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         Erlang Agner:     more detail
  1. The life and works of A.K. Erlang (Transactions of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences 1948, No. 2) by E Brockmeyer, H. L. Halstrom, et all 1948
  2. Agner Krarup Erlang: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i>
  3. Queueing Theorists: Agner Krarup Erlang, T. O. Engset, Thomas L. Saaty, John Kingman, Leonard Kleinrock, Václav E. Benes, David Cox
  4. Agner Krarup Erlang (German Edition) by Lambert M. Surhone, Miriam T. Timpledon, et all 2010-07-04
  5. Danish Statisticians: Agner Krarup Erlang, Anders Hald, Thorvald N. Thiele
  6. Danish Engineers: Agner Krarup Erlang, Jørgen Skafte Rasmussen, Jakob Stoustrup, Ludwig A. Colding, Erik Reitzel, Valdemar Poulsen
  7. Danish Engineers: Danish Military Engineers, Ove Arup, Ove Arup Buildings and Structures, Agner Krarup Erlang, Jørgen Skafte Rasmussen
  8. Agner Krarup Erlang

61. 1Up Science > Links Directory > Math: Mathematicians
astronomer, geographer, and poet, who measured the circumference of the earth with extraordinary accuracy erlang, agner Krarup (18781929) Early telecom
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62. Optimizing Oracle Performance
E Top EBusiness Suite, newer releases of, 47 enqueue event, 193, 209 Ensor, Dave, 24, 287 erlang, agner, 230, 237, 244, 245, 356 erlang C formula, 230

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Optimizing Oracle Performance
[ A ] [ B ] [ C ] [ D ] ... [ Y ] A [ Top ]
Adams, Steve, 306
Amdahl's Law, 11, 355
analyzing response time, 12-18
resource profiles, 15-18
sequence diagrams, 13-15
application identification, SQL trace data files, 77 applications client-server, finding trace files for, 120 connection-pooling, finding trace files for, 122-126 packaged software, convincing vendors to improve performance of, 316 scalable, attributes of, 324 architecture, multitier application, 322 B [ Top ] BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST parameter, 119 directory, 175 MTS and, 122 bind variables avoiding hard parses with, 321 SQL trace data files, 82 buffer busy wait events, 54, 318 C [ Top ] cache hit ratio (see CHR) capacity upgrades, 299 case studies, performance improvement projects, 326-351 large CPU service duration, 333-337

63. VOXCOM - Call Center Calculator
erlang-B und erlang-C . Der Dänische Mathematiker agner Krarup erlang, zu seiner Zeit

CONSULTING SECURITY RECORDER ... LINKS Unsere Software-Lösungen für die Kommunikation
VOXCOM CallCenter Calculator Software
hilft Ihnen bei der Berechnung der notwendigen Telefonleitungen und des erforderlichen
Personals. CallCenter sind Service-Stellen mit einer wesentlich grösseren Anzahl von
Telefonleitungen (Eingängen) als Abfrage (Service) Stellen.
Alle Anrufe die nicht sofort beantwortet werden, werden in einer Warteschlange in der
Telefonanalge oder einem Sprach-Computer gereiht und abgearbeitet (beantwortet). Zur grundsätzlichen Berechnung unterscheidet man daher: non blocking Modus, der Idealfall: ( Bild 1
blocking Modus, die Grenzen Ihres Systems: ( Bild 2
Mehr dazu: a.) Hintergrundinformationen und Bemerkungen des Authors lesen
b.) CallCenter Demo Software ausprobieren ( download ZIP ca. 800 kB )

64. Elektroniknet - Elektronik Lexikon
Translate this page Suchbegriff erlang. - agner Krarup. Dänischer Mathematiker, der ua die Grundlagen für die Verkehrsberechnung für Telekommunikationssysteme schuf.

65. Pipkins - FAQ
The erlang B and C formulas, developed in 1917 by the Danish mathematician agner erlang, are based upon the premise that a caller will never abandon a call
Monday, May 31, 2004 Home Sitemap Information Print ... Training Frequently Asked Questions
1. How many people can your system schedule and what are the hardware requirements? There is really no definite limit to the number people that can be scheduled other than the requirement for a server machine properly equipped to handle the task (enough RAM, large enough hard disk, etc.). The precise server hardware requirements are computed based on various sizing parameters determined from your call center environment. Refer to our hardware requirements for additional information. We routinely schedule centers with thousands of agents.
2. My company has excessive workforce management demands requiring simultaneous scheduling, forecasting and reporting by numerous people. Can your product handle this environment? Yes! Maxima Advantage includes Multiple Application Server (MAS) functionality which allows distribution of your workload over as many application servers as you need. The overall workload is reduced and the processing time for all distributed operations is minimized. MAS also provides workload automation functionality so you can have the freedom to "submit and forget" your routine workforce management tasks. Refer to our MAS product information page for additional details.

66. The Muns Report
starts with erlang. agner Krarup erlang (18781929) was a Danish mathematician who was interested in probability. Thanks to his
Om CCI/SSI Medlemskap Evenemang Utbildningar ... Läs fler rapporter från Ron Muns 16 oktober, 2002 Staffing and Workforce Planning
The two terms are similar, but different: the first, Staffing, focuses on the work schedules of the support team, days into the future. The latter, Workforce Planning, has to do with the size of staff required to meet future demand for work. Why is this so important? The majority of the cost of a support organization is the support staff. Generally, the staff costs are 65 to 80 percent of the overall support organization budget. If you can improve the manner in which you do staffing and workforce planning by 10 percent, your overall budget performance improves by 6.5 to 8 percent. This can be a tremendous cost savings and many organizations achieve even greater performance improvements. In addition to cost reductions, you can begin staffing your support to be in alignment with the work volume peaks and valleys. This results in improvements in speed to answer, first call resolution rates (right staff on the phones when they are needed), and improved customer satisfaction levels.

67. Tilvækst - Februar 2004
99.4 erlang, agner Krarup Kousholt, Bjarne AK erlang og teletrafikken / Bjarne Kousholt. 1.udgave,1.oplag. - Lyngby Polyteknisk Forlag; 2000.
00.1 Bogtryk - trykprocesser Adobe InDesign'cs User Guide. - San Jose [Ca] : Adobe Systems Incorporated; 2003. - 375 sider : illustreret.
Adobe InDesign ; InDesign ; Adobe ; InDesign CS ; desktop publishing ; layout ;
fremstilling ; tryksager ; vejledninger
Sprog : engelsk
Part Number: 90046120 (08/03)
fast udlån til " "
Kommunikationskanaler - Medier - Udtryksmidler Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional : getting started. - San Jose [Ca] : Adobe Systems Incorporated; 2003. - 25 sider : illustreret.
Adobe Acrobat ; Acrobat ; Adobe ; Acrobat 6.0 ; pdf ; elektronisk publicering ; elektroniske dokumenter ; elektronisk dokumentudveksling ; vejledninger
Noter: Sprog : engelsk Part Number: 90043416 (04/03) fast udlån til " " Multimediesystemer Adobe GoLive'cs User Guide. - San Jose [Ca] : Adobe Systems Incorporated; 2003. - 351 sider : illustreret. Emne: Adobe GoLive ; GoLive ; Adobe ; GoLive CS ; hjemmesider ; webdesign ; Internet ; World Wide Web ; vejledninger Noter: Sprog : engelsk Part Number: 90045753 (08/03) fast udlån til "

68. PC World - Programmering Med Mindre Kode
har alligevel en sammenhæng. agner Krarup erlang var en dansk matematiker, der levede i 1878 til 1929. erlang var en af opfinderne

69. Products >> FAQs: Left Bank Solutions
Q. What is erlang C? A. All modern methods for optimizing networks have their work done by agner Krarur erlang, a Danish scientist.

What is the Monet Workforce Management System?

Why should I use a program for forecasting and scheduling of personnel?

What are the typical problems that Monet addresses?

How is the Monet Workforce Management System different?
Why, if anything, is this system called Monet?

Q. What is the Monet Workforce Management System?
A. The Monet Workforce Management System is an affordable and easy to use forecasting and agent scheduling program for small and mid-sized call centers. Monet allows contact center managers the ability to analyze their call and non-call workflow, improve customer service levels and reduce center costs by creating the most efficient employee schedules.
Q. Why should I use a forecasting and agent scheduling program?
A. In a call center, workflow volumes change frequently and quickly. To cope with center volume fluctuations, contact center managers need to apply transactional data analysis to get the right information for forecasting call volumes and agent scheduling. This time-consuming process could lead to mismatches and skill imbalances, if handled manually, besides proving to be costly too. An efficient forecasting and agent scheduling program automates the tedious analysis process and gives you the right information faster to help you make better decisions.

70. Science And Society Picture Library
Credit Science Museum/Science Society Picture Library Keywords Personalities erlang, agner Krarup Telephone Traffic Telecommunications erlang Mathematics

71. Science And Society Picture Library
Credit Science Museum/Science Society Picture Library Keywords Personalities erlang, agner Krarup Man Men Telephone Traffic Telecommunications erlang

72. - A.K. Erlang Og Teletrafikken
Om matematikeren agner Krarup erlangs (18781929) liv og bedrifter herunder hans udvikling lagt stor vægt på at komme så tæt på mennesket erlang, som det
Forsiden] [Emneliste] [Arkiv] A.K. Erlang og teletrafikken. Af Bjarne Kousholt. 101 sider, 13 x 21 cm. Med 36 illustrationer. Pris kr 98,00.
UDDRAG AF INDHOLD: En rar dreng i Vestjylland. 'Den private person'. Elevernes idol. Telefonen kom tidligt til Danmark. Videnskabelig medarbejder. Erlangs fircifrede. B-formlen. International anerkendelse. Mennesket. Kronologi. Litteratur. Turist i Erlangs fodspor. Register. UDGIVER:
Polyteknisk Forlag
Anker Engelunds Vej 1, 2800 Lyngby
Tlf: 77 42 43 44, fax: 77 42 43 54
Internet: Til top Forsiden] [Emneliste] ... [Arkiv] FagBogInfo
Blegdamsvej 4 B
Postbox 638
2200 København N

73. Eine Erlauterung Der In Der Call Center Fachsprache Benutzten Begriffe
Translate this page erlang, agner Krarup (1878-1929) Dänischer Ingenieur, der Anfang des letzten Jahrhunderts bei der Telefongesellschaft in Kopenhagen angestellt war und die
Call Center Glossar
Klicken Sie einfach auf den Anfangsbuchstaben des gesuchten Begriffs.
B C D ... XYZ A Abandoned Call
Lost Call « bezeichnet. Abbruchrate Auch » Disconnect Rate After Call Work Nachbearbeitungszeit Agent Agent Group Agent Status All Trunks Busy Alternative Routing Ansage Im Englischen » Announcement Answered Call Application Based Routing Audiotex Auslastung Im Englischen » Occupancy Auto Available Auto-Dialer Auch » Automatische Anwahlhilfen Auto Greeting Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) Automatic Number Identification (ANI) Auto Wrap-Up Average Caller Arrival Rate (ACAR) Average Call Duration Average Delay Average Delay of Abandon (ADA) Average Handling Time (AHT) Im Deutschen » durchschnittliche Bearbeitungszeit Average Holding Time Average Speed of Answer (ASA) A B C D ... XYZ B Back-Office Base Staff Benchmark Blockierung Im Englischen auch » Blocked Call Bruttokontakte Busy Hour Busy Hour Call Attempts (BHCA) Busy Hour Call Completions (BHCC) A B C D ... XYZ C Calendar Routing Weiterleitung von Anrufen an verschiedene Call Center-Standorte oder -Mitarbeitergruppen je nach Wochentagen oder Uhrzeiten. Call Call Back Button Ein "Button" auf einer Internetseite, mit dem der Kunde um einen Rückruf bitten kann, indem er seine Telefonnummer auf der Internetseite angibt und dann auf den Call Back Button klickt. Der Kunde erhält darauf einen Rückruf.

74. Glossarium Version 4.00.00 -
erlang är egentligen en SIenhet för mätning av teletrafiktäthet, uppfunnet av den danske ingenjören agner Krarup erlang. En
Enhet till Ezrain Enhet
Hårddisken, iomega zipdrive, diskettenheten, eller annat
lagringsmedia. Diskettenhet-A är den första, den andra B,
Hårddisken C och CD-Rom enheten D ända fram till Z. ENIAC
Electronic Numercial Intergrator And Calculator.
En av de amerikanska urdatorerna. Den första riktiga da-
torn från 1946 byggdes av 18 000 elektronrör och vägde
30 ton, och användes ända till 1955. Allan Turing höll på
med liknade under tidigare 40: talet, men det var hemligt
på grund av kriget. Enlarge
Svenska, utvidgas, förstoras. Enlarge on/upon Svenska, utveckla närmare. Enquiry (även inquiry) Svenska, fråga, förfrågan, efterfrågan, efterfrågning, efterforskning, undersökning, utredning. Ensure Svenska, tillförsäkra, garantera, se till. Enter Engelska och betyder här skicka in. Enter Svenska, returtangent eller vagnretur. Tangent som används som inmatningstangent eller vagnre- tur. Ofta makerad med en västerställd vinklad pil.

75. Full Alphabetical Index
Translate this page erlang, agner (409*) Escher, Maurits (479*) Esclangon, Ernest (69) Euclide di Alessandria (409*) Eudosso di Cnido (183) Eulero, Leonhard (694*) Eutocio di

76. A. K. Erlang
agner Krarup erlang (Born at Lonborg (Lønborg), near Tarm, in Jutland, Denmark on January 1 1878; died at Copenhagen, Denmark on February 3, 1929), was a
World History (home) Encyclopedia Index Localities Companies Surnames ... This Week in History
A. K. Erlang
Agner Krarup Erlang January 1 February 3 ) was a Danish mathematician, statistician , and engineer who invented the fields of queueing theory and traffic engineering Erlang was born at Lonborg (Lønborg), near Tarm, in Jutland . He was the son of a schoolmaster and with his maternal mathematical ancestor Thomas Fincke , he demonstrated his potential from an early age by being able to read books upside down. He passed the Preliminary Examination offered by the University of Copenhagen, with distinction, at age 14, after receiving dispensation to sit because he was younger than the usual minimum age. For the next two years he taught alongside his father. With a distant relative providing free board and lodgings, he prepared for and sat the University of Copenhagen entrance examination in , which he passed with distinction. He won a scholarship to the University of Copenhagen and majored in mathematics , but also studied astronomy physics and chemistry . He graduated in with an MA and subsequently taught at several schools over the next 7 years. He maintained his interest in mathematics and received an award for one paper that he submitted to the University of Copenhagen.

77. Dick Grune's Annotated Literature Lists
(erlang = Ericsson Language, but also named in honor of agner Krarup erlang, who pioneered in telephone traffic statistics.) erlang code is first translated
Prolog Implementation
Literature references and annotations by Dick Grune, . Last update: Thu Jan 30 11:56:36 2003.
These references and annotations were originally intended for personal use and are presented here only in the hope that they may be useful to others. There is no claim to completeness or even correctness. Each annotation represents my understanding of the paper at the moment I wrote the annotation.
No guarantees given; comments and content criticism welcome. Todd A. Proebsting, "Simple translation of goal-directed evaluation", in 1997 ACM SIGPLAN Conf. Programming Language Design and Implementation ACM SIGPLAN Notices , #5, May 1997, pp. 1-6. Ilyas Cicekli, "An intelligent backtracking schema in a logic programming environment", ACM SIGPLAN Notices , #3, March 1997, pp. 42-49. Paul Tarau, Koen De Bosschere, Bart Demoen, "Partial translation Towards a portable and efficient Prolog implementation technology", J. Logic Programming , #1-3, pp. 65-83. Oct.-Nov. 1996, N. Zhou, "A novel implementation method for delay", in Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming , MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., pp. 97-111. 1996

78. Telecommunications Users Association
What is an erlang? agner Krarup erlang was a mathematician at the turn of the last Century (1878 1929). His work in calculating
Useful Web Links Contents Number 9 hoax email Do I need a licence for Music on Hold? What is an Erlang? Why does a DACS unit reduce bandwidth? How can I stop unwanted marketing calls / faxes? Are Consumers paying over the odds for calls to 0870 numbers? Which 118 Directory Enquiry Service Should I use? What software tools are available to convert my number? Are mobile phones safe to use? Are reports of a mobile phone virus true? Do I need a license to record a telephone conversation? What telecom publications are available? Do you have a question you wish to ask? Dial 9 - hoax email (another urban legend) The below email reported to be a 'scam' and costing the called party 'several hundred pounds' if they dial a '9' as instructed by an automated message, is a hoax. It does however have some validity as calls are being made by a marketing company (thought to originate from the US) offereing 'prize winners' the chance of a holiday. The called party is asked to dial a 9 after a pre-amble by an automated message, the '9' will connect the called party to a 'live' agent. This is 'normal' US marketing practice. It does however breech curent rules In the UK covering automated calling equipment. The hoax email message seems to be a cross between two similar hoax messages or is perhaps a misunderstanding that has become 'embellished' as it has moved from one user to another. The purported cost is an 'urban legend'. The following information may assist you:

79. Full Alphabetical Index
Translate this page David (386) Eötvös, Lorand von (159*) Epstein, Paul (65*) Eratosthenes of Cyrene (167) Erdélyi, Arthur (589*) Erdös, Paul (791*), erlang, agner (409*) Escher
Full Alphabetical Index
Click on a letter below to go to that part of this file. A B C D ... XYZ Click below to go to the separate alphabetical indexes A B C D ... XYZ The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait.
Abbe , Ernst (602*)
, Niels Henrik (2899*)
bar Hiyya (240)
Abraham, Max

Abu Kamil
Shuja (59)
al'Buzjani (243)
, Wilhelm (196)
Adams, John Couch

Adams, J Frank

of Bath (89)
, August (114) Adrain , Robert (79) Aepinus , Franz (124) Agnesi , Maria (196*) Ahlfors , Lars (725*) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (60) Ahmes Aida Yasuaki (114) Aiken , Howard (94) Airy , George (313*) Aitken , Alexander (825*) Ajima , Chokuyen (144) Akhiezer , Naum Il'ich (248*) al'Battani , Abu Allah (194) al'Biruni , Abu Arrayhan (306*) al'Haitam , Abu Ali (269*) al'Kashi , Ghiyath (73) al'Khwarizmi , Abu (123*) Albanese , Giacomo (282) Albert, Abraham Adrian (158*) Albert of Saxony Alberti , Leone (181*) Albertus Magnus, Saint (109*) Alcuin of York (237*) Aleksandrov , Pave (160*) Alembert , Jean d' (291*) Alexander , James (130*) Amringe , Howard van (354*) Amsler , Jacob (82) Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (169) Anderson , Oskar (67) Andreev , Konstantin (117) Angeli , Stefano degli (234) Anstice , Robert (209) Anthemius of Tralles (55) Antiphon the Sophist (125) Apollonius of Perga (276) Appell , Paul (1377) Arago , Dominique (345*) Arbogast , Louis (87) Arbuthnot , John (251*) Archimedes of Syracuse (467*) Archytas of Tarentum (103) Arf , Cahit (1452*) Argand , Jean (81) Aristaeus the Elder (44) Aristarchus of Samos (183)

80. Encyclopedia4U - A. K. Erlang - Encyclopedia Article
agner Krarup erlang (Born at Lonborg (Lønborg), near Tarm, in Jutland, Denmark on January 1 1878; died at Copenhagen, Denmark on February 3, 1929), was a
ENCYCLOPEDIA U com Lists of articles by category ...
Encyclopedia Home Page
A. K. Erlang
Agner Krarup Erlang (Born at Lonborg (Lønborg), near Tarm, in Jutland Denmark on January 1 ; died at Copenhagen , Denmark on February 3 ), was a Danish mathematician, statistician, and engineer who invented the fields of queueing theory and traffic engineering He was the son of a schoolmaster and with his maternal mathematical ancestor Thomas Fincke , he demonstrated his potential from an early age by being able to read books upside down. He passed the Preliminary Examination offered by the University of Copenhagen, with distinction, at age 14, after receiving dispensation to sit because he was younger than the usual minimum age. For the next two years he taught alongside his father. With a distant relative providing free board and lodgings, he prepared for and sat the University of Copenhagen entrance examination in , which he passed with distinction. He won a scholarship to the University of Copenhagen and majored in mathematics , but also studied astronomy physics and chemistry . He graduated in with an MA and subsequently taught at several schools over the next 7 years. He maintained his interest in mathematics and received an award for one paper that he submitted to the University of Copenhagen.

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