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21. A. K. Erlang - Encyclopedia Article About A. K. Erlang. Free Access, No Registra agner Krarup erlang (Born at Lonborg (Lønborg), near Tarm, in Jutland Jutland (Jylland) was historically one of the three main parts or Lands of Denmark. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/A. K. Erlang | |
22. Erlang - Wikipedia NL Het was aan de hand van het wetenschappelijk werk in verband met verkeerstheorie van de Deense wiskundige agner erlang dat men tot de definities kwam. http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erlang | |
23. Erlang - Susning.nu erlang (http//www.erlang.org) är ett funktionellt språk utvecklat av Ericsson. erlang är liksom måttenheten erlang uppkallat efter agner Krarup erlang. http://susning.nu/Erlang | |
24. Agner Krarup Erlang Translate this page Histórico. agner Krarup erlang foi a primeira pessoa a estudar o problema de redes de telefonia. Estudando a troca de ligações http://www.erlang.com.br/brhistor.asp | |
25. Erlang.com.br Translate this page agner K. erlang Seu trabalho na teoria de tráfego de telefonia o fez ganhar reconhecimento internacional. Dimensionamento Básico http://www.erlang.com.br/ | |
26. ALaide.com - Dictionnaire - Agner Krarup Erlang Translate this page Dictionnaire, Résultat de la recherche de agner Krarup erlang, Centum Call Second, Évaluation pas encore évaluée. Equivalents ou http://www.alaide.com/dico.php?q=Agner Krarup Erlang&ix=3367 |
27. ALaide.com - Dictionnaire - Erlang Translate this page erlang ( agner Krarup ) Mathématicien danois ( 1 janvier 1878 à Lonborg 3 février 1929 à Copenhague ) dont le nom a été attribué à un langage de http://www.alaide.com/dico.php?q=Erlang&ix=3366 |
28. Les Hommes Des Unités : Agner Erlang-2 Translate this page http://www.utc.fr/~tthomass/Themes/Unites/Hommes/erl/Erlang_2.html |
29. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent j.14753995.2004.00445.x. IFORS Operational Research Hall of Fame agner Krarup erlang. Jakob Krarup. Selected original works, Go to http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/doi/10.1111/j.1475-3995.2004.00445.x/enha | |
30. A. K. Erlang :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius Online Encyclopedia agner Krarup erlang (Born at Lonborg (Lønborg), near Tarm, in Jutland, Denmark on January 1 1878; died at Copenhagen, Denmark on February 3 http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/a/a_/a__k__erlang.html | |
31. PC-Dummies De Bedre Vidende, E.htm Er Kemisk tegn for Erbium. erlang, agner Krarup (1878 1929) Matematiker, som interesserede sig meget for sandsynlighedsregning. http://www.praestkjaer.dk/dk/e.htm |
32. What Is...Erlang (the Programming Language) (a Definition) Named for the Danish mathematician agner Krarup erlang, the language was developed by the Ericsson Computer Sciences Lab to build software for its own http://iroi.seu.edu.cn/books/ee_dic/whatis/erlang.htm | |
33. INFORMS - Applied Probability Society Prizes INFORMS Bookstore. erlang Prize. learn more about agner erlang. The Prize is given for outstanding contribution to the field of applied http://www.informs.org/Prizes/AppliedProbabilityPrize.html | |
34. Find A Grave - Agner Krarup 'A.K.' Erlang erlang, agner Krarup AK b. 1878 d http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=21835&pt=Agner Krarup 'A.K |
35. BSNL Portal || Knowledge Base Developed by Danish Mathematician agner Krarup erlang, the traffic modeling theories are still in use, in the telephone industry. http://www.bsnl.in/Knowledgebase.asp?intNewsId=33922 |
36. BSNL Portal || Telecom Guide 12/08/03 182434. The erlang Traffic Models. agner Krarup erlang was born in 1878 in Lønborg, Denmark. He was a pioneer in the study http://www.bsnl.in/Telecomguide.asp?intNewsId=18723&strNewsMore=more |
37. Erlangov Prometni Kalkulator AK erlang 1878 1929, AK erlang. Vse moderne metode za otimizacijo omreij imajo korenine v delu danskega znanstvenika z imenom agner Krarup erlang. http://lt79.fe.uni-lj.si/erlang/ | |
38. Erlang/OTP Professional Services By Sjöland&Thyselius - Erlang/OTP Click here for more links. erlang is named after the Danish mathematician agner Krarup erlang (18781929). Looking for the erlang formula? http://www.erlang-services.com/eng/erlang_erlangotp.htm | |
39. Erlang erlang. erlang is a language developed at the Computer Science Laboratory at Ellemtel AB and is named after the Danish mathematician agner Krarup erlang. http://www.erlang.org/cslab/projects/erlang/sqlerlang/node9.html | |
40. Re: Erlang, The Mathematician? 1 Feb 1999, Craig Dickson wrote Joe Armstrong wrote just out of curiosity, was erlang named for the Danish mathematician agner Krarup erlang? http://www.erlang.org/ml-archive/erlang-questions/199902/msg00005.html | |
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