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1. Pierre De Fermat Pierre de Fermat. Pierre de Fermat ble født 17. august 1601 og døde 12. januar 1665. Denne franske matematikeren gjorde viktige oppdagelser innen analytisk geometri og tallteori, og arbeidet også med http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/3736/fermat.htm | |
2. Philosophers : Pierre De Fermat Pierre de Fermat. French Mathematician. 817-1601 to 12-12-1665. Pierre Fermat sfather was a wealthy leather merchant and second consul of Beaumont- de- Lomagne. http://www.trincoll.edu/depts/phil/philo/phils/fermat.html | |
3. FERMAT Translate this page fermat pierre de (1601-1665). Matemático francés nacido en Beaumontde Lomagne y fellecido en Toulouse. Si Descartes tuvo un rival http://almez.pntic.mec.es/~agos0000/Fermat.html | |
4. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Fermat Pierre De fermat pierre de . Page 1 sur 1.*, Réservé html. Plus de résultats avec MSN pour fermat pierre de . http://fr.encarta.msn.com/Fermat_Pierre_de.html | |
5. Pierre De Fermat - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Pierre de Fermat. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Enlarge Pierrede Fermat. Pierre de Fermat (August 17, 1601 January http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_de_Fermat | |
6. Pierre De Fermat - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Pierre de Fermat. (Redirected from Fermat). Enlarge Pierre de Fermat.Pierre de Fermat (August 17, 1601 January 12, 1665) was http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermat | |
7. Pierre De Fermat -- Encyclopædia Britannica Fermat, Pierre de Encyclopædia Britannica Article. , Fermat, Pierre de French mathematicianwho is often called the founder of the modern theory of numbers. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=34654&tocid=0&query=pierre de fermat |
8. WIEM: Fermat Pierre fermat pierre de (16011665), matematyk i prawnik francuski (radca parlamentuw Tuluzie). Autor prac z dziedziny rachunku prawdopodobienstwa http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/001d27.html | |
9. Pierre De Fermat | Mathe Board Lexikon http://www.matheboard.de/lexikon/index.php/Pierre_de_Fermat | |
10. Pierre De Fermat Pierre de Fermat. Pierre de Fermat took the ideas of Descartes andexpanded upon them to give us a complete picture of algebra. He http://www.chembio.uoguelph.ca/educmat/chm386/rudiment/tourclas/fermat.htm | |
11. Fermat Pierre De From FOLDOC fermat pierre de. mathematics, epistemology, philosophy of science,Descartes, Pascal, theory of probability, last theorem French http://www.swif.uniba.it/lei/foldop/foldoc.cgi?Fermat Pierre de |
12. Pierre De Fermat Pierre de Fermat. The Mysteries of the Powers of Integers. Pierre de Fermat wasborn at the 17th of August in 1601 in Beaumont de Lomagne, France. http://www.surveyor.in-berlin.de/himmel/astro/Fermat-e.html |
13. Pierre De Fermat Pierre de Fermat. External links. Biography of Pierre de Fermat http//wwwgap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Fermat.html; http://www.fact-index.com/p/pi/pierre_de_fermat.html | |
14. Pierre De Fermat Pierre de Fermat. Pierre de Fermat was born in 1601 in the French townof Beaumontde-Lomange. Since he was born into a wealthy family http://www.missouri.edu/~cst398/fermat/contents/fermat.htm | |
15. Pierre De Fermat Pierre de Fermat (16011665) studied law at Toulouse. He became councillorfor the parliament of Toulouse in 1631. He published http://www.brown.edu/Students/OHJC/hm4/fermat.htm | |
16. Pierre De Fermat Pierre de fermat pierre de Fermat (17 augustus 1601 12 januari 1665) was een Frans wiskundige. Hij werd vooral bekend door het http://www.guajara.com/wiki/nl/wikipedia/p/pi/pierre_de_fermat.html | |
17. Pierre De Fermat Translate this page Pierre de fermat pierre de Fermat. Pierre de Fermat (17 de agostode 1602 en Beaumont-de-Lomagne, Francia - 12 de enero de 1665 en http://www.guajara.com/wiki/es/wikipedia/p/pi/pierre_de_fermat.html | |
18. Pierre De Fermat PIERRE DE FERMAT. Yogita Chellani. The following account of Fermat s backgroundis taken from Mahoney s book, The Mathematical Career of Pierre de Fermat. http://www.math.rutgers.edu/~cherlin/History/Papers1999/chellani.html | |
19. Pierre De Fermat - Enciclopedia Libre Translate this page Ayuda. Pierre de Fermat. Artículo de la Enciclopedia Libre Universalen Español. Pierre de Fermat Jurista y matemático. Nacido http://enciclopedia.us.es/index.php/Pierre_de_Fermat | |
20. Pierre De Fermat - Susning.nu Pierre de Fermat. Pierre de Fermat, matematiker, jurist, statstjänsteman?,fransman (född den 17 augusti 1601, död den 12 januari 1665). http://susning.nu/Pierre_de_Fermat | |
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