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61. Number And Operation Session 6: Number Theory In this part, we ll continue a mathematics tradition begun by eratosthenes of cyrene(276194 BCE) the same person who s known for accurately estimating the http://www.learner.org/channel/courses/learningmath/number/session6/part_b/ | |
62. Eratosthenes eratosthenes of cyrene 276 194 BC source. http://www.geomatics.ucalgary.ca/~sneeuw/hall_of_fame/seiten_e/eratosthenes.html | |
63. History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians Philo of Byzantium (fl. c. 250) *SB; Nicoteles of Cyrene (c. 250); Strato(c. 250); Persius (c. 250?); eratosthenes of cyrene (c. 276c. 195) *SB *MT; http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/chronology.html | |
64. History Of Mathematics: Greece Philo of Byzantium (fl. c. 250); Nicoteles of Cyrene (c. 250); Strato(c. 250); Persius (c. 250?); eratosthenes of cyrene (c. 276c. 195); http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/greece.html | |
65. Grécia Antiga Eratóstenes Geógrafo eratosthenes of cyrene (com referências);eratosthenes of cyrene; Malaspina Great Books Eratosthenes; World http://warj.med.br/cie/t-cie06d-2.asp | |
66. World InfoZone - Libya Facts century BC. eratosthenes of cyrene (276BC 197) was a famous Greekmathematician who worked on prime numbers and geometry. He made http://www.worldinfozone.com/facts.php?country=Libya |
67. Title eratosthenes of cyrene Ca. 275 BCE to 200 BCE Originally from Cyrenein North Africa, Eratosthenes spent many years studying at http://www.math.uvic.ca/courses/math415/Math415Web/greece/gmen/erattext.html | |
68. Euclidswindow What, for example, could be more practical than measuring the size ofthe Earth? It was first done in 212 BC by eratosthenes of cyrene. http://scibooks.org/euclidswindow.html | |
69. IMSA Astrophysics: Distance Ladder The actual size was calculated to good precision by eratosthenes of cyrene (284 192 BC), an ancient Greek and head of the famed library at Alexandria (Egypt http://staff.imsa.edu/science/astro/astrometry/ground1.html | |
70. Earthradius Part 1 eratosthenes of cyrene. The dispute concerning the shape of the earth hasbeen settled by Eratosthenes (276 194 BC). He could demonstrate http://home.t-online.de/home/fam.zapp/earthradius/part1.htm | |
71. Bible History Links - Ancient Greece - 2. General Sites Texts http//eawc.evansville.edu/grpage.htm Epidemics and Military Battleshttp//www.ento.vt.edu/IHS/militaryEpidemics.html eratosthenes of cyrene (ca. http://www.bible-history.com/links.cfm?cat=3&sub=246 |
72. - Great Books - Brief Biography. eratosthenes was born in cyrene which is now in Libya in North Africa teachers included the scholar Lysanias of cyrene and the philosopher Ariston of Chios who had http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_515.asp | |
73. Eratosthenes Van Cyrene eratosthenes van cyrene. eratosthenes (276194 vC) van cyrene wasde derde bibliothecaris van Alexandriës bibliotheek. Hij volgde http://mediatheek.thinkquest.nl/~lla015/biografie/Eratosthenes.html | |
74. Greek Scientists eratosthenes, One of the students of the great poet Callimachus was eratosthenesof cyrene (c.275192 BCE), who became librarian in the Museum, the scientific http://www.livius.org/gi-gr/greeks/scientists.html | |
75. Eratosthenes Resources earth s circumference; Key West. picture of eratosthenes; eratosthenes sinventions and discoveries; eratosthenes cyrene; what high school http://www.4-menopause-symptoms-and-menopause-info.com/eratosthenes.html | |
76. Eratosthenes Eratosthenes Was Born In Cyrene... eratosthenes eratosthenes was born in cyrene which is now in Libyain North Africa. eratosthenes eratosthenes was born in cyrene http://www.instant-essays.com/mathematics/eratosthenes.shtml | |
77. Eratosthenes eratosthenes (276 BC 194 BC) was a Greek mathematician, geographer and astronomerwith (probably) Chaldean origins. He was born in cyrene (now Shahhat, Libya http://www.fact-index.com/e/er/eratosthenes.html | |
78. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search Results full record feedback - send details to friend. Page 1. eratosthenesof cyrene This site provides a biography of eratosthenes (276-194 BC). http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/psisearch.pl?term1=Eratosthenes&subject=A |
79. Encyclopedia4U - Eratosthenes - Encyclopedia Article eratosthenes (276 BC 194 BC) was a Greek mathematician, geographer and astronomerwith (probably) Chaldean origins. He was born in cyrene (now Shahhat, Libya http://www.encyclopedia4u.com/e/eratosthenes.html | |
80. BBC - History - Eratosthenes (c.276 BC - C.194 BC) eratosthenes (c.276 BC c.194 BC). eratosthenes was born in cyrene on the northcoast of Africa but educated in Athens, and came to Egypt in his thirties. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/eratosthenes.shtml | |
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