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         Eilenberg Samuel:     more books (48)
  1. Betel Cutters: From the Samuel Eilenberg Collection by Henry Brownrigg, 1992-03
  2. Algebra, Topology and Category Theory: A Collection of Papers in Honour of Samuel Eilenberg
  3. Foundations of Algebraic Topology (Mathematics Series) by Samuel Eilenberg, Norman E. Steenrod, 1952-12
  4. The Lotus Transcendent Indian and Southeast Asian Sculpture from the Samuel Eilenberg Collection by Martin Lerner, Steven M. Kossak, 1991
  5. Automata, Languages and Machines. Volume B.(Pure & Applied Mathematics) by Samuel Eilenberg, 1976-02-11
  6. Recursiveness by Samuel Eilenberg, Calvin C. Elgot, 1970-10-06
  7. Selected Papers by Calvin C. Elgot, 1982-11-17
  8. Homological Algebra (PMS-19) by Henri Cartan, Samuel Eilenberg, 1999-11-29
  9. Betel Cutters, From the Samuel Eilenberg Collection - 1992 publication by Hnry Brownrgg, 1992
  10. THE LOTUS TRANSCENDENT. Indian and Southeast Asian Art from the Samuel Eilenberg Collection. by Martin and Kossak, Steven: Lerner, 1999
  11. Samuel Eilenberg
  12. The lotus transcendent: Indian and Southeast Asian art from the Samuel Eilenberg collection by N.Y.) Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, 1991
  13. THE LOTUS TRANSCENDENT Indian and Southeast Asian Art from the Samuel Eilenberg by Martin and Steven Kossak Lerner, 1991
  14. Foundations of Algebraic Topology (Mathematics Series) [Hardcover] by Norman E. Steenrod (Author) Samuel Eilenberg (Author), 1952

1. Eilenberg
Samuel Eilenberg. Samuel Eilenberg s father was educated at a Jewish schoolbut became a brewer as he married into a family of brewers.
Samuel Eilenberg
Born: 30 Sept 1913 in Warsaw, Russian Empire (now Poland)
Died: 30 Jan 1998 in New York, USA
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Samuel Eilenberg 's father was educated at a Jewish school but became a brewer as he married into a family of brewers. Sammy, as Eilenberg was always called, studied at the University of Warsaw. It is not surprising that Eilenberg's interests quickly turned towards point set topology which, of course, was an area which flourished at the University of Warsaw at that time. A remarkable collection of mathematicians were on the staff at the University of Warsaw while Eilenberg studied there. For example Mazurkiewicz Kuratowski Sierpinski Saks and Borsuk taught there. Eilenberg was awarded his MA from the University of Warsaw in 1934. Then in 1936 he received his doctorate after studying under Borsuk Mac Lane writes in [1]:- His thesis, concerned with the topology of the plane, was published in Fundamenta Mathematica in

2. WIEM: Eilenberg Samuel
eilenberg samuel (1913), matematyk amerykaski pochodzenia polskiego. Profesor Uniwersytetu Columbia (1947), czonek licznych Akademii
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
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Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
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Eilenberg Samuel
Eilenberg Samuel (1913-), matematyk amerykañski pochodzenia polskiego. Profesor Uniwersytetu Columbia (1947), cz³onek licznych Akademii Naukowych, Polskiej Akademii Naukowej (od 1991). Uczestnik przedsiêwziêcia znanego pod kryptonimem N. Bourbaki . Autor prac z dziedziny topologii algebraicznej, wspó³twórca algebry homologicznej. WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry

3. DBLP: Samuel Eilenberg
Samuel Eilenberg. List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server FAQ 2,Samuel Eilenberg Classes of Semigroups and Classes of Sets STOC 1973 266-267.
Samuel Eilenberg
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server FAQ Coauthor Index - Ask others: ACM DL ACM Guide CiteSeer CSB ... Google Samuel Eilenberg: Classes of Semigroups and Classes of Sets STOC 1973 Samuel Eilenberg, Jesse B. Wright : Automata in General Algebras Information and Control 11
Coauthor Index
Jesse B. Wright DBLP: [ Home Author Title Conferences ... Michael Ley ( Fri May 28 13:12:35 2004

4. Samuel Eilenberg
Samuel Eilenberg. Samuel Eilenberg was a Polish mathematician. Born 1913in Warsaw, Poland. External links. Biography of Samuel Eilenberg.
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Samuel Eilenberg
Samuel Eilenberg was a Polish mathematician. Born: 1913 in Warsaw , Poland. Died: 1998 in New York, USA. His main interest was topology . He worked on the axiomatic treatment of homology with Norman Steenrod, and on homological algebra with Saunders Mac Lane , wrote a book on homological algebra with Henri Cartan that became a classic, and took part in the Bourbaki group meetings. Later in life he worked mainly in pure category theory . The Eilenberg telescope is a surprising construction, applying the telescoping cancellation idea to projective modules. See also: Stefan Banach Stanislaw Ulam
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5. Samuel Eilenberg - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Samuel Eilenberg. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Samuel Eilenberg(September 30, 1913 January 30, 1998) was a Polish mathematician.
Samuel Eilenberg
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Samuel Eilenberg September 30 January 30 ) was a Polish mathematician . He was born in Warsaw , Poland and died in New York USA His main interest was topology . He worked on the axiomatic treatment of homology theory with Norman Steenrod , and on homological algebra with Saunders Mac Lane , wrote a book on homological algebra with Henri Cartan that became a classic, and took part in the Bourbaki group meetings. Later in life he worked mainly in pure category theory . The Eilenberg telescope is a surprising construction, applying the telescoping cancellation idea to projective modules See also: Stefan Banach Stanislaw Ulam edit
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  • Polski This page was last modified 00:51, 6 May 2004.

6. Samuel Eilenberg - Encyclopedia Article About Samuel Eilenberg. Free Access, No
encyclopedia article about Samuel Eilenberg. Samuel Eilenberg in Free onlineEnglish dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Samuel Eilenberg. Eilenberg
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Samuel Eilenberg
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Samuel Eilenberg September 30 September 30 is the 273rd day of the year (274th in leap years) in the Gregorian Calendar, with 92 days remaining.
  • 1399 - Henry IV proclaimed King of England.
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  • January 30 - House of Lords rejects Irish Home Rule Bill

Click the link for more information. January 30 January 30 is the 30th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. There are 335 days remaining, (336 in leap years).
  • 1595 - William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is performed for the first time.

7. Samuel Eilenberg
Samuel Eilenberg. Samuel Eilenberg and Jesse B. Wright. Automata in generalalgebras. Information and Control , 11(4)452470, October 1967.
Samuel Eilenberg
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  • 8. Samuel Eilenberg
    Samuel Eilenberg. Samuel Eilenberg. Classes of semigroups and classesof sets. In Conference Record of Fifth Annual ACM Symposium
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  • 9. Samuel_Eilenberg ? Ramifying Interests Into Realities - Exploring The Infosphere
    Latest books on Samuel_Eilenberg; Homological Algebra (PMS19) by Henry CartanBetel Cutters From the Samuel Eilenberg Collection by Henry Brownrigg The

    10. Samuel Eilenberg - Wikipedia
    prawne. Brak logowania Zaloguj mnie Pomoc. Samuel Eilenberg. Z Wikipedii,wolnej encyklopedii. (Nie ma jeszcze artykulu o tym tytule.
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    11. Samuel Eilenberg
    Samuel Eilenberg. Samuel Eilenberg was a Polish mathematician. Born 1913in Warsaw, Poland. Biography of Samuel Eilenberg. This article is a stub.
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    Samuel Eilenberg
    Samuel Eilenberg was a Polish mathematician. Born: 1913 in Warsaw , Poland. Died: 1998 in New York, USA. His main interest was topology . He worked on the axiomatic treatment of homology theory with Norman Steenrod , and on homological algebra with Saunders Mac Lane , wrote a book on homological algebra with Henri Cartan that became a classic, and took part in the Bourbaki group meetings. Later in life he worked mainly in pure category theory . The Eilenberg telescope is a surprising construction, applying the telescoping cancellation idea to projective modules. See also:

    12. Eilenberg
    Samuel Eilenberg. Samuel Eilenberg s father was educated at a Jewish schoolbut became a brewer was he married into a family of brewers.
    Samuel Eilenberg
    Born: 30 Sept 1913 in Warsaw, Poland
    Died: 30 Jan 1998 in New York, USA
    Click the picture above
    to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
    Samuel Eilenberg 's father was educated at a Jewish school but became a brewer was he married into a family of brewers. Sammy, as Eilenberg was always called, studied at the University of Warsaw. It is not surprising that Eilenberg's interests quickly turned towards point set topology which, of course, was an area which flourished at the University of Warsaw at that time. A remarkable collection of mathematicians were on the staff at the University of Warsaw while Eilenberg studied there. For example Mazurkiewicz Kuratowski Sierpinski Saks and Borsuk taught there. Eilenberg was awarded his MA from the University of Warsaw in 1934. Then in 1936 he received his doctorate after studying under Borsuk MacLane writes in [1]:- His thesis, concerned with the topology of the plane, was published in Fundamenta Mathematica in . Its results were well received both in Poland and the USA. The second mathematical centre in Poland at this time was Lvov. It was there that Eilenberg met

    13. Eilenberg, Samuel
    eilenberg, samuel (1913 ). Polish-born US mathematician whose researchin the field of algebraic topology led to considerable development
    Eilenberg, Samuel Polish-born US mathematician whose research in the field of algebraic topology led to considerable development in the theory of cohomology.
    Eilenberg was born and educated in Warsaw. In the 1930s he emigrated to the USA. He was professor of mathematics at the University of Indiana 1946-49, and ended his career at Columbia University, New York.
    Algebraic topology, sometimes called 'combinatorial' topology, is based on homology theory - the study of closed curves, closed surfaces, and similar geometric arrangements in a given topological space. Much of Eilenberg's work was concerned with a modification of homology theory called cohomology theory. It is possible to define a 'product' of cohomology classes by means of which, together with the addition of cohomology classes, the direct sum of the cohomology classes of all dimensions becomes a ring (the cohomology ring). This is a richer structure than is available for homology groups, and allows finer results. Various very complicated algebraic operations using cohomology classes can lead to results not provable in any other way.

    14. Samuel Eilenberg, September 30, 1913—January 30, 1998 | By Hyman Bass, Henri Ca
    Courtesy of Columbia University. samuel eilenberg. September 30, 1913 January 30, 1998. By Hyman Bass, Henri Cartan, Peter Freyd, Alex Heller, and Saunders Mac Lane samuel eilenberg DIED IN New
    BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRS National Academy of Sciences
    Courtesy of Columbia University
    Samuel Eilenberg
    By Hyman Bass, Henri Cartan, Peter Freyd, Alex Heller, and Saunders Mac Lane
    S AMUEL EILENBERG DIED IN New York, January 30, 1998, after a two-year illness brought on by a stroke. He left no surviving family, except for his wide family of friends, students, and colleagues, and the rich legacy of his life's work, in both mathematics and as an art collector. "Sammy", as he has long been called by all who had the good fortune to know him, was one of the great architects of twentieth-century mathematics and definitively reshaped the ways we think about topology. The ideas that accomplished this were so fundamental and supple that they took on a life of their own, giving birth first to homological algebra and in turn to category theory, structures that now permeate much of contemporary mathematics. Born in Warsaw, Poland, Sammy studied in the Polish school of topology. At his father's urging, he fled Europe in 1939. On his arrival in Princeton, Oswald Veblen and Solomon Lefschetz helped him (as they had helped other refugees) find a position at the University of Michigan, where Ray Wilder was building up a group in topology. Wilder made Michigan a center of topology, bringing in such figures as Norman Steenrod, Raoul Bott, Hans Samelson, and others. Saunders Mac Lane's invited lecture there on group extensions precipitated the long and fruitful Eilenberg-Mac Lane collaboration. In 1947 Sammy came to the Columbia University mathematics department, which he twice chaired and where he remained till his retirement. In 1982 he was named a University professor, the highest faculty distinction that the university confers.

    15. Eilenberg, Samuel (1913-) Whose Research In The Field Of Algebraic
    HighBeam Research, Free Preview 'eilenberg, samuel (1913)' Full Membership required for unlimited access. Comprehensive archive of newspapers, magazines, trade journals, TV and radio eilenberg, samuel (1913-Â Â ) The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography 01-01-1998 eilenberg, samuel (1913- ) is a Polish-born

    16. References For Eilenberg
    References for samuel eilenberg. H Bass, H Cartan, P Freyd, A Heller, andS Mac Lane, samuel eilenberg (19131998), Notices Amer. Math. Soc.
    References for Samuel Eilenberg
  • H Bass, H Cartan, P Freyd, A Heller, and S Mac Lane, Samuel Eilenberg (1913-1998), Notices Amer. Math. Soc.
  • I M James, Some topologists, in I M James (ed.), History of Topology (Amsterdam, 1999), 883-908.
  • S Mac Lane, Samuel Eilenberg and topology (Polish), Wiadom. Mat.
  • S Mac Lane, Samuel Eilenberg's work in category theory, Appl. Categ. Structures
  • S Mac Lane, The work of Samuel Eilenberg in topology, in Algebra, topology, and category theory : a collection of papers in honor of Samuel Eilenberg (New York, 1976), 133-144. Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index
    History Topics
    ... Anniversaries for the year
    JOC/EFR September 2000 School of Mathematics and Statistics
    University of St Andrews, Scotland
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  • 17. Samuel Eilenberg
    name university year home submit about help samuel eilenberg. Doctoratefrom Warszaw University in 1936 Adviser Karol Borsuk Students,

    18. Sad News Re Samuel Eilenberg (forwarded From FOM List) By Julio Gonzalez Cabillo
    Sad news re samuel eilenberg (forwarded from FOM list) by Julio Gonzalez Cabillon. reply to this message. post a message on a new topic. Back to mathhistory-list
    Sad news re Samuel Eilenberg (forwarded from FOM list) by Julio Gonzalez Cabillon
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    Subject: Sad news re Samuel Eilenberg (forwarded from FOM list) Author: Date: The Math Forum

    19. Eilenberg
    Biography of samuel eilenberg (19131998) samuel eilenberg. Born 30 Sept 1913 in Warsaw, Russian Empire (now Poland) samuel eilenberg's father was educated at a Jewish school but became a brewer was he married
    Samuel Eilenberg
    Born: 30 Sept 1913 in Warsaw, Russian Empire (now Poland)
    Died: 30 Jan 1998 in New York, USA
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    to see two larger pictures Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
    Samuel Eilenberg 's father was educated at a Jewish school but became a brewer as he married into a family of brewers. Sammy, as Eilenberg was always called, studied at the University of Warsaw. It is not surprising that Eilenberg's interests quickly turned towards point set topology which, of course, was an area which flourished at the University of Warsaw at that time. A remarkable collection of mathematicians were on the staff at the University of Warsaw while Eilenberg studied there. For example Mazurkiewicz Kuratowski Sierpinski Saks and Borsuk taught there. Eilenberg was awarded his MA from the University of Warsaw in 1934. Then in 1936 he received his doctorate after studying under Borsuk Mac Lane writes in [1]:- His thesis, concerned with the topology of the plane, was published in Fundamenta Mathematica in

    20. Author-Index
    eilenberg, samuel; eilenberger, GertJ. Eilerman, Alla N. Eilers, Dirk; Eilers, Harald; Eilers, RG; Eilert
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