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         Erlang Agner:     more detail
  1. The life and works of A.K. Erlang (Transactions of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences 1948, No. 2) by E Brockmeyer, H. L. Halstrom, et all 1948
  2. Agner Krarup Erlang: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i>
  3. Queueing Theorists: Agner Krarup Erlang, T. O. Engset, Thomas L. Saaty, John Kingman, Leonard Kleinrock, Václav E. Benes, David Cox
  4. Agner Krarup Erlang (German Edition) by Lambert M. Surhone, Miriam T. Timpledon, et all 2010-07-04
  5. Danish Statisticians: Agner Krarup Erlang, Anders Hald, Thorvald N. Thiele
  6. Danish Engineers: Agner Krarup Erlang, Jørgen Skafte Rasmussen, Jakob Stoustrup, Ludwig A. Colding, Erik Reitzel, Valdemar Poulsen
  7. Danish Engineers: Danish Military Engineers, Ove Arup, Ove Arup Buildings and Structures, Agner Krarup Erlang, Jørgen Skafte Rasmussen
  8. Agner Krarup Erlang

1. Agner Krarup Erlang (1878 - 1929)
The mathematics underlying today's complex telephone networks is still based on his work. Erlang was the first person to study the problem of telephone networks. ContentsFeatures Call routing in
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Permission is granted to print and copy this page on paper for non-commercial use. For other uses, including electronic redistribution, please contact us. Issue 2 May 1997 Contents Features Call routing in telephone networks Agner Krarup Erlang (1878 - 1929) Testing Bernoulli: a simple experiment Are the polls right? ... What mathematicians get up to Career interview Student interviews Career interview - Accountant Regulars Plus puzzle Pluschat Mystery mix Letters Staffroom New GCE AS/A-level Cores The Open Learning Foundation Mathematics Working Group Running before we can walk? Delegate's diary: CAL97 ...
poster! May 1997 Features
Agner Krarup Erlang (1878 - 1929)
A.K. Erlang was the first person to study the problem of telephone networks. By studying a village telephone exchange he worked out a formula, now known as Erlang's formula, to calculate the fraction of callers attempting to call someone outside the village that must wait because all of the lines are in use. Although Erlang's model is a simple one, the mathematics underlying today's complex telephone networks is still based on his work. Agner returned home where he remained for two years, teaching at his father's school for two years and continuing with his studies. He also learnt French and Latin during this period. By the time he was 16 his father wanted him to go to university but money was scarce. A distant family relation provided free accommodation for him while he prepared for his university entrance examinations at the Frederiksborg Grammar School. He won a scholarship to the University of Copenhagen and completed his studies there in 1901 as an MA with mathematics as the main subject and astronomy, physics and chemistry as secondary subjects.

2. Erlang
Agner Krarup Erlang. Born 1 Jan 1878 in Agner Erlang was descended on his mother s side from Thomas Fincke. His father was a schoolmaster
Agner Krarup Erlang
Born: 1 Jan 1878 in Lonborg (near Tarm), Jutland, Denmark
Died: 3 Feb 1929 in Copenhagen, Denmark
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to see five larger pictures Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Agner Erlang was descended on his mother's side from Thomas Fincke . His father was a schoolmaster and Erlang was educated at his father's school when he was young. He took his examinations in Copenhagen at the age of 14 and passed with special distinction after having to obtain special permission to take the examinations because he was below the minimum age. He returned to Lonberg and taught at his father's school for two years. In 1896 he passed the entrance examination to the University of Copenhagen with distinction and, since his parents were poor, he was given free board and lodgings in a College of the University of Copenhagen. His studies at Copenhagen were in mathematics and natural science. He attended the mathematics lectures of Zeuthen and Juel and these gave him an interest in geometrical problems which were to remain with him all his life.

3. Erlang Unit - Encyclopedia Article About Erlang Unit. Free Access, No Registrati
It is named after the Danish telephone engineer AK erlang agner Krarup Erlang (Born at Lonborg (Lønborg), near Tarm, in Jutland, Denmark on January 1 1878 unit
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Erlang unit
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition The unit named the erlang is a statistical measure of telecommunications Telecommunication is the technique of transmitting a message, from one point or place to another with the typical additional attribute of being bi-directional. In practice it also recognizes that something may be lost in the process; hence the term 'telecommunication' covers all forms of distance communications, including radio, telegraphy, television, telephony, data communication and computer networking.
Click the link for more information. traffic The word traffic can mean the following:
  • Usually, traffic is the movement of vehicles.
  • Often, traffic is the movement of goods or information.
  • At a location, traffic refers to the coming and going of things.
  • In some contexts "traffic" means commerce.
  • In telecommunication the term traffic has the following meanings:
  • The information moved over a communication channel.
  • A quantitative measurement of the total messages and their length, expressed in CCS, erlang or similar units, during a specified period of time.
    Click the link for more information.
  • 4. A. K. Erlang
    Agner Krarup Erlang (Born at Lonborg (L?borg), near Tarm, in Jutland, Denmark on January 1 1878; died at Copenhagen, Denmark on February 3, 1929), was a
    Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
    A. K. Erlang
    Agner Krarup Erlang (Born at Lonborg (Lønborg), near Tarm, in Jutland Denmark on January 1 ; died at Copenhagen , Denmark on February 3 ), was a Danish mathematician, statistician, and engineer who invented the fields of queueing theory and traffic engineering He was the son of a schoolmaster and with his maternal mathematical ancestor Thomas Fincke , he demonstrated his potential from an early age by being able to read books upside down. He passed the Preliminary Examination offered by the University of Copenhagen, with distinction, at age 14, after receiving dispensation to sit because he was younger than the usual minimum age. For the next two years he taught alongside his father. With a distant relative providing free board and lodgings, he prepared for and sat the University of Copenhagen entrance examination in , which he passed with distinction. He won a scholarship to the University of Copenhagen and majored in mathematics , but also studied astronomy physics and chemistry . He graduated in with an MA and subsequently taught at several schools over the next 7 years. He maintained his interest in mathematics and received an award for one paper that he submitted to the University of Copenhagen.

    5. Agner Erlang - Wikipedia NL
    Andere talen Deutsch English. Agner Erlang. Agner Krarup Erlang (1 januari 1878 3 februari 1929) Deens wiskundige. Erlang kreeg
    Agner Erlang
    Agner Krarup Erlang 1 januari 3 februari Deens wiskundige
    Erlang kreeg vooral bekendheid door zijn werk met wachttijd berekeningen bij het opzetten van telefoonverbindingen . De eenheid voor telefoonverkeer - de Erlang - is naar hem vernoemd.
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    6. Agner Krarup Erlang -
    Skaffa dig en Agner Krarup Erlang. Agner Krarup Erlang, ingenjör, matematiker dansk född 1 jan 1878 död 3 feb 1929 Definierade Erlangs formel.
    Agner Krarup Erlang
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    Agner Krarup Erlang
    ingenjör matematiker dansk född 1 jan 1878 död 3 feb 1929 Definierade Erlangs formel Måttenheten erlang och programspråket med samma namn är uppkallade efter honom. Hitta mer information om samma ämne på webben På svenska ( Agner Krarup Erlang ) sök i A D G W ... SAOB På engelska ( A. K. Erlang ) sök i A D G W ... A = Alltheweb , D = Dmoz , G = Google , W = Wikipedia , Y = Yahoo , NE = Nationalencyklopedin , SAOB = Svenska Akademiens ordbok Sätt betyg på den här artikeln: Startsida Senaste nytt Länkspegel Inställningar Sök:
    Visa andra versioner drivs av Aronsson Datateknik
    Senast ändrad 16 juli 2003 (skillnad)

    7. . K. Erlang
    Agner Krarup Erlang (Narozený u Lonborg (L ? nborg), blízko Tarm, v Jutland, Dánsko na Leden 1 1878; umrel u Kodan, Dánsko na Únor 3, 1929), byl
    švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
    . K. Erlang
    Agner Krarup Erlang (Narozen½ u Lonborg (L � nborg), bl­zko Tarm, v Jutland D¡nsko na 1. ledna ; zemřel u Kodaň , D¡nsko na 3. ºnora ), byl d¡nsk½ matematik, statistik a inžen½r, kter½ vynalezl pole queueing teorie a dopravn­ inžen½rstv­ On byl syn učitele a s jeho mateřsk½m matematick½m předchůdcem Thomas Fincke , on demonstroval jeho potenci¡l od ºtl©ho věku t­m, že je schopn½ č­st knihy vrchn­ č¡st dole. On proÅ¡el Předběžn¡ zkouÅ¡ka nab­dl univerzitou Kodaně, s rozd­lem, u věku 14, pot©, co přijal prominut­ sedět protože on byl mladÅ¡­ než obvykl½ minim¡ln­ věk. Pro dalÅ¡­ dva roky, kter© on učil pod©l jeho otce. Se vzd¡len½m př­buzn½m poskytovat volnou tabuli a ubytov¡n­, on připravoval se pro a seděl univerzita Kodaň přij­mac­ zkouÅ¡ky v , kter½ on proÅ¡el s rozd­lem. On dostal stipendium k Univerzita Kodaně a specializoval se na matematika , ale tak© studoval astronomie fyzika a chemie . On promoval v s m¡mou a n¡sledně učil u několik Å¡kol přes dalÅ¡­ch 7 roků. On udržoval jeho z¡jem na matematice a přij­mal cenu za jeden pap­r, kter½ on předložil k univerzitě Kodaně.

    8. Agner Krarup Erlang - Wikipedia
    Translate this page Agner Krarup Erlang. aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie. Agner Krarup Erlang (* 01. Januar 1878 in Lonborg, Dänemark † 03.
    Agner Krarup Erlang
    aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
    Agner Krarup Erlang (* 01. Januar in Lonborg, Dänemark Dänemark Er machte sich unter anderem Gedanken über Warteschlangenprobleme in der Telefonie. Nach ihm ist das Maß Erlang benannt. Von ihm stammt auch die Erlang C -Formel, welche die Warteschlange einer Telefonvermittlung berechnet. Links:
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    9. RUHE IN FRIEDEN - Online Todesanzeigen, Bestatter Und Bestattungsinstitute
    Translate this page B BENZ Sieglinde BOEDIGHEIMER Andreas E ELLWANGER Rudolf ENGELHARDT Otmar erlang agner F FRIEDRICH Ingrid G GEMBALLA Gero GLAENZER Svenia GOGA Octavian K

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    Letzten Einträge Tobias BAUMGARTEN Maria WETTERHAHN Samantha WILLNAUERKOEHLER Otmar ENGELHARDT ... Christina LUCIA
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    Online Friedhof Hier finden Sie alle aktiven Einträge von "Ruhe in Frieden". Die bereits abgelaufenen Einträge finden Sie im Archiv von "Ruhe in Frieden"

    ERLANG Agner K KLIMMER Albin L LABELLE TJ LUCIA Christina M N O P PRAWY Marcel R RAHN Helmut S SAUTTER Margit SEITZ Karl T TRAVIS Veronica TRINTIGNANT Marie TURNER Gary W WILLNAUERKOEHLER Samantha Dieser Internet Service als Andenken an geliebte verstorbene Menschen steht unter und zur Verfügung. In Kürze wird es einen weiteren Service für Fotoalbums geben ( Photo (C) 2003 R.I.P Info (492) [ IMPRESSUM ] [ AGB ] GOOGLE YAHOO ... Juergen MOELLEMANN REST IN PEACE RUHE IN FRIEDEN

    10. INFORMS: Erlang Prize Of The Applied Probabilty Society
    agner Krarup erlang. Born 1 Jan 1878 in Lonborg (near Tarm), Jutland, Denmark agner erlang was descended on his mother's side from Thomas Fincke
    Go to INFORMS Page ... INFORMS Home What's New Info for Members Info for Nonmembers Conferences Continuing Education Education/Students Employment Prizes Publications Subdivisions Searchable Databases Links About this Web Site INFORMS Online Bookstore Discussion Search Erlang Prize of the
    Applied Probability Society of INFORMS
    Who was Erlang?
    According to the biography of Erlang published by the School of Mathematics and Statistics at University of St. Andrews, Scotland , Erlang's biography is as follows. This document is used with the permission of University of St. Andrews. Agner Krarup Erlang Born: 1 Jan 1878 in Lonborg (near Tarm), Jutland, Denmark
    Died: 3 Feb 1929 in Copenhagen, Denmark
    Agner Erlang was descended on his mother's side from Thomas Fincke . His father was a schoolmaster and Erlang was educated at his father's school when he was young. He took his examinations in Copenhagen at the age of 14 and passed with special distinction after having to obtain special permission to take the examinations because he was below the minimum age. He returned to Lonberg and taught at his father's school for two years. In 1896 he passed the entrance examination to the University of Copenhagen with distinction and, since his parents were poor, he was given free board and lodgings in a College of the University of Copenhagen.

    11. Erlang Programming Language
    erlang is a programming language designed for developing robust systems of programs that can be distributed among different computers in a network. Named for the Danish mathematician agner Krarup,,sid9_gci212072,00.html
    Search our IT-specific encyclopedia for: or jump to a topic: Choose a topic... CIO CRM Databases Domino Enterprise Linux Exchange IBM S/390 IBM AS/400 Mobile Computing Networking Oracle SAP Security Storage Visual Basic Web Services Windows 2000 Advanced Search Browse alphabetically:
    B C D ... Programming Erlang programming language
    Also see erlang , a unit of telephone traffic. Erlang is a programming language designed for developing robust systems of programs that can be distributed among different computers in a network. Named for the Danish mathematician Agner Krarup Erlang, the language was developed by the Ericsson Computer Sciences Lab to build software for its own telecommunication products. In use for a number of years at Ericsson and other companies, Erlang is taught in over 80 universities and colleges world-wide and is freely available as open source code. Erlang is similar to Java in that it uses a virtual machine and supports multithreading . However, whereas the Java development community focuses on Web applications, Erlang is aimed at the market for extremely robust servers and embedded systems. Erlang is described as a functional programming language, meaning that it emphasizes the evaluation of expressions rather than the execution of commands. The expressions use functions to derive basic values. (Two other well-known programming models are

    12. What Is An Erlang
    This page explains what an erlang is. The suggested method uses both erlang B and erlang C. erlang a tribute. agner Krarup erlang was born in 1878 in Lønborg, Denmark
    Home Free calculators Products Tech. papers ... About us
    This paper describes the telecommunications unit Erlang, and its application in teletraffic theory. Online Erlang Traffic Calculators are also hosted at this Web site and can be used free of charge now.
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    Erlang - a unit of traffic
    An Erlang is a unit of telecommunications traffic measurement. Strictly speaking, an Erlang represents the continuous use of one voice path. In practice, it is used to describe the total traffic volume of one hour. For example, if a group of user made 30 calls in one hour, and each call had an average call duration of 5 minutes, then the number of Erlangs this represents is worked out as follows:

    13. Erlang, Agner Krarup
    erlang, agner Krarup (18781929). Danish mathematician who applied the theory of probabilities to problems connected with telephone
    Erlang, Agner Krarup Danish mathematician who applied the theory of probabilities to problems connected with telephone traffic, such as congestion and waiting time. The erlang is now the unit of telephone-traffic flow.
    Erlang was born near Tarm in Jutland and studied at the University of Copenhagen. From 1908 he was leader of the laboratory of the Copenhagen Telephone Company.
    Rules determining the amount of traffic to be carried per selector have been established by every telephone authority and company, following Erlang's formulas. Especially important are his formulas for the probability of barred access in busy-signal systems and for the probability of delay and for the mean waiting time in waiting-time systems.
    Erlang also constructed a measuring bridge to meter alternating current (the so-called Erlang complex compensator), which was a considerable improvement on earlier apparatus of similar function. Of equal significance were his investigations into telephone transformers and telephone cable theory.

    14. Agner Krarup Erlang (1878 - 1929)
    May 1997. Features. agner Krarup erlang (1878 1929). AK erlang was the first person to study the problem of telephone networks. By
    @import url(../../newinclude/plus_copy.css); @import url(../../newinclude/print.css); @import url(../../newinclude/plus.css); search plus with google
    Permission is granted to print and copy this page on paper for non-commercial use. For other uses, including electronic redistribution, please contact us. Issue 2 May 1997 Contents Features Call routing in telephone networks Agner Krarup Erlang (1878 - 1929) Testing Bernoulli: a simple experiment Are the polls right? ... What mathematicians get up to Career interview Student interviews Career interview - Accountant Regulars Plus puzzle Pluschat Mystery mix Letters Staffroom New GCE AS/A-level Cores The Open Learning Foundation Mathematics Working Group Running before we can walk? Delegate's diary: CAL97 ...
    poster! May 1997 Features
    Agner Krarup Erlang (1878 - 1929)
    A.K. Erlang was the first person to study the problem of telephone networks. By studying a village telephone exchange he worked out a formula, now known as Erlang's formula, to calculate the fraction of callers attempting to call someone outside the village that must wait because all of the lines are in use. Although Erlang's model is a simple one, the mathematics underlying today's complex telephone networks is still based on his work. Agner returned home where he remained for two years, teaching at his father's school for two years and continuing with his studies. He also learnt French and Latin during this period. By the time he was 16 his father wanted him to go to university but money was scarce. A distant family relation provided free accommodation for him while he prepared for his university entrance examinations at the Frederiksborg Grammar School. He won a scholarship to the University of Copenhagen and completed his studies there in 1901 as an MA with mathematics as the main subject and astronomy, physics and chemistry as secondary subjects.

    15. Erlang
    Biography of agner erlang (18781929) agner Krarup erlang. Born 1 Jan 1878 in Lonborg (near Tarm), Jutland, Denmark agner erlang was descended on his mother's side from Thomas Fincke
    Agner Krarup Erlang
    Born: 1 Jan 1878 in Lonborg (near Tarm), Jutland, Denmark
    Died: 3 Feb 1929 in Copenhagen, Denmark
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    to see five larger pictures Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
    Agner Erlang was descended on his mother's side from Thomas Fincke . His father was a schoolmaster and Erlang was educated at his father's school when he was young. He took his examinations in Copenhagen at the age of 14 and passed with special distinction after having to obtain special permission to take the examinations because he was below the minimum age. He returned to Lonberg and taught at his father's school for two years. In 1896 he passed the entrance examination to the University of Copenhagen with distinction and, since his parents were poor, he was given free board and lodgings in a College of the University of Copenhagen. His studies at Copenhagen were in mathematics and natural science. He attended the mathematics lectures of Zeuthen and Juel and these gave him an interest in geometrical problems which were to remain with him all his life.

    16. Agner Krarup Erlang
    agner Krarup erlang. agner Krarup erlang (18781929) was a Danish mathematician who invented to forecast telecommuncations traffic. erlang's formula, and variations, are used in many
    Agner Krarup Erlang Agner Krarup Erlang (1878-1929) was a Danish mathematician who invented the formula commonly used to forecast telecommuncations traffic. Erlang's formula, and variations, are used in many workforce management systems to predict the number of agents required to handle an incoming queue at a given service level. To learn more about Agner Erlang, see A brief biography of Erlang.
    To learn more about Irene, see:

    17. Agner Krarup Erlang 1878-1929, Born In Denmark
    agner Krarup Erlang18781929, born in Denmark As a youth, A. K. Erlangs favorite subject was astronomy. He passed the. preliminary examination with distinction to the University of Copenhagen

    18. Agner Krarup Erlang (1878-1929) : The Maths Behind Telephone Traffic
    agner Krarup erlang (18781929) the maths behind telephone traffic. agner Krarup erlang developed the mathematical formulae that
    Telephone How the telephone works Copper cables Fibre optic cables ... Go back to story Agner Krarup Erlang (1878-1929) : the maths behind telephone traffic Agner Krarup Erlang developed the mathematical formulae that underpinned the design of telephone networks from the 1920s.
    He passed his final school exam with distinction when he was just 14 and become a schoolteacher when he was only 15! A few years later, he studied mathematics and natural science at Copenhagen University, where he developed a fascination for problems of geometry.
    His work on probability theory led him to join the Mathematical Association, where he met Johan Jensen, chief engineer at the Copenhagen Telephone Company. Jensen persuaded Erlang to join the telephone company and find a solution to the problem of waiting times for telephone calls. This led to the publication of his first paper 'The Theory of Probability and Telephone Conversations' in 1909.
    His later work on the characteristics of telephone networks was soon adopted by telephone companies throughout the world, and his name lives on as the unit used to measure telephone traffic.

    19. Your Search:
    telephone networks agner Krarup erlang (1878 May 1997 Features agner Krarup erlang (1878 1929) A.K

    20. Erlang
    erlang. agner Krarup erlang (18781929) was a Danish mathematician who invented the formula commonly used to forecast learn more about agner erlang, see A brief biography of erlang.
    Erlang Agner Krarup Erlang (1878-1929) was a Danish mathematician who invented the formula commonly used to forecast telecommuncations traffic. Erlang's formula, and variations, are used in many workforce management systems to predict the number of agents required to handle an incoming queue at a given service level. To learn more about Agner Erlang, see A brief biography of Erlang.
    To learn more about Irene, see:

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