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41. Adams, Rebecca Elizabeth (b. 1859) Aldridge, Harold Lee Ames LouisJoseph (b. 1745) Edom, john (b. 1806) Edom, Olive Eudora Dora (b. 1861)Elliott, Lucinda Ellen Ella (b. 1856) Elliott, William farey, Alice F. (b http://webpages.charter.net/jstewart/Sanburn/nameindx.htm | |
43. More From The People We Talked To john and Sue run Albion Books, Canterbury, website http//www.cantweb.co.uk/booksfor any books by or about Marlowe. 9. Peter farey. http://www.muchadoaboutsomething.com/morePeople-2.html | |
44. People We Talked To Peter farey has had an interest in Christopher Marlowe from his schooldays when,as a member of Marlowe house at Dulwich College. Read more about Peter. john http://www.muchadoaboutsomething.com/people.html | |
45. Act For Naturalization, 1705 Francis Ribot, Peter Faure, john Joanny, James Champagne, and others, (To Witt) StephenMallet, john Say, Abraham Moulins, john farey, Stephen Chastain, Peter http://huguenot-manakin.org/1705act.htm | |
46. John DiFrances In his pastime, john enjoys nautical adventures on the Great Limited, Fairey MicrofiltrexIncorporated, Fairey Microfiltrex Limited, farey Systems Incorporated http://www.wisconsinspeakers.com/speakers/h0005.html | |
47. The Journal Of Symbolic Logic, Volume 56 608617; I. Aguzarov, RE farey, john B. Goode An Infinite Superstable GroupHas Infinitely Many Conjugacy Classes. 618-623; john B. Goode Some Trivial http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/journals/jsyml/jsyml56.html | |
48. Genealogy Data Father farey, Thomas Mother DAVIS, Ann Maria. Family Marriage 5 Nov 1861 inSidney,New South Wales,Astl Spouse CALDWELL, john JR Birth 1840 Limerick http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/6455/dat66.htm | |
49. Farey Sequence XVI farey sequences are named after the British geologist john farey, whose letterabout these sequences was published in the Philosophical Magazine in 1816. http://www.sciencedaily.com/encyclopedia/farey_sequence | |
50. HotDog Express For AOL Hometown Document Joseph Emil farey was born 13 February 1878 at San Francisco, San Francisco County SteamboatRound the Bend 1935 with Will Rogers, Irvin Cobb and john McGuire http://hometown.aol.com/genenut/GAILFILE.html | |
51. La Galaxie Des Pasteur - Act For Naturalization On Jean Pasteur And Others - May Translate this page (To Witt) Stephen Mallet, john Say, Abraham Moulins, john farey, Stephen Chastain,Peter du Foy, Abraham Minot, James Ribbeau, Isaac Parentos, Peter Fellon http://php.pasteur.net/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=133 |
52. AIM25: Royal Society: Smeaton, John (1724-1792) System of arrangement Classified by john farey from 1821 under six headingsWindmills and Watermills for Grinding Corn; Mills for various purposes and http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/frames/fulldesc?inst_id=18&coll_id=5968 |
53. AIM25: Royal Society: Smeaton, John (1724-1792) 3.3.2 Appraisal, destruction and scheduling information 3.3.3 Accruals 3.3.4System of arrangement Classified by john farey from 1821 under six headings http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/frames/fulldesc?inst_id=18&coll_id=5968&full=1&te |
54. GENUKI: Long Eaton, Derbyshire - Names From A History Of Long Eaton & District Nottingham Derby Railway, 1839. farey, john snr, General View of the Agricultureof Derbyshire 3 vols, 1817. Fawcett, C B. Long Eaton. Field, H (Ed). http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/eng/DBY/LongEaton/Names.html | |
55. Une Bonne Promotion Translate this page Euler, Leonhard, 1707, 1783, Sarrus, Pierre, 1798, 1861. farey, john, 1766, 1826,Schmidt, Erhard, 1876, 1959. Féjer, Leopold, 1880, 1959, Schwarz, Hermann Amandus,1843, 1921. http://vivent.les.math.free.fr/matheux.html | |
56. Farey Sekvence farey sekvence být pojmenovaný po Britové geolog john farey, jeho dopiso techto sekvencích byl publikoval v Filozofický casopis v 1816. http://wikipedia.infostar.cz/f/fa/farey_sequence.html | |
57. Die Neue MGG - Stichwortverzeichnis Personen A Translate this page Fantini, Girolamo, SL. al-Farabi, Abu Nasr Muuammad b. Muuammad b. Tarhan, Braune,Gabriele. farey, john, Auhagen, Wolfgang. Farina, Carlo, Steinheuer, Joachim. http://www.mgg-online.com/mggpers-f.htm | |
58. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page 263) Fabri, Honoré (360) Fagnano, Giovanni (64) Fagnano, Giulio (104) Faille, Charlesde La Faltings, Gerd (275*) Fano, Gino (130*) farey, john (1137) Farisi http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm | |
59. Mailgate: Humanities.lit.authors.shakespeare: Re: HLAS FAQ (Humanities.Lit.Autho OXFORDIANS Neuendorffer Richard Kennedy etc. MARLOVIANS ChristianLanciai Peter farey john Baker etc. You get the picture. http://mailgate.supereva.it/humanities/humanities.lit.authors.shakespeare/msg161 | |
60. RE: Haros And Farey (and One BTW Question) By Julio Gonzalez Cabillon john farey s original 1816 paper * is reproduced in Bruckheimer Arcavi s fareyseries and Pick s area theorem Mathematical Intelligencer, vol. 17, no. http://mathforum.org/epigone/math-history-list/shertweblul/ | |
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