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         Fagnano Giulio:     more detail
  1. Produzioni matematiche del conte Giulio Carlo di Fagnano, marchese de'Toschi, e di Sant'Onorio, nobile romano, e patrizio senogagliese (Italian Edition) by Giulio Carlo, conte di, marchese de'Toschi, . Fagnano, 1750-01-01

21. Biografia De Fagnano Dei Toschi E Di Sant'Ónofrio, Giulio Carlo
giulio Carlo. (Senigallia, 1682-id., 1766) Matemático italiano. Su principal contribución
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(Senigallia, 1682- id ., 1766) Matemático italiano. Su principal contribución a la matemática consiste en un original sistema para resolver el problema de la rectificación de la elipse y la parábola. Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

22. Full Alphabetical Index
Translate this page Faà di Bruno, Francesco (521) Faber,Georg (263) Fabri, Honoré (360) fagnano, Giovanni(64) fagnano, giulio (104) Faille, Charles de La Fano, Gino (130*) Fatou

23. Liste Alphabétique Des Mathématiciens
Translate this page Eudoxe de Cnide, Grec (v.~406-v.~355). Euler (Leonhard), Suisse (1707-1783).fagnano (giulio Cesare), Italien (1682-1766). Fano (Guido), Italien (1871-1952).
Abel (Niels Henrik) Agnesi (Maria Guetana) Italienne (1718-1799) Alembert (Jean Le Rond d') Alexander (James Waddell) Alexandroff (Pavel Sergeevich) Russe (1896-1982) Apian (Peter Benneuwitz, dit) Allemand (1495-1552) Apollonios de Perga Grec(v.~262-v.~180) Appel (Paul) Grec (~287-~212) Aristote Grec (~384-~322) Arzela (Cesare) Italien (1847-1912) Ascoli (Guilio) Italien (1843-1896) Babbage (Charles) Anglais (1792-1871) Banach (Stefan) Polonais (1892-1945) Argand (Jean Robert) Suisse (1768-1822) Barrow (Isaac) Anglais (1630-1677) Bayes (Thomas) Anglais (1702-1761) Bellavitis (Giusto) Italien (1803-1880) Beltrami (Eugenio) Italien (1835-1900) Bernays (Paul) Suisse (1888-1977) Bernoulli (Daniel) Suisse (1700-1782) Bernoulli (Jacques) Suisse (1654-1705) Bernoulli (Jean) Suisse (1667-1748) Allemand (1878-1956) Bernstein (Sergei Natanovich) Russe (1880-1968) Bertrand (Josepn) Bessel (Friedrich) Allemand (1784-1846) Birkoff (George David) Bliss (Gilbert Ames) Bochner (Salomon) Allemand (1899-1982) Bolyai (Janos) Hongrois (1802-1860) Bolzano (Bernhard) Bombelli (Raffaele) Italien (1522-1572) Bonnet (Ossian) Boole (George) Anglais (1815-1864) Bourbaki (Nicolas) Braikenridge (William) Anglais (v.1700-1762)

24. Lettopalena / Abruzzo Genealogy Page 454 (Family Pages)
fagnano Alto, L Aquila, Italy Scarsella, Marco giulio Cesare b. 4 Jan
Lettopalena / Abruzzo Genealogy Page 454 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
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D'Agostino, Angela
b. 9 Feb 1899 Collarmele, Aquila, Italy
d. Collarmele, Aquila, Italy
Family: Spouse: Cipriani, Silvio
b. 3 Mar 1888 Collarmele, Aquila, Italy
d. Collarmele, Aquila, Italy
Parents: Father: Cipriani, Giuseppe
Mother: Clementucci, Annamaria
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Scarsella, Ferdinando b. 6 May 1858 Fagnano Alto, L'Aquila, Italy Parents: Father: Scarsella, Loreto Antonio Mother: Colella, Maria Family: Marriage: 25 Jul 1886 Fagnano Alto, L'Aquila, Italy Spouse: Cipriani, Teresa b. 11 Sep 1863 Fagnano Alto, L'Aquila, Italy Parents: Father: Cipriani, Feliceantonio Mother: Nannicola, Domenica Angela Children:
    Scarsella, Antonio b. 10 Mar 1888 Castello, Fagnano Alto, L'Aquila, Italy d. 16 May 1888 Castello, Fagnano Alto, L'Aquila, Italy Scarsella, Vittorino b. 23 Apr 1891 Castello, Fagnano Alto, L'Aquila, Italy d. 1 Jul 1892 Castello, Fagnano Alto, L'Aquila, Italy

25. 1259-1260 (Nordisk Familjebok / Uggleupplagan. 7. Egyptologi - Feinschmecker)
Print (PDF) On this page / på denna sida - Faggor - Faggot, Jakob - Faggot, Fagot- Fagiuoli, Giambattista - fagnano, giulio Carlo de´Toschi di - Fagne, La
Nordisk familjebok Uggleupplagan. 7. Egyptologi - Feinschmecker
(1907) Tema: Reference
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26. Index Till Spalt 1201 1600 Ur A Href= Http//
Fagervik 12571258 Fagervik 1258 Fagging-system 1258-1259 Faggor 1259 Faggot, Jakob1259 Faggot, Fagot 1259 Fagiuoli, Giambattista 1260 fagnano, giulio Carlo de
# Index till spalt 1201 1600 # ur # Senast uppdaterad 19 Apr 2003 # Fortfarande aktuell 30 May 2004 # 1201 Eyira 1201 Eyrich, Sebastian Theodor Justus 1201 Eyskegger 1291 Eystein l. östen 1201-1202 Eystein Magnusson 1202 Eystein Haraldsson 1202 Eystein Asgrimsson 1202 Eystein Erlendssön 1202 Eystein Meyla 1202 Eystein Orre 1202 Eystrahorn 1202 Eystrasalt 1203 Eyt. 1203 Eytelwein, Johann Albert 1203 Eythin 1203 Eyton, T.C. 1203 Eyvindr Finnsson 1203-1204 Eyvind Skáldaspiller 1204 Eyzies, Les 1204 Ezdorf, J. Chr. M. 1204 Ezekiel l. Hesekiel 1204-1205 Ezekiel, Moses Jakob 1205 Ezida 1205 Ezion-Geber 1205 Ezzelino da Romano 1205-1206 Eötvös, Józef 1207-1210 F 1210 F l. Fr. 1210 Fa 1210 Faaberg 1210 Faaborg, Hans 1210 Faaborg fjord 1211 Faam-te l. Faham-te 1211 Faassen, Pietro Jacobus 1211 Fab. 1211 Faba 1211 Faba ægyptiaca 1211-1212 Fabel 1212 Fabeldiktning 1212 Fabelepopé 1212 Faber, Jakob Stapulensis 1212-1213 Faber, Johann von Leutkirch 1213 Faber, Antonio 1213 Faber, Basilius 1213 Faber, Frederik 1213 Faber, Cecilia Böhl von 1213 Faber, Peter Kristian Frederik 1213 Faber, Frederik William 1213 Faber, Johann Lothar von 1214 Faber, Ernst 1214 Faber du Faur, Otto von 1214 Faber est quisque fortunæ suæ 1214-1215 Fabert, Abraham de 1215 Fabiana R, et P. 1215 Fabianin 1215 Fabian siciety 1215 Fabianus (Fabius l. Flavianus) den helige 1215 Fabism 1215 Fabius 1215 Kaeso F. Vibulanus 1215-1216 Quintus F. Vibulanus 1216 Qiuntus F. Maximus Rullianus 1216 Quintus F. Maximus Verrucosus 1217 Quintus F. Pictor 1217 Fable convenue 1217-1218 Fablia 1218 Fabr. 1218 Fabra, Nilo Maria 1218 Fabre, Jean Pierre 1218-1219 Fabre, François Xavier Pascal 1219 Fabre, Jules Henri 1219 Fabre, Ferdinand 1219 Fabre, Paul 1219-1220 Fabre, Gabriel 1220 Fabre d´Églantine, Philippe François Nazaire 1221 Fabretti, Rafaello 1221 Fabretti, Ariodente 1221 Fabri (eller Smedh), Johannes 1221 Fabriano 1221-1222 Fabriano, Gentile da 1222 Fabrice, Friedrich Ernst von 1222 Fabrice, Georg Friedrich Alfred von 1222 Fabricera 1222-1223 Fabricius 1223 Fabricius, Georg 1223 Fabricius, Hieronymus (it. Girolamo Fabriz) 1223 Fabricius, David 1223-1224 Fabricius, Johann 1224 Fabricius, Johann Albert 1224 Fabricius, Jakob 1224 Fabricius, Otto 1224-1225 Fabricius, Johan Kristian 1225 Fabricius, Jens Schou 1225 Fabricius, Adam 1225 Fabrik 1225 Fabrikant 1225 Fabrikat 1225 Fabrikation 1225 Fabrikatskatt 1225 Fabriksförening 1225 Fabriksguld 1225 Fabrikshygien 1225 Fabriksinspektion 1225 Fabrikskassor 1225-1229 Fabrikslagstiftning 1229 Fabriksmärke 1230 Fabriksstämpel 1230 Fabrikör 1230 Fabritius, Carel 1230 Fabritius, Bernard 1230-1231 Fabritius, Ludvig 1231 Fabrizi, Girolamo 1231 Fabula 1231 Fabula palliata 1231 Fabula togata 1231 Fabulering 1231 Fabulist 1231 Fabulös 1231-1232 Fabvier, Charles Nicolas 1232 Fac. 1232 Façade 1232 Facchinetti 1232 Facchino 1232 Faccio, Franco 1232 Facciolati, Jacopo 1232 Face 1232 Facetier 1232 Facett, Facettera 1232 Fachingen 1232 Fachr ed-din 1232 Fachwerk 1232-1233 Facialisförlamning 1233 Faciendum curavit 1233 Facies 1233 Facies hippocratica 1233 Facies leonina 1233 Facil 1233 Facile admittitur 1233 Facile princeps 1233 Facile descensus Averno 1233 Facit 1233 Facit indignatio versum 1233-1234 Fack 1243 fackeldans 1243 Fackelros 1234 Fackelrosfamiljen 1234-1235 Fackförbund 1235-1247 Fackförening 1247 Fackföreningsbyrå 1247 Fackföreningsmärke 1247 Fackkunskaper 1247 Facklig 1247 Facklor 1247-1248 Facklärarsystem 1248 Fackman 1248 Fackskola 1248-1249 Fackverk 1249 Fackverksbyggnad 1249 Fackverksbåge 1249 Façon 1249 Facsimile 1249 Facta loquuntur 1249 Factice 1249 Factor 1249 Factory weight 1249 Factotum 1249 Factum 1249 Factum infectum fieri non potest 1249 Facture 1249 Factus est Dominus protector meus 1249 Fad 1249 Fadaise 1249 Fadder 1249 Faddergåfva 1249 Faden 1249-1250 Faderlig myndighet 1250 Fadermord 1250 Fadermördare 1250 Fader vår l. Herrens bön 1250 Fadi 1250 Fadjejev, Rotislav Andrejevitj 1251 Fadjejev-ön 1251 Fadno-mmakke 1251 Fadäs 1251 Fæces 1251 Faed, Thomas 1251 Fællesforfatning 1251 Faënna 1251 Faënza 1251 Færeyingasaga 1251 Faes, P. van der 1251 Fæsulæ 1251-1252 Faëton 1252 Fæx 1252-1253 Fafner 1253 Fafnismál 1253 Fag 1253 Fagaceæ, Fagacér, Ekfamiljen 1253 Fagacéer 1253 Fagales 1253-1254 Fagara 1254 Fagadenisk 1254 Fagel 1254 Fagel, Gasper 1254 Fagel, François Nicolaas 1254 Fagel, Hendrik 1254 Fagerdala (Fagradal) 1254 Fagered 1254 Fagerhult 1254 Fagerlid 1254-1255 Fagerlin, Ferdinand Julius 1255 Fagernäs 1256 Fagerred (Fagered) 1256-1257 Fagersta bruks aktiebolag 1257 Fagervik 1257-1258 Fagervik 1258 Fagging-system 1258-1259 Faggor 1259 Faggot, Jakob 1259 Faggot, Fagot 1259 Fagiuoli, Giambattista 1260 Fagnano, Giulio Carlo de´Toschi di 1260 Fagne, La 1260 Fagocytläran 1260 Fagopyrism 1260 Fagopyrum 1260 Fagot 1260-1261 Fagott 1261 Fagradal 1261 Fagræa 1261 Fagræus, Jonas Teodor 1261-1262 Fagrskinna 1262 Faguet, Émile 1262 Fagus 1262 Faham-blad (Faam-te) 1262 Fahhad 1262 Fahlander, Gustaf 1262-1263 Fahlbeck, Pontus Erland 1263-1264 Fahlberg, Samuel 1264 Fahlcrantz 1264-1266 Fahlcrantz, Karl Johan 1266-1267 Fahlcrantz, Axel Magnus 1267-1270 Fahlcrantz, Kristian (Christian) Erik 1270 Fahlcrantz, Kristian Alfred 1270 Fahlcrantz, Karl (Carl) Johan 1270-1271 Fahlcrantz, Axel Erik Valerius 1271 Fahlcrantz, Gustaf Edvard 1271 Fahlerz 1271 Fahlgren, Karl August 1271 Fahlman, Louise Johanna 1271-1272 Fahlstedt, Karl Adolf 1272 Fahlstedt, Karl Adolf Leopold 1272 Fahlstedt, Amalia Vilhelmina 1272 Fahlström, Ludvig 1272-1273 Fahlström, Johan Peter Broust 1273 Fahnehjelm (Fahnehielm) 1273 Fahnehjelm, Per Georg 1273 Fahnehjelm, Anton Ludvig 1273 Fahnehjelm, Evelina Vilhelmina 1273-1274 Fahnehjelm, Bernhard Otto 1274 Fahnehjelmare 1274 Fahnehjelmska ljuset 1274 Fahrbach 1274 Fahrbach, Joseph 1274 Fahrbach, Philipp 1274-1275 Fahrende leute 1275 Fahrenheit, Gabriel Daniel 1275-1276 Faiaker, Faieker l. Feaker 1276 Faiax 1276 Faiblage 1276 Faiblesse 1276 Faidherbe, Lucas 1276-1277 Faidherbe, Louis Léon César 1277 Faidon 1277 Faidra 1277 Faidros 1278 Faieker 1278 Faience 1278 Faille 1278 Failly, Pierre, Louis Charles Achille de 1278 Failsworth 1278 Fain, Agathon Jean François 1278 Fainarete 1278 Fainéant 1278 Fair 1278-1279 Fairbairn, sir William 1279 Fairbanks, Charles Warren 1279 Faire suivre 1279 Fairfax 1279 Fairfax, Edward 1279 Fairfax, Ferdinando 1279-1280 Fairfax, Thomas 1280 Fairfax, Thomas 1280 Fairfield 1280 Fairhaven 1280 Fair head l. Benmore head 1280 Fair isle l. Fair island 1280 Fairman, James 1281 Fair play 1281 Fair rents 1281 Fair trade 1281 Fairweather, Mount 1281 Faisabad 1281 Faisances 1281 Faisserie 1281 Faisst, Immanuel Gottlob Friedrich 1281 Fait accompli 1281 Faithfull, Emily 1282 Faits divers 1282 Faizabad (Faisabad, Fyzabad) 1282 Faja 1282-1285 Fajans 1285 Fajardo 1285-1286 Fajum (Fayum) 1286 Fakellit l. Kaliofilit 1286-1287 Fakir 1287 Fakse (Faxe) 1287 Faksekalk (Faxekalk) 1287-1288 Faksimile 1288 Fakta 1288 Faktion 1288 Faktis 1288 Faktisk 1288 faktitivt verb 1288 Faktiös 1288 Faktor 1288-1289 Faktori 1289 Faktorihjälp 1289 Faktotum 1289 Faktum 1289 Faktur 1289 Faktura 1289 Fakrurabok 1289 Fakultativ 1289 Fakultet 1289 Fakunditet 1289-1290 Fala 1290 Fala 1290 Fa la 1290 Falaikos 1290 Falaise 1290 Falaises 1290 Falaka 1290 Falan 1290 Falander 1290-1291 Falander, Sven Hakvin 1291 Falander, Ida Amanda Maria 1291 Falang 1291 Falangstär 1291-1292 Falaris 1292 Falascha 1292 Falb, Rudolf 1292 Falbala 1292-1293 Falbe Hansen, Vigand Andreas 1293 Falbolan 1293 Falbygden l. Falan 1293 Falc. 1293 Falcão, Christovão 1293 Falcaria 1293 Falcidia lex 1293 Falciu 1293-1294 Falck, Jeremias 1294-1295 Falck, Johan Peter 1295 Falck, Anders 1295 Falck, Niels Nikolaj 1295 Falckenberg, M. von 1295-1296 Falckenberg, Richard 1296 Falckenstein, Vogen von 1296 Falco 1296 Falcon 1296 Falcon, Marie Cornélie 1296 Falcon. 1296 Falconbridge, Bastarden af 1296 Falkes de Breauté 1296 Falconbridge, Thomas (l. Fauconberg) 1296-1297 Falcone, Aniello 1297 Falconer, William 1297 Falconer, Hugh 1297 Falconet, Étienne Maurice 1297-1298 Falconetto, Giovanni Maria 1298 Falconidæ 1298 Falconiformes 1298 Faldur 1298 Fale Bure 1298 Fale hin unge 1298 Falekvarna 1298 Faleme 1298 Falerii 1298 Falernum vinum 1298 Falernvin 1298 Falerts (Fahlerz) 1298-1299 Falguiére, Jean Alexandre Joseph 1299 Falhofner 1299-1300 Falieri l. Faliero, Maria 1300 Faliero 1300 faliscus 1300 Falisker 1300 Falk 1300 Falk, Erik 1300 Falk, Johannes Daniel 1300-1301 Falk, Herman Adolf 1301 Falk, Hugo Herman Vilhelm 1301-1302 Falk, Adalbert 1302 Falk, Max 1302 Falk, Matths 1302-1303 Falk, Hjalmar Sejersted 1303 Falke, Johannes Friedrich Gottlieb 1303-1304 Falke, Jakob von 1304 falke, Gustav 1304 Falkenau 1304 Falkenberch 1304-1306 Falkenberg 1306 Falkenberg 1306 Falkenberg 1306-1307 Falkenberg 1307 Falkenberg, Konrad 1307 Falkenberg, Melker 1307-1308 falkenberg, Henrik 1308 Falkenberg, Gabriel 1308-1309 Falkenberg, Melker 1309-1310 falkenberg, Dietrich von 1310 Falkenbergs järnväg 1310 Falkenerare 1310-1311 Falkengren, Kristofer 1311 Falkenskjold, Seneca Otto 1311 Falkenstein 1311-1312 Falkenstein, Johann Paul 1312 Falkenstein, Konstantin Karl 1312 Falkenstein, Julius August Ferdinand 1312 Falkgamar 1312 Falkirk 1312 Falkjakt 1312 Falkland 1312 Falklandsströmmen 1312 Falklandssundet 1312-1313 Falklandsöarna 1313-1314 Falkman, Ludvig berckhan 1314 Falkman, Severin Gabriel 1314 Falkman, Olena 1314 Falkon 1314 Falkoneri 1314 Falkonett 1314 Falkorden 1314-1320 Falksläktet 1320-1321 Falköping 1321 Falköpings kontrakt 1321 Falköpings Västra landsförsamling 1321 Falköpings Östra landsförsamling 1321 Falköping-Uddagårdens järnväg 1321-1322 Fall 1322 Fall. 1322 Falla 1322 Fallacia 1322 Fallande i fält 1322 Fallande rytm 1322-1323 Fallandesot 1323 Falla rund 1323-1324 Fallbila l. Giljotin 1324 Fallby 1324 Fallén, Karl Fredrik 1325 Fallera 1325 Fallersleben 1325 Fallförsök 1325 Fallgirig 1325 Fallhammare 1325 Fallhorn 1325 Fallhöjd 1325-1326 Fallières, Clément Armand 1326 Fallissemang 1326 Fallit 1326 Fall-lagar 1326 Fall-linje 1326-1327 Fallmaskin 1327-1328 Fallmerayer, jakob Philipp 1328 Fallnät 1328 Falloppio l. Falopia, Gabriele 1328 Falloppiska modertrumpeterna 1328-1329 Fallos 1329 Falloux, Frédéric Alfred Pierre de 1329 Fall på rygg 1329-1330 Fallrep 1330 Fallrepsfolk 1330 Fallrepshonnör 1330 Fallrepsknop 1330 Fallrepsplan 1330 Fallrepspojkar 1330 Fallrepsport 1330 Fallrepsställe 1330 Fallrepsstöttor 1330 Fallrepstrappa 1330 Fall river 1330-1331 Fallrör 1331 Fallrörelse 1331-1332 Fallskärm 1332-1333 Fallstedt, Ingel 1333-1334 Fallström, Karl Daniel 1334 Falltid 1334 Fallverk l. Hejare 1334 Falmouth 1334 Falmouth 1334 Falopia 1334 Falret, Jean Pierre 1334-1335 Fals 1335 Falsarium 1335 False bay 1335 Falsen 1335 Falsen, Enevold de 1335-1336 Falsen, Kristian Magnus 1336 Falsen, Karl Valentin 1336 Falsen, John Collett 1336 False point 1336-1337 Falsett 1337 Falsettister 1337 Falsifikation 1337 Falska fötter (Pseudopodier) 1337 Falsk alkanna 1337 Falsk angifvelse 1337 Falsk frukt 1337 Falsk förgrening 1337 Falsk kork 1337 Falskmyntning 1337 Falsk pareirarot 1337 Falsk riska 1337 Falskt bråck 1337 Falskt vittne 1337 Falsmaskin 1337-1338 Falsning 1338 Falso bordone 1338 Falstaff 1338 Falstaff, fakir 1338-1339 Falster 1339 Falster, Kristian 1339 Falsterbo 1339 Falsterbo församling 1339 Falsterbohus 1339 Falsterboref 1339 Falsum 1339 Falt 1339 Falterona, Monte 1339 Falticeni 1340 Faltin, Friedrich Richard 1340 Faltz, Raimund 1340 Falu bergslag 1340 Falu bergsskola 1340-1341 Falubriljanter (Falujuveler) 1341 Faludden 1341 Falu domsaga 1341-1349 Falu grufva 1349 Falujuveler 1349 Falu kontrakt 1349 Falu landsförsamling 1349-1352 Falun 1352 Falunit 1352 Falun-Rättvik-Mora järnväg 1352 Falun-Västerdalarnas järnväg 1352 Falu rödfärg, Falurödt 1352 Fama 1352-1353 Famagusta 1353 Famars 1353 Famatina, Sierra 1353 Famenne 1353 Famennien 1353 Fames 1353 Familia caritatis 1353 Familiariter 1353 Familiérement 1353-1354 Familister 1354 Familistär 1354-1357 Familj 1357 Familjaritet 1357 Familjebibel 1357 Familjebröder 1357 Familjefideikommiss 1357-1358 Familjefördrag 1358 Familjenamn 1358 Familjen H*** 1358-1359 Familjeråd 1359 Familjerätt 1359 Familj-journalen 1359 Familjär 1359 Famintsyn, Andrej Sergejevitj 1359 Fammarp 1359-1360 Famn 1360 Famnstake 1360 Famos 1360 Famosus libelius 1360 Famulus 1360 Famös 1360 Fan 1360 Fan 1360 Fan 1360 Fan, Fang, Mpongwe, Pahouins 1360-1364 Fana 1364 Fanagoria 1364 Fanar 1364 Fanarioter 1365 Fanatiker 1365 Fanatisera 1365 Fanatism 1365 Fancy 1365 Fandango 1365-1366 Fane, John, 11:e earl af Westmorland 1366 Fan-ed 1366 Fanefjorden 1366 Fanega l. Fanega de tierra 1366 Faner 1366-1367 Fanerogamer 1367 Fanestranden 1367 Fanfani, Pietro 1367 Fanfar 1367 Fanfaron 1367 Fanfulla 1367 Fanförare 1367 Fang 1367-1368 Fanga 1368 Fango 1368 Fanjunkare 1368-1369 Fano 1369 Fanpluton 1369 Fans bibel 1369 Fansknoppen 1369 Fansoldater 1369 Fant 1369 Fant, Mikael 1369-1370 Fant, Johan Mikael 1370-1371 Fant, Erik Mikael 1371 Fant, Johan Erik 1371 Fant, Karl Johan Mikael 1371 Fant, Karl Fredrik Mikael 1371 Fantaisie 1371-1372 Fantasi 1372 Fantasia 1372-1373 Fantaskop l. Fenakistoskop 1373 Fantasmagori 1373 Fantasos 1373 Fantast 1373 Fanti 1373 Fanti, Manfredo 1373-1374 Fantin-Latour, Ignace Henri Jean Théodore 1374 Fantisera 1374 Fantom 1374 Fantoni, Giovanni 1374 Fanum 1375 Fanvakt 1375 Fanö 1375 Fao (Fau) 1375 Faon 1375 Faou, Le 1375 Fa presto 1375 Fara 1375 Farabana 1375 Farabeuf, Louis Hubert 1375-1376 Farabi (el-Farabi), Abu Nasr Muhammed bin Muhammed bin Tarchan 1376 Farad 1376-1378 Faraday, Michael 1378 Faraday-kullen 1378 Faradisation l. Faradism 1378 Faradism 1378 Farafra 1378 Faraglioni 1378 Faral 1378 Farallones de los Frayles 1378 Faramund 1378 Faran 1378 Farandole 1378 Farao 1378-1379 Farao 1379-1380 Faraokatten l. Ichneumon 1380 Farbaute 1380 Farce 1380-1381 Fardag 1381 Fardagsår 1381 Fardagsårsersättning 1381 Fardhem 1381 Fareham 1381-1382 Farel, Guillaume 1382 Faren, Vimma l. Flira 1382-1383 Farensbach, Jürgen 1383-1384 Farensbach, Wolmar 1384 Farewell, Kap 1384 Farfugium 1384 Fargalt 1384 Fargo 1384 Fargus, Frederick John 1384-1385 Farhastighet 1385 Farhult 1385 Faria, Manoel Severim de 1385 Faria y Sousa, Manoel de 1385 Faribault 1385 Faridkot 1385 Faridpur, Furreedpore 1385-1386 Farin l. Farinsocker 1386 Farina 1386 Farina, Johann (Giovanni) Maria 1386 Farina, Salvatore 1386 Farinato, Paolo 1386-1387 Farinelli, Carlo 1387 Faringe 1387-1388 Farini, Carlo Luigi 1388 Farini, Domenico 1388 Farinosæ 1388 Farinsocker 1388 Farinos 1388-1392 Fariséer 1392 Fariseism 1392 Farjeon, Benjamin Leopold 1393 Fark 1393 Farkonst 1393-1394 Farled l. Segelled 1394 Farley, James Lewis 1394 Farliga öarna 1394 Farm 1394-1395 Farmaceut 1395 Farmaceutiska föreningen 1395 Farmaceutiska inrättningen 1395-1397 Farmaceutiska institutet 1397 Farmaci 1397 Farmacie kandidat 1397 Farmagud 1397 Farmakodynamik 1398 Farmakognosi 1398 Farmakokatagrafologi 1398 Farmakoke 1398 Farmakolit 1398 Farmakologi 1398-1399 Farmakopé 1399 Farmakosiderit 1399 Farmandshougen 1399 Farmare 1399 Farma-Tyr l. Farmagud 1399 Farmers försvagare 1399 Farnabazos 1399-1400 Farnakes 1400 Farnborough 1400 Farnborough 1400 Farnbühl 1400 Farne islands l. Staples 1400 Farnese 1400 Farnese, Alessandro 1400 Farnese, Pierluigi 1400 Farnese, Ottavio 1401 Farnese, Alessandro 1401 Farnese, Ranuccio I 1401-1402 Farnese, Palazzo 1402 Farnesina 1402-1404 Farnesiska konstverk 1404 Farnesius 1404 Farnham 1404 Farnovius 1404 Farnowski, Stanislaw 1404 Farnworth 1404 Farnöte 1404 Faro 1404 Faro, Punta del 1404 Faro di Messina 1404 Faros 1404 Farplan 1405 Farquhar, George 1405 Farr, William 1405-1406 Farragut, David Glasgow 1406-1407 Farrar, Frederick William 1407 Farrar, sir George 1407 Farrar, Geraldine 1407-1408 Farrenc, Jacques Hippolyte Aristide 1408 Farrisvand 1408 Farrisälfven 1408-1410 Fars 1410 Fars l. Farsistan 1410 Farsalos 1411 Farsang (Faresang) 1411 Farsan-öarna 1411 Farsetia incana 1411 Fars hatt 1411 Farsistan 1411 Farsot 1411 Farstorp 1411 Farsund 1411 Farsör 1411-1412 Fart 1413 Farthing 1413 Farttabell 1413-1414 Fartyg 1414 Fartygschef 1414-1415 Fartygsingenjör 1415 Fartygsintendent 1415 Fartygsläkare 1415 Fartygsmätning 1415 Fartygspräst 1415 Fartygsregister 1415 Fartygssammanstötning 1415 Fartygsslag 1415 Fart öfver stäf 1415 Farukhabad, Furrukhabad 1415 Farum sö 1415-1416 Farvatten 1416 Far west 1416 Farväg 1416 Faryngit 1416 Faryngoskopi 1416 Faryngotomi 1417 Farynx 1417 Fas 1417-1418 Fas 1418 Fasa 1418 Fas 1418-1419 Fasad 1419 Fasaner 1419 Fasaneri 1419 Fasano 1419-1421 Fasansläktet 1421 Fasan-ön 1421 Fasc. 1421 Fasces 1421 Fasch, Karl Friedrich Christian 1421 Fasching 1421 Faschn (Feschn) 1421 Fascia 1421 Fasciation, Förbandning 1421 Fascierad 1422 Fascikel 1422 Fascin 1422 Fascinera 1422 Faselis 1422 Fasett 1422-1423 Fasettögon 1423 Fasförskjutning 1423 Fasher (El-Fasher) 1423-1424 Fashion 1424 Fashoda 1424 Fasis 1424 Faskikel 1424 faskin 1424 Faskinknif 1425 Fáskrúðsfjörður 1425 Faslampa 1425 Fasogl 1425 Fasokl 1425 Fasold 1425 Fason 1425 Fasonera 1425 Fasonfräs 1425 Fasonjärn 1425 Fass 1425 Fassadalen 1425 Fassadalen (Val di Fassa) 1425 Fassait 1425 Fast 1425 Fasta 1425-1428 Fasta 1428 Fasta block 1428 Fastage 1428 Fast anställd 1428 Fastbom, Ernst Fredrik 1428 Fast docka 1428 Faste 1428-1429 Fastebref 1429 Fast egendom 1429 Fastenrath, Johannes 1429 Faster 1429 Fasterna 1429 Fast fyr med blänk 1429 Fasthet 1429 Fasti 1429 Fastidiös 1429 Fastighet 1429 Fastighetsbevillning 1429-1431 Fastighetsbok 1431 Fastighetsegarföreningar 1431 Fasting, Claus 1431-1432 Fastingen l. Fastings marknad 1432 Fast kropp 1432 Fastkäkar 1432-1433 Fastlagen 1433 Fastlagsris 1433-1434 Fastlagsspel 1434 Fastlagssöndag 1434 Fastland 1434 Fastmakare 1434 Fast marknad 1434 Fastnachtsspiele 1434 Fastoso 1434 Fastrada 1434 Fast räkning 1434-1436 Fastställelsetalan 1436 Fast torpedbatteri 1436 Fasvinkel 1436 Fasvisare 1436 Fat (Helfat) 1436 Fatabur 1436 Fataburen 1436 Fatal 1436 Fatalier 1436-1437 Fatalism 1437 Fatalitet 1437 Fata Morgana 1437 Fatatjärnmon 1437 Fatbur l. Fatabur 1437 Fategarh 1437-1438 Fatehpur 1438 Fatehpur-Sikri 1438 Fathom 1438 Fatig 1438 Fatigera 1438 Fatiha 1438 Fatima 1438 Fatimider 1438-1439 Fatio de Duillier 1439 Fatiscera 1439 Fatlänga 1439 Fatomakke (Fadno-måkke, Fattmomack) 1439 Fatra 1439 Fatschan 1439 Fatsia 1439 Fatsnäckor 1439 Fattigdomsbevis 1439 Fattiges bibel 1439 Fattiggård 1440 Fattighjon 1440 Fattighus 1440 Fattigläkare 1440 Fattigmanssommar 1440 Fattigrote 1440 Fattigsakförare 1440 Fattigskatt 1440 Fattigstuga 1440-1454 Fattigvård 1454 Fattigvårdsafgift 1454 Fattigvårdsföreståndare 1454 Fattigvårdsinrättning 1454 Fattigvårdsinspektör 1454 Fattigvårdsinstruktör 1454-1455 Fattigvårdskongresser 1455 Fattigvårdslagstiftning 1455 fattigvårdsnämnd 1455 Fattigvårdssamhälle 1455 Fattigvårdsstyrelse 1455 Fattmomack 1455 Fattori, Giovanni 1455 Fatuhiva 1455 Fatum 1455 Fau 1455 Faublas 1455 Faubourg 1455 Faucena 1455-1456 Fauche-Borel, Louis 1456 Faucher, Léon 1456-1457 Faucher, Julius 1457 Fauchet, Claude 1457 Faucifloræ 1457 Faucigny 1457 Faucille, Col-de-la 1457 Faucilles, Les monts 1457 Faucit, Helen 1457-1458 Fauerholdt, Viggo 1458 Faugére, Armand Prosper 1458 Faujasit 1458 Faukala 1458 Faulensee 1458 Faulhorn 1458 Faulmann, Karl 1458 Faulquemont 1458 Faun 1458 Fauna 1458 Faun-apan 1458 Faunisk 1458 Faunist 1459-1460 Faunus 1460 Faure, Jean Baptiste 1460-1461 Faure, François Félix 1461 Faure, Sébastien 1461 Fauré, Gabriel Urban 1461 Faures stapel 1461-1462 Fauriel, Claude Charles 1462 Faurås 1462 Fausböll, Michael Viggo 1462 Fausse alarme 1462 Fausse braie 1462 Faust 1462-1464 Faust, Johann l. Georg 1464 Faust, Karl 1464 Fausta 1464-1465 Faustin 1465 Faustina 1465 Faustrecht 1465 Faustulus 1465 Faustus från Rhegium 1465 Faute 1465 Fauteuil 1465 Fautfrakt l. Barlastfrakt 1465 Faux bourdon 1465 Fava de San Ignacio 1465 Favara 1465-1466 Favaro, Antonio 1466 Favart, Charles Simon 1466 Favart, Pierette Ignace Pingaud 1466-1467 Fawcett, Henry 1467 Fawcett, Edgar 1468 Favé, Ildephonse 1468 Faventia 1468 Faversham l. Feversham 1468 Faversham-krut 1468 Favete linguis 1468 Favia 1468 Favier, jean Louis 1468-1469 Favier, Alphonse 1469 Faviers sprängämne 1469 Favignana 1469 Fawkes, Guy 1469 Fawkes day 1469 Favn 1469 Favonius 1469 Favorabel 1469 Favorinus 1469 Favorisera 1469 Favorit 1469 Favoriten 1469 Favoritsultaninna 1469 Favosites 1469-1470 Favras, Thomas de Mahy 1470 Favre, Pierre 1470 Favre, Antoine 1470-1471 Favre, Gabriel Ckaude Jules 1471 Favre, Louis 1471 Favretto, Giacomo 1472 Favularia 1472 Favus, Ondskorf 1472 Favör 1472 Faxafjörður l. Faxaflói 1472 Faxaflói 1472 Faxaholm (Faxe-) l. Faxahus (Faxe-) 1472 Faxe 1472-1473 Faxe 1473 Faxe, Vilhelm 1473 Faxe, Arvid Gustaf 1473-1474 Faxefjäll 1474 Faxeholm l. faxehus 1474 Faxekalk 1474 Faxeälfven 1474 Faxis 1474 Fáy, András 1474 Fay, Theodore Sedgwick 1474-1475 Fay, Joseph 1475 Fay, Charles Alexandre 1475 Fayal 1475 fayalit 1475 Faydherbe l. Faidherbe Lucas 1475-1476 Faye, Andreas 1476 Faye, Frants Kristian 1476-1477 Faye, Hervé Auguste ÉTienne Albans 1477 Faye-Möllers komet 1477 Fayence 1477 Fayes komet 1477 Fayetteville 1477 Fayum 1477 Faz 1477 Fazénda 1477 Fazogli (Fasokl, Fasogl) 1477 Fazy, James 1477 F.C. 1477 F.D. 1477 f.d. 1477 F dur 1477 Fe 1478 Fe 1478 Fea, Carlo 1478 Feaker 1478 Fear, Cape 1478 Fearnley, Thomas 1478-1479 Fearnley, Karl Frederik 1479-1482 Feber 1482 Feberdiet 1482 Feberfördrifvande medel 1482 Febergummiträdet 1482-1483 Febermedel 1483 Febero, Julian 1483 febertermometer 1483 Febr. 1483 Febril 1483 Febris 1483 Febronianism 1483 Febronius 1483-1484 Februari 1484 Februaridiplomet 1484 Februarimanifestet 1484 Februarirevolutionen 1484 Febus (Phoebus) 1484 Febuseri l. Febus 1484 Fébvre (Fébure), Claude le 1484 fec. 1484 Fécamp 1484 fechenheim 1484-1486 Fechner, Gustav Theodor 1486-1487 Fecht l. Fechten, Petrus Michaelis 1487 Fechter, Charles Albert 1487 Fecit 1487 Fecunditas 1487 Fedâwi 1487-1488 Feddersen, Arthur Frederik 1488 Federal 1488 Federalism 1488-1489 Federalister 1489 Federalteologi 1489 Federation 1489 Fédération, La 1489 Fédération dentaire internationale 1489-1491 Federationen 1491 Fédération jurasienne 1491 Federativ 1491 Federerade 1491 Federici, Camillo 1491 Federico 1491 Federigo 1491 Fedi, Pio 1491 Fedia 1491-1492 Fedkovic, Hordinskij Osip 1492 Fedor, Feodor 1492 Fedosievstjina 1492 Fedotov, Pavel Andrejevitj 1492-1493 Fedtjenko, Aleksej Pavlovitj 1493 Fée 1493 Fée, Antoine Laurent Apollinaire 1493 Feeri 1493 Feet 1493 Fegen 1493 Fegræus 1493 Fehér, Fejér 1493 Fehértemplom 1493 Féhirðir 1493 Fehling, Hermann von 1493 Fehling, Hermann Johannes 1493-1494 Fehlings lösning 1494 Fehman, Tomas 1494 Fehmarn 1494 Fehmdomstolar 1494-1496 Fehr, Fredrik August 1496-1498 Fehrbellin 1498 Fehrman, Daniel 1498-1499 Fehrman, Karl Gustaf 1499 Fehrnström, R.A.C. 1499 Feidias 1499 Feidippides 1499-1500 Feidon 1500 Feif 1500 Feigum fos 1500-1501 Feijó, Antonio de Castro 1501 Feijoa 1501 Feijóo y Montenegro, Fray Benito Jeronimo 1502 Feilberg, Henning Frederik 1502 Feilitzen, von 1502 Feilitzen, Karl Fredrik Johan von 1502-1503 Feilitzen, August Gustaf Reinhold von 1503 Feilitzen, Otto Teodor Fabian von 1503-1504 Feilitzen, Olof Otto Urban von 1504 Feilitzen, Karl Henrik Jobst von 1504 Feilitzen, Karl Melker von 1504 Feind, Barthold 1504 Feinschmecker

27. Matematici Italiani - Wikipedia
fagnano dei Toschi, giulio Carlo (Senigallia, Marche1682 - Senigallia 1766); Faifofer, Aureliano (1843 - 1909); Fais
Matematici italiani
Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
Elenco in ordine alfabetico dei maggiori cultori della matematica che in Italia sono nati o hanno operato significativamente. Sar  disponibile anche un elenco di matematici italiani in ordine cronologico . Si veda anche A B C D ... modifica

28. Full Chronological Index
Translate this page 1676-1754) Riccati (1677-1742) de Molières (1678-1733) Hermann (1678-1719) Montmort(1682-1744) Hadley (1682-1716) Cotes, (1682-1766) fagnano, giulio (1683-1761
Full Chronological Index
(624 BC - 546 BC) Thales
(580 BC - 520 BC) Pythagoras
(520 BC - 460 BC) Panini
(499 BC - 428 BC) Anaxagoras
(490 BC - 430 BC) Zeno of Elea
(490 BC - 420 BC) Oenopides
(480 BC - 420 BC) Leucippus
(480 BC - 411 BC) Antiphon
(470 BC - 410 BC) Hippocrates
(465 BC - 398 BC) Theodorus (460 BC - 400 BC) Hippias (460 BC - 370 BC) Democritus (450 BC - 390 BC) Bryson (428 BC - 350 BC) Archytas (428 BC - 347 BC) Plato (415 BC - 369 BC) Theaetetus (408 BC - 355 BC) Eudoxus (400 BC - 350 BC) Thymaridas (396 BC - 314 BC) Xenocrates (390 BC - 320 BC) Dinostratus (387 BC - 312 BC) Heraclides (384 BC - 322 BC) Aristotle (380 BC - 320 BC) Menaechmus (370 BC - 310 BC) Callippus (360 BC - 300 BC) Aristaeus (360 BC - 290 BC) Autolycus (350 BC - 290 BC) Eudemus (325 BC - 265 BC) Euclid (310 BC - 230 BC) Aristarchus (287 BC - 212 BC) Archimedes (280 BC - 210 BC) Nicomedes (280 BC - 206 BC) Chrysippus (280 BC - 220 BC) Conon (280 BC - 220 BC) Philon (276 BC - 197 BC) Eratosthenes (262 BC - 190 BC) Apollonius (250 BC - 190 BC) Dionysodorus (240 BC - 180 BC) Diocles (200 BC - 140 BC) Zenodorus (190 BC - 120 BC) Hipparchus (190 BC - 120 BC) Hypsicles (180 BC - 120 BC) Perseus (160 BC - 90 BC) Theodosius (150 BC - 70 BC) Zeno of Sidon (135 BC - 51 BC) Posidonius ( 10 BC - 60 AD) Geminus (10 AD - 75) Heron (10 AD - 70) Cleomedes (60 AD - 120) Nicomachus (70 AD - 135) Theon of Smyrna (70 AD - 130) Menelaus (78 AD - 139) Heng (85 AD - 165) Ptolemy Diophantus Malchus Sporus ... Hermann of R.

29. Full Alphabetical Index
Translate this page F. Faà di Bruno, Francesco (521*) Faber,Georg (263) Fabri, Honoré (360) fagnano,Giovanni (64) fagnano, giulio (104) Faille, Charles de La Faltings, Gerd (275
Full Alphabetical Index
The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait.
Abbe , Ernst (602*)
, Niels Henrik (2899*)
bar Hiyya (641)
Abraham, Max

Abu Kamil
Shuja (1012)
Abu Jafar

al-Buzjani (1115)
, Wilhelm (205)
Adams, John Couch

Adams, J Frank

of Bath (1008) Adler , August (114) Adrain , Robert (79*) Adrianus , Romanus (419) Aepinus , Franz (124) Agnesi , Maria (2018*) Ahlfors , Lars (725*) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (660) Ahmes Aida Yasuaki (696) Aiken , Howard (665*) Airy , George (313*) Aitken , Alec (825*) Ajima , Naonobu (144) Akhiezer , Naum Il'ich (248*) al-Baghdadi , Abu (947) al-Banna , al-Marrakushi (861) al-Battani , Abu Allah (1333*) al-Biruni , Abu Arrayhan (3002*) al-Farisi , Kamal (1102) al-Haitam , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Hasib Abu Kamil (1012) al-Haytham , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Jawhari , al-Abbas (627) al-Jayyani , Abu (892) al-Karaji , Abu (1789) al-Karkhi al-Kashi , Ghiyath (1725*) al-Khazin , Abu (1148) al-Khalili , Shams (677) al-Khayyami , Omar (2140*) al-Khwarizmi , Abu (2847*) al-Khujandi , Abu (713) al-Kindi , Abu (1151) al-Kuhi , Abu (1146) al-Maghribi , Muhyi (602) al-Mahani , Abu (507) al-Marrakushi , ibn al-Banna (12)

30. The Development Of Analysis On The Continent
fagnano. giulio Carlo, Count fagnano, and Marquis de Toschi, bornat Sinigaglia on Dec. 6, 1682, and died on Sept. 26, 1766, may
The Development of Analysis on the Continent
From `A Short Account of the History of Mathematics' (4th edition, 1908) by W. W. Rouse Ball. L'Hospital Varignon De Montmort Nicole ... Fagnano Leaving for a moment the English mathematicians of the first half of the eighteenth century we come next to a number of continental writers who barely escape mediocrity, and to whom it will be necessary to devote but few words. Their writings mark the steps by which analytical geometry and the differential and integral calculus were perfected and made familiar to mathematicians. Nearly all of them were pupils of one or other of the two elder Bernoullis, and they were so nearly contemporaries that it is difficult to arrange them chronologically. The most eminent of them are Cramer de Gua De Montmort Fagnano l'Hospital Nicole Parent Riccati Saurin , and Varignon
, born in Paris in 1661, and died there on Feb. 2, 1704, was among the earliest pupils of John Bernoulli, who, in 1691, spent some months at l'Hospital's house in Paris for the purpose of teaching him the new calculus. It seems strange, but it is substantially true, that a knowledge of the infinitesimal calculus and the power of using it was then confined to Newton, Leibnitz, and the two elder Bernoullis - and it will be noticed that they were the only mathematicians who solved the more difficult problems then proposed as challenges. There was at that time no text-book on the subject, and the credit of putting together the first treatise which explained the principles and use of the method is due to l'Hospital; it was published in 1696 under the title

31. Mathematicians Of The Seventeenth And Eighteenth Centuries
Gabriel Cramer (1704 1752); Jacopo Francesco, Count Riccati (1676- 1754); giulio Carlo, Count fagnano (1682 - 1766). Brook Taylor
Mathematicians of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
Available here are accounts of the lives and works of seventeenth and eighteenth century mathematicians (and some other scientists), adapted from A Short Account of the History of Mathematics by W. W. Rouse Ball (4th Edition, 1908). The ordering of the mathematicians and scientists below is approximately chronological. A separate index is provided which lists these people in alphabetical order These biographies constitute part of the collection of online material relating to the history of mathematics at the School of Mathematics , Trinity College, Dublin. Maintained by
David R. Wilkins

School of Mathematics

Trinity College, Dublin

32. Bibliography
fagnano, giulio Carlo, Conte di, Marchese de Toschi, 16821766, Opere Mathematiche,Milano, Societ a editrice Dante Alighieri di Albrighi, Segati e C. 1911-1912.

33. Indice F
Translate this page factor integrante. factorial. factorizar. facultad. fagnano, giulio Carloconde de. faja. falsa posición. falsedad. familia. fanega. Fano, Gino.
INDICE LETRA "F" F f. Faà di Bruno, Francesco. Faber, Georg. ... Fourier, Joseph.

34. Your Search Montmort At Your Search -
16781733) Hermann (1678-1719) Montmort (1680-1751) Machin (1682-1739) Saunderson(1682-1744) Hadley (1682-1716) Cotes (1682-1766) fagnano, giulio (1683-1761

35. Full Alphabetical Index
Translate this page Faà di Bruno, Francesco (521*) Faber,Georg (263) Fabri, Honoré (360) fagnano, Giovanni(64) fagnano, giulio (104) Faille, Charles de La (233) Faltings, Gerd
Full Alphabetical Index
Click below to go to one of the separate alphabetical indexes A B C D ... XYZ The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait.
Abbe , Ernst (602*)
, Niels Henrik (2899*)
bar Hiyya (641)
Abraham, Max

Abu Kamil
Shuja (1012)
Abu Jafar

al-Buzjani (1115)
, Wilhelm (205)
Adams, John Couch

Adams, J Frank

of Bath (1008) Adler , August (114) Adrain , Robert (79*) Adrianus , Romanus (419) Aepinus , Franz (124) Agnesi , Maria (2018*) Ahlfors , Lars (725*) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (660) Ahmes Aida Yasuaki (696) Aiken , Howard (665*) Airy , George (313*) Aitken , Alec (825*) Ajima , Naonobu (144) Akhiezer , Naum Il'ich (248*) al-Baghdadi , Abu (947) al-Banna , al-Marrakushi (861) al-Battani , Abu Allah (1333*) al-Biruni , Abu Arrayhan (3002*) al-Farisi , Kamal (1102) al-Haitam , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Hasib Abu Kamil (1012) al-Haytham , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Jawhari , al-Abbas (627) al-Jayyani , Abu (892) al-Karaji , Abu (1789) al-Karkhi al-Kashi , Ghiyath (1725*) al-Khazin , Abu (1148) al-Khalili , Shams (677) al-Khayyami , Omar (2140*) al-Khwarizmi , Abu (2847*) al-Khujandi , Abu (713) al-Kindi , Abu (1151) al-Kuhi , Abu (1146) al-Maghribi , Muhyi (602) al-Mahani , Abu (507) al-Marrakushi , ibn al-Banna (861) al-Nasawi , Abu (681) al-Nayrizi , Abu'l (621) al-Qalasadi , Abu'l (1247) al-Quhi , Abu (1146) al-Samarqandi , Shams (202) al-Samawal , Ibn (1569) al-Sijzi , Abu (708) al-Tusi , Nasir (1912) al-Tusi , Sharaf (1138) al-Umawi , Abu (1014) al-Uqlidisi , Abu'l (1028) Albanese , Giacomo (282) Albategnius (al-Battani) (1333*)

36. Nova Página 1
Translate this page Giovanni foi um dos muitos filhos de giulio fagnano, mas o único a herdar de seupai o interesse pela Matemática, tendo prosseguido os seus trabalhos sobre
Num dado triângulo acutângulo, determinar o triângulo de perímetro mínimo que nele é possível inscrever, isto é, dado um triângulo acutângulo [ABC] determinar pontos P em [AB], Q em [AC] e R em [BC] de tal modo que o perímetro do triângulo [PQR] seja mínimo.
A resposta ao problema proposto por Giovanni Fagnano encontra-se no seguinte teorema Teorema O triângulo de perímetro mínimo inscrito num triângulo acutângulo [ABC], é o seu triângulo órtico (ortotriângulo), isto é, o triângulo cujos vértices são os pés das alturas do triângulo [ABC]. Demonstração Consideremos um triângulo acutângulo [ ABC ], arbitrário, e sejam P Q e R, respectivamente, pontos dos seus lados [ AB AC ] e [ BC ]. Sejam e R’’ , respectivamente, os simétricos de R em relação a AB e a AC . Nestas circunstâncias tem-se Torna-se evidente que, fixado um ponto R , a escolha dos restantes vértices do triângulo inscrito de modo a obter perímetro mínimo, é aquela em que os pontos R’ P Q e R’’ são colineares. ( Ver simulação Deste modo, para cada escolha de

Translate this page fagnano CASTELLO. scritta in latino, posta dal principe di Sant’Agata attesta chein quel posto morì ingloriosamente il cavaliere gerosolomitano giulio Firrao
La chiesa dell’Immacolata venne eretta nel 1592 a cura delle medesime maestranze che avevano provveduto a rifare la cattedrale di San Marco. La facciata è in stile neo-classico, con semicolonne ai lati del portale, sovrastate da capitelli in stile corinzio. La torre campanaria, accorpata alla chiesa si erge sulla destra. L’interno è un insieme di stucchi con volte sapientemente lavorate col sistema dell’incannucciata. La volta reca mediocri pitture a tempera di anonimo del sec. XVIII, raffiguranti: l’Assunta, e i SS. Giuseppe e Michele Arcangelo; nell’abside, la Trinità. Il fonte battesimale, venuto alla luce casualmente, ha incisa la sua data di costruzione: 1627. Frutto di artigiani locali sono il pulpito ed il sovrastante baldacchino intagliati in legno di castagno e posti in prossimità del terzo pilastro destro. La chiesa di San Pietro, edificata ai primi del 600 secondo alcuni, nel sec. XV secondo altri, doveva essere inizialmente di jus patronato della famiglia Iacovini, col cui palazzo era collegata. Una lapide, scritta in latino, posta dal principe di Sant’Agata attesta che in quel posto morì ingloriosamente il cavaliere gerosolomitano Giulio Firrao. Le parti salienti della facciata, sono frutto del lavoro della bottega di Barone, attivo nel paese negli anni trenta di questo secolo. In particolare, Emilio Fabbris provvide alla costruzione del rosone, mentre Camillo Capolupo modellò la statua dedicata a San Michele Arcangelo. All’interno, statue processionali e qualche tela di bottega meridionale. Ancora visibili, i ruderi del castello Faggiano, appartenuto ai Sanseverino di Bisignano dal 1492 al 1527, ai Falargola fino al 1622, ai Firrao fino al 1806.

38. Unit_15.1_Part_2
Theorem.). giulio Carlo Toschi di fagnano (1715 1797) Biography.The Fermat point of a triangle is an example of a triangle center. 1/unit_1_2.html
Module 15 Unit 1
Part 2: Minimum distance problems in plane geometry.
Companion Content For Section 8.1.2 of Mathematics for High School Teachers.
(Some connections are made to related material from Sections 8.2.3 and 8.2.5.)
Teacher's Perspective
Distance in geometry.
Euclidean distance plays a central role in the description of important geometric objects such as:
  • circles in a plane with given centers and radii, the perpendicular bisector of a given line segment in a plane, geometric descriptions of the conics (i.e. parabolas, ellipses and hyperbolas) in a plane, spheres in 3-dimensional space with a given center and radius, planes perpendicular to a given line in space at a given point on that line.
Click here to see a dynamic sketch of Ptolemy's Theorem
As is observed in Section 8.2.5, of your text, this result has the following more familiar consequences concerning circles as corollaries:
  • Theorem 1 : If two chords AB and CD of a circle intersect at a point E inside the circle, then the product of the lengths of the segments AE and EB of the chord AB is equal to the product of the lengths of the segments CE and ED of the chord CD. Theorem: 2 : If two secants are drawn to a circle from a point E outside of the circle, then the products of the length of the secant and the length of the external segment is the same for both secants.

39. Visconti Borromeo
Translate this page C3. Annibale Costantino (+ 16-11-1564), Patrizio Milanese, 2° Conte di fagnano,Signore di Brebbia e Albizzate. suo zio giulio Visconti 4° Conte della Pieve
I VISCONTI BORROMEO Gian Maria Visconti (+ 1506), Patrizio Milanese, infeudato di Albizzate l’11-9-1474 (confermato dal Duca di Milano nel 1492). Sposa Giustina Borromeo, figlia di Filippo 2° Conte di Arona e di Francesca Visconti dei Conti di Cicognola (v.) Ludovico (+ 1534), Patrizio Milanese e Signore di Albizzate, castellano di Lecco nel 1499, investito del feudo di Brebbia nel 1523 (confermato nel 1523), Maggiordomo Ducale, ambasciatore milanese a Roma nel 1512, Senatore di Milano nel 1513, Decurione di Milano nel 1518, Governatore della Casa Ducale; nel 1493 succedette per testamento allo zio Conte Vitaliano Borromeo in dispregio alle regole di successione di quella famiglia. Ne nacque una causa (vinta nel 1498) che gli permise di assumere il cognome Borromeo Visconti (a tal proposito vedere Borromeo parte 2 ) e di ereditare una buona parte dei beni dello zio. = Lucrezia, figlia di Pietro Alciati, Patrizio Milanese Caterina = Conte Manfredo Landi, Patrizio di Piacenza Vitaliano (+ 25-3-1556), Patrizio Milanese e Signore di Brebbia e Albizzate dal 1534, 1° Conte di Fagnano dal 1554, confermato di Brebbia nel 1536 e dei privilegi sul quel feudo nel 1541, Decurione di Milano dal 1555.

Translate this page L1. Carlo, Consignore di Caronno, Ierago, Travaino, Cajello, fagnano e. Curanoe Patrizio Milanese. L4. giulio, Consignore di Caronno, Ierago ecc.
VISCONTI : CONSIGNORI DI CARONNO, IERAGO E FAGNANO Gaspare Visconti , Patrizio Milanese, Podestà di Oleggio nel 1248, Magistrato alle riforme degli statuti milanesi per conto del fratello Ottone I. (Figliazione controversa, forse era fratello di Gaspare) Pietro Visconti , Patrizio Milanese, Podestà di Bergamo nel 1290, Podestà di Monza 1292/1293; nel 1288 nelle divisioni della dinastia Visconti ebbe buona parte del contado del Seprio. Sposa Antiochia (Antonia) Crivelli. Gaspare , Patrizio Milanese, Podestà di Bergamo nel 1320 e 1359, Podestà di Cremona nel 1339, Podestà di Bologna nel 1350. = Elisa Azzo , Patrizio Milanese, Signore di Ierago, Consignore di Caronno, Travaino, Cajello, Fagnano e Curano. Andrea (+ post 1417), Patrizio Milanese, Maestro Generale dell’Ordine degli Umiliati. Pietro (+ post 1402), Patrizio Milanese, Cavaliere, Podestà di Bergamo nel 1357 e 1359, Podestà di Cremona nel 1372; Consignore di Caronno, Travaino, Cajello, Ierago, Fagnano e Curano (feudi tenuti in condominio dai discendenti).

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