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         Fermat Pierre De:     more books (51)
  1. People From Tarn-Et-Garonne: André Téchiné, Antoine Laumet de La Mothe, Sieur de Cadillac, Pierre de Fermat, Jean Dargassies, Dieudonne Costes
  2. Personnalité Francaise Du Xviiè Siècle: Louis Xiv de France, Blaise Pascal, Pierre de Fermat, Pierre Corneille, Louis Xiii de France (French Edition)
  3. Écrivain Français de Langue Latine: Charles Baudelaire, Arthur Rimbaud, Blaise Pascal, René Descartes, Pierre de Fermat, Jean Calvin (French Edition)
  4. Lycée de Toulouse: Lycée Pierre-De-Fermat, Lycée Saint-Sernin, le Caousou, Lycée Ozenne, Lycée Bellevue, Lycée Des Arènes (French Edition)
  5. Oeuvres De Fermat: Correspondance (French Edition) by Pierre De Fermat, 2010-03-07
  6. Pierre De Fermat, 1601-1665: Mathematician and Jurist - Thesis for the Degree of Master of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, University of Liverpool by Jack Davies, 1996-12
  7. Oeuvres De Fermat: Correspondance (French Edition) (2010 Reprint) by Pierre De Fermat, 2010-01-26
  8. Profiles in Mathematics: Pierre de Fermat (Profiles in Mathematics) by Chad Boutin, 2008-01-01
  9. Toulouse: Toulouse, History of Toulouse, Gaël Clichy, Pierre de Fermat, Carlos Gardel, David Skrela, Frédéric Michalak, Jardin des Plantes, Toulouse, University ... Toulouse-Blagnac Airport, Toulouse goose
  10. Pierre de Fermat
  11. Philosophy of Probability: Probability Theory, Games of Chance, Blaise Pascal, Pierre de Fermat, Philosophy of Mathematics, Thomas Bayes
  12. Die Lichtbrechung in den Theorien von Descartes und Fermat (Sudhoffs Archiv - Beihefte (SAr-B)) (German Edition) by Klaus Weinrich, 1998-12-01
  13. Letters on Probability by Alfred Renyi, 1972-09
  14. Znuz is znees: Memoirs of a magician : Pierre Fermat vindicated by Cecil Frederick Russell, 1982

41. MSN Encarta - Fermat, Pierre De
Search Barnes for books about fermat, pierre de. News fermat, pierre de ( 160165), French mathematician, born in Beaumont-de-Lomagne

42. LookSmart - Directory - Pierre De Fermat's Last Theorem Guides
Directory Listings About. fermat, pierre de Mathematics of the Last Theorem detailsthe controversy surrounding fermat s Last Theorem, describes the math
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Pierre de Fermat's Last Theorem Guides - Check out historical overviews, explanations, and mathematical explorations of Fermat's famous last theorem.
Directory Listings About
  • Fermat, Pierre de - Mathematics of the Last Theorem
    Details the controversy surrounding Fermat's Last Theorem, describes the math that's involved, and offers a proof. Follow links to other sites.
    Fermat, Pierre de - Prometheus

    Lengthy and detailed history explains why Fermat's theorem has been so hard to prove and charts many of the attempts, including Andrew Wiles'.
    1, 3, 8, 120, - A Diophantine Problem

    Find details on a puzzle by Greek mathematician Diophantus that includes explanations, definitions, and theorems. Regarded as a successor to Fermat's Last Theorem.
    Developing a General 2nd Degree Diophantine Equation

    Offers a paper on the Diophantine equation with info on its relation to Fermat's Last Theorem. Find methodology and proofs.
    Fermat's Last Theorem is Solved
    Presents an attempt at solving Fermat's Last Theorem using the binomial expansion. Lists a proof and logic, an explanation, and endnotes.
  • 43. Pierre De Fermat
    Translate this page pierre de fermat. 1607 - 12.1.1665, Toulouse. Das Geburtsjahr wird in vielenBüchern als 1601 angegeben (s. dazu die Bemerkung weiter unten).
    Home Geschichte Mathematiker Zitate ... Suche
    Pierre de Fermat
    1607 - 12.1.1665, Toulouse Das Geburtsjahr wird in vielen Büchern als 1601 angegeben (s. dazu die Bemerkung weiter unten). Sein Werk, oder besser gesagt, seine Freizeitbeschäftigung, ist seine Mathematik, denn er widmete sich ihr aus reiner Liebe zur Sache. Vieles ist sehr einfach, so dass jeder normalbegabte Schuljunge die Grundgedanken würdigen kann und seine Schönheit versteht. Sein Werk, die Zahlentheorie, ist vielleicht noch das einzige Gebiet in der Mathematik, auf dem auch heute noch ein begabter Amateur hoffen kann, etwas Interessantes zu finden. Fermat war aber darüberhinaus ein vortrefflicher Linguist, der Latein und Griechisch beherrschte und französische und spanische Verse verfasste. Fermats Stellung als königlicher Rat war eher eine Hilfe als ein Nachteil für seine geistige Tätigkeit. Fermat befasste sich viel mit Maxima und Minima. Von seinem Prinzip leitete er die bekannten Reflexions- und Brechungsgesetze ab. Er war es auch, der die analytische Geometrie auf den drei-dimensionalen Raum anwandte. Fermat stellte viele Vermutungen auf und irrte sich auch manchmal (Mersenne'sche Zahlen, Lösung von Diophantischen Gleichungen).
    Berühmt in diesem Zusammenhang sind die sog. Fermatzahlen. Sie haben die Form

    44. Biografia De Fermat, Pierre De
    Translate this page fermat, pierre de. (Beaumont, Francia, 1601-Castres, id., 1665) Matemáticofrancés. Poco se conoce de sus primeros años, excepto
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    45. Berühmte Mathematik: Mathematiker > Fermat
    Translate this page August 1601 wurde pierre de fermat in Beaumont de Lomagne als Sohn eines Lederhändlersgeboren. Jänner 1665 starb pierre de fermat in Castres bei Toulouse.
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    Leibniz und Newton Descartes n Leibniz , der Kleine Satz von Fermat, der lautet: Wenn p eine Primzahl ist und a eine ganze Zahl, die sich nicht ohne Rest durch p p -te Potenz von a bei Division durch p den Rest a. Von Fermat stammt auch eines der nach n Euler

    46. Changement D'adresse
    Translate this page pierre de fermat (1601-1665). pierre de fermat était un génial mathématicienfrançais du XVIIè s, qui a contribué avec descartes

    47. Site Du Lycee Pierre De Fermat
    Translate this page Bienvenue au Lycée pierre de fermat.
    Bienvenue au Lycée Pierre de Fermat

    48. Lycée Pierre De Fermat
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    49. - Biografia De Fermat, Pierre De
    Translate this page fermat, pierre de. (Beaumont, Francia, 1601-Castres, id., 1665) Matemáticofrancés. Poco se conoce de sus primeros años, excepto
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    Fermat, Pierre de

    50. MSN Encarta - Fermat, Pierre De
    Translate this page Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium(ci-dessus). fermat, pierre de. Plus de résultats pour fermat, pierre de,
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    Article accessible sur abonnement MSN Encarta Premium : Acc©dez   30 000 articles encyclop©diques avec plus de 12 000 illustrations, un atlas mondial interactif, un guide du Web et une palette compl¨te de ressources et d'outils ©ducatifs. 34,99 € par an (service d’acc¨s   Internet non compris). En savoir plus. Cet article n'est accessible que si vous ªtes abonn©   MSN Encarta Premium. Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). Fermat, Pierre de Fermat, Pierre de (1601-1665), math©maticien fran§ais, auteur d'un c©l¨bre th©or¨me qui demeura sans d©monstration durant plus de trois cent cinquante... M©dias Encarta vous int©resse ? Abonnez-vous d¨s maintenant et b©n©ficiez de :
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    Plus de r©sultats pour Fermat, Pierre de

    51. Pierre De Fermat --  Britannica Student Encyclopedia
    fermat, pierre de Britannica Student Encyclopedia. , fermat, pierre de French mathematicianwho is often called the founder of the modern theory of numbers.

    52. Fermat, Pierre De. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Language: F
    fermat, pierre de. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English LanguageFourth Edition. 2000. 2000. fermat, pierre de. SYLLABICATION Fer·mat.
    Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference American Heritage Dictionary ferity ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition.

    53. Célébrations Nationales 2001 - Naissance De Pierre De Fermat
    Translate this page pierre de fermat. Beaumont-de-Lomagne 1601 Castres 1665. La théorie des nombresmoderne a été fondée par un magistrat toulousain, pierre de fermat.
    Pierre de Fermat
    Castres 1665
    • Pour tout entier a et tout nombre premier p, le nombre a P-a est divisible par p.
    Ce dernier résultat est connu sous le nom de " petit " théorème de Fermat. Le " grand " ou " dernier " théorème de Fermat est un énoncé qu'il a écrit, probablement vers 1637, dans la marge de son exemplaire (aujourd'hui disparu) des
    • Cubum autem in duos cubos, aut quadratoquadratum in duos quadratoquadratos et generaliter nullam in infinitum ultra quadratum potestatem in duos ejusdem nominis fas est dividere: cujus rei demonstra-tionem mirabilem sane detexi. Hanc marginis exiguitas non caperet.

    Michel Waldschmidt
    Programme des manifestations
    Paris (75)
    Toulouse (31)
    Date non connue mais durant le congrès national des sociétés savantes et probablement ensuite Exposition sur " les hommes de Languedoc ", Pierre de Fermat y sera célébré.
    Autres Emission par La Poste d'un timbre commémoratif à 4 F 50.

    54. Fermat
    banner. The Mathematics of pierre de fermat (1601 1665)(French). pierre defermat, fermat is perhaps the most well-known mathematician in the world.
    The Mathematics of Pierre de Fermat (1601 - 1665)(French)
    Fermat is perhaps the most well-known mathematician in the world. This is due to a conjecture stated by him, the famous (or infamous!) Fermat's Last Theorem (FLT). It states that there are no integral values of x y z which can satisfy the equation x n + y n = z n , where n is an integer>2. This problem has remain unsolved for 3 centuries (until recently). There are many other unsolved problems in Mathematics, so why is FLT such a big deal? The reason is that Fermat mentioned he had found the proof, but that the margin in the book was too narrow to contain the proof. His proof was never found (perhaps it did not exist at all, Fermat might have made a mistake in his 'proof') and nobody until recently could prove it either. Not even the great Prince of Mathematics, Gauss, could settle the issue. Of course, FLT is now fully resolved and we owe it to Andrew Wiles. Fermat was educated at home. As such, we can say he is an amateur mathematician. Despite this, he has contributed much to Mathematics, espicially to the field of Number Theory. Except a few isolated papers, Fermat published nothing in his lifetime, and gave no systematic exposition of his methods. Some of the most striking of his results were found after his death on loose sheets of paper or written in the margins of works which he had read and annotated, and are unaccompanied by any proof.
    1. Number Theory

    fermat, pierre de (16011665), French mathematician, p was born on the I 7thof August 1601, atBeaumont-de-Lomagne near Montauban. pierre de fermat.
    FERMAT, PIERRE DE Fermat was for some time councillor for the parliament of Toulouse, and in the discharge of the duties of that office he was distinguished both for legal knowledge and for strict integrity of conduct. Though the sciences were the principal objects of his private studies, he was also an accomplished general scholar and an excellent linguist. He died at Toulouse on the 12th of January f 665. He left a son, Samuel de Fermat (163o169o) who published translations of several Greek authOrs and wrote certain books on law in addition to editing his fathers works. The Opera mathematica of Fermat were published at Toulouse, in 2 vois. folio, I670 and 1679. The first contains the Arithmetic of Diophantus, with notes and additions. The second includes a Method for the Quadrature of Parabolas, and a treatise on Maxima and Minima, on Tangents, and on Centres of Gravity, containing the same solutions of a variety of problems as were afterwards incorporated into the more extensive method of fluxions by Newton and Leibnitz. In the same volume are treatises on Geometric Loci, or Spherical Tangencies, and on the Rectification of Curves, besides a restoration of Apolloniuss Plane Loci, together with the authors correspondence addressed to Descartes, Pascal, Roberval, Huygens and others. The fEuvres of Fermat have been re-edited by P. Tannery and C. Henry (Paris, 1891-1894). See Paul Tannery, Sur Ia date des principales dbcouvertes de Fermat, in the Bulletin Darboux (1883); and Les Manuscrits de Fermat, in the Annales de Ia facult des lettres de Bordeaux.

    56. Fermat, Pierre De
    fermat, pierre de. .
    Fermat, Pierre de ¶Oº¿

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    ¡D ¶Oº¿
    ¡D Descartes
    ¡D Pascal
    ¡D Hamilton
    ¡D Wiles ¡]¼¶½Z¡G½²Áo©ú¢A¥x¤j¼Æ¾Ç¨t¡^ ¡]­Y¦³«ü¥¿¡Bº°Ý¡K¡K¡A¥i¥H¦b¦¹ ¯d¨¥ ¼g«H µ¹§Ú­Ì¡C¡^ ¦Uºô­¶¤å³¹¤º®e¤§µÛ§@Åv¬°­ìµÛ§@¤H©Ò¦³

    57. Biografia De Pierre De Fermat
    Translate this page Pier r e d e Ferma t. X n + Y n = Z n. pierre de fermat. Clique aquipara obter fotos. Matemático francês, nasceu a 17 de agosto
    P i e r r e d e F e r m a t X n + Y n = Z n Matemático francês, nasceu a 17 de agosto de 1601 em Beaumont - de - Lomagne, perto de Montauban a sudoeste da França. Filho de Dominique Fermat, um rico comerciante de peles que o colocou no mosteiro franciscano de Grandselve recebendo, ali, uma educação privilegiada. Fez advocacia quando de sua passagem pela Universidade de Toulouse, tinha uma grande cultura clássica, conhecendo bem o grego e o latim, o que, tornaria possível ler as obras dos matemáticos antigos nos originais, apesar de ter a matemática, apenas como uma de sua distrações nos momentos de lazer. Entrou para o serviço público onde foi, em 1631, nomeado conseiller au Parlement de Toulouse, conselheiro na Câmara de Requerimentos. O objetivo da câmara era filtrar os requerimentos destinados ao Rei, formar um elo entre a província e Paris, servir de intermediário entre a população e o monarca e implementar as regiões dos decretos reais. Além de Fermat exercer o referido cargo, desempenhava, ainda, como tarefas adicionais, a prestação de serviço como juiz. Como servidor público, Fermat teve uma rápida ascensão e, em conseqüência, se tornou membro da elite o que dava direito ao uso do " de " como parte de seu nome.

    58. Fermat, Pierre De
    fermat, pierre de, pyer du fermä Pronunciation Key. fermat, pierre de , 1601–65,French mathematician. (pierre de fermat) (Science News). Andrew Wiles.
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      Fermat, Pierre de [pyer d u Pronunciation Key Fermat, Pierre de , French mathematician. A magistrate whose avocation was mathematics, Fermat is known as a founder of modern number theory and probability theory. He also did much to establish coordinate geometry (see Cartesian coordinates ) and invented a number of methods for determining maxima and minima that were later of use to Newton in applying the calculus. He noted without proof, although he claimed to have discovered one, the assertion now known as Fermat's Last Theorem, . which states that the equation x n y n z n , where x, y, z, and n are nonzero integers, has no solutions for n that are greater than 2. Prizes were offered for a proof of this theorem, and attempted proofs resulted in many developments in the theory of numbers. British mathematician Andrew Wiles described a proof of the conjecture in 1993, but a gap in the proof required additional work, which was completed in 1994. However, Wiles's proof involved mathematical concepts that were unknown in Fermat's lifetime, so whether Fermat had a valid proof remains conjecture. In optics Fermat recognized that of all possible paths, light takes the path that takes the least time; this fundamental rule is known as Fermat's principle.

    59. Fermat, Pierre De
    fermat, pierre de. French mathematician who, with Blaise Pascal, foundedthe theory of probability and the modern theory of numbers.
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    Or search the encyclopaedia: Fermat, Pierre de French mathematician who, with Blaise Pascal , founded the theory of probability and the modern theory of numbers. Fermat also made contributions to analytical geometry. In 1657 Fermat published a series of problems as challenges to other mathematicians, in the form of theorems to be proved. states that equations of the form x n y n z n where x y z , and n are all integers have no solutions if n
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    60. Fermat, Pierre De
    encyclopediaEncyclopedia fermat, pierre de, pyer du fermä PronunciationKey. fermat, pierre de , 1601–65, French mathematician.


    Fermat, Pierre de [pyer d u Pronunciation Key Fermat, Pierre de , French mathematician. A magistrate whose avocation was mathematics, Fermat is known as a founder of modern number theory and probability theory. He also did much to establish coordinate geometry (see Cartesian coordinates ) and invented a number of methods for determining maxima and minima that were later of use to Newton in applying the calculus. He noted without proof, although he claimed to have discovered one, the assertion now known as Fermat's Last Theorem, . which states that the equation x n y n z n , where x, y, z, and n are nonzero integers, has no solutions for n that are greater than 2. Prizes were offered for a proof of this theorem, and attempted proofs resulted in many developments in the theory of numbers. British mathematician Andrew Wiles described a proof of the conjecture in 1993, but a gap in the proof required additional work, which was completed in 1994. However, Wiles's proof involved mathematical concepts that were unknown in Fermat's lifetime, so whether Fermat had a valid proof remains conjecture. In optics Fermat recognized that of all possible paths, light takes the path that takes the least time; this fundamental rule is known as Fermat's principle. See M. S. Mahoney

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