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41. Fa-Fm nonlinear. FERN Acronym for Forest Ecosystem Research Network. ferrel,william (18171891) See Peterson et al. (1996). ferrel cell http://stommel.tamu.edu/~baum/paleo/paleogloss/node15.html | |
42. 1790 Census Bladen, Brunswick, And Johnston Counties, NC Brunswick, FELPS, Martha, 1, 1, 1. Bladen, ferrel, Cornelus, 1, 1, Bladen,ferrel, william, 1, 2, 3, Johnston, FERRILL, Cornelius, 1, Johnston, FERRILL,Jacob, 1, 2, 6, http://www.thedrake.org/1790b/xf.html | |
43. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï States (now Italy) Died 5 Oct 1565 in Bologna, Papal States (now Italy) ferrel,william ferrel Born 29 Jan 1817 in Bedford County, Pennsylvania, USA Died 18 http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=F |
44. William Shakespeare - Authors Cheap Posters By Ferrel Rao Free Preview william Shakespeare free preview of posters and prints by ferrel Raoin william Shakespeare Authors. william Shakespeare posters/prints http://www.posters4you.net/Authors/William-Shakespeare.html | |
45. Genealogy Data Marriage 11 DEC 1886 in Albia, IA Spouse STEWART, william Ellsworth Birth 18MAR 1868 Albia, IA Death 1949 Eureka, KS Parents ferrel, Temperance Family http://members.tripod.com/~voodoocow/dat52.htm | |
46. Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With F Translate this page 1902) ferrel, Robert Rothwell (30 OCT 1877-20 DEC 1928) ferrel, Samuel Albert (7SEP 1885-22 DEC 1958) ferrel, Temperance (-) FETZER 1937) FINCH, william (ABT. http://members.tripod.com/~voodoocow/idxf.htm | |
47. Genealogy: Alphabetical Listing _Elizabeth Earl, Josephine Emery, G. Camuel ..1869 Everrett, Joseph 1793 - 1843-F- Falconer, Sarah ferrel, Edna Mae ferrel, william Watson ferrel, william http://home.att.net/~jg245/alpha_e.htm | |
48. Record Unit 7085 - Marcus Benjamin Papers, 1886-1929 Folder, 3, Engelmann, George. Folder, 4, Farlow, william Gilson. Folder,5, ferrel, william. Folder, 6, Fletcher, Robert. Folder, 7, Frazer, JohnFries. http://www.si.edu/archives/archives/findingaids/FARU7085.htm | |
49. History Of Astronomy: Persons (F) Konradin (b. 1907) Very short biography (Or see German version.). ferrel,william (18171891) Very short biography. Feuillée, Louis (1660 http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_f.html | |
50. DE WETTEN VAN BUYS BALLOT, DOPPLER EN FERREL; ERE WIE ERE TOEKOMT Amsterdam. Kort daarna bleek dat de Amerikaan william ferrel reedseen jaar eerder had ontdekt wat Buys Ballot aantoonde. Uit de http://www.knmi.nl/voorl/nader/dewettenvanbuysballotferrelendoppler.htm | |
51. History Of Merced Co. - 1925 Farrar, Frank H. 489, Ferguson, Fred R. 807, ferrel, Jessie F. 455, FH Porcelli.ferrel, william J. 455, FH Porcelli. Fessler, Reuben David, 810, Finlayson, MM,801, http://www.cagenweb.com/cpl/mrcd1925.htm | |
52. Rhinehart & Bassett Family Tree - Person Page 95 farmer $2000 $451 pg 158 417417 ferrel, Susanna 19 b.VA pg 158 417-417 ferrel,Catharine J 17 b.VA pg 158 417-417 ferrel, william M 15 b.VA pg 158 http://bassett.net/secondsite/kathryn-p/p95.shtml | |
53. Genealogy Data Father ferrel, Edward Mother Reece, Rebecca. R. Birth 7 APR 1863 Gender MaleBishop, Fred H. Bishop, Charles H. Bishop, Dora E. Bishop, william E. Bishop http://www.jinman.org/inman/dat409.html | |
54. Automated Genealogy 1901 Census Transcription Project ferrel, Nettie, 10, NB, KENT, Wellington, j1, 4, 28. ferrel, Percy, 4, NB,KENT, Wellington, j-1, 4, 30. ferrel, william B, 43, QU, COMPTON, Compton(Village), f, 5, 12. http://automatedgenealogy.com/census/SurnameList.jsp?surname=Ferrel |
55. IF Magazine - - NEWS - Public Eye Albert L. Ortega Clicks Them With His Best Sho in attendance including director Nick Gomez, Danny DeVito, Neve Campbell, JamieLee Curtis, Peter Dobson, Casey Affleck, Will ferrel, william Fichter, Marcus http://www.ifmagazine.com/common/article.asp?articleID=566 |
56. Crosses F ferrel, william, Air Force In remembrance of william ferrel. 1st NZAF. An unclewho died in Battle of Britain. Inserted by Charles and Andrew ferrel. NZ. http://www.gsv.org.au/crosses/CrossesF.htm | |
57. Rebecca Ann [Hardin] Ferrel Charles and Cynthia had at least two sons Cornelius william ferrel, born 19October, 1879; and Grover ferrel. Cornelius W. ferrel, born about 1862. http://www.brumm.com/genealogy/walkers_moyers/alpha_walkers/hardinrebeccaann.htm | |
58. FHB A10 ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSITY Popejoy s successor, ferrel Heady (196875) steered the campus through the most From1975-82, under President william Davis, research funding doubled, and the http://www.unm.edu/~handbook/A10.html | |
59. Essays Page New York Facts On File, Inc., 2002. Entry Title ferrel, william. Date(18171891). Nationality American Occupation Climatologist. http://www.fofweb.com/Subscription/Science/Helicon.asp?SID=1&Rec_Title=Weather&R |
60. Biography Search Industrialist, politician, and patron of the arts, born in Ponce ferrel,william, (181791). Meteorologist, born in Fulton Co, Pennsylvania, USA. http://www.biography.com/find/results.jsp?alpha=5&subpg=4 |
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