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61. 1Up Science > Links Directory > Math: Mathematicians astronomer, geographer, and poet, who measured the circumference of the earth with extraordinary accuracy erlang, agner Krarup (18781929) Early telecom http://www.1upscience.com/links/math-mathematicians.html | |
62. Optimizing Oracle Performance E Top EBusiness Suite, newer releases of, 47 enqueue event, 193, 209 Ensor, Dave, 24, 287 erlang, agner, 230, 237, 244, 245, 356 erlang C formula, 230 http://www.oreilly.de/catalog/optoraclep/inx.html | |
63. VOXCOM - Call Center Calculator erlang-B und erlang-C . Der Dänische Mathematiker agner Krarup erlang, zu seiner Zeit http://www.via.at/voxcom/CallCenterCalc.html | |
64. Elektroniknet - Elektronik Lexikon Translate this page Suchbegriff erlang. - agner Krarup. Dänischer Mathematiker, der ua die Grundlagen für die Verkehrsberechnung für Telekommunikationssysteme schuf. http://www.elektroniknet.de/elex/show.php?k=e&id=2726 |
65. Pipkins - FAQ The erlang B and C formulas, developed in 1917 by the Danish mathematician agner erlang, are based upon the premise that a caller will never abandon a call http://www.pipkins.com/faqs.asp | |
66. The Muns Report starts with erlang. agner Krarup erlang (18781929) was a Danish mathematician who was interested in probability. Thanks to his http://www.supportinst.com/Nyheter/the_muns_report/021016.htm | |
67. Tilvækst - Februar 2004 99.4 erlang, agner Krarup Kousholt, Bjarne AK erlang og teletrafikken / Bjarne Kousholt. 1.udgave,1.oplag. - Lyngby Polyteknisk Forlag; 2000. http://www.htx-frederikshavn.dk/bibliotek/boeger2004/februar04.htm | |
68. PC World - Programmering Med Mindre Kode har alligevel en sammenhæng. agner Krarup erlang var en dansk matematiker, der levede i 1878 til 1929. erlang var en af opfinderne http://www.pcworld.dk/default.asp?Mode=2&ArticleID=2770&SegmentID=7007 |
69. Products >> FAQs: Left Bank Solutions Q. What is erlang C? A. All modern methods for optimizing networks have their work done by agner Krarur erlang, a Danish scientist. http://www.leftbanksolutions.com/prodfaqs.html | |
70. Science And Society Picture Library Credit Science Museum/Science Society Picture Library Keywords Personalities erlang, agner Krarup Telephone Traffic Telecommunications erlang Mathematics http://www.nmsi.ac.uk/piclib/imagerecord.asp?id=10400534 |
71. Science And Society Picture Library Credit Science Museum/Science Society Picture Library Keywords Personalities erlang, agner Krarup Man Men Telephone Traffic Telecommunications erlang http://www.nmsi.ac.uk/piclib/imagerecord.asp?id=10301221 |
72. Www.fagboginfo.dk - A.K. Erlang Og Teletrafikken Om matematikeren agner Krarup erlangs (18781929) liv og bedrifter herunder hans udvikling lagt stor vægt på at komme så tæt på mennesket erlang, som det http://www.fagboginfo.dk/lunulen/lnulenf.htm | |
73. Eine Erlauterung Der In Der Call Center Fachsprache Benutzten Begriffe Translate this page erlang, agner Krarup (1878-1929) Dänischer Ingenieur, der Anfang des letzten Jahrhunderts bei der Telefongesellschaft in Kopenhagen angestellt war und die http://www.bmsinfosys.de/e-mail_call_center_glossar.htm | |
74. Glossarium Version 4.00.00 - erlang är egentligen en SIenhet för mätning av teletrafiktäthet, uppfunnet av den danske ingenjören agner Krarup erlang. En http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Galaxy/5005/glossarium_e2.htm | |
75. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page erlang, agner (409*) Escher, Maurits (479*) Esclangon, Ernest (69) Euclide di Alessandria (409*) Eudosso di Cnido (183) Eulero, Leonhard (694*) Eutocio di http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4142/matematici.html |
76. A. K. Erlang agner Krarup erlang (Born at Lonborg (Lønborg), near Tarm, in Jutland, Denmark on January 1 1878; died at Copenhagen, Denmark on February 3, 1929), was a http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/A/A.-K.-Erlang.htm | |
77. Dick Grune's Annotated Literature Lists (erlang = Ericsson Language, but also named in honor of agner Krarup erlang, who pioneered in telephone traffic statistics.) erlang code is first translated http://www.cs.vu.nl/~dick/Summaries/CS/PrologImplementation.html | |
78. Telecommunications Users Association What is an erlang? agner Krarup erlang was a mathematician at the turn of the last Century (1878 1929). His work in calculating http://www.tua.co.uk/faqa.htm | |
79. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page David (386) Eötvös, Lorand von (159*) Epstein, Paul (65*) Eratosthenes of Cyrene (167) Erdélyi, Arthur (589*) Erdös, Paul (791*), erlang, agner (409*) Escher http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/Flllph.htm | |
80. Encyclopedia4U - A. K. Erlang - Encyclopedia Article agner Krarup erlang (Born at Lonborg (Lønborg), near Tarm, in Jutland, Denmark on January 1 1878; died at Copenhagen, Denmark on February 3, 1929), was a http://www.encyclopedia4u.com/a/a-k-erlang.html | |
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