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41. I116340: Luther ADAMS ( - ) luther ADAMS INDEX. Notes. HTML created by GED2HTMLv3.1a (8/20/97) on Sat Jan 03 090755 2004. Elizabeth Ellen eisenhart. http://midatlantic.rootsweb.com/database/d0064/g0000009.htm | |
42. Luther Pfahler Eisenhart: New & Used Books: Find The Lowest Price luther Pfahler eisenhart Compare new and used books prices among 98 bookstores in a click. Searched in books for luther Pfahler eisenhart. http://www.fetchbook.co.uk/search_Luther_Pfahler_Eisenhart/searchBy_Author.html | |
43. Algebra Algebra. Continuous Groups of Transformations eisenhart, luther PfahlerContinuous Groups of Transformations - eisenhart, luther Pfahler http://shopping.msn.com/category.aspx?catId=2326 |
44. Genealogy Data Father eisenhart, John B. Mother HUNSINGER, Miranda. Children WAGNER, KatieWAGNER, Ralph Gender Male WAGNER, Nellie. Back to Main Page. WILLIAMS, luther http://www.fortunecity.com/millenium/vacation/588/dat161.html | |
45. Genealogy Data Spouse SCHLAUCH, luther Deweese Gender Male Parents Spouse eisenhart,Gertrude Birth 18 MAY 1881 MIll Grove, Columbia Co. Pa. http://www.fortunecity.com/millenium/vacation/588/dat311.html | |
46. Book People: Additions To The IPL Online Texts Collection 04-05-01 Pt 1/3 http//resolver.library.cornell.edu/math/1878861 Dewey Subjects 515.983 EllipticFunctions LC Subjects Elliptic functions eisenhart, luther Pfahler, b. 1876. http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/bplist/archive/2001/2001-04-05$4.html | |
47. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of EI Translate this page Eisenfeld, Jerome, The University of Chicago, 1966. Eisenhardt, Gottfried, TechnischeUniversität Berlin, 1973. eisenhart, luther, The Johns Hopkins University, 1900. http://genealogy.impa.br/html/letter.phtml?letter=EI |
48. Liste Alphabétique Des Mathématiciens Translate this page Ehresmann (Charles), Français (1905-1979). eisenhart (luther Pfahler),Américain (1876-1965). Eisenstein (Ferdinand), Allemand (1823-1852). http://www.cegep-st-laurent.qc.ca/depar/maths/noms.htm | |
49. Treatise On The Differential Geometry Of Curves And Surfaces 22/04. Treatise on the Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces.luther Pfahler eisenhart. Dewey Subject Code 516. http://www.books-on-line.com/bol/BookDisplay.cfm?BookNum=4856 |
50. Luther lawyer. Scientists Lothar Meyer (18301895) German chemist. LutherPfahler eisenhart (1876-1965) American mathematician. Singers http://www.geocities.com/edgarbook/names/l/luther.html | |
51. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page William (1044*) Edgeworth, Francis (597*) Egorov, Dimitri (408*) Ehrenfest, Paul(276*) Ehresmann, Charles (69*) Einstein, Albert (2115*) eisenhart, luther (576 http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4142/matematici.html |
52. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï Germany Died 18 April 1955 in Princeton, New Jersey, USA eisenhart, luther Pfahlereisenhart Born 13 Jan 1876 in York, Pennsylvania, USA Died 28 Oct 1965 in http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=E |
53. Berger88 Differential Geometry Manifolds, Curves year = 1976, publisher = {PrenticeHall}, OPTaddress = {}, note = {503 pages.} }@Book{eisenhart09Treatise, author = {eisenhart, luther Pfahler}, title = {A http://www.lems.brown.edu/vision/people/leymarie/Refs/Maths/Differential.bib |
54. Catálogo De Autores Stephan J. (1); Einstein, Albert (2); Eirich, Frederick Roland (2);Eisenbud, Merril (1); eisenhart, luther P. (1); Eisenmesser, EZ (1 http://biblioteca.ing.ucv.ve/ALEXANDR/CATALOGOS/bfi_ucv/Cat.Aut_07.HTM | |
55. Author Eisenhart, Luther Pfahler; Title An Introduction To Author eisenhart, luther Pfahler; Title An introduction to differentialgeometry with use of tensor caculus Imprint Princeton Univ. http://weblib.cern.ch/share/missing_books/miss1940.html | |
56. Catálogo General De Autores (1); Eisenbud, Leonard (1); eisenhart, luther Pfahler. (1); Eisenman http://biblioteca.unet.edu.ve/ALEXANDR/CATALOGOS/bcunet/Cat.Aut_05.HTM |
57. Princeton University Press eisenhart, luther. Riemannian Geometry 0691-02353-0 $40.00. Milnor, John.Topology from the Differentiable Viewpoint 0-691-04833-9 $14.95. Nahin, Paul. http://alunos.cc.fc.ul.pt/~l22402/_pup.princeton.edu.htm | |
58. References For Eisenhart References for luther Pfahler eisenhart. S Lefschetz, luther Pfahler eisenhart,Biographical Memoirs, National Academy of Science 40 (1969), 6990. http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/~DZCB49.htm | |
59. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page Edgeworth, Francis (597*) Egorov, Dimitri (408*) Ehrenfest, Paul (276*) Ehresmann,Charles (69*) Einstein, Albert (2115*) eisenhart, luther (576*), Eisenstein http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/Flllph.htm | |
60. Mathem_abbrev Eckert, John Presper Eckert, Wallace John Edge, William Edgeworth, Franci Einstein,Albert, eisenhart, luther Eisenstein, Ferdinand Elliott, Edwin Eratosthenes http://www.pbcc.cc.fl.us/faculty/domnitcj/mgf1107/mathrep1.htm | |
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