |
29. Personindex (F - J) Personregister (F J) fincke, Jacob (-1570) Ansedel Ansedel Tavla 2 fincke, thomas(1561-1656) Ansedel Ansedel Ansedel Ansedel Tavla 2 Flojera, Anna Elisabeth http://hem.bredband.net/wall/gen/2-3.htm | |
30. I15824: Carsten BAGGE (____ - ____) INDEX. HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5eWIN95 (Sep 26 1998) on 02/13/2004020932 . thomas fincke. 1777 6 Jan 1561 - 24 Apr 1656. http://home.online.no/~nermo/slekt/d0021/g0000064.html | |
31. (Holmgeir FILIPSSON - Thomas FINCKE ) Index of Persons Holmgeir FILIPSSON thomas fincke 31522 individuals, 16039families from file D\BK5\GEDCOM\DIS7585.GED (13 Feb 2004). Index of Persons. http://home.online.no/~nermo/slekt/index/ind0336.html | |
32. PERSONAJES ILUSTRES thomas fincke (1561-1650). http://www.iqb.es/historiamedicina/personas/bartholin.htm | |
33. Earliest Uses Of Symbols For Trigonometric And Hyperbolic Functions Last revision June 27, 1999 Sine. In 1583, thomas fincke (or Finck) (15611656)used sin. Cosine. In his Geometria rotundi (1588) thomas fincke used sin. com. http://mail.mcjh.kl.edu.tw/~chenkwn/mathword/trigonometry.html | |
34. The Old Zoological Museum The only remains of this first university museum is a fragment of a (later restored)memorial tablet to Professor thomas fincke, thomas Bartholins http://www.zmuc.dk/HeadWeb/old-museum.htm | |
35. Earliest Uses Of Symbols For Trigonometric And Hyperbolic Functions Last revision Oct. 1, 2000. Sine. In 1583, thomas fincke (or Finck) (15611656)used sin. Cosine. In his Geometria rotundi (1588) thomas fincke used sin. com. http://members.aol.com/jeff570/trigonometry.html | |
36. Lehrstuhlkalender2001 Translate this page Martin fincke und Dr. thomas Krüßmann an einem Empfang zur Verabschiedung desGeneralkonsuls der Russischen Föderation in München, Herrn Dr. Michail A http://www.jura.uni-passau.de/fakultaet/lehrstuehle/Fincke/kalender/lehrstuhlkal | |
37. Homepage Dr. Thomas Krüßmann< Translate this page Dr. thomas M. Krüßmann, LL.M. Dr. Dr. hc Martin fincke SchwerpunkteWirtschaftsstrafrecht, Organisierte Kriminalität. Adresse http://www.jura.uni-passau.de/fakultaet/lehrstuehle/Fincke/team/kruessmann.html | |
38. Thomas Fincke Article on thomas fincke from WorldHistory.com, licensed from Wikipedia, the freeencyclopedia. Return to World History (home) Main Article Index thomas fincke. http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/T/Thomas-Fincke.htm | |
39. Index Finale VIIIX, XI, XII-XVI Finch of Fordwich, John, baron XII fincke, Anna XIfincke, Dorothea XI fincke, Margaretha XI fincke, thomas XI Finer, Michel http://www.inghist.nl/Onderzoek/Projecten/BrievenVanHugoDeGroot1594-1645/index/f | |
40. Biographisches Lexikon Inhaltsverzeichnis F Translate this page Feodora, Prinzessin zu Schleswig-Holstein 8, 104 Feyerabend, Kurt 3, 107 Fick, H(e)inrichClaus von 6, 94 Fidus 10, 123 fincke, thomas 5, 91 Findorff, Jürgen http://www.shlb.de/biolexin/inh_f.htm | |
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