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         Faltings Gerd:     more books (16)
  1. Rational Points: Seminar Bonn/Wuppertal 1983/84 (Aspects of Mathematics)
  2. Lectures on the Arithmetic Riemann-Roch Theorem. (AM-127) by Gerd Faltings, 1992-02-19
  3. Degeneration of Abelian Varieties (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 3. Folge A Series of Modern Surveys in Mathematics) by Gerd Faltings, Ching-Li Chai, 2010-11-02
  4. Leibnizpreisträger: Jürgen Habermas, Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, Gerd Faltings, Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Preis, Berthold Beitz (German Edition)
  5. Mitglied Der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften: Ilya Prigogine, Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, Kurt Alder, Gerd Faltings (German Edition)
  6. Hochschullehrer (Bergische Universität Wuppertal): Gerd Faltings, Karl-Heinz Petzinka, Johannes Harder, Lew Sinowjewitsch Kopelew, Peter Dienel (German Edition)
  7. University of Wuppertal: University of Wuppertal Faculty, Walter Thiel, Gerd Faltings, Karl Albert
  8. Gerd Faltings Proves Mordell's Conjecture (1983): An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Brooke Coates, 2001
  9. Gerd Faltings: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Adrienne Wilmoth Lerner, 2001
  10. Träger Der Fields-Medaille: Gerd Faltings, Alexander Grothendieck, Grigori Jakowlewitsch Perelman, Jean-Pierre Serre, Laurent Schwartz (German Edition)
  11. Rational points: Seminar Bonn / Wuppertal 1983/84 (Aspects of mathematics) by Gerd Faltings, 1986
  12. Inventiones Mathematicae: Vol. 159, Fasc. 3, 2005 by Jean-Michel; Gerd Faltings (eds.) Bismut, 2005
  13. Inventiones Mathematicae: Vol. 160, Fasc. 1, 2005 by Jean-Michel; Gerd Faltings (eds.) Bismut, 2005
  14. Inventiones Mathematicae: Vol. 159, Fasc. 2, 2005 by Jean-Michel; Gerd Faltings (eds.) Bismut, 2005

1. Faltings
Gerd Faltings. Born Gerd Faltings studied for his doctorate at the Universityof Münster, being awarded his Ph.D. in 1978. Following
Gerd Faltings
Born: 28 July 1954 in Gelsenkirchen-Buer, Germany
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to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Gerd Faltings In 1979 Faltings returned to Germany, taking up an appointment as professor of mathematics at the University of Wuppertal. In 1985 Faltings was appointed to the faculty at Princeton. Faltings proved conjectures by Mordell In 1986 Faltings received the highest honour that a young mathematician can receive when he was awarded a Fields Medal at the International Congress of Mathematicians at Berkeley. At the Congress B Mazur gave an address describing the work by Faltings which had led to the award. He received the medal primarily for his proof of the Mordell Conjecture which he achieved using methods of arithmetic algebraic geometry Faltings has been closely linked with the work leading to the final proof of Fermat's Last Theorem by Andrew Wiles . In 1983 Faltings proved that for every n coprime integers x y z with x n y n z n . This was a major step but a proof that the finite number was in all cases did not seem likely to follow by extending Falting's arguments. However, Faltings was the natural person that

2. Faltings
Translate this page faltings gerd, allemand, 1954-. Ce mathématicien allemand, professeuren la célèbre université (privée) américaine de Princeton
FALTINGS Gerd, allemand, 1954- conjecture de Mordell Fields Wiles , du Bourgain Zelmanov © Serge MEHL

3. Médailles Fields
Translate this page 1986 (Berkeley) faltings gerd, Allemagne preuve de la conjecture de Mordell DONALDSONSimon K., Grande-Bretagne variétés différentiables de dimension 4
LES MEDAILLES FIELDS historique du prix
  • 1936 (Oslo) : AHLFORS Lars, Finlande
    DOUGLAS Jesse, Etats-Unis
    1950 (Harvard) : SCHWARTZ Laurent , France
    fonctions z de Riemann
    1954 (Amsterdam) : KODAIRA Kunihiko , Japon
    SERRE Jean-Pierre
    , France
    1958 (Edimbourg) : , France
    ROTH Klaus Friedrich
    , Grande-Bretagne
    (nombres transcendants)
    1962 (Stockholm) : MILNOR John, Etats-Unis cobordisme 1966 (Moscou) : COHEN Paul Joseph , Etats-Unis SMALE Stephen, Etats-Unis , n GROTHENDIECK Alexander , France ATIYAH Michael Francis, Grande-Bretagne 1970 (Nice) : BAKER Alan , Grande-Bretagne (nombres transcendants) THOMPSON John , Grande-Bretagne HIRONAKA Heisuke, Japon/USA 1974 (Vancouver) : BOMBIERI Enrico, Italie (nombres premiers) MUMFORD David Briant, Etats-Unis 1978 (Helsinki) : DELIGNE Pierre , Belgique FEFFERMAN Charles Louis, Etats-Unis QUILLEN Daniel G., Etats-Unis MARGULIS Gregory A., U.R.S.S. groupes de Lie 1982 (Varsovie) : CONNES Alain , France Von Neumann SHING-TUNG Yau, Etats-Unis

4. Journal Fur Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik Vol. 483 (1997)
subvarieties of hypersurfaces 61 Chan Claire C. Complete minimal hypersurfaces withprescribed asymptotics at infinity 163 faltings gerd Explicit resolution of
Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik Vol. 483 (1997) AUTHOR TITLE PAGE Amerik Ekaterina On codimension-two subvarieties of hypersurfaces 61 Chan Claire C. Complete minimal hypersurfaces with prescribed asymptotics at infinity 163 Faltings Gerd Explicit resolution of local singularities of moduli-spaces 183 Harris Michael L-functions and periods of polarized regular motives 75 Peller V.V., Continuity properties of best analytic N.J. Young approximation 1 Simis Aron, Tangent star cones 23 Bernd Ulrich, Wolmer V. Vasconcelos Tsai I-Hsun Domonating the varieties of general type 197 Ulrich Bernd Sihe Simis Aron Young N.J. Siehe Peller V.V.

5. Books.MusicaBona.Cz Geometry Index Autorù
Eom Essen ARP Van Den Euclid Ewald Gunter Ewing JH F Fadell ER Fadell Edward R.Falb Peter Falconer KJ Falconer KJ Falconer Kenneth faltings gerd Feder Jens

6. Books.MusicaBona.Cz Mathematics Index Autorù
Faigle Ulrich Faires Douglas Faires Douglas J. Faires J. Douglas Faith Carl FalbPeter Falconer KJ Falconer KJ Falconer Kenneth Falin GI faltings gerd Fan J

7. Gerd Faltings --  Encyclopædia Britannica
MLA style " gerd faltings." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service APA style gerd faltings. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved April 27, 2004

faltings, gerd Toroidal resolution of some matrix singularities. In Faber, Carel u.a. ( Hg.), Moduli of Abelian varieties, Boston Birkhaeuser, 2001, 157184.
BBAW Publikationen Publikationslisten 2001 FALTINGS, GERD
FALTINGS, GERD: Toroidal resolution of some matrix singularities. In: Faber, Carel u.a. (Hg.), Moduli of Abelian varieties, Boston: Birkhaeuser, 2001, 157-184.

9. References For Faltings
References for gerd faltings. Articles HH Andersen, Why gerd faltingsgot the Fields medal (Danish), Normat 35 (3) (1987), 8997; 128.
References for Gerd Faltings
  • Biography in Encyclopaedia Britannica. Articles:
  • H H Andersen, Why Gerd Faltings got the Fields medal (Danish), Normat
  • B Mazur, On some of the mathematical contributions of Gerd Faltings, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Berkeley 1986 (Providence, RI, 1987), 7-12.
  • L D Olson, Mordell-Faltings' theorem (Norwegian), Normat
  • F Oort, In 1983 Faltings proved conjectures by Mordell, Shafarevich and Tate, CWI Newslett.
  • S Saito, The contributions of Gerd Faltings (Japanese), Sugaku Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index
    History Topics
    ... Anniversaries for the year
    JOC/EFR April 1998 School of Mathematics and Statistics
    University of St Andrews, Scotland
    The URL of this page is:
  • 10. MathNet-Fields Medals
    ?, 1 faltings, gerd Toroidal resolutions for some matrix singularities. 14D258 faltings, gerd The general case of S. Lang s conjecture. Faltings

    11. Faltings
    Biography of gerd faltings (19540BC) gerd faltings. Born 28 July 1954 in Gelsenkirchen-Buer, Germany gerd faltings studied for his doctorate at the University of Münster, being awarded his
    Gerd Faltings
    Born: 28 July 1954 in Gelsenkirchen-Buer, Germany
    Click the picture above
    to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
    Gerd Faltings In 1979 Faltings returned to Germany, taking up an appointment as professor of mathematics at the University of Wuppertal. In 1985 Faltings was appointed to the faculty at Princeton. Faltings proved conjectures by Mordell In 1986 Faltings received the highest honour that a young mathematician can receive when he was awarded a Fields Medal at the International Congress of Mathematicians at Berkeley. At the Congress B Mazur gave an address describing the work by Faltings which had led to the award. He received the medal primarily for his proof of the Mordell Conjecture which he achieved using methods of arithmetic algebraic geometry Faltings has been closely linked with the work leading to the final proof of Fermat's Last Theorem by Andrew Wiles . In 1983 Faltings proved that for every n coprime integers x y z with x n y n z n . This was a major step but a proof that the finite number was in all cases did not seem likely to follow by extending Falting's arguments. However, Faltings was the natural person that

    12. MathNet-Fields Medals
    ISBN 08176-3440-1 14K25 (11F27 14K05 22D10) 14 faltings, gerd; Chai, Ching-LiDegeneration of abelian varieties. With an appendix by David Mumford. Bryant Mumford

    13. The Trace Formula And Drinfeldâ S Upper Halfplane
    The trace formula and Drinfeldâ s upper halfplane euclid.dmj/1077286971 Citation Duke Math. J. 76 (1994), no. 2, 467481 faltings, gerd gerd faltings

    14. Search Results For Conjecture - Encyclopædia Britannica
    View Article Index Entry. faltings, gerd German mathematician who wasawarded the Fields Medal in 1986 for his work in algebraic geometry.

    15. Archimedes Plutonium Autobiography
    Wiles's 2nd proof has the great weight of gerd faltings behind it, . ." Prince DeBroglie " ; and this is the solution
    AUTOBIO: 1994 Nov+Dec
    by Archimedes Plutonium this is a return to my website location

    16. Bookmarks For Bradley Wayne Brock
    Items Authored by faltings, gerd. Items Authored by Drinfel\cprime d, V also Serre, Bombieri, Grothendieck, Mumford, Deligne, faltings, and Drinfeld. from above
    Bookmarks for Bradley Wayne Brock
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    also Faltings, Oort, Katsura, Ogus

    17. Papers
    Talk, MSRI, 4/26/1993. faltings, gerd. Arithmetic RiemannRoch Talk, MSRI, 4/26/1993. faltings, gerd. On Drinfel'd conjecture
    Filed papers, and notes from talks
    • Preprint, 1984
    • Abbena, Elsa; Grassi, Antonella Hermitian left invariant metrics on complex Lie groups and cosymplectic Hermitian manifolds
    • Preprint
    • Aberbach, Ian; Huneke, Craig A theorem of Briancon-Skoda type for regular local rings containing a field
    • Ch. 2 in "Geometric Invariance in Computer Vision"
    • Abhyankar, Shreeram Invariant Theory and Enumerative Combinatorics of Young Tableaux
    • Ch. 2 in "Algebraic Geometry and its Applications"
    • Abhyankar, Shreeram Square-root Parametrization of Plane Curves
    • Current Science, 63, 5, 9/1992
    • Abhyankar, Shreeram Resolution of singularities in various characteristics
    • Discrete Applied Math. 31 (1991) 81-96
    • Abhyankar, Shreeram; Chandrasekar, Srinivasan; Chandru, Vijaya Intersection of algebraic space curves
    • J. Reine Angew. Math. 276 (1975) 149-166
    • Abhyankar, Shreeram; Moh Tzuong-tsieng Embeddings of the line in the plane
    • Preprint, 1995
    • Abkulut, S. Lectures on Seiberg-Witten Invariants
    • Talk, Univ. of Chicago, 5/28/97
    • Abramovich, Dan Stable reduction for fibred surfaces
    • Lecture notes
    • Abramovich, Dan

    18. Faltings, G.: Lectures On The Arithmetic Riemann-Roch Theorem. (AM-127).
    of the book Lectures on the Arithmetic RiemannRoch Theorem. (AM-127) by faltings, G., published by Princeton University Press AM-127) gerd faltings. Paper 1992 $26.95......
    University Press SEARCH:
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    Lectures on the Arithmetic Riemann-Roch Theorem. (AM-127)
    Gerd Faltings
    118 pp.
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    Reviews Table of Contents The arithmetic Riemann-Roch Theorem has been shown recently by Bismut-Gillet-Soul. The proof mixes algebra, arithmetic, and analysis. The purpose of this book is to give a concise introduction to the necessary techniques, and to present a simplified and extended version of the proof. It should enable mathematicians with a background in arithmetic algebraic geometry to understand some basic techniques in the rapidly evolving field of Arakelov-theory. Review: "This treatise provides a new approach to the arithmetic Riemann-Roch problem, and a widely algebraic-geometric method to solve it." Table of Contents: Introduction List of Symbols Lecture 1 Classical Riemann-Roch Theorem Lecture 2 Chern Classes of Arithmetic Vector Bundles Lecture 3 Laplacians and Heat Kernels Lecture 4 The Local Index Theorem for Dirac Operators Lecture 5 Number Operators and Direct Images Lecture 6 Arithmetic Riemann-Roch Theorem Lecture 7 The Theorem of Bismut-Vasserot References Series:

    19. Faltings, Gerd
    Translate this page Prof. Dr. gerd faltings. Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik. Vivatsgasse7 53111 Bonn. 02 28/40 22 28 02 28/40 22 77 gerd@mpim-bonn
    Prof. Dr. Gerd Faltings
    Vivatsgasse 7
    53111 Bonn


    20. 11G: Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry (Diophantine Geometry)
    0387-90837-4. faltings, gerd, "Neuere Entwicklungen in der arithmetischen algebraischen Providence, RI, 1987. faltings, gerd, "Recent progress in Diophantine geometry", Lecture
    Search Subject Index MathMap Tour ... Help! ABOUT: Introduction History Related areas Subfields
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    11G: Arithmetic algebraic geometry (Diophantine geometry)
    This section is the intersection of fields 11 (Number Theory) and 14 (Algebraic Geometry). The typical question in this area asks, "Are there any points on this variety (i.e., whose coordinates satisfy certain polynomial equations) whose coordinates are rational?" For example, the answer is "yes" when the coordinates are to satisfy the equation x^2+y^2=1 but "no" when the coordinates are to satisfy y^2=x^3-5. However, for simplicity we have placed most materials regarding this topic with the corresponding section of 14: Algebraic Geometry Attached below are a few topics on a related theme: what number-theoretic questions can we ask (and answer) regarding geometric figures?
    Applications and related fields
    Material on elliptic curves is collected in see also 11Dxx, 14-XX, 14Gxx, 14Kxx
    • Elliptic curves over global fields, See also 14H52

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