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         Erlang Agner:     more detail
  1. The life and works of A.K. Erlang (Transactions of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences 1948, No. 2) by E Brockmeyer, H. L. Halstrom, et all 1948
  2. Agner Krarup Erlang: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i>
  3. Queueing Theorists: Agner Krarup Erlang, T. O. Engset, Thomas L. Saaty, John Kingman, Leonard Kleinrock, Václav E. Benes, David Cox
  4. Agner Krarup Erlang (German Edition) by Lambert M. Surhone, Miriam T. Timpledon, et all 2010-07-04
  5. Danish Statisticians: Agner Krarup Erlang, Anders Hald, Thorvald N. Thiele
  6. Danish Engineers: Agner Krarup Erlang, Jørgen Skafte Rasmussen, Jakob Stoustrup, Ludwig A. Colding, Erik Reitzel, Valdemar Poulsen
  7. Danish Engineers: Danish Military Engineers, Ove Arup, Ove Arup Buildings and Structures, Agner Krarup Erlang, Jørgen Skafte Rasmussen
  8. Agner Krarup Erlang

41. Glossar CallCenter-Technik
Translate this page erlang, agner Krarup (1878-1929) Dänischer Ingenieur, der Anfang des Jahrhunderts bei der Telefongesellschaft in Kopenhagen angestellt war und die heute noch
Wichtige Begriffe der Call Center-Technik
A Abandoned Call Abbruchrate After Call Work Nachbearbeitungszeit Agent Agent Group Agent Status All Trunks Busy (ATB) Alternative Routing Ansage Answered Call Application Based Routing Audiotex Auslastung Im Englischen Occupancy Auto Available Auto-Dialer Auto Greeting Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) Automatic Number Identification (ANI) Auto Wrap-Up Average Caller Arrival Rate (ACAR) Average Call Duration Average Delay Average Delay of Abandon (ADA) Average Handling Time (AHT) Average Holding Time Average Speed of Answer (ASA) B Base Staff Blockierung Busy Hour Busy Hour Call Attempts (BHCA) Busy Hour Call Completions (BHCC) C Calendar Routing Weiterleitung von Anrufen an verschiedene Call Center- Standorte oder -Mitarbeitergruppen je nach Wochentagen oder Uhrzeiten. Call Call Back Messaging Call by Call Routing Call Center Call Completion Rate Call Detail Record (CDR) Call Load Call Reporting Calls in Queue Call Routing Call Volume Caller ID Carrier Cold Call Computer-Aided Dialing Computer Telephony Integrtion (CTI) Computer Telephony Conditional Routing Costs per Call (CPC) Costs of Delay Costs per Order (CPO) Die Kosten, die dem Unternehmen bei einer Bestellung eines Kunden (Call, Handling, Shipping) entstehen.

42. Smart Computing Encyclopedia
Smart Computing ® Encyclopedia. erlang. erlang is a programming language named for agner erlang (18781929), the Danish telecommunications engineer.

43. Erlang In
One of the languages presented there was erlang, named after agner Krarup erlang (18781929), a Danish mathematician who developed a theory of stochastic
By Martin Heller In my December, 2002 column, I discussed the Lightweight Languages conference I attended at MIT in November. One of the languages presented there was Erlang, named after Agner Krarup Erlang (1878-1929), a Danish mathematician who developed a theory of stochastic processes in statistical equilibrium that is widely used in the telecommunications industry. Joe Armstrong of the Distributed Systems Laboratory of the Swedish Institute of Computer Science gave the talk. Joe was and is one of the architects of the language and one of the authors of Concurrent Programming in Erlang
A Little History
Erlang was designed for programming concurrent, real-time, distributed fault-tolerant systems. Erlang was designed in parallel with its first applications, in an internal project about languages for switching systems at Ericsson, the Swedish telecom giant. At first, Erlang was a secret project. Initially, it was slow, as the implementation was done on top of a Prolog interpreter; later, it was reimplemented with a compiler, on several operating systems and processors, and met its designers' performance goals. Meanwhile, Ericsson, in its infinite wisdom, standardized on C++ for all its new projects, which led to Erlang becoming an open source language. One consequence was that the Erlang team left Ericsson for a startup. Another consequence of this is that one of Ericsson's biggest competitors, Nortel Networks, adopted Erlang for some of its own products, including the Alteon SSL Accelerator.

44. Biography-center - Letter E
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45. Calculadora Erlang B
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46. Erlang Calculator
functions. Information. agner Krarup erlang Definitions of traffic engineering Traffic engineering links Email me. http//personal
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The erlang language, named after Danish mathematician agner erlang, was developed by a team of employees at the giant Swedish communications firm Ericsson
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The Erlang Language
August 1994 Core Technologies / The Erlang Language The Erlang language, named after Danish mathematician Agner Erlang, was developed by a team of employees at the giant Swedish communications firm Ericsson, where it's used to write huge real-time control programs for telephone exchanges and network switches. Since it's targeted specifically at the communications industry, Erlang eschews many powerful features of Miranda and Concurrent Clean for execution speed, but it nevertheless remains a pure FPL (functional programming language) with no destructive variable assignment. Erlang supports concurrency and has built-in primitives for asynchronous message-passing between processes. The language was originally developed on an interpreter written in Prolog, but the latest version generates C macros for compilation by standard C compilers. Erlan g uses a fairly orthodox FPL syntax with both pattern matching and guards. Here's one possible definition of the factorial function: factorial(0) -> 1 factorial(n) -> n * factorial(n-1) Lists and tuples are the only compound data types Erlang supports; however, like Clean, it features an efficient interface to several GUI operating systems, so you can write interactive graphical applications. Special attention is paid within Erlang to error-handling behavior and to ``hot'' replacement of code modules in running systems, which is vital in the telecommunications business.

The erlang language, named after Danish mathematician agner erlang, was developed by a team of employees at the giant Swedish communicati ons firm Ericsson
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August 1994 / Core Technologies
August 1994 / Core Technologies Functional Programming Comes of Age A quicksort in the Miranda language Beyond Lisp, some new functional programming languages are starting to emerge after the ongoing research of the eighties - by Dick Pountain The Erlang Language The Erlang language, named after Danish mathematician Agner Erlang, was developed by a team of employees at the giant Swedish communicati ons firm Ericsson, where it's used to write huge real-time control programs for telephone exchanges and network switches. A Different Kind of RISC HP's elegant new implementation of its PA-RISC architecture delivers world-class performance - by Dick Pountain System 7.5: A Step Toward the Future

49. Directorio - Historia
Translate this page erlang, agner Krarup (1878-1929) Early telecom theorist, after whom a unit of measurement and a programming language are named.
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50. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
He moves to Hvium 6. erlang, agner Krarup (18781929) The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography; January 1, 1998

51. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
began to 19. erlang, agner Krarup (18781929) The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography; January 1, 1998 all over

52. Excite España - Directorio - Mathematicians
z=1 pg=2 br=1. 17. erlang, agner Krarup (18781929), Early telecom theorist, after whom a unit of measurement and a programming language are named.
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53. Eponyms
Erastianism, Thomas Erastus (152483), Swiss theologian. erlang, agner Krarup erlang (1878-1929), Dutch scientist. erotic, Eros, Greek god of love.
Eponyms An eponym is a word derived from the name of a real, fictional, mythical or spurious character or person. Most eponyms originate from a person's surname: boycott , for instance, from the Irish landlord Captain Charles Cunningham Boycott; dahlia , from the Swedish botanist Anders Dahl; the sousaphone , from the American bandmaster John Philip Sousa; and volt , from the Italian physicist Count Alessandro Volta. Many eponymous words come from literary, biblical or mythological sources: malapropism , from Mrs Malaprop in Sheridan's The Rivals Dickensian , from the English writer Charles Dickens; as old as Methuselah , from the age of the Old Testament patriarch; and aphrodisiac , from the Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite. There are thousands of eponyms in everyday use in English today and study of them yields a fascinating insight into the rich heritage of the world's most popular language and its development. Here are some more examples of names that have been immortalised in such a way.
B C D ... W X Y Z A Aaron's beard/rod Aaron, brother of Moses

54. Origin Unit's Name (others) - Egyéb Egységek Nevének Eredete
erlang agner Krarup erlang (Born 1 Jan 1878 in Lonborg (near Tarm), Jutland, Denmark Died 3 Feb 1929 in Copenhagen, Denmark), Dán matematikus.
Language: Hungarian , English (Origin of unit's names 3.) (Others) a) SI-ben megengedett (accepted for use with the SI ) liter litre )( l) Latin l itra liter ; en: litre, liter) French : litre tonna metric ton )(t) French: t onne ; en: tun) perc minute )(min) Latin min utus kicsiny En: small hour )(h) Latin h ora ; En: hour) nap day (d Latin: d ies nap ; En: day) year )(a) Latin a nnus ; En: year) kilometre/hour )(km/h) kilo Latin h ora ; En: hour) watthour )(Wh) James Watt Jan. 19, 1736, Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scoland Aug. 25, 1819, Heathfield Hall, (near Birmingham), Warwick, England. Scottish instrument maker and inventor Latin h ora ; En: hour) Celsius-fok degree Celsius o C) Anders Celsius Nov. 27, 1701, Uppsala, Swed April 25, 1744, Uppsala Swedish physicist and astronomer astronomical unit )(au) English a stronomical u nit Latin a stronomia astronomia) ; En:astronomy) + Latin u nitas ; En: unit) parsec parsec )(pc) par allaxis+ sec undum, Greek p (parallaxis) En: parallax) + Latin se c undus light year )(ly) English l ight y ear (hectare)(ha) h ecto Latin: a rea ; En: area) gon (gon) Greek gwn …a (gonia) En:angle, corner)

Translate this page agner Karup erlang Copenhagen Telephone Company, 1908 desenvolveu uma fórmula para solucionar o problema da quantidade de linhas telefônicas a instalar
Home Tutoriais Guia de Sites Quem Somos ... Teste seu Entendimento Onde: P b = Probabilidade de Bloqueio. Grau de Bloqueio (B) : Resposta: Bloqueio= 5.26% Exemplo: Dimensionamento de um PABX. Chamadas originadas (exceto Vendas) 3 minutos Chamadas originadas no setor de Vendas 15 minutos Chamadas recebidas 3 minutos Quantas linhas esta empresa deve ter conectadas ao seu PABX para um Bloqueio menor que 1%? Imprima esta página Aspectos Legais Privacidade Nossa Proposta Fale Conosco

56. - O 1º Portal De Atendimento A Clientes Do
Translate this page 29/9/2001 - 1726 - 29/06/01 - 1648 - agner Krarup erlang criou a agner Krarup erlang foi a primeira pessoa a estudar o problema de redes de telefonia.

57. Portraits Of Statisticians
ENGEL, (Christian Lorenz) Ernst 18211896. EN KO, Pyotr Dimitrievich 1844-1916. erlang, agner Krarup 1878-1929. ESSEEN, Carl-Gustav 1918-2001. Stats/Home/portraits_of_sta
Portraits of Statisticians
This page was recreated by Thad Grafton Return to the AP Statistics Home Page The original page was created by Peter M Lee and the original page is at the University of York, UK
Click here for information about sources at the University of York
Click here for information about the life and work of statisticians from the University of York
A B C D ... Z
Complementary information can be found at
  • ABBE, Ernst
  • ADAMS, John Couch
  • ADRAIN, Robert ...
  • ANDERSON, Oskar Nikolayevich 1887-1960 = ANDERSON, Oskar Johann Viktor
  • ANDERSON, Roy Malcolm
  • ANDERSON, Theodore Wilbur
  • ANDERSON, Virgil
  • ANSCOMBE, Frank J ...
  • BECHHOFER, Robert with SOBEL, Milton (left) and GUPTA, Shanti S (right)
  • BELLHOUSE, David A
  • BENJAMIN, Bernard
  • BERGER, James O
  • BERNOULLI, Daniel ...
  • BOSKOVIC, Rudjer Josip, S.J. 1711-1787 = BOSCOVICH, Ruggiero Giuseppe = BOSCOVICH, Roger Joseph
  • BOWLEY, Sir Arthur Lyon
  • BOX, George Edward Pelham
  • BRADLEY, Ralph A
  • BRAVAIS, Auguste ...
  • CHEBYSHEFF, Pavnutii Lvovich 1821-1894 = TCHEBYCHEFF, Pafnuty Lvovitch = CEBYSEV, Pafnuty Lvovitch
  • CHERNOFF, Herman
  • 58. A.K. Erlang:
    Who is this man erlang? And, what is this unit of measure? agner Krarup erlang. THE BEGINNING. Denmark, a country in northern Europe
    A.K. Erlang: The Man and the Measure A Presentation for The Second International Symposium on Telecommunications History August 5-6, 1994 Brookline, Massachusetts By Roger Clery A corporate telecommunications manager calculates the required number of tie trunks to interconnect the PBX switch at the home office to the PBX at the new overseas offices. A Communications engineer is calculating the required size of microcells for the new Personal Communication Systems. These systems will allow communications anywhere and anytime the user desires An operations manager at a Local Exchange Carrier does a study of the delay time requirements of Signal System 7. Although this system uses packet data to control the voice network, traffic tables developed for voice traffic can be used to estimate delay factors. INTRODUCTION What these people are doing is traffic engineering. They will be using tables and formulas derived and proven long ago. They will probably give little thought to the people from the past and their work that has that has made this possible. This paper explors the life and work of the foremost telephone traffic engineer.

    59. Ingenta: Article Summary -- IFORS Operational Research Hall Of Fame Agner Krarup
    IFORS Operational Research Hall of Fame. agner Krarup erlang International Transactions in Operational Research January 2004, vol. 11, no. 1, pp.

    60. Traffic Modeling In Call Centers
    in the telephone industry, and many of the theories still in use today were developed between 1909 and 1917 by the Danish mathematician agner Krarup erlang.
    Traffic Modeling and Resource Allocation in Call Centers
    Introduction Traffic, whether cars, customer lines or telephone calls, share similar characteristics. Traffic may be very busy and move slowly, or stop and wait, or it may be light and experience no delays. Highways, toll booths, telephone lines and bank tellers may be either underutilized, causing costly idle times, or overloaded, generating long delays and providing poor service. Analysts must find the right number of resources - toll booths, bank tellers, support agents and telephone lines - to provide adequate service at reasonable costs. Traffic modeling analyzes traffic patterns and determines the necessary resources to handle that traffic. Traffic modeling originated in the telephone industry, and many of the theories still in use today were developed between 1909 and 1917 by the Danish mathematician Agner Krarup Erlang. Erlang's biography and additional traffic modeling bibliography are available at

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