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81. Fairey Family Genealogy Forum FAIRY/farey/FAIREY Marlene 1/07/03 Fairey/Yeriaf Clockmakers,Jewellers London1800 s john Henry PRICE maybe FAIRY - Marlene 9/21/02 FAIREY FAMILY HUNTS http://genforum.genealogy.com/fairey/ | |
82. Jazz On Compact Disc @ Crazy Jazz - Delmark Records 27315 BAY CITY JAZZ BAND EVERETT farey / john BOLAND / LLOYD BYASSEE / BOB NEIGHBOR/ JIM SNYDER / john COOPER / JACK KUNCL / MIKE WALBRIDGE / GRANA LOUIS http://www.crazyjazz.co.uk/labels/d/delmark.htm | |
83. John Whitehurst And 18th Century Geology William Martin (17671810), a Derbyshire drawing master and palaeontologist,who published the first scientific accounts of fossils. john farey (1766 http://www.search.revolutionaryplayers.org.uk/engine/resource/exhibition/standar |
84. Cornell Math - Topology & Geometric Group Theory Seminar 1999-2000 spherical buildings. Tuesday, March 7, john Hubbard, Cornell UniversityOn the topology and homology of farey blowups. Tuesday, March http://www.math.cornell.edu/Colloquia/Topology/1999-00.html | |
85. The Scientific Letters Of Sir Joseph Banks Cavendish; William Curtis; Erasmus Darwin; Humphry Davy; James Dickson; Jonas Dryander;john Ellis; Thomas Falconer; Charles Greville; john farey; Sir William http://www.nhm.ac.uk/hosted_sites/banks/scientific_letters.htm | |
86. TEST This sequence bears name of one of its inventors, john farey, and it\ s a quitefunny story, you can read more about it at http//www.cutthe-knot.com/blue http://www.nio.ntnu.no/neoboard/neoboard.php?action=read&msg_id=65 |
87. Tesi - Le Serie Di Farey Translate this page john farey era un geologo, non un matematico, ma il suo nome è legato ad unosservazionematematica fatta in un giornale (pubblicato nel 1816), nel quale http://tesi.cab.unipd.it:8500/archive/00000107/ | |
88. Patrick - Smith's Isle Of Man Commercial Directory 1883 joiner, Foxdale Teare Daniel, farmer, Slieuwhallin Teare Edward farmer, Carne-GriceTeare Edward, farmer, farey-braid Teare john, bootmaker, Glenrushen Teare http://www.isle-of-man.com/manxnotebook/fulltext/sm1883/pk.htm | |
89. SS > NF Reviews > John Horton Conway john Horton Conway, Richard K. Guy. farey fractions, Ford circles, Euler s totientnumbers, decimal expansions, shuffling, Long primes, pythogorean fractions. http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~susan/bib/nf/c/conway.htm | |
90. NSGGA Bulletin 58 Articles Publications. Ford, TD Torrens, HS 2001 **. A farey story the pioneergeologist john farey (17661826). Geology Today 17 March-April 2001 pp.59-68. http://www.esci.keele.ac.uk/nsgga/bulletin/bull058.html | |
91. CEASR Research Staff Dalton, RT, (1999) john fareys Derbyshire Sheep Farming in Derbyshire inthe Early Nineteenth Century, Derbyshire Miscellany, 15.4. pp.115120. http://www.derby.ac.uk/seas/ceasr/staff/detailstaff.asp?ID=88 |
92. [gr-qc/9612066] The Mixmaster Universe: A Chaotic Farey Tale 9612066. From Neil john Cornish view email Date Mon, 30 Dec 1996213624 GMT (440kb) The mixmaster universe A chaotic farey tale. http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/9612066 | |
93. Burness Genealogy And Family History - Person Page 119 She was born on 28 December 1888 at St Giles, London, England. She marriedJohn farey on 16 September 1922 at Epsom, Surrey, England. http://www.burness.ca/p119.htm | |
94. John W. Minnie E. (Penninger) Tuckness, Jr. john Wesley Tuckness, Jr. Born December 19, 1870 County, Missouri.Mother Nancy Dodd Father john Wesley Tuckness. Married Minnie http://tuckness.com/henry/johnwesley/johnwesleytucknessjr.htm | |
95. John Wesley Tuckness john Wesley Tuckness. Born 1835 in Tennessee Died 1874 near Fort Scott, Kansas,shot by a bandit. Mother Sarah Sims Father Henry Tuckness. more on john Wesley. http://tuckness.com/henry/johnwesley/ | |
96. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS He was a big enough man among the gentleman farmers of Derbyshire for john Fareyto seek and quote his views in his general view of the agriculture and http://www.brassington.org/monument.htm | |
97. Stoke Bruerne,Northamptonshire,England - Pafg46 - Generated By Personal Ancestra M, xi, john Wilkens was born on 17 Apr 1850 in Stoke Bruerne, Northants GeorgeFarey Parents was born about 1831 in Risley, Bedfordshire, England and was http://www.tech2u.com.au/~normtew/sbn/pafg46.htm | |
98. Greg Anton - Posters, T-Shirts, Pictures, Concert Tickets, Memorabilia, Photos Greg Anton, Rock posters, vintage tshirts, concert tickets, and rock concert memorabilia from the Fillmore East and West. Concert posters, rock http://www.wolfgangsvault.com/Catalog.aspx?PerformingArtistID=8832 |
99. Days Of Future Passed(2004-01-15) The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://gabriel.tdiary.net/20040115.html | |
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