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         Eisenstein Gotthold:     more detail
  1. Mathematische Werke (AMS Chelsea Publishing) by Gotthold Eisenstein, 1997-10-01
  2. Mathematische Abhandlungen: Besonders Aus Dem Gebiete Der Höheren Arithmetik Und Der Elliptischen Functionen by Ferdinand Gotthold Max Eisenstein, 2010-01-12
  3. Mathematische Werke *2 Volumes* by Gotthold Eisenstein, 1989-01-01
  4. Mathematische Werke (German Edition) by Ferdinand Gotthold Max Eisenstein, 1975
  5. Mathematische Abhandlungen by Gotthold Eisenstein, 2008-01-01
  6. Mathematische Abhandlungen: Besonders aus dem Gebiete der höheren Arithmetik und der elliptischen Functionen by Ferdinand Gotthold Max Eisenstein, 1847

41. Minutes Of The Third Meeting Of Mathematical Culture
that since the time he wrote the 1952 paper, he learned that the main result of hisearlier paper had already been discovered by gotthold eisenstein a century
Minutes of the third meeting of Mathematical Culture The third meeting of Mathematical Culture took place on June 26, 2000 at Barnes and Noble's cafe on Campbell Lane in Bowling Green, KY and was attended by five people, including myself. This cordial gathering was the final meeting of the discussion group, at least for this year under my leadership. The books we discussed at this meeting were Eric Temple Bell's book Men of Mathematics and Lynn Osen's book Women in Mathematics. Both are collections of biographies of mathematicians. The books are quite different. Bell's book represents a genre which the French mathematician Jean Dieudonne described as "novelistic biography". The lives of the mathematicians therein are often real adventure stories. Unfortunately, Bell doesn't give many references to support his accounts and in many cases he is just plain wrong about the facts. Bell was a novelist as well as a prolific mathematician. He wrote science fiction under the pseudonym John Taine. He wasn't an historian. Lynn Osen's book is better in that respect, since she is careful to support her assertions with specific references. In some cases, those references are not completely reliable, but at least one knows what they are and one can examine them critically. On the other hand, although she mentions the mathematics that each of her women did, she doesn't explain any of it. Bell does attempt to explain some of the relevant mathematical ideas to his non-mathematical reader. However, even in such attempts, he sometimes does violence to the mathematics in order to achieve a literary goal.

42. : Book Search Reiter's Scientific And Professional Bookstore
$19.00. Ivan the Terrible. eisenstein, s. Unknown. Video, VHS, NTSC. $59.94. MathematischeWerke, 2nd ed., 2 vols. eisenstein, gotthold F. 1988. Hardback. $131.00., s&stype=author

43. Collected Works In Mathematics And Statistics
Charles Ehresmann, gotthold eisenstein, Paul Erdös, Euclid, LeonhardEuler. Author, Title, Volumes, Call Number, Location. Ehresmann, Charles
Collected Works in Mathematics and Statistics
This is a list of Mathematics and Statistics collected works that can be found at Dalhousie University and at other Halifax universities. The vast majority of these works are located in the Killam Library on the Dalhousie campus. A guide to other locations is given at the end of this list. If a title is owned by both Dalhousie and another university, only the Dalhousie site is listed. For all locations, and for full bibliographic details, see the NOVANET library catalogue This list was compiled, and the collection is being enlarged, with the invaluable help of the Bibliography of Collected Works maintained by the Cornell University Mathematics Library. The thumbnail sketches of mathematicians were taken from the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive at the University of St. Andrews. For correction, comments, or questions, write to Karl Dilcher ( You can scroll through this list, or jump to the beginning of the letter:
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N.H. Abel

44. TITLE Gauss, Eisenstein, And The Third Proof Of The Quadratic
ABSTRACT Carl Friedrich Gauss, the most prominent mathematician of the 19th century,will square off against gotthold eisenstein, 21year old mathematics
TITLE Gauss, Eisenstein, and the "third" proof of the quadratic reciprocity law: ein kleines Schauspiel. ABSTRACT Carl Friedrich Gauss, the most prominent mathematician of the 19th century, will square off against Gotthold Eisenstein, 21-year old mathematics student in Berlin, in a semi-fictional account of their views and proofs of a fundamental law revealing patterns in prime numbers. (Accessible from upper undergraduate and up; advance knowledge of quadratic reciprocity NOT needed, only knowledge of congruence. I will explain quadratic residues; the main article is on the web at

45. 285-286 (Nordisk Familjebok / 1800-talsutgåvan. 4. Duplikator - Folkvandringen)
komitatet Hunyád Eisenmenger, Johann Andreas - Eisenstadt, fristad i ungerskakomitatet Ödenburg - eisenstein, Ferdinand gotthold Max - Eisfeld, stad i
Nordisk familjebok 1800-talsutgåvan. 4. Duplikator - Folkvandringen
(1881) Tema: Reference
Table of Contents / Innehåll
Project Runeberg Catalog ... Print (PDF) On this page / på denna sida - Eisenach - Eisenberg, stad i hertigdömet Sachsen-Altenburg - Eisenburg, komitat i Ungern - Eisenerz l. Innernberg, köping i Öfre Steiermark - Eisenerzalperna. Se Alperna och Eisenerz - Eisenlohr, Jakob Friedrich - Eisenlohr, August - Eisenmarkt, köping i siebenbürgska komitatet Hunyád - Eisenmenger, Johann Andreas - Eisenstadt, fristad i ungerska komitatet Ödenburg - Eisenstein, Ferdinand Gotthold Max - Eisfeld, stad i hertigdömet Sachsen-Meiningen - Eisgrub, köping i mähriska regeringsområdet Göding - Eisleben, stad i preussiska regeringsområdet Merseburg (Sachsen) - Eiss, musikt., den med en half ton höjda tonen e - Eisteddfod, Wal., "sammanträde", "session", ett slags bardkongresser - Eitner, Robert - Ejalet, ett i turkiskan allmänt förekommande arabiskt ord, som betyder styrelse, guvernörskap, provins
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46. 67-68 (Nordisk Familjebok / Uggleupplagan. 7. Egyptologi - Feinschmecker)
Eisenerzalperna Eisenlohr, August - Eisenmarkt - Eisenmenger, Johann Andreas- Eisenmenger, August - Eisenstadt - eisenstein, Ferdinand gotthold Max.
Nordisk familjebok Uggleupplagan. 7. Egyptologi - Feinschmecker
(1907) Tema: Reference
Table of Contents / Innehåll
Project Runeberg Catalog ... Print (PDF) On this page / på denna sida - Eisen, August Gustaf - Eisenach - Eisenberg - Eisenburg - Eisenerz l. Innernberg - Eisenerzalperna - Eisenlohr, August - Eisenmarkt - Eisenmenger, Johann Andreas - Eisenmenger, August - Eisenstadt - Eisenstein, Ferdinand Gotthold Max
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47. Eisenstein
Ferdinand gotthold Max eisenstein. Born 16 April 1823 in Berlin, Germany Died11 Oct 1852 in Berlin, Germany. Mathematiker Bild Show birthplace location.
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Ferdinand Gotthold Max Eisenstein
Born: 16 April 1823 in Berlin, Germany
Died: 11 Oct 1852 in Berlin, Germany
Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index
(Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Gotthold Eisenstein worked on a variety of topics including quadratic and cubic forms, the reciprocity theorem for cubic residues, quadratic partition of prime numbers and reciprocity laws. Eisenstein suffered all his life from bad health. Even while he was at school he had health problems and after leaving school he travelled with his parents to England where they were looking for a better life. They tried Wales and Ireland before returning to Germany. While in Ireland Eisenstein met Hamilton who gave him a copy of a paper that he had written on Abel 's work on the impossibility of solving quintic equations. This stimulated Eisenstein to research in mathematics and on his return to Germany he enrolled at the University of Berlin. Eisenstein was soon publishing mathematical works, mainly in

48. News
eisenstein,Ferdinand gotthold Max; 16.04.1823- 11.10.1852; @T(Berlin/D; ebd.) www01a, @A
Stand : 24.06.2002
KEINE PANIK : der Text wird kompletiert!
Achtung, gegenüber der Vorlesung sind die Unterpunkte (1,2,...) durch (i,ii,...) ersetzt worden!
- Paragraphen: III.5.1-
Die angeführten Mathematiker:
(Ü.1) Zu den Übungsaufgaben
Kap. III Symmetrische Gruppen
(5.1)(a-b) Notation (5.1)(b) Zykel; Transpositionen (5.2)(1-4) Bemn (5.2)(1) disjunkt (5.2)(2) paarweise disjunkt (5.2)(3) Typ; Partition (5.2)(4) Rechnen mit Zykelnotation; Multiplikation (5.3) Satz; Bsp (5.4) Cor (5.5) Satz; Bsp; Standgruppe; Signum (oder Vorzeichen) (5.6) Satz; alternierende Gruppe (5.7) Cor; Normalteiler vom Index (5.8) Cor; Bew; (5.9) die S3; 6 Konjugationsklassen; Klassengleichung (5.10) die Gruppe S4; 24 Konjugationsklassen (5.10) V4, die KLEINsche Vierergruppe - Paragraphen: III.5.11- Die angeführten Mathematiker: Inhalt: (5.11) die Gruppe A4 (5.12) Lemma; Bew; Bem (5.13) Lemma; Erinnerung; Bew (5.14) zurück zu A4; Folgerungen (5.15) die Gruppe S5 (5.16) die Gruppe S6 (5.17) Def; einfach

49. Aa, Personal , Ahmet Kaya ,Þebnem Ferah , Göksel , Ebru Gündeþ
Paul (2596*) Ehresmann, Charles (669*) Eilenberg, Samuel (1748*) Einstein, Albert(2115*) Eisenhart, Luther (576*) eisenstein, gotthold (2427*) Elliott, Edwin

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50. BSHM: Abstracts -- L
Gauss— Darn, my calculations really do seem clumsy compared with this youngster’sgeometric methodology —and the 21year-old student gotthold eisenstein.
The British Society for the History of Mathematics HOME About BSHM BSHM Council Join BSHM ... Search
BSHM Abstracts
A B C D ... Z These listings contain all abstracts that have appeared in BSHM Newsletters up to Newsletter 46. BSHM Abstracts - L Lacki, Jan, ‘The early axiomatizations of quantum mechanics: Jordan, von Neumann and the continuation of Hilbert’s program’, Archive for history of exact sciences
When Hilbert’s axiomatization of physical theories faced the rise of quantum mechanics, the novelty of the mathematics was matched by its lack of physical interpretation. Von Neumann, the most outstanding of Hilbert’s heirs, continued his programme and pushed it to the limit, blending axiomatic rigour with interpretative commitment. Lam Lay Yong, ‘Jiu zhang suanshu (Nine chapters on the mathematical art): an overview’, Archive for history of exact sciences
Jiu zhang suanshu
is one of the earliest and most important Chinese texts, and is built on a rod-numeral system with conceptually the same decimal place-value structure (albeit with alternating orientation) as our own. It encompassedprobably most of Chinese mathematical knowledge at the beginning of the second century AD, and had a great influence. Archive for history of exact sciences
Langermann, Y. Tzvi, ‘Mediaeval hebrew texts on the quadrature of the lune’

51. Mathematicians From DSB
Translate this page du Bois-Reymond, Paul David Gustav, 1831-1889. Duhamel, Jean Marie Constant,1797-1872. eisenstein, Ferdinand gotthold Max, 1823-1852. Euclid,, $\sim$295BC-.
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Mathematicians from the Dictionary of Scientific Biography (DSB)
Abel, Niels Henrik Argand, Jean Robert Artin, Emil Beltrami, Eugenio Bérard, Jacques Étienne Bérard, Joseph Frédéric Berkeley, George Bernoulli, Johann (Jean) I Bernoulli, Jakob (Jacques) I Bertrand, Joseph Louis François Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm Bianchi, Luigi Bjerknes, Carl Anton Bjerknes, Vilhelm Frimann Koren Bolyai, Farkas (Wolfgang) Bolyai, János (Johann) Bolzano, Bernard Bombelli, Rafael Borel, Émile (Félix-Édouard-Justin) Bouquet, Jean-Claude Briot, Charles Auguste Cantor, Georg Carathéodory, Constantin Cardano, Girolamo Cauchy, Augustin-Louis Cayley, Arthur Chebyshev, Pafnuty Lvovich Clairaut, Alexis-Claude Clausen, Thomas Clebsch, Rudolf Friedrich Alfred Colden, Cadwallader Collinson, Peter Condorcet, Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas Caritat, marquis de Cramer, Gabriel Crelle, August Leopold d'Alembert, Jean le Rond de Morgan, Augustus Dedekind, (Julius Wilhelm) Richard Delambre, Jean-Baptiste Joseph Descartes, René du Perron

52. Food For Thought: Biographies
Eisenhower, Dwight David (34th US president, 19531961), 1890-1969.eisenstein, Ferdinand gotthold Max (German mathematician), 1823-1852.
Eadfrid (or Eadfrith) (Anglo-Saxon prelate) d.721 Eadie, John (Scottish Presbyterian theologian, scholar) Eadmer (or Edmer) (English monk, historian) c.1060-c.1128 Eadread (or Edred) (English king) d.955 Eadric Streona (or Edric Streona) (Alderman of the Mercians) d.1017 Eads, James Buchanan (American engineer, inventor) Eakins, Thomas Cowperthwait (American painter, sculptor) Ealdred (or Aldred) (Anglo-Saxon prelate) d.1069 Eames, Charles (American designer) Eanes, Gil (Portuguese mariner) 15th cent. Earhart, Amelia Mary (American aviator) Earle, Alice Morse (American author) Earlom, Richard (English mezzotint engraver) Early, Jubal Anderson (American Confederate general) Early, Stephen Tyree (American journalist) Earnshaw, Thomas (English watchmaker) Earp, Wyatt Berry Stapp (American lawman, gunfighter) East, Sir Alfred (English landscape painter, etcher) East, Edward Murray (American geneticist) East, Thomas (English music printer) c.1540-1609 Eastlake, Sir Charles Lock (English painter, art critic) Eastlake, Charles Lock (English art critic; nephew of Sir C.) Eastman, George (American inventor, indust.; founded Kodak)

53. April 16
April 16, 1823. Birth of Ferdinand gotthold eisenstein in Berlin, Germany.eisenstein was a professor of mathematics at the University of Berlin.

54. October 11
October 11, 1852. Death of Ferdinand gotthold eisenstein in Berlin, Germany.eisenstein was a professor of mathematics at the University of Berlin.
October 11 © 1997, 1998 by Paul A. Schons October 11, 1491 Death of Blessed Jakob Griesinger. Little is known of Jakob Griesinger, also known as Jakob von Ulm and as Alemannus. He was born in Ulm, Germany in 1407 and trained as a glass blower. He undertook a trip to the holy sites in Rome and on the return trip stooped to pray at the grave of St. Dominic. He then entered the Dominican order in Bologna. He became the glass maker for the order there and achieved note for the fine glass works and stained glass windows he produced. His remains are preserved in a glass shrine in Bologna. He was beatified in 1825 by Pope Leo XII. His feast day is designated as October 11. October 11, 1531 Ulrich Zwingli dies in Sankt Gallen, Switzerland. Zwingli was the most influential church reformer in the development of Swiss Protestantism. He studied at the Universities of Vienna and Basel. He was ordained a priest in 1506. In his early years Zwingli criticized some of the abuses of the church of those times and in a minor way was involved in the questioning of the practice of indulgences. By 1522, however, his views had developed sufficiently to lead to controversy in the church. He questioned fasting and the celibacy of priests. In 1523 he published his 67 Artikel.

55. Return Home
VotSS, USA; Einstein, Albert (18791955), Einstein Papers; eisenstein,Ferdinand gotthold Max (1823-1852), Maths Archive; Ennor, Arnold
return home An Alphabetical A-Z List of Famous Scientists and Mathematicians Indicates a portrait photograph or illustration is included. browse a section: A B C D ... Z

56. April 16 - Today In Science History
react forming sodium bicarbonate. Ferdinand gotthold Max eisenstein.Born 16 Apr 1823; died 11 Oct 1852. German mathematician whose
APRIL16 - BIRTHS Jerzy Neyman Born 16 Apr 1894; died 5 Aug 1981.
Russian-U.S. mathematician and statistician who helped to establish the statistical theory of hypothesis testing. Neyman was a principal founder of modern theoretical statistics. In 1968 he was awarded the prestigious National Medal of Science. Donald Forsha Jones Born 16 Apr 1890; died 19 Jun 1963.
American geneticist and agronomist who made hybrid corn (maize) commercially feasible. Wilbur Wright Born 16 Apr 1867; died 30 May 1912.
American, who with his brother Orville, were inventors, and aviation pioneers who achieved the first powered, sustained, and controlled airplane flight (1903) and built and flew the first fully practical airplane (1905). Sidney Gilchrist Thomas Born 16 Apr 1850; died 1 Feb 1885.
British metallurgist and inventor who discovered (1875) a method for eliminating phosphorus (a major impurity in some iron ores) in the Bessemer converter. The method is now called the Thomas-Gilchrist process, the Thomas process, or the basic process. Frederic Ward Putnam Born 16 Apr 1839; died 14 Aug 1915.

57. Herz Referat Biologie Kostenlose Interpretationen Von Andorra Interpretationen Z
Translate this page reportagen antigone inhaltsangabe musik hausaufgaben methoden rotgruenblindheitreferat jana frey lebenslauf sergej eisenstein referat diplomarbeit muenchen
referat auschwitz referat oliver twist hausaufgaben 7 weltwunder schubeck br3 vater referat ich will doch leben referat regeln aufbau zusammenfassung deutsch berufskraftfahrer informationen beispiel fuer ein schuelerreferat werther goethe boerse referat gustave flaubert inhaltsangaben hausarbeiten und referate archiv magie kochstudio aufsatz zu heinrich heine referat sternzeichen tattoo referat schnittstelle vortrag energie vortrag drogen entstehung der alpen richtig aufwaermen volleyball tiere im wald referat gemeinschaftskunde referate meerwasserentsalzung praktika inhaltsangaben stephen king es fruehlingserwachen von wedekind /interpretation europa kueste referat krankenhausbau geschichte aufsatz johann lafers culinarium referat mendel die geschichte des modems jamaica geschichte in kurzfassung mathematik 11 klasse referat fuer fette hausaufgabe die nato legalisierung cannabis ungarische rhapsodie informationen t c boyle inhaltsangaben wissensmanagement diplomarbeit ... emilia galotti einleitung kurze zusammenfassung themen fuer facharbeiten unternehmensvision aufsaetze besuch der alten dame interpretation referat goethe the wave die welle zusammenfassung feldmaus themen zur facharbeit gebaeck schnebaelle hausarbeit baurecht
probleme jugendliche referat charakterisierung von personen elfenbeinkueste 4 takt motor erklaerung das heilige otto nestroy der zerrissene inhaltsangabe e t a hoffmann leben und werk referate facharbeiten hausarbeiten woher kommen rolling stones wilhelm tell zusammenfassung fragen antwort

58. History - Page Seven
seven. 1844. gotthold eisenstein (18231852) gives the first few termsof a series for one root of a canonical quintic. 1854. Josef
Pafnuti Chebyshev (1821-1894) generalizes Newton 's method to make the convergence arbitrarily fast and uses this to approximate the roots of polynomials.
L. Lalanne builds a practical machine to solve polynomials up to degree seven.
Gotthold Eisenstein (1823-1852) gives the first few terms of a series for one root of a canonical quintic.
Josef Ludwig Raabe (1801-1859) transforms the problem of finding roots to solving a partial differential equation, obtaining explicit roots for a quadratic.
Charles Hermite (1822-1901), Leopold Kronecker (1823-1891), and Francesco Brioschi (1824-1897) independently solve a quintic in Bring-Jerrard form explicitly in terms of elliptic modular functions.
James Cockle (1819-1895) and Robert Harley (1828-1910) link a polynomial's roots to differential equations.
Carl Johan Hill (1793-1863) remarks that Jerrard's 1834 work is contained in Bring's 1786 work.
William Hamilton (1805-1865) closes some gaps in Abel 's impossibility proof.
Johannes Karl Thomae (1840-1921) discovers a key ingredient for the representation of roots using Siegel functions.
Camille Jordan (1838-1922) shows that algebraic equations of any degree can be solved in terms of modular functions.

59. Nanobiographies
Translate this page JC) grec Dirichlet, Peter Gustav Lejeune- (1805-1859) allemand eisenstein,Ferdinand gotthold (1823-1852) allemand Ératosthène (284-192 av.
Next: Remerciements Up: Previous:
On devrait trouver ci-dessous les noms des intervenants plus ou moins illustres de ce T.E.R.
Bernoulli, Jacques I er (1654-1705) suisse
Cassels, John William Scott (1922) anglais
Dedekind, Richard Julius Wihelm (1831-1916) allemand
Diophante d'Alexandrie (III e
Dirichlet, Peter Gustav Lejeune- (1805-1859) allemand
Eisenstein, Ferdinand Gotthold (1823-1852) allemand
Euclide (III e
Euler, Leonhard (1707-1783) allemand
Fields, John Charles (1863-1932) canadien
Gauss, Karl Friedrich (1777-1855) allemand Goldbach, Hermann (1690-1764) allemand Hardy, Godfrey Harold (1877-1947) anglais Hasse, Helmut (1898-1980) allemand Hecke, Erich (1887-1947) polonais Hensel, Kurt (1861-1941) allemand Hilbert, David (1862-1943) allemand Jacobi, Carl Gustav (1804-1851) allemand Jensen, Johannes Ludwig Wilhelm (1859-1925) allemand Kronecker, Leopold (1823-1891) allemand Kummer, Ernst Eduard (1810-1893) allemand Leibniz, Gottfried William (1646-1716) allemand Linnik, Iurii Vladimirovich (1915-1972) russe Ostrowski, Alexander Markus (1893)

60. Eisenstein, Ferdinand Gotthold Max Encyclopædia Britannica
eisenstein, Ferdinand gotthold Max German mathematician who made important contributionsto number theory. APA style eisenstein, Ferdinand gotthold Max.

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