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21. Apollonius While Apollonius was at Pergamum he met Eudemus of Pergamum (not to be confused witheudemus of rhodes who wrote the History of Geometry) and also Attalus, who http://homepages.compuserve.de/thweidenfeller/mathematiker/Apollonius.htm | |
22. CWRU And Associated Libraries Rutgers University Studies in Classical Humanities X). After that will come a volume of essays on eudemus of rhodes (Vol. Eudemusof Rhodes = RUSCH XI, ed. I. Bodnár and W. Fortenbaugh, 2002. http://catalog.cwru.edu/search/t?SEARCH=Eudemus of Rhodes |
23. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 04.01.15 This century has been kind to the Eudemian Ethics. Ninety years ago, many scholarsascribed the work not to Aristotle but to his colleague, eudemus of rhodes. http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/1993/04.01.15.html | |
24. Eudemus Of Rhodes Publish to a Global Audience in the Knowledgerush Community Soapbox. Eudemusof Rhodes. Buying a book? Support knowledgerush using the links above. http://www.knowledgerush.com/kr/jsp/db/viewWiki.jsp?title=Eudemus of Rhodes |
25. Stephen A. White Eudemus the Naturalist, in eudemus of rhodes = RUSCH 11, ed. I. Bodnarand WW Fortenbaugh (Transaction New Brunswick 2002) 20741. http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~sawhite/CV.html | |
26. UCL Department Of Greek And Latin: Research: Theophrastus The fragments of Demetrius have been newly edited and translated by DCMirhady. eudemus of rhodes, 1997, eudemus of rhodes = RUSCH 11, eds. http://www.ucl.ac.uk/GrandLat/people/sharples/arschool.htm | |
27. UCL Department Of Greek And Latin: Research: Theophrastus 1997 Budapest (on Eudemus) eudemus of rhodes = RUSCH 11, eds. WW Fortenbaughand I. Bodnár, 2002. 1999 Trier, Germany On the Opuscula http://www.ucl.ac.uk/GrandLat/people/sharples/conf.htm | |
28. School Of Humanities | Dr Han Baltussen Juli 1999 in Trier (Die Philosophie der Antike 14, Stuttgart, SteinerVerlag),39-58; 2002b Wehrli s Edition of eudemus of rhodes. http://www.arts.adelaide.edu.au/humanities/people/classics/hbaltussen.html | |
29. Theuth-hilaire eudemus of rhodes, Hippocrates of Chios and the Earliest Form of a GreekMathematical Text. In eudemus of rhodes, eds. WW Fortenbaugh http://name.math.univ-rennes1.fr/theuth/biblios/theuth-netz.html | |
30. Thales Of Miletus 450 AD, is the basis for the first four of these claims, in the third and fourthcases quoting the work History of Geometry by eudemus of rhodes, who was a http://phoenicia.org/thales.html | |
31. Thales Of Miletus From eudemus of rhodes (fl ca. 320 BC) we know that he studied inEgypt and brought these teachings to Greece. He is unanimously http://www.math.tamu.edu/~don.allen/history/thales2/thales2.html | |
32. Aristotelianism Aristotle s immediate disciples, Theophrastus of Eresus and eudemus of rhodes,devoted themselves to maintaining and to developing his teaching without http://cyberspacei.com/jesusi/inlight/philosophy/western/Aristotelianism.htm | |
33. Philosophy Index Christian, Freiherr von; eudemus of rhodes; Ferguson, Adam; ForsterNietzsche, Elisabeth; Fries, Jakob Friedrich; Giner de http://cyberspacei.com/jesusi/inlight/philosophy/ph_index.htm | |
34. IÉ ®XBookweb:m^CgXg William, Learning Electronics Communications Through Experimentation by Berube, RichardH. eudemus of rhodes Rutgers University Studies in Classical by Bodnar http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/cat2-2833.html | |
35. Hipponotes.html court of the Persian king. 6. eudemus of rhodes (350?BCE290?BCE)was the first historian of mathematics. He was a fellow student http://cerebro.xu.edu/math/math147/02f/hippocrates/hipponotes.html | |
36. Ancient Greece Mathematics Timeline It is written as an astronomy text. 322 BC Death of Aristotle. About 320BC eudemus of rhodes writes the History of Geometry. About 300 BC. http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/TLMathematics.htm | |
37. Timeline Related To Greek Science And Technology 330 BC Diving bell used (Aristotle Problems. 322 BC Death of Aristotle.About 320 BC eudemus of rhodes writes the History of Geometry. About 300 BC. http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/HistoricEvents.htm | |
38. ThinkQuest : Library : A Taste Of Mathematic Aristaeus the Elder (fl. c. 350330); eudemus of rhodes (the Peripatetic)(c. 335); Autolycus of Pitane (c. 300); Euclid (c. 295); Aristarchus http://library.thinkquest.org/C006364/ENGLISH/history/historygreece.htm | |
39. Theophrastos - Encyclopedia Article About Theophrastos. Free Access, No Registra eudemus of rhodes also had some claims to this position, and Aristoxenus Aristoxenus,of Tarentum (4th century BC) was a Greek peripatetic philosopher, and http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Theophrastos | |
40. Bodnar_cv 3 (editor, with William W. Fortenbaugh) eudemus of rhodes (Rutgers UniversityStudies in Classical Humanities, vol. XI) New Brunswick, NJ ? http://www.ceu.hu/phil/bodnar_cv.html | |
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