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         Fermat Pierre De:     more books (51)
  1. Varia Opera Mathematica D. Petri De Fermat, Senatoris Tolosani (1679) (Latin Edition) by Pierre De Fermat, 2010-09-10
  2. Oeuvres de Fermat (French Edition) by Pierre de Fermat, 2010-05-16
  3. The Mathematical Career of Pierre de Fermat, 1601-1665 by Michael Sean Mahoney, 1994-10-17
  4. Oeuvres de Pierre Fermat (Collection Sciences dans l'histoire) (French Edition) by Pierre de Fermat, 1999
  5. Profiles in Mathematics: Pierre de Fermat by Chad Boutin, 2008-08
  6. Pierre de Fermat (French Edition)
  7. The mathematical career of Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665) by Michael S Mahoney, 1973
  8. Jurist in Der Frühen Neuzeit: Pierre de Fermat, Justus Jonas der Ältere, Johann Bayer, Otto Heinrich von Gemmingen-Hornberg, Caesar Rodney (German Edition)
  9. Fermat, Pierre de: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Macmillan Reference USA Science Library: Mathematics</i> by J. William Moncrief, 2002
  10. Oeuvres De Fermat, Publiées Par Les Soins De Mm. Paul Tannery Et Charles Henry Sous Les Auspices Du Ministère De L'Instruction Publique.Vol. 3 by Pierre de Fermat, 2006-09-13
  11. OEuvres de Fermat, publiées par les soins de MM. Paul Tannery et Charles Henry sous les auspices du Ministère de l'instruction publique.Vol. 4 (French Edition) by Pierre de Fermat, 1800-01-01
  12. Oeuvres De Fermat, Publiées Par Les Soins De Mm. Paul Tannery Et Charles Henry Sous Les Auspices Du Ministère De L'Instruction Publique.Vol. 2 by Pierre de Fermat, 2006-09-13
  13. Varia Opera Mathematica D. Petri De Fermat, Senatoris Tolosani (1679) (Latin Edition) by Pierre De Fermat, 2009-05-10
  14. Varia Opera Mathematica D. Petri De Fermat, Senatoris Tolosani (1679) (Latin Edition) by Pierre De Fermat, 2010-09-10

1. Pierre De Fermat
Pierre de Fermat. Pierre de Fermat ble født 17. august 1601 og døde 12. januar 1665. Denne franske matematikeren gjorde viktige oppdagelser innen analytisk geometri og tallteori, og arbeidet også med
Pierre de Fermat
Pierre de Fermat ble født 17. august 1601 og døde 12. januar 1665. Denne franske matematikeren gjorde viktige oppdagelser innen analytisk geometri og tallteori, og arbeidet også med sannsynlighetsregning og optikk. For Fermat, som var jurist i Toulouse og embedsmann, var matematikk bare en hobby.
I 1636 presenterte Fermat et system innenfor analytisk geometri liknende til det som Rene Descartes skulle foreslå ett år senere. Fermat's arbeid, som var basert på et forsøk på å gjenskape arbeidet til den greske matematikeren Apollonios fra Perga, bruke algebraen til Francois Vitete. Et liknende forsøk på å gjenskape et gammelt arbeid, førte til metoder som liknet på differentialregningen og integrasjon, for å finne topp- ogg bunnpunkter på kurver og arealet omgitt av kurver.
Fermat's største arbeid var innefor tallteorien, og han var spesielt interesert i egenskapene til primtall.
Fermat samarbeidet med Blaise Pascal om sannsynlighetsregningen. Fermat publiserte nesten ingenting i løpet av livet sitt, vanligvis kunngjorde han sine oppdagelser i brev til venner eller så bare noterte han resultatet i margene på bøkene sine. Hans arbeid ble nesten helt glemt fram til midten av 1800-tallet.
Et tall av formen F n n + 1 der n er et naturlig tall. Hvis F

2. Philosophers : Pierre De Fermat
Pierre de Fermat. French Mathematician. 817-1601 to 12-12-1665. Pierre Fermat sfather was a wealthy leather merchant and second consul of Beaumont- de- Lomagne.
Pierre de Fermat
French Mathematician
8-17-1601 to 12-12-1665
Pierre Fermat's father was a wealthy leather merchant and second consul of Beaumont- de- Lomagne. He was probably educated in his early years at the local Franciscan monastery. He attended the University of Toulouse before moving to Bordeau in the second half of the 1620s. In Bordeau he began his first serious mathematical researches and in 1629 he had completed his restoration of Apollonius's "Plane Loci." In Bordeau he was in contact with Beaugrand and produced important work on maxima and minima. From Bordeau Fermat went to Orléans where he studied law at the University. He received a degree in civil law and he purchased the offices of councillor at the parliament in Toulouse. Fermat's meteoric rise through the government is evidenced by his multiple appointments between 1631 and 1653. News of his death due to the plague of the 1650s was exaggerated: I informed you earlier of the death of Fermat. He is alive, and we no longer fear for his health, even though we had counted him among the dead a short time ago. The following report, made to Colbert the leading figure in France at the time, has a ring of truth:-

Translate this page fermat pierre de (1601-1665). Matemático francés nacido en Beaumontde Lomagne y fellecido en Toulouse. Si Descartes tuvo un rival
FERMAT Pierre de (1601-1665)

4. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Fermat Pierre De
fermat pierre de . Page 1 sur 1.*, Réservé html. Plus de résultats avec MSN pour fermat pierre de .
Accueil MSN Mon MSN Hotmail Rechercher ... S'abonner   Encarta Premium Rechercher Encarta R©sultats de la recherche pour "Fermat Pierre de" Page sur 1 R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Fermat, Pierre de Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Fermat, Pierre de (1601-1665), math©maticien fran§ais, auteur d'un c©l¨bre th©or¨me qui demeura sans d©monstration durant plus de trois cent... Pierre de Fermat Encyclop©die EncartaImage Fermat, th©or¨me de Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article Fermat, th©or¨me de math©matiques Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article math©matiques Pascal, Blaise Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article Pascal, Blaise probabilit©s Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article probabilit©s R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Page sur 1
R©sultats provenant de MSN Search Lyc©e Pierre de Fermat
Site du lyc©e Pierre de Fermat, situ©   Toulouse.
Biographies Info Science : Fermat Pierre

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5. Pierre De Fermat - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Pierre de Fermat. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Enlarge Pierrede Fermat. Pierre de Fermat (August 17, 1601 January
Pierre de Fermat
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Pierre de Fermat Pierre de Fermat August 17 January 12 ) was a French lawyer and amateur mathematician who is generally given minor credit for the development of modern calculus ; in particular, for his work regarding tangents and stationary points . His work was such that he is sometimes regarded as the "father" of, both, differential calculus and number theory . He also made notable contributions to analytic geometry and probability Fermat was born near Montauban France ; he died at Castres Fermat worked on number theory while preparing an edition of Diophantus , and the notes and comments thereon contained the numerous theorems of considerable elegance necessary to develop the theory of numbers. Fermat is famous for his "Enigma" that was an extension of Pythagorean Theorem, also known as Fermat's Last Theorem. Together with René Descartes , Fermat was one of the two leading mathematicians of the first half of the 17th century . Independently of Descartes, he discovered the fundamental principle of analytic geometry . Through his correspondence with Blaise Pascal , he was a co-founder of the theory of probability See also: edit
External links

6. Pierre De Fermat - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Pierre de Fermat. (Redirected from Fermat). Enlarge Pierre de Fermat.Pierre de Fermat (August 17, 1601 January 12, 1665) was
Pierre de Fermat
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
(Redirected from Fermat Pierre de Fermat Pierre de Fermat August 17 January 12 ) was a French lawyer and amateur mathematician who is generally given minor credit for the development of modern calculus ; in particular, for his work regarding tangents and stationary points . His work was such that he is sometimes regarded as the "father" of, both, differential calculus and number theory . He also made notable contributions to analytic geometry and probability Fermat was born near Montauban France ; he died at Castres Fermat worked on number theory while preparing an edition of Diophantus , and the notes and comments thereon contained the numerous theorems of considerable elegance necessary to develop the theory of numbers. Fermat is famous for his "Enigma" that was an extension of Pythagorean Theorem, also known as Fermat's Last Theorem. Together with René Descartes , Fermat was one of the two leading mathematicians of the first half of the 17th century . Independently of Descartes, he discovered the fundamental principle of analytic geometry . Through his correspondence with Blaise Pascal , he was a co-founder of the theory of probability See also: edit
External links

7. Pierre De Fermat --  Encyclopædia Britannica
Fermat, Pierre de Encyclopædia Britannica Article. , Fermat, Pierre de French mathematicianwho is often called the founder of the modern theory of numbers. de fermat

8. WIEM: Fermat Pierre
fermat pierre de (16011665), matematyk i prawnik francuski (radca parlamentuw Tuluzie). Autor prac z dziedziny rachunku prawdopodobienstwa
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
Oferta specjalna abonamentów dla szkó³ i instytucji!
Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Matematyka, Francja
Fermat Pierre
Fermat Pierre de (1601-1665), matematyk i prawnik francuski (radca parlamentu w Tuluzie). Autor prac z dziedziny rachunku prawdopodobieñstwa (prace podstawowe), teorii liczb ( wielkie i ma³e twierdzenia Fermata ), analizy matematycznej (metody znajdywania ekstremum funkcji) i geometrii analitycznej (równania krzywych sto¿kowych). W dziedzinie optyki sformu³owa³ zasadê Fermata WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry

9. Pierre De Fermat | Mathe Board Lexikon
Startseite Mathe Board Lexikon Mathe Tools ... Partner Das Mathe Board: Kostenlose Nachhilfe in Mathematik von der Grundschule bis zur Hochschule. A B C D ... Z
Pierre de Fermat
Definition, Erklärung, Bedeutung
Verbessern Mitmachen
Pierre de Fermat
Pierre de Fermat 17. August 12. Januar ) war ein französischer Fermat war der bedeutendste »Amateur« der Mathematikgeschichte, freilich zu einer Zeit, als die Mathematik als Fach nicht existierte. So beschränkte sich Fermats Einfluss auf Korrespondenz (in Form von Denksportaufgaben) mit anderen Interessierten und auf die von seinem Sohn vorgenommene Ausgabe seines Nachlasses, einschließlich der von ihm kommentierten Arithmetik des Diophant (s.u.). Er hat Beiträge zur Zahlentheorie Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung Variations- und Differentialrechnung geleistet. Nach Fermat sind benannt: Fermatsches Prinzip , ein Variationsprinzip der Optik : »Das Licht nimmt den Weg, auf dem es am schnellsten ist.«, woraus das Reflexionsgesetz und das Snelliussche Brechungsgesetz folgen. Als Fermatsche Zahlen werden sowohl Zahlen der Form 4* n + 1, als auch solche der Form 2

10. Pierre De Fermat
Pierre de Fermat. Pierre de Fermat took the ideas of Descartes andexpanded upon them to give us a complete picture of algebra. He
Pierre de Fermat
Pierre de Fermat took the ideas of Descartes and expanded upon them to give us a complete picture of algebra. He also worked extensively with light and laid the foundation for geometrical optics. In explaining the refraction of light he put forward his "principle of least time" to predict the path followed by a "ray of light". This principle and its variants will show up again in our story. He lived from 1601 to 1665.
Author: Dan Thomas email:
Last Updated: Thursday, July 4, 1996

11. Fermat Pierre De From FOLDOC
fermat pierre de. mathematics, epistemology, philosophy of science,Descartes, Pascal, theory of probability, last theorem French Pierre de

12. Pierre De Fermat
Pierre de Fermat. The Mysteries of the Powers of Integers. Pierre de Fermat wasborn at the 17th of August in 1601 in Beaumont de Lomagne, France.

13. Pierre De Fermat
Pierre de Fermat. External links. Biography of Pierre de Fermat http//;
Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
Pierre de Fermat
Pierre de Fermat August 17 January 12 ) was a French mathematician who is generally given minor credit for the development of modern calculus ; in particular, for his work regarding tangents and stationary points. His work was such that he is sometimes regarded as the "father" of, both, differential calculus and number theory . He also made notable contributions to analytic geometry and probability Fermat was born near Montauban France ; he died at Castres. Fermat worked on number theory while preparing an edition of Diophantus , and the notes and comments thereon contained the numerous theorems of considerable elegance necessary to develop the theory of numbers. Fermat is famous for his "Enigma" that was an extension of Pythagorean Theorem, also known as Fermat's Last Theorem. Together with René Descartes , Fermat was one of the two leading mathematicians of the first half of the 17th century . Independently of Descartes, he discovered the fundamental principle of analytic geometry . Through his correspondence with Blaise Pascal , he was a co-founder of the theory of probability See also:
External links

14. Pierre De Fermat
Pierre de Fermat. Pierre de Fermat was born in 1601 in the French townof Beaumontde-Lomange. Since he was born into a wealthy family
Pierre de Fermat
Pierre de Fermat was born in 1601 in the French town of Beaumont-de-Lomange. Since he was born into a wealthy family, Fermat received his education from a local monastery, and then he studied University of Toulouse. It may seem strange that the instigator of such an infamous problem was not a professional mathematician at all; rather, he was a lawyer. In fact, Fermat was a rather high ranking official in the French government, and he was even appointed to the Parliament of Toulouse.
It was not Fermat's accomplishments as a lawyer that made him famous, however. In his free time, he devoted his attention to the pursuit of mathematics, and it seems that he was quite gifted in this area. Fermat has been dubbed "The Prince of Amateurs" by E.T. Bell, and he has left his mark on the mathematical world in his contributions to mathematics. For example, it was through the correspondence of Fermat and Blaise Pascal that the mathematical representations of the laws of probability were born. Also, it is a common belief that Sir Isaac Newton independently developed the mathematics known as calculus, but a note written by Newton (discovered in 1934) revealed that Newton based his ideas of differential calculus on "Monsieur Fermat's method of drawing tangents."* Even though Fermat's contributions to these branches of mathematics are extremely important, his most profound work involved the theory of numbers.
Fermat was particularly interested in the behavior of numbers, and he enjoyed solving problems in an old text written by Diophantus, the famous Greek mathematician. The name of the text was the

15. Pierre De Fermat
Pierre de Fermat (16011665) studied law at Toulouse. He became councillorfor the parliament of Toulouse in 1631. He published
Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665) studied law at Toulouse. He became councillor for the parliament of Toulouse in 1631. He published an important work describing how to find extrema of curves. Most importantly, he (along with Rene Descartes ) is known as one of the fathers of coordinate geometry.

16. Pierre De Fermat
Pierre de fermat pierre de Fermat (17 augustus 1601 12 januari 1665) was een Frans wiskundige. Hij werd vooral bekend door het
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Pierre de Fermat
Pierre de Fermat 17 augustus 12 januari ) was een Frans wiskundige . Hij werd vooral bekend door het naar hem vernoemde laatste theorema van Fermat , dat niet het laatste was dat hij ooit poneerde, maar wel lange tijd het laatste dat niet was bewezen. Fermat werd geboren in Beaumont-de-Lomagne (Frankrijk) als zoon van Pierre Fermat, een vermogend handelaar in leder en tweede consul van Beaumont-de-Lomagne. In zijn jeugd studeerde hij aan de universiteit van Toulouse . In de tweede helft van de jaren 1620 verhuisde hij naar Bordeaux , waar hij zijn eerste grote stappen zette in onderzoek in de wiskunde. Fermat ging vervolgens naar Orléans waar hij rechten studeerde. Hij verkreeg een graad in het burgerlijk recht en werd staatsambtenaar in Toulouse. Vanwege zijn positie veranderde hij zijn naam in Pierre de Fermat. Hij was dus in eerste plaats jurist. Wiskunde was voor hem slechts een hobby. Fermat is het meest bekend door zijn theorema in de getallenleer dat stelt dat de volgende formule geen oplossing heeft verschillend van voor waarden van n groter dan 2.

17. Pierre De Fermat
Translate this page Pierre de fermat pierre de Fermat. Pierre de Fermat (17 de agostode 1602 en Beaumont-de-Lomagne, Francia - 12 de enero de 1665 en
Pierre de Fermat
Pierre de Fermat Pierre de Fermat 17 de agosto de en Beaumont-de-Lomagne, Francia 12 de enero de en Castres, Francia ) Jurista y renombrado matemático
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18. Pierre De Fermat
PIERRE DE FERMAT. Yogita Chellani. The following account of Fermat s backgroundis taken from Mahoney s book, The Mathematical Career of Pierre de Fermat.
Yogita Chellani
Term Paper, History of Mathematics, Rutgers
The French mathematician Pierre de Fermat(1601-1665) was possibly the most productive mathematician of his era, making many contributions, some of which were to calculus, number theory, and the law of refraction. We will survey those contributions here, paying particular attention to his work in number theory. While relatively little is known of Fermat's early education, it is known that he was of Basque origin and received his primary and secondary education at the monastery of Grandsl ve, run by the Cordeliers (Franciscans), in Beaumont-de-Lomagne. For his advanced studies he first attended the University of Toulouse before moving to Bordeaux in the second half of the 1620's. In Bordeaux (1629) Fermat began his first serious mathematical researches, where he gave a copy of his restoration of Appollonius's Plane Loci to one of the mathematicians there. In Bordeaux he contacted Beaugrand and during this time he produced work on maxima and minima. He gave his work to Etienne de'Espagnet, who shared mathematical interests with Fermat.
    "Fermat's offices made him a member of that social class also and entitled him to add the "de" to his name, which he did from 1631 on." (Mahoney, p.16)

19. Pierre De Fermat - Enciclopedia Libre
Translate this page Ayuda. Pierre de Fermat. Artículo de la Enciclopedia Libre Universalen Español. Pierre de Fermat Jurista y matemático. Nacido
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Pierre de Fermat
Artículo de la Enciclopedia Libre Universal en Español Pierre de Fermat Jurista y matemático. Nacido el 17 de agosto de en Beaumont-de-Lomagne Francia Falleció el 12 de enero de en Castres Francia
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20. Pierre De Fermat -
Pierre de Fermat. Pierre de Fermat, matematiker, jurist, statstjänsteman?,fransman (född den 17 augusti 1601, död den 12 januari 1665).
Pierre de Fermat
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Pierre de Fermat
matematiker jurist , statstjänsteman , fransman (född den 17 augusti 1601 , död den 12 januari 1665 ). Trots att han endast hade matematiken som en hobby lämnade han viktiga bidrag inom både talteori och [analytisk geometri] och arbetade även inom sannolikhetslära och optik Mest bekant är han kanske för den s.k. Fermats sats Hitta mer information om samma ämne på webben På svenska ( Pierre de Fermat ) sök i A D G W ... SAOB A = Alltheweb , D = Dmoz , G = Google , W = Wikipedia , Y = Yahoo , NE = Nationalencyklopedin , SAOB = Svenska Akademiens ordbok Sätt betyg på den här artikeln: Startsida Senaste nytt Länkspegel Inställningar Sök:
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