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81. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page Francesco (521*) Faber,Georg (263) Fabri, Honoré (360) Fagnano, Giovanni (64)Fagnano, Giulio (104) Faille, Charles de La (233) faltings, gerd (275*) Fano http://www.maththinking.com/boat/mathematicians.html | |
82. ICM 94: Abstract The ubiquity of stability in algebraic geometry. gerd faltings (Princeton University,Princeton, New Jersey 08540, USA MaxPlanck-Institut, Bonn, Germany). http://www.ams.org/mathweb/icm94/06.faltings.html | |
83. Page014 1983 Mordell s conjecture. The truth of Mordell s conjecture was establishedby gerd faltings, who received the Fields Medal in 1986. http://www.math.utoledo.edu/~jevard/Page014.htm | |
84. Universität Münster: Pressemitteilung Upm 840 Analysis erwartet, das am Freitag und Samstag, 26./27. Dr. gerd faltings. http://www.uni-muenster.de/Rektorat/upm/upm00840.htm | |
85. Forschung An Der Universität Münster: Geschichte Der Universität Translate this page gerd faltings, geboren 1954, zählt zu den bedeutenden Mathematikern derGegenwart. Hans Blumenberg, Johannes Georg Bednorz, gerd faltings. http://www.uni-muenster.de/Rektorat/forschung/fors-gs1.htm | |
86. CheatHouse.com - The History Of Fermats Last Theorem Current Status Of Fermat 1801 Carl Friedrich Gauss 1824 Niels Henrik Abel 1846 1922Louis J 1955 Yutaka Taniyama 1977 Barry Mazur 1983 gerd faltings proved the http://www.cheathouse.com/eview/11032-the-history-of-fermats-last-theorem.html | |
87. Number Theory Seminar Michaelmas 03 Tuesday 28 October at 17.00 in MR2. gerd faltings (Bonn) padic Hodge theory(Kuwait Foundation Lecture) gerd faltings (Bonn) p-adic Hodge theory II http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/Seminars/NumberT/NT-M03.html | |
88. Idw - Komplexe Analysis Analysis erwartet, das am Freitag und Samstag, 26./27. Dr. gerd faltings. http://idw-online.de/public/pmid-5395/zeige_pm.html | |
89. Moderne Mathematik vers. von gerd faltings. http://kirke.hbz-nrw.de/dcb/447/Alle_000/Buecher_31/in_NRW_42/000114120.html | |
90. Literatur Translate this page Univ. Sarav. No.1 (1986). 51 gerd faltings Der Beweis der Fermat-Vermutungdurch R. Taylor und A. Wiles, Mitteilungen d. Dt. Math.-Verein. 2/1995. http://www.uni-bayreuth.de/departments/math/serv/studfuehr/Fragen/node8.html | |
91. Lectures On The Arithmetic Riemann-Roch Theorem (Annals Of Lectures on the Arithmetic RiemannRoch Theorem (Annalsof Mathematics Studies) - gerd faltings. http://www.co-uk-shopping.com/cat-278354/Books/Science-&-Nature/Mathematics/Geom |
92. LIDOS BibTeX Database File Faltings_a28372-99.bib Physics}, EDITOR = {B. faltings and P. Struss}, PUBLISHER = {MIT Press}, ADDRESS= {Cambridge, MA}, PAGES = {435449}, KEYWORDS = {}}. gerd Herzog Last update http://www.dfki.uni-sb.de/imedia/lidos/bibtex/Faltings_a28372-99.html | |
93. The Proof Of Fermats Last Theorem By R. Taylor And A. Wiles JULY1995NOTICES OF THEAMS743The Proof of FermatsLast Theorem byR. Taylor and A. WilesGerd faltings The proof of the conjecture mentioned in. the title was finally completed in Septem ber of 1994. A . http://www.ams.org/notices/199507/faltings.pdf |
94. Biography-center - Letter F Falret, Jean Pierre www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/2158.html; faltings, Gerdwwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/faltings.html; http://www.biography-center.com/f.html | |
95. Internet Archive: Most Downloaded Films The construction uses the reduction to generic Borels. Speaker gerd FaltingsDate Wednesday March 20, 2002 1130 AM 1230 PM Produced Mar. http://www.archive.org/movies/movies-searchresults.php?submit=MostPopular&limit= |
96. Mathématiques - Alexandre Bouffier Simon K., Grande-Bretagne variétés différentiables de dimension 4; http://www.bouffier.org/fr/maths.html | |
97. Descripteur - Variete Abelienne , 1990, xii-316 p. Primalty testing and abelian varieties over finite fields, http://www.math.univ-rennes1.fr/bibli/catalogue/Thesaurus.htm&numrec=05190665791 | |
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