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         Erdos Paul:     more books (62)
  1. Professional Mail Surveys by Paul L. Erdos, 1983-09
  2. The Physics of Actinide Compounds (Physics of Solids and Liquids) by Paul Erdos, 1983-06-01
  3. N is a Number: A Portrait of Paul Erdös by George P. Csicsery, 1999-12-06
  4. Calculating Prodigies: Carl Friedrich Gauss, Leonhard Euler, John Von Neumann, William Rowan Hamilton, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Paul Erdos
  5. The Mathematics of Paul Erdös II (Algorithms and Combinatorics)
  6. Person (Budapest): John von Neumann, Theodor Herzl, Paul Erdos, Robert Capa, George Tabori, Antal Doráti, George Szell, Edward Teller (German Edition)
  7. Paul Erdös: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, 2001
  8. Hungarian Academy of Sciences: Members of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Paul Erdos, Norman Borlaug, György Lukács, Ágnes Heller
  9. The Man Who Loved Only Numbers: The Story of Paul Erdos and the Search for Mathematical Truth   [MAN WHO LOVED ONLY NUMBERS] [Paperback] by Paul(Author) Hoffman, 1999-05-31
  10. MY BRAIN IS OPEN The Mathematical Journeys of Paul Erdos by Bruce Schechter, 1998-01-01
  11. Members of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: Paul Erdos, Norman Borlaug, György Lukács, Ágnes Heller, László Sólyom, András Hajnal, Pál Turán
  12. My Brain Is Open, The Mathematical Journeys of Paul Erdos - 1998 publication by Bruc Schchtr, 1998
  13. Personnalité En Théorie Des Graphes: Edsger Dijkstra, William Rowan Hamilton, Paul Erdos, Ronald Graham, Béla Bollobás, Klaus Wagner, Fan Chung (French Edition)
  14. Zahlentheoretiker (20. Jahrhundert): Paul Erdos, André Weil, Edmund Landau, S. Ramanujan, Carl Ludwig Siegel, Serge Lang, Derrick Lehmer (German Edition)

21. Sci.math FAQ: Erdos Number
Why people care about it? Nobody seems to have a reasonable answer Who is paul erdos? paul erdos is an Hungarian mathematician.
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22. Erdos Number Project Home Page
To find out who paul Erdös is, look at this biography at the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive, or choose the “Information about paul Erdös” link
You will be automatically redirected to the new site in 10 seconds (if not, please click on the address above).

23. Paul Erdos Information
There is also the paul Erdös who was a longtime market research executive York Times, he and Arthur Morgan founded the market research firm erdos Morgan in
You will be automatically redirected to the new site in 10 seconds (if not, please click on the address above).

24. The Man Who Loved Only Numbers
By paul Hoffman. A biography of paul erdos. Site devoted to the book and the man.

25. Erdos, Paul (1913-1996) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography
erdos, paul (19131996), References. Schechter, B. My Brain is Open The Mathematical Journeys of paul erdos. New York Simon and Schuster, 1998.
Branch of Science Mathematicians Nationality Hungarian ... Cole Prize
Erdos, Paul (1913-1996)
Chung, F. and Graham, R. Erdos on Graphs: His Legacy of Unsolved Problems. New York: A. K. Peters, 1998. Hoffman, P. The Man Who Loved Only Numbers. New York: Hyperion, 1998. Schechter, B. My Brain is Open: The Mathematical Journeys of Paul Erdos. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1998.

26. Theory At U Of C Salutes Paul Erdos
Tributes, obituaries, and articles.
In Memoriam "My mother said, `Even you, Paul, can be in only one place at one time.'
Maybe soon I will be relieved of this disadvantage.
Maybe, once I've left, I'll be able to be in many places at the same time.
Maybe then I'll be able to collaborate with Archimedes and Euclid."
Some links...
  • at Eötvös University, Budapest (includes several photos and articles from Hungarian newspapers)
  • Another from the Mathematical Institute , Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • home page includes a wealth of information and pointers.
  • Tommy R. Jensen and Bjarne Toft's web page
  • History of Mathematics Archive
Obituaries... Other reading

27. The TIMES About Paul Erdõs
The TIMES September 25 1996 paul erdos. paul erdos, mathematician, died on September 20 aged 83. He was born on March 26, 1913. paul
September 25 1996
Paul Erdos, mathematician, died on September 20 aged 83. He was born on March 26, 1913. Paul Erdos was regarded by fellow mathematicians as the most brilliant, if eccentric, mind in his field. Because he had no interest in anything but numbers, his name was not well known outside the mathematical fraternity. He wrote no best-selling books, and showed a stoic disregard for worldly success and personal comfort, living out of a suitcase for much of his adult life. The money he made from prizes he gave away to fellow mathematicians whom he considered to be needier than himself. "Property is a nuisance," was his succinct evaluation. Mathematics was his life and his only interest from earliest childhood onwards. He became the most prolific mathematician of his generation, writing or co-authoring 1,000 papers and still publishing one a week in his seventies. His research spanned many areas, but it was in number theory that he was considered a genius. He set problems that were often easy to state, but extremely tricky to solve and which involved the relationships between numbers. He liked to say that if one could think of a problem in mathematics that was unsolved and more than 100 years old, it was probably a problem in number theory. In spite, or perhaps because of, his eccentricities, mathematicians revered him and found him inspiring to work with. He was regarded as the wit of the mathematical world, the one man capable of coming up with a short, clever solution to a problem on which others had laboured through pages of equations. He collaborated with so many mathematicians that the phenomenon of the "Erdos number" evolved. To have an Erdos number 1, a mathematician must have published a paper with Erdos. To have a number of 2, he or she must have published with someone who had published with Erdos, and so on. Four and a half thousand mathematicians have an Erdos number of 2.

28. Erdos
Biography of paul Erdös (19131996) paul Erdös. Born 26 March 1913 in Budapest, Hungary Washington Post ( Obituary) Oakland ( The erdos Number Web site)
Born: 26 March 1913 in Budapest, Hungary
Died: 20 Sept 1996 in Warsaw, Poland Click the picture above
to see nine larger pictures Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Paul was not much over a year old when World War I broke out. Paul's father Lajos was captured by the Russian army as it attacked the Austro-Hungarian troops. He spent six years in captivity in Siberia. As soon as Lajos was captured, with Paul's mother Anna teaching during the day, a German governess was employed to look after Paul. Anna, excessively protective after the loss of her two daughters, kept Paul away from school for much of his early years and a tutor was provided to teach him at home. The year 1920 was not all bad for Paul, for his father Lajos returned home from Siberia. He had learnt English to pass the long hours in captivity but, having no English teacher, did not know how to pronounce the words. He now set about teaching Paul to speak English, but the strange English accent which this gave Paul remained one of his characteristics throughout his life. Hardy in Cambridge in 1934 and Ulam , also in Cambridge, in 1935. His friendship with

29. Pál Erdös
A profile of Pal erdos (or paul erdos) with photo.
[ c a t a l y s t ] My site has moved to . Please visit - I think you'll find all the old material, plus some new stuff! math home contents Steve Krause

30. Paul Erdös --  Encyclopædia Britannica
To cite this page MLA style paul erdos. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. , erdos, paul Hungarian mathematician (b. March 26, 1913, Budapest, Hung.d. Sept.

31. Erdos
Washington Post (Obituary); Oakland (The erdos Number Web site); AMS; AMS (Erdös s work); AMS (Photographs); MAA (Obituary in Mathland); paul Hoffman; Mathematical
Born: 26 March 1913 in Budapest, Hungary
Died: 20 Sept 1996 in Warsaw, Poland Click the picture above
to see nine larger pictures Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Paul was not much over a year old when World War I broke out. Paul's father Lajos was captured by the Russian army as it attacked the Austro-Hungarian troops. He spent six years in captivity in Siberia. As soon as Lajos was captured, with Paul's mother Anna teaching during the day, a German governess was employed to look after Paul. Anna, excessively protective after the loss of her two daughters, kept Paul away from school for much of his early years and a tutor was provided to teach him at home. The year 1920 was not all bad for Paul, for his father Lajos returned home from Siberia. He had learnt English to pass the long hours in captivity but, having no English teacher, did not know how to pronounce the words. He now set about teaching Paul to speak English, but the strange English accent which this gave Paul remained one of his characteristics throughout his life. Hardy in Cambridge in 1934 and Ulam , also in Cambridge, in 1935. His friendship with

32. Erdos, Paul. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. Erdös, paul. ( r´dös) (KEY) , 1913–96, Hungarian mathematician, b. Budapest.
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Columbia Encyclopedia PREVIOUS NEXT ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. KEY number theory and combinatorics , an area of mathematics fundamental to computer science.

33. Erdos, Paul
erdos, paul, redPor 0611-2001, ostatnia aktualizacja 06-11-2001 1405 Numer 0 We wrzesniu 1996 r. Warszawie w wieku 83 lat zmarl,34157,524315.html
Forum Poczta Randki + Og³oszenia ...
z internetem
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Erdos, Paul
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34. Résultats De La Recherche, Paul&format=short

He was born on March 26, 1913. paul erdos was regarded by fellow mathematicians as the most brilliant, if eccentric, mind in his field.
September 25, 1996
Paul Erdos was regarded by fellow mathematicians as the most brilliant, if eccentric, mind in his field. Because he had no interest in anything but numbers, his name was not well known outside the mathematical fraternity. He wrote no best-selling books, and showed a stoic disregard for worldly success and personal comfort, living out of a suitcase for much of his adult life. The money he made from prizes he gave away to fellow mathematicians whom he considered to be needier than himself. "Property is a nuisance," was his succinct evaluation. Mathematics was his life and his only interest from earliest childhood onwards. He became the most prolific mathematician of his generation, writing or co-authoring 1,000 papers and still publishing one a week in his seventies. His research spanned many areas, but it was in number theory that he was considered a genius. He set problems that were often easy to state, but extremely tricky to solve and which involved the relationships between numbers. He liked to say that if one could think of a problem in mathematics that was unsolved and more than 100 years old, it was probably a problem in number theory. In spite, or perhaps because of, his eccentricities, mathematicians revered him and found him inspiring to work with. He was regarded as the wit of the mathematical world, the one man capable of coming up with a short, clever solution to a problem on which others had laboured through pages of equations. He collaborated with so many mathematicians that the phenomenon of the "Erdos number" evolved. To have an Erdos number 1, a mathematician must have published a paper with Erdos. To have a number of 2, he or she must have published with someone who had published with Erdos, and so on. Four and a half thousand mathematicians have an Erdos number of 2.

36. Paul Erdos And His Mathematics
paul ERDÕS AND HIS MATHEMATICS. Budapest, October 19, 1996. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Roosevelt square 9. Program. 900 Vera T
Budapest, October 19, 1996
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Roosevelt square 9
  • 9:10-10:40 Session 1. Chair: A. Schinzel
    • I.Z. Ruzsa: Probabilistic number theory
    • G. Tenenbaum: Multiples and divisors
  • Coffee Break
  • 11:10-12:30 Session 2. Chair: W. Deuber
    • R. Faudree: Ramsey theory
    • J. Nesetril: Infinite combinatorics
    • E.C. Milner: Partition relations for ordinals
  • Lunch Break
  • 14:00-15:30 Session 3. Chair: M. Karonski
    • J. Spencer: Random graphs
    • M. Simonovits: Extremal graph theory
    Coffee Break
  • 16:00-17:20 Session 4. Chair: M. Nathanson
  • 17:20 Closing

37. Anecdote - Paul Erdos - Paul Erdos: Good Friend
Charles Darwin and Andy Warhol all showed signs of Asperger s syndrome. erdos, paul (19131996) Hungarian mathematician noted for various works Sources P

38. Anecdote - Paul Erdos - Erdos
erdos, paul (19131996) Hungarian mathematician noted for various works Sources Telegraph More paul erdos anecdotes Related Anecdote Keywords

39. Social Networking In Academia -- The Collaboration Network Of Paul Erdos
Social Networking in Academia. paul Erdõs was an expert in the mathematics of networks. He practiced what he preached he was

Software Contact Search
Social Networking in Academia
Evolution of the social network of scientific collaborations[PDF] is available from Laszlo Barabasi and colleagues. from which I constructed the collaborator graph. create value , while the dense, trusted ties deliver value in discovered opportunities. For a complete analysis read Burt's seminal work The Network Structure of Social Capital[PDF] What is the structure of your professional network? Software and Training in social network analysis are available from the author.

40. AIM Reprint Library:
Listing for erdos, paul. Viewing Page 110 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-45 NEXT . Bateman, paul erdos, paul Pomerance, Carl Straus, EG.;mode=display;BrowseT

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