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         Eilenberg Samuel:     more books (48)
  1. Foundations of fiber bundles;: Lectures by Samuel Eilenberg, 1957
  2. Homological Algebra (Princeton Mathematical Series No 19) by Henri ; Eilenberg, Samuel Cartan, 1956
  3. Automata, Languages, and MacHines, Volume A by Samuel Eilenberg, 1974
  4. Foundations of fiber bundles by Samuel Eilenberg, 1957
  5. Betel Cutters from Samuel Eilenberg Collection by Henry Brownrigg, 1991
  6. Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Series of Monographs and Textbooks (Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume XVI Point Set Topology by Steven A. Gaal)
  7. Proceedings of the Conference on Categorical Alge
  8. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 1965 No. 55Foundations of Relative Homological Algebra by Samuel Eilenberg, J. C. Moore, 1965-01-31
  9. Treatise on Analysis - Vol 1: Foundations of Modern Analysis, Chapters i-xi by Jean Dieudonne, 1969-01-01
  10. Foundations of Relative Homological Algebra by Samuel and J.C. Moore Eilenberg, 1966
  11. X - Machine: Computation, Samuel Eilenberg, Finite State Machine, Relation (Mathematics), Formal Specification, Stream X-Machine
  12. Algebraic topology: Lectures of Samuel Eilenberg, 1964-65 by Samuel Eilenberg, 1965
  13. Foundations of algebraic topology (Princeton mathematical series;no.15) by Samuel Eilenberg, 1952
  14. On pseudovarieties (Rapport de recherche - Laboratoire de recherche en informatique et automatique) by Samuel Eilenberg, 1975

21. Samuel Eilenberg 19131998
samuel eilenberg( 19131998)Hyman Bass, Henri Cartan, Peter Freyd, Alex Heller, and. Saunders Mac Lane1344NOTICES OF THEAMSVOLUME45, NUMBER10samuel eilenberg died in New York, January 30, 1998, after

22. AIM Reprint Library:
Listing for eilenberg, samuel. Viewing Page 1. On the LusternikSchnirelmannCategory of Abstract Groups. eilenberg, samuel Ganea, Tudor.;mode=display;BrowseT

23. Betel Cutters From The Samuel Eilenberg Collection By Henry Brownrigg : Booksami offers Betel Cutters from the samuel eilenberg Collection by Henry Brownrigg at a deep discount (0500973768, Hardcover). Find everyday discounts of 10% to 46% off and save even

24. AIM Reprint Library:
5. Adjoint functors and triples. eilenberg, samuel Moore, John. 6. Foundationsof relative homological algebra. eilenberg, samuel Moore, John.;mode=display;BrowseT

25. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Samuel Eilenberg
Ole Miss. AMS. samuel eilenberg. Biography. Ph.D According to our current online database, samuel eilenberg has 17 students and 147 descendants

26. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Samuel Eilenberg
Select a mirror. NDSU (main) AMS. Bielefeld. Ole Miss. IMPA. samuel eilenberg. Ph.D. Uniwersytet Warszawski 1936. Dissertation Advisor Karol Borsuk. Student(s) Click here to see the students ordered by last name. Name. School. Year. Descendants According to our current online database, samuel eilenberg has 17 students and 147 descendants

27. On A Theorem Of P. A. Smith Concerning Fixed Points For Periodic
On a theorem of P. A. Smith concerning fixed points for periodic transformations euclid.dmj/1077491913 Citation Duke Math. J. 6 (1940), no. 2, 428437 eilenberg, samuel samuel eilenberg

28. Biografia De Eilenberg, Samuel
Translate this page eilenberg, samuel. (Varsovia, 1913) Matemático estadounidense deorigen polaco. Miembro de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias, sus
Inicio Buscador Utilidades Recomendar sitio
Eilenberg, Samuel (Varsovia, 1913) Matemático estadounidense de origen polaco. Miembro de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias, sus trabajos versaron sobre el álgebra homológica y la topología algebraica. Escribió Fundamentos de topología algebraica y Álgebra homológica Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

29. Samuel Eilenberg, September 30, 1913—January 30, 1998 | By Hyman Bass, Henri Ca
Courtesy of Columbia University, samuel eilenberg September 30, 1913 — January30, 1998 By Hyman Bass, Henri Cartan, Peter Freyd, Alex Heller, and Saunders
BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRS National Academy of Sciences
Courtesy of Columbia University
Samuel Eilenberg
By Hyman Bass, Henri Cartan, Peter Freyd, Alex Heller, and Saunders Mac Lane
S AMUEL EILENBERG DIED IN New York, January 30, 1998, after a two-year illness brought on by a stroke. He left no surviving family, except for his wide family of friends, students, and colleagues, and the rich legacy of his life's work, in both mathematics and as an art collector. "Sammy", as he has long been called by all who had the good fortune to know him, was one of the great architects of twentieth-century mathematics and definitively reshaped the ways we think about topology. The ideas that accomplished this were so fundamental and supple that they took on a life of their own, giving birth first to homological algebra and in turn to category theory, structures that now permeate much of contemporary mathematics. Born in Warsaw, Poland, Sammy studied in the Polish school of topology. At his father's urging, he fled Europe in 1939. On his arrival in Princeton, Oswald Veblen and Solomon Lefschetz helped him (as they had helped other refugees) find a position at the University of Michigan, where Ray Wilder was building up a group in topology. Wilder made Michigan a center of topology, bringing in such figures as Norman Steenrod, Raoul Bott, Hans Samelson, and others. Saunders Mac Lane's invited lecture there on group extensions precipitated the long and fruitful Eilenberg-Mac Lane collaboration. In 1947 Sammy came to the Columbia University mathematics department, which he twice chaired and where he remained till his retirement. In 1982 he was named a University professor, the highest faculty distinction that the university confers.

30. Nat'l Academies Press, Biographical Memoirs V.79 (2001), Samuel Eilenberg
OCR for page 107 samuel eilenberg Sebtember30. I9~3 OCR for page 109samuel eilenberg 109 in turn was thus motivates! to contribute
Read more than 3,000 books online FREE! More than 900 PDFs now available for sale HOME ABOUT NAP CONTACT NAP HELP ... ORDERING INFO Items in cart [0] TRY OUR SPECIAL DISCOVERY ENGINE Questions? Call 800-624-6242
Biographical Memoirs V.79
National Academy of Sciences ( NAS
Openbook Linked Table of Contents Front Matter, pp. i-iv Table of Contents, pp. v-vi Preface, pp. vii-viii Title Page, pp. 1-1 Henry G. Booker, pp. 2-13 George Hermann Buchi, pp. 14-31 Horace Robert Byers, pp. 32-49 Gerald M. Clemence, pp. 50-65 Julius H. Comroe, Jr., pp. 66-83 Rafael Lorente De No, pp. 84-105 Samuel Eilenberg, pp. 106-133 Jordi Folch-Pi, pp. 134-157 Robert Hofstadter, pp. 158-181 Mary Ellen Jones, pp. 182-201 Simon S. Kuznets, pp. 202-231 Franklin Asbury Long, pp. 232-245 Hans Joachim Muller-Eberhard, pp. 246-261 Daniel Nathans, pp. 262-279 William Harrison Riker, pp. 280-301 Richard C. Starr, pp. 302-315 Dean Stanley Tarbell, pp. 316-335 Howard M. Temin, pp. 336-375 Benton J. Underwood, pp. 376-395 Oliver Reynolds Wulf, pp. 396-412

31. Auteur - Eilenberg, Samuel
Translate this page Auteur eilenberg, samuel, 6 documents trouvés. a eilenberg, samuel (Principal)Academic Press Pure and applied mathematics, 0059 1974 Ouvrage RdC (E).

32. HighBeam Research: Search Results: Article
eilenberg, samuel (1913 ). The Hutchinson Dictionary of ScientificBiography; 1/1/1998. Read the Full Article, Get a FREE Trial for

33. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
Helicon Publishing Ltd. 1998 13. eilenberg, samuel (1913 ) The Hutchinson Dictionaryof Scientific Biography; January 1, 1998 computer mathematics.

34. Detailed Record
ISBN 0123390508 • Primary Language English • Named Person samuel eilenberg;samuel eilenberg • Document Type Book • Subject Algebra., Topology
About WorldCat Help For Librarians Algebra, topology, and category theory : a collection of papers in honor of Samuel Eilenberg
Alex Heller Myles Tierney Samuel Eilenberg
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WorldCat is provided by OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. on behalf of its member libraries.

35. Detailed Record
eilenbergMac Lane, collected works • By samuel eilenberg ; SaundersMac Lane • Publisher Orlando Academic Press, 1986.
About WorldCat Help For Librarians EilenbergMac Lane, collected works
Samuel Eilenberg Saunders Mac Lane
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WorldCat is provided by OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. on behalf of its member libraries.

36. Artikel [279]
Amer. Math. Soc 16 (1965) 929 931 eilenberg, samuel Banach spacemethods in topology Jahr 1942 Bemerkungen Annals of Math.
A Mad Evening's Work...
Artikel [279]
A'Campo, Norbert; Burger, Marc:
Reseaux arithmetiques et commensurateur d'apres G.A. Margulis
Jahr: 1993
Abel, N.H.:
Recherche des fonctions de quantites variables independantes x et y, (...), qui ont la propriete que f(z,f(x,y)) est une fonction z,x et y.
Jahr: 1826
Adams, Scot:
Indecomposability of Equivalence Relations Generated By Word Hyperbolic Groups
Jahr: 1994 Bemerkungen: Adams, Scot: Boundary amenability for word hyperbolic groups and an application to smooth dynamics of simple groups Jahr: 1994 Bemerkungen: Adams, Scot: Generalities on amenable actions Jahr: 1992 Bemerkungen: Adams, Scot: Reduction of cocycles with hyperbolic targets Jahr: 1996 Bemerkungen: Adams, Scot; Elliot, George A.; Giordano, Thierry: Amenable actions of groups Jahr: 1994 Bemerkungen: Adams, Scot; Lyons, Russell: Amenability, Kazhdan's Property and Percolation for Trees, Groups and Equivalence Relations Jahr: 1991 Bemerkungen: Isr. J. Math Anantharaman-Delaroche, Claire: Amenability and Exactness for Dynamical Systems and their C*-Algebras Jahr: 2000 Bemerkungen: Argyros, Spiros A.:

37. Eames, Charles
eilenberg, samuel. eilenberg, samuel; Steenrod, Norman. Foundations of algebraictopology. University Press. Cartan, Henri; eilenberg, samuel. Homological algebra.
INSTITUTO ARGENTINO DE MATEMÁTICA BIBLIOTECA LIBRARY Base de Datos de Libros Books Data Base - E - Eames, Charles Eames, Charles; Eames, Ray A computer perspective Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Mass. 1973 Eames, Ray Eames, Charles; Eames, Ray A computer perspective Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Mass. 1973 Easthope, C. E. Easthope, C. E. Three dimensional dynamics, a vectorial treatment Butterworths. London 1958 Eaton, Ralph Monroe Eaton, Ralph Monroe Symbolism and truth: an introduction to the theory of knowledge Harvard University Press. Cambridge 1925 Eaves, B.C. Dantzig, GB; Eaves, B.C. Studies in Optimization The Mathematical Association of America. 1974-00-00 Ebbinghaus, H. D. Ebbinghaus, H. D. Numbers. Springer-Verlag. New York 1991 Eberly, D. Bebernes, Jerrold; Eberly, D. Mathematical problems from combustion theory Springer. New York 1998 Ech, Eduard Ech, Eduard Point Sets Academy of Sciences. Prague 1969 Eckhaus, Viktor Eckhaus, Viktor Studies innon-linear stability theory Springer. Berlin 1965 Eckhaus, Viktor Matched asymptotic expansions and singular perturbations North-Holland. Amsterdam 1973

38. Exterior Differential Systems In Geometry
Columbia University Department of Mathematics. presents the. samuel EILENBERGLECTURES. Robert Bryant Duke University and Columbia University.
Columbia University
Department of Mathematics
presents the
Robert Bryant
Duke University and Columbia University
Exterior Differential Systems in Geometry
Thursday January 22, 2004
507 Mathematics, 2:40-4:00 p.m.
Tea will be served each day at 4:00 p.m. in Room 508.
The lectures will introduce the techniques of exterior differential systems, differential invariants, the equivalence method, and moving frames with the goal of applying these methods to problems in differential geometry and mathematical physics. Tentative Outline Lecture Date Topic 22 Jan Introduction 29 Jan Exterior Differential Systems 05 Feb Cartan-Kahler Theory, I 12 Feb Cartan-Kahler Theory, II 19 Feb Elementary Geometric Applications, I 26 Feb Elementary Geometric Applications, II 02 Mar Prolongation, I 09 Mar Prolongation, II 18 Mar 23 Mar Prescribed Curvature Equations, I 01 Apr Prescribed Curvature Equations, II 08 Apr Prescribed Holonomy Problems 15 Apr Conservation Laws and Solitons 22 Apr G -geometry: submanifolds 29 Apr Calibrations and Special Lagrangian Geometry The lectures originally scheduled on 11 and 25 March were moved to 09 and 23 March, respectively. The time of day and location were not changed. The lecture on 01 April was delayed to 4:30.

39. BIBCYT Autor: Alejandría BE
Translate this page Autor eilenberg, samuel, (Comienzo). 2 registros cumplieron la condiciónespecificada en la base de información BIBCYT. Autor eilenberg, samuel., Samuel&Nombrebd=B

40. Samuel Eilenberg
stars . Written by Henry Cartan , samuel eilenberg Published by PrincetonUniv Pr (November 1999) ISBN 0691049912 Price $35.00. Treatise

Search High Volume Orders Links ... Philosophy of Mathematics Additional Subjects Sm Statistics Business Economi Complex Analysis Complex Variable L¡grimas de la luna ... Probability Theory Featured Books Treatise on Analysis: Volume 1
Dieudonne's books are worth the many hundreds of dollars they would cost if they could be bought today. (Does anyone know if the French edition is still available?) They provided a very refined treatment of most of modern analysis, much as the classics of the past, such as Goursat, did in their time. Concerning motivation, this treatment is for those who are motivated to understand. And so is Bourbaki. The precise, formal, careful exposition educates and helps one to mature intellectually (ha...
Written by Jean Dieudonne Paul Smith Samuel Eilenberg
Published by Academic Press (August 1960)
ISBN 0122155505
Price $99.95
Homological Algebra

As the title of the series suggests, this is another "landmark" in books of mathematics. In fact, this was the only book on homological algebra for a certain period of time. I don't think this is a fungus, but with other modern good textbooks available (Weibel, for example) I am not inclined to give it "five stars".
Written by Henry Cartan Samuel Eilenberg
Published by Princeton Univ Pr (November 1999) ISBN 0691049912 Price $35.00

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