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1. Catalogue CATALOGUE OF EARLY SCIENTIFIC WORKS, PRINCIPALLY ANTERIOR TO THE PUBLICATION OF THE. CENTURY OF INVENTIONS, IN 1663; WITH A FEW MODERN AUTHORITIES ON MECHANICAL INVENTIONS, AFFORDING. COLLATERAL ILLUSTRATIONS. Life of James Watt. BABINGTON, JOHN, Pyrotechnia or, A Discourse of Artificiall Fire works Information, mentioned by TrithemiuS." farey john. A treatise on the Steam Engine http://www.history.rochester.edu/steam/dircks/catalogue.html | |
2. Farey John Farey. Born 1766 John Farey has been included in this archivedespite being a geologist and not a mathematician. The reason http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Farey.html | |
3. Www.comanducci.it/database/risultati.asp?Ricerca=FAREY%20John Archives Hub Eyles Collection DM 1313 Wills of Rev. John Buckland and Rev. William Buckland, Dean of Westminster,1831-1857. DM 1386 - Material relating to John Farey, 1806-1822. http://www.comanducci.it/database/risultati.asp?Ricerca=FAREY John |
4. Weymouth,Dorset,England. History & Heritage - Melcombe Regis - Pigots Directory Farey William. Gardner William. Hughes Wm.Charles. Inkpen Joseph. Jenkins FrancisKiddle. Mayne James. Nobbs Edward. Rolls John. Rolls Richard. farey john. NathanJos. http://www.weymouth.here-on-the.net/melcombe1844.html | |
5. GENUKI: Selby Directory Of Trades And Professions For 1822 Coal Merchants, Linley John, Quay; Liversedge William, Millgate. Coopers,farey john, Quay; Hood George, Wren lane; Scawby George, Millgate. http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/eng/YKS/WRY/Selby/Selby22Dry.html | |
6. Solicitors Liversedge - UK Directory Of Solicitors And Related Resources. Attornies and Solicitors,. Dodsworth John Gowthorpe Linley John, Quay. LiversedgeWilliam, Millgate. Coopers,. farey john, Quay www.genuki.org.uk. http://www.esolicitorsdirectory.co.uk/Solicitors-Liversedge.php | |
7. The Farey Room The work was inspired by a Christmas reading of the Contorted Fractions chapterof john Conway s On Numbers and Games . The importance of farey Trees to http://linas.org/art-gallery/farey/fthumb.html |
8. JOHN FAREY farey, john (17661826), English geologist, was born at Woburn in Bedfordshire~fl 1766. He was educated showed such apti. john farey. http://47.1911encyclopedia.org/F/FA/FAREY_JOHN.htm | |
9. JOHN FAREY john farey. farey, john (17661826), English geologist, was born at Woburn in Bedfordshire ~fl 1766 was brought under the notice of john Smeaton (1724-1792). In 1792 he was http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/F/FA/FAREY_JOHN.htm | |
10. Farey Biography of john farey (17661826) john farey. Born 1766 in Woburn, Bedfordshire, England john farey has been included in this archive despite being a geologist and not a mathematician http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Farey.html | |
11. References For Farey References for john farey. Biography in Dictionary 67. john farey (17661826),Dictionary of National Biography (London, 1897), 367-370. J farey http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Farey.html | |
12. The Genealogy Of Jeanette Wallace Nee Pearce - Name Index - Generated By Persona farey, john c.1788 Cogenhoe, Northants farey, john Morris c.1790 - Cogenhoe, Northants. farey, Joseph c.1798 - Cogenhoe, Northants. farey, Joseph c.1837 - Cogenhoe, Northants. farey http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~jeanettewallace/index3.htm | |
13. Athenaeum Single-field Search Results Athenaeum Singlefield Search Results. Author contains farey, john .Reviews. Issue 045, 03/09/28 p. 708-710 Heading The Steam-Engine http://oldspice.soi.city.ac.uk/project/athenaeum/scientific/sfsearch.cgi?F=A&T=F |
14. Names People whose names are embedded in Math Subject Classifcation (1991 version). This file is in several parts. 1. Short introduction 2. The list of names 3. Insightful or amusing comments about what can be found in the list. 3A. Engel Enriques Epstein Erdos Euclid Euler Fano farey Fatou Fermat Feynman Fibonacci Finsler Fitting Fokker sequences, See also {55R20, 55T20} is john C. Moore. However, the Moore http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/98/MSC.names |
15. Athenaeum: Search By Author EXLEY, Thomas (1). Top of Page. farey, john (1) FIELDING, TH (1) FLEMING,Dr. (1) FONTANIER, V. (2) FRANKLAND, Capt. Charles Colville (3 http://oldspice.soi.city.ac.uk/project/athenaeum/scientific/A.sf.html | |
16. Farey Series john farey was a somewhat versatile man who lived in the Napoleonic era music, decimal coinage, carriage wheels, comets and farey series! He did not consider his discovery http://www.cut-the-knot.com/blue/FareyHistory.html | |
17. The Farey Room by a Christmas reading of the Contorted Fractions chapter of john Conway s On quickiebibliography below was scammed from http//www.math.uwn.edu/farey.html http://linas.org/art-gallery/farey/farey.html |
18. Sound Hole First called Wide Hole the band began when Mario Cipollina, Bill Gibson and johnfarey were all in high school. john farey, Trombone, Keyboards, Sly Stone. http://www.bay-area-bands.com/bab00018.htm | |
19. Websters Instrument Makers Database - Letter F Northampton. RSW. farey, john, JNR. England, fl.17911851, MIM NIM in 1813; ellipsograph signed "Invented and Made by john farey, Jnr"; suggested inverting the slide on the Soho http://www.adlerplanetarium.org/history/websters/f.htm | |
20. Zero Bay Area musicians from the psychedelic caravan, sharing the same spirit john Cipollina,john Kahn, Banana, Martin Fierro, Bobby Vega, john farey and Steve http://www.bay-area-bands.com/bab00044.htm | |
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