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         Fermat Pierre De:     more books (51)
  1. The Proof of Fermat's Last Theorem: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Todd Timmons, 2001
  2. Fermat's Last Theorem: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Macmillan Reference USA Science Library: Mathematics</i> by Lucia McKay, 2002
  3. The Birth of Number Theory: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by P. Andrew Karam, 2001
  4. The Unfinished Game: Pascal, Fermat, and the Seventeenth-Century Letter that Made the World Modern by Keith Devlin, 2008-09-23
  5. Per Ferma i Andrei Sakharov: Sbornik (Sviaz vremen) (Russian Edition) by V. V Kocherbitov, 1992
  6. Precis des euvres mathematiques (French Edition) by E Brassinne, 1989
  7. Fermat's last theorem: A disclosure of techniques in mathematics and computer science by George Robert Talbott, 1991
  8. Optima and Equilibria: An Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis by Jean-Pierre Aubin, 1993-04-30

61. ClubCaminantes - Biografias - Pierre De Fermat, El Club De Los Caminantes
Translate this page BIOGRAFIAS, pierre de fermat. Es uno de los más notables matemáticos de todoslos tiempos. Nació el 20 de agosto de 1601 en Beaumont-de-Lomagne (Francia).

Foros Chat Top 10 ... BIOGRAFIAS Pierre de Fermat Es uno de los más notables matemáticos de todos los tiempos. Nació el 20 de agosto de 1601 en Beaumont-de-Lomagne (Francia). Tuvo una buena educación pues su padre era un próspero comerciante de pieles. Fermat era funcionario, en 1631 fue nombrado concejal en la cámara de peticiones (conseiller au parlament de Toulouse). Su trabajo consistía en servir de enlace entre los ciudadanos y el gobierno y el rey. Una de las facetas de su trabajo era juzgar determinados asuntos. En aquellos años la peste arrasaba Europa y esto facilitó el ascenso de Fermat en su carrera, porque aquellos que sobrevivían tenían que cubrir los puestos de los fallecidos. Fermat estuvo muy cerca de la muerte en 1652 debido a la peste, incluso fue dado por muerto por alguno de sus amigos. Fermat, bien por timidez o porque le gustaba fastidiar a sus colegas, no revelaba sus demostraciones. Tuvo una disputa matemática con Descartes y éste tuvo que retractarse.

62. Fermat, Pierre - Famous Mathematicians Pictures, Posters, Gifts Items, Note Card
pierre de fermat, 1601 1665. pierre de fermat is perhaps the mostfamous number theorist in history. What is less widely known is
Home about The Mathematicians Gift Shop about us ... Cantor
Fermat Gift items available include: Fermat Poster Fermat Clock All items carry our Total Satisfaction Guarantee . If you are dissatisfied with any item you purchase, simply advise us and return it within 15 days for replacement or refund. Pierre de Fermat Pierre de Fermat He work on maxima and minima, tangents, and stationary points, earn him minor credit as a father of calculus Independently of Descartes , he discovered the fundamental principle of analytic geometry.

63. Pierre Fermat --Great Minds, Great Thinkers
pierre de fermat. pierre de fermat. External links. Biography of pierre de fermathttp//;
EDinformatics Home Today is More Great Thinkers
Pierre de Fermat
Pierre de Fermat Pierre de Fermat August 17 January 12 ) was a French mathematician who is generally given minor credit for the development of modern calculus ; in particular, for his work regarding tangents and stationary points . His work was such that he is sometimes regarded as the "father" of, both, differential calculus and number theory . He also made notable contributions to analytic geometry and probability Fermat was born near Montauban France ; he died at Castres Fermat worked on number theory while preparing an edition of Diophantus , and the notes and comments thereon contained the numerous theorems of considerable elegance necessary to develop the theory of numbers. Fermat is famous for his "Enigma" that was an extension of Pythagorean Theorem, also known as Fermat's Last Theorem. Together with René Descartes , Fermat was one of the two leading mathematicians of the first half of the 17th century . Independently of Descartes, he discovered the fundamental principle of

64. Pierre De Fermat
Translate this page pierre de fermat. Die Geheimnisse der Potenzen ganzer Zahlen. pierre de fermatwurde am 17. August 1601 in Beaumont de Lomagne, Frankreich geboren.

65. FERMAT, PIERRE DE. The Columbia Encyclopedia: Sixth Edition. 2000
Columbia Encyclopedia fermat, pierre de. 2000. fermat, pierre de(py rd f rmä´) (KEY), 1601–65, French mathematician. A
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia Dictionary Roget's II: Thesaurus Bartlett's Quotations Simpson's Quotations English Usage Fowler's King's English Mencken's Language Strunk's Style Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Wells, H.G. Columbia Encyclopedia Fermat, Pierre de PREVIOUS NEXT CONTENTS GUIDE ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The Columbia Encyclopedia: Sixth Edition.
Fermat, Pierre de
(py r d f KEY number theory and probability theory. He also did much to establish coordinate geometry (see Cartesian coordinates ) and invented a number of methods for determining maxima and minima that were later of use to Newton in applying the calculus. He noted without proof, although he claimed to have discovered one, the assertion now known as which states that the equation x n y n z n , where x

66. Biografia Di Fermat
Translate this page fermat, pierre de. fermat, pierre de (Beaumont-de-Lomagne 1601 - Castres1665), matematico francese. Dopo aver studiato giurisprudenza
Fermat, Pierre de Fermat, Pierre de (Beaumont-de-Lomagne 1601 - Castres 1665), matematico francese. Dopo aver studiato giurisprudenza ed essere divenuto consigliere parlamentare a Tolosa, intrattenne contatti con gli esponenti di primo piano della scienza e della filosofia suoi contemporanei. In gioventù, insieme all'amico Blaise Pascal , compì una serie di indagini sulle proprietà dei numeri figurati, ricavandone un metodo per calcolare le probabilità. Fermat non rese pubblico quasi nessun risultato delle sue ricerche matematiche; in Ad locos planos et solidos isagoge (successivo al 1637) elaborò i fondamenti della geometria analitica indipendentemente da Cartesio . È inoltre considerato il padre della moderna teoria dei numeri , ambito in cui compì diverse scoperte. Il suo metodo per individuare le ordinate massime e le minime delle linee curve aprì la strada alle ricerche sull' analisi infinitesimale e venne applicato a ricerche di ottica. A Fermat si devono inoltre diversi teoremi, tra i quali il così detto ultimo teorema di Fermat Torna all'inizio di biografie di grandi matematici Vota questo sito!

67. Lexikon - Pierre De Fermat Definition Erklärung Bedeutung
Translate this page Was Wer Wo ist pierre de fermat - definition Erklärung Bedeutung von pierrede fermat. pierre de fermat. Artikel auf Englisch pierre de fermat.
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Pierre de Fermat
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Artikel auf Englisch: Pierre de Fermat
Pierre de Fermat 17. August 12. Januar franz¶sischer Mathematiker (und Jurist von Beruf). Fermat war der bedeutendste »Amateur« der Mathematikgeschichte, freilich zu einer Zeit, als die Mathematik als Fach nicht existierte. So beschr¤nkte sich Fermats Einfluss auf Korrespondenz (in Form von Denksportaufgaben) mit anderen Interessierten und auf die von seinem Sohn vorgenommene Ausgabe seines Nachlasses, einschlieŸlich der von ihm kommentierten Arithmetik des Diophant (s.u.). Er hat Beitr¤ge zur Zahlentheorie , Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, Variations- und Differentialrechnung geleistet. Nach Fermat sind benannt: Fermatsches Prinzip , ein Variationsprinzip der Optik : »Das Licht nimmt den Weg, auf dem es am schnellsten ist.«, woraus das Reflexionsgesetz und das Snelliussche Brechungsgesetz folgen. Als Fermatsche Zahlen werden sowohl Zahlen der Form 4* n + 1, als auch solche der Form 2

68. British Library Images Online - Item
pierre de fermat Click on the image to enlarge further or add to your basketby clicking the basket icon above the record. Author fermat, pierre de.

69. Fermat
of Orleans in 1631.On May 14, 1631, he registered as a lawyer in Toulouse and sohe became entitled to change his name from pierre fermat to pierre de fermat.
By Leen Veirman, Ine Weyn and Sophie Verhaert Pierre de Fermat Born : 17 August 1601 Died : 12 January 1665 "I have discovered a truly remarkable proof which this margin is too small to contain."
When a book called: " " was published in 1621, it interested Fermat very much. There was a question in the Arithmetica : assuming that x, y, z and n are positive integers, when does x n + y n = z n have a solution? Fermat claimed : "I have discovered a truly remarkable proof, that it is impossible to separate any power above the second into powers of the same degree, but this margin is too narrow to contain it". The marginal notes only became known after Fermat's dead, when his son Samuel published an edition of Bachet's translation of Diophantus's Arithmetica with his father's notes in 1670. Andrew Wiles, professor of Princeton, proved Fermat's assertion in June 1993 but Wiles withdrew the claim when problems emerged later in 1993. In November 1994 Wiles again claimed to have a correct proof. Be that as it may, a proof of such enormous complexity, requiring some 1000 pages to present, will need to be checked and rechecked in every detail by the few mathematicians capable of doing so. Prof. Van Geel and Cornelissen from the R.U.G. called the proof "Fermat -Wiles" which confirms that there can be no counter-example to Fermat's Last Theorem.

70. The Background Of Pierre De Fermat
By Griet Christiaens. The Prince of Amateurs of Mathematics. The Backgroundof pierre de fermat. fermat was baptized on August 20, 1601
By Griet Christiaens The Prince of Amateurs of Mathematics The Background of Pierre de Fermat Fermat was baptized on August 20, 1601 (this is accepted as his date of birth in both mathematical and historical communities) in the town of Beaumont-de-Lomagne, France, near Montauban. He was born into a Catholic family as one of four children; three boys and one girl. His father was a prosperous leather merchant and the second consul of his hometown, and his mother, a parliamentary noblesse de la robe. It is easy to see that they were well-to-do. His uncle, who was his godfather, was also a merchant.
He began his secondary schooling at the convent of Cordeliers, an institution run by Franciscans in France. After that it is believed that he may have attended the University of Toulouse. He acquired his degree of Bachelor of Civil Laws from the University of Orleans in 1631.
Frequently Fermat socialized with Carcavi, Mersenne, Blaise Pascal,Wallis, Digby and many other great discoverers of his time. He communicated with all the great mathematicians in Europe, posing and solving problems, disseminating ideas of various math subjects and inventing new mathematics such as probability theory . His Unique Integral Solution Maxima and Minima and Tangents to Curved Lines. Decartes and Fermat, indepent from each other, invented

71. L'Encyclopédie De L'Agora: Pierre De Fermat
Translate this page Dossier pierre de fermat. Sciences et techniques, pierre de fermat,Biographie en résumé Mathématicien et géomètre français.
Accueil Index Catégories Dossiers ... Imprimer L'intégrale des Croquis laurentiens
Redécouvrez les plus belles régions du Québec, Anticosti les Iles-de-la-Madeleine l'Ile-aux-Coudres , le Témiscamingue , la Montérégie , les Laurentides , la Côte-Sud à travers le regard enchanté du frère Marie-Victorin , homme de science, poète et artiste. Sciences et techniques Pierre de Fermat Biographie en résumé
Mathématicien et géomètre français.
" Grand géomètre, né en 1601 à Beaumont-de-Lomagne, près de Montauban, mort en 1665, était conseiller au parlement de Toulouse, et cultivait les sciences comme par délassement. Il fut en correspondance avec Descartes Pascal , Roberval, Torricelli, Huyghens, Mersenne, et fit un grand nombre de découvertes dans les parties les plus élevées des mathématiques. Il partage avec Descartes la gloire d'avoir appliqué l'algèbre à la géométrie. Il imagina pour la solution des problèmes une méthode, dite de maximis et minimis , qui le fait regarder comme le premier inventeur du calcul différentiel; il créa, en même temps que Pascal, le calcul des probabilités ; découvrit le premier en arithmétique les propriétés de plusieurs nombres; commenta, en l'étendant, Diophante, et rétablit avec une admirable sagacité plusieurs ouvrages perdus d'Apollonius et d'

72. Fermat Pierre
Translate this page Il grimpe rapidement les échelons, son nom devient pierre de fermat eten 1652 il est promu au niveau le plus élevé à la cour criminelle.
Mathématicien et physicien
Descartes Gauss Helmholtz ... Newton Né à Beaumont-De-Lomagne d'un riche négociant en cuir, Pierre Fermat reçoit d'une éducation privilégiée. Il étudie d'abord au monastère franciscain local puis à l'université de Toulouse et ensuite à Bordeaux jusqu'à l'âge de 19 ans. C'est à Bordeaux qu'il commence ses premiers travaux de recherche mathématique sur les maximum et les minimum, ainsi q'une étude des spirales appliquée à la trajectoire des corps en chute libres. Fermat étudie le Droit et devient à 30 ans conseiller à la Chambre des Requêtes du Parlement de Toulouse. Il grimpe rapidement les échelons, son nom devient Pierre de Fermat et en 1652 il est promu au niveau le plus élevé à la cour criminelle. Fermat consacre ses loisirs aux mathématiques. Il entretient avec la communauté scientifique parisienne une importante correspondance. Souvent dans ses lettres il défie ses correspondants de retrouver les résultats qu'il avait prouvé, ce qui les mettait très en colère. Cependant, entre 1643 et 1654 Fermat a peu de contacts avec ses collègues scientifiques à Paris. Son travail de conseiller lui laisse peu de temps pour les mathématiques. Une guerre civile éclate en France suivie d'une épidémie de peste qui affecte considérablement la région de Toulouse.

73. Porträt - Fermat
Translate this page Porträt pierre de fermat. Sein Werk, oder besser gesagt, seine Freizeitbeschäftigung,ist seine Mathematik, denn er widmete sich
Porträt: Pierre de Fermat Sein Werk, oder besser gesagt, seine Freizeitbeschäftigung, ist seine Mathematik, denn er widmete sich ihr aus reiner Liebe zur Sache. Vieles ist sehr einfach, sodaß jeder normalbegabte Schuljunge die Grundgedanken würdigen kann und seine Schönheit versteht. Sein Werk, die Zahlentheorie wie es genannt wird, ist vielleicht heute noch das einzige Gebiet in der Mathematik, auf dem auch heute noch ein begabter Amateur hoffen kann, etwas Interessantes zu finden. Fermat war aber darüberhinaus ein vortrefflicher Linguist, der Latein und Griechisch beherrschte und französische und spanische Verse verfaßte. Fermats Stellung als königlicher Rat war eher eine Hilfe als ein Nachteil für seine geistige Tätigkeit. Fermat befaßte sich viel mit Maxima und Minima. Von seinem Prinzip leitete er die bekannten Reflexions- und Brechungsgesetze ab. Er war es auch, der die analytische Geometrie auf den drei-dimensionalen Raum anwandte. Fermat stellte viele Vermutungen auf und irrte sich auch manchmal (Mersenne'sche Zahlen, Lösung von Diophantischen Gleichungen). x n + y n = z n In eine Neuauflage der Arithmetica von Diophante, das diese Behauptung wiedergab, schrieb er 1637, daß er einen eleganten Beweis dafür gefunden hätte, doch der Rand sei zu schmal um ihn hier niederzuschreiben. Drei Jahrhunderte hielt diese Vermutung allen Versuchen eines Beweises stand. Bis vor wenigen Jahren Andrew Wiles den Beweis liefern konnte. Mehrere Jahre Arbeit und viele mathematische Methoden der Neuzeit waren dazu nötig."Plötzlich, völlig unerwartet, hatte ich diese unglaubliche Offenbarung. Es war so unbeschreiblich schön, es war so einfach und so elegant - So spricht Anrdew von dem Moment, als sich die letzte Lücke in seinem Beweis schloß - nach 357 Jahren vergeblichen Suchens !

74. ¶O°¨¡£Fermat, Pierre De, 1601-1665¡¤
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¶O°¨¡£ Fermat, Pierre de, 1601-1665 ªk°ê¼Æ¾Ç®a¶O°¨©ó ¤é¦b¥d´µ¯Sº¸³u¥@¡C
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75. Pierre De Fermat
Great Lawyers Judges. pierre de fermat 1601 1665. Books and Articles on fermat.The mathematical career of pierre de fermat, 1601-1665. Michael Sean Mahoney.
Pierre de Fermat
Books and Articles on Fermat The mathematical career of Pierre de Fermat, 1601-1665. Michael Sean Mahoney. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1994. Books and Articles on the solving of Fermat’s last theorem Fermat's enigma : the quest to solve the world's greatest mathematical problem. Simon Singh. New York : Walker, 1997. Table of contents owned by University Library QA244 .S55 1997 The last problemFermat's last theorem. Fermat's last theorem finally yields.; By: Cipra, Barry., Science, 7/2/93, Vol. 261 Issue 5117, p32 Kato, Kazuya. How Fermat's last theorem was proved. Historia Scientiarum, 1999 9(1): 49-56. Books and Articles on Fermat’s mathematics Fermat Primes and Heron Triangles with Prime Power Sides.; By: Luca, Florian., American Mathematical Monthly, Jan2003, Vol. 110 Issue 1, p46, 4p Prime Numbers.; By: Smith, Peter., Dr. Dobb's Journal: Software Tools for the Professional Programmer, Jul2002, Vol. 27 Issue 7, p93, 3p A Curious Connection Between Fermat Numbers and Finite Groups.; By: Finch, Carrie E.; Jones, Lenny., American Mathematical Monthly, Jun/Jul2002, Vol. 109 Issue 6, p517, 8p, 1 chart

76. Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics And You - Timeline - Pierre De Fermat
pierre de fermat was a lawyer by occupation, but possessed one of the greatestmathematical minds of the seventeenth century. pierre de fermat (16011665).

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Pierre de Fermat
Pierre de Fermat was a lawyer by occupation, but possessed one of the greatest mathematical minds of the seventeenth century. He made major contributions to geometric optics, modern number theory, probability theory, analytic geometry, and is generally considered the father of differential calculus . Though there is some doubt as to the date of his birth, Fermat was baptized on August 20, 1601 in Beaumont-de-Lomagne, France. His father was a successful merchant and his mother hailed from a well-to-do family. Fermat most likely received his primary education from a local Franciscan monastery and later studied at the University of Toulouse. Fermat moved to Bordeaux, France for a few years in the 1620s, where he undertook an informal study of mathematics, but ultimately settled on law as a profession, receiving his Bachelors degree in Civil Law from the University of Orleans. In 1631, Fermat formally entered the legal profession, serving in the local Parliament at Toulouse. That same year he married his fourth cousin, Louise de Long, with whom he would later have five children. Over time, Fermat gradually attained legal positions with increasing responsibility and prestige, becoming a member of the criminal court in 1638 and a King's councilor in 1648, a post he retained for the rest of his life. In addition to his professional duties, Fermat carried on an extensive correspondence with a number of prominent Parisian mathematicians, sometimes proposing analytical problems to them that he had already solved. Some of his earliest work examined the experiments of Galileo and the paths of freefalling objects. During his efforts to disprove several of the postulates made by Galileo, Fermat developed a new method of quadrature for curves. Then, when attempting to explain his techniques to his correspondents, he laid down the fundamental ideas of differential calculus in a paper entitled the "

77. Pierre Fermat
Translate this page pierre de fermat. pierre de fermat wurde am 17.08.1601 in Beaumont-de-Lomagnegeboren und starb am 12.01.1665 in Castres. fermat
Pierre de Fermat
Pierre de Fermat wurde am 17.08.1601 in Beaumont-de-Lomagne geboren und starb am 12.01.1665 in Castres. n > 2 ist die Gleichung x n + y n = z n nicht in ganzen Zahlen x, y, z Der Kleine Fermatsche Satz a p-1 = 1 modulo p , falls a und p teilerfremd sind, wurde dagegen von Fermat selbst bewiesen. Fermatsche Spirale Auch mit einer gewissen Klasse von Primzahlen ist sein Name verbunden.

78. Fermat | Pierre De | 17 August 1601-12 January 1665 | Mathematician
fermat pierre de 17 August 160112 January 1665 mathematician.DG s demonstratio Methodi Slusii de Tang. (1678-1688); Ex Renaldinis
the project the collections biographies multimedia the project the collections biographies multimedia ... Ex Renaldinis de Maximis et Minimis

79. MathematikerInnen - Pierre de Fermat
Translate this page pierre de fermat. pierre de fermat lebte in Frankreich während des frühen17.Jahrhunderto. Wie sein Landsmann und Zeitgenosse descartes

Leonhard Euler Pierre de Fermat Carl Friedrich Gauss Sophia Kowalewskaja Leonardo da Vinci Isaac Newton ... MathematikerInnen
Pierre de Fermat
Descartes Koordinatensystem n p-1 =1 mod p wenn p eine Primzahl ist
Ist n=1, dann ist 14=1=1 mod 5 Ist n=2, dann ist 24=16=1 mod 5 Ist n=3, dann ist 34=81=1 mod 5 etc. Jede Primzahl die als p=4n+1 (oder 1 mod 4) geschrieben werden kann, kann auch als Summe zweier Quadrate geschrieben werden.
etc. Auf

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80. Fermat, Pierre De (1601-1665) (Referat Oder Hausaufgabe)
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