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         Ehresmann Charles:     more books (16)
  1. Introduction to the theory of structured categories (University of Kansas. Dept. of Mathematics. Technical report, n.s) by Charles Ehresmann, 1966
  2. Esquisses d'un folklore de geometrie differentielle by Charles Ehresmann, 1967
  3. Algebre. Premiere Partie (Maitrise de Mathematiques : C3 (Algebre et Geometrie)) by Charles Ehresmann, 1968
  4. Esquisses et structures monoidales fermees (Euvres completes et commentees / Charles Ehresmann) by Charles Ehresmann, 1983
  5. Valentin Poénaru: Low-dimensional Topology, Paris-Sud 11 University, University of Bucharest, International Congress of Mathematicians, University of Paris, Charles Ehresmann
  6. Catégories ordonnées: Applications des ordres en topologie (Œuvres complètes et commentées / Charles Ehresmann) by Charles Ehresmann, 1982
  7. Categories structurees et quotients (Eeuvres completes et commentees / Charles Ehresmann) by Charles Ehresmann, 1980
  8. Catégories structurées et quotients (Œeuvres complètes et commentées / Charles Ehresmann) by Charles Ehresmann, 1980
  9. Esquisses et structures monoïdales fermées (Œuvres complètes et commentées / Charles Ehresmann ; ptie 4, 2) by Charles Ehresmann, 1983
  10. Catégories internes et fibrations (Œuvres complètes et commentées / Charles Ehresmann) by Charles Ehresmann, 1980
  11. Œuvres complètes et commentées by Charles Ehresmann, 1980
  12. Categories et Structures. by Charles Ehresmann, 1965
  13. Introduction to the Theory of Structured Categories, Technical Report 10 (new series) by Charles Ehresmann, 1966
  14. Euvres completes et commentees by Charles Ehresmann, 1980

61. Division Of Tuberculosis Elimination
PC Name Kjersti Schmitz, MPH Address charles P. Felton National TB Center at CoPIName Kristen ehresmann, RN, MPH Address Minnesota Department of Health
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American Lung Association of Metropolitan Chicago
PI Name: Sharon Welbel, M.D.
Address: Cook County Bureau of Health Services
Division of Infectious Diseases
1835 West Harrison
Chicago, IL 60612
Phone: 312-633-8105
Fax: 312-633-5187 (or -8034)

CAHIERS DE TOPOLOGIE ET GEOMÉTRIE DIFFÉRENTIELLE CATÉGORIQUES. Directorof the publication Andrée charles ehresmann. ISSN 1245530X.
ISSN 1245-530X Volume XLI - 2001 Volume XLI - 2000 Volume XL - 1999 Volume XXXIX - 1998 ... Backsets See for abstracts, indices and other information.
Volume XLII (2001)
P. Akueson, Géométrie de l'espace tangent sur l'hyperboloïde quantique, 2
M. Grandis, Higher fundamental functors for simplicial sets, 101
S. Piccarreta, Rational nilpotent groups as subgroups of self-homotopy equivalences, 137
W. Rump, Almost abelian categories, 163
P. Ageron, Esquisses inductives et presque inductives, 229
S. Klaus, Cochain operations and higher cohomology operations, 261
M. Sioen, Symmetric monoidal closed structures in PRAP, 285
Résumés des articles parus dans le Volume XLII, 317
Volume XLI (2000)
S. CRANS, On braidings, syllepses, and symmetries, 2
D. HOLGATE, Completion and closure, 101
L. SCHRÖDER, Isomorphisms and splitting of idempotents in semicategories, 143
NOUVEAU LIVRE: Cours d'Analyse 3, par Chatterj, 154 THEORY AND APPLICATIONS OF CATEGORIES: Information on the electronic Journal TAC, 157 P. BOOTH, Fibrations and classifying spaces: overview and the classical example, 162

63. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern
Translate this page Francis (1845 - 1926) Egoroff, Dimitri Fjodorowitsch (10.12.1869 - 10.9.1931) Ehrenfest,Paul (1880 - 1933) ehresmann, charles (1905 - 1979) Einstein, Albert
Diese Seite ist dem Andenken meines Vaters Otto Hebisch (1917 - 1998) gewidmet. By our fathers and their fathers
in some old and distant town
from places no one here remembers
come the things we've handed down.
Marc Cohn Dies ist eine Sammlung, die aus verschiedenen Quellen stammt, u. a. aus Jean Dieudonne, Geschichte der Mathematik, 1700 - 1900, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1985. Helmut Gericke, Mathematik in Antike und Orient - Mathematik im Abendland, Fourier Verlag, Wiesbaden 1992. Otto Toeplitz, Die Entwicklung der Infinitesimalrechnung, Springer, Berlin 1949. MacTutor History of Mathematics archive A B C ... Z Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909)
Abel, Niels Henrik (5.8.1802 - 6.4.1829)
Abraham bar Hiyya (1070 - 1130)
Abraham, Max (1875 - 1922)
Abu Kamil, Shuja (um 850 - um 930)
Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani (940 - 998)
Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896 - 1962) Adams, John Couch (5.6.1819 - 21.1.1892) Adams, John Frank (5.11.1930 - 7.1.1989) Adelard von Bath (1075 - 1160) Adler, August (1863 - 1923) Adrain, Robert (1775 - 1843)

64. Neue Seite 1
Translate this page Ehrenfest, Paul (1880 - 1933). ehresmann, charles (1905 - 1979). Einstein,Albert (14.3.1879 - 18.4.1955). Eisenhart, Luther (1876 - 1965).
Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909) Abel, Niels Henrik (5.8.1802 - 6.4.1829) Abraham bar Hiyya (1070 - 1130) Abraham, Max (1875 - 1922) Abu Kamil, Shuja (um 850 - um 930) Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani (940 - 998) Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896 - 1962) Adams, John Couch (5.6.1819 - 21.1.1892) Adams, John Frank (5.11.1930 - 7.1.1989) Adelard von Bath (1075 - 1160) Adler, August (1863 - 1923) Adrain, Robert (1775 - 1843) Aepinus, Franz Ulrich Theodosius (13.12.1724 - 10.8.1802) Agnesi, Maria (1718 - 1799) Ahlfors, Lars (1907 - 1996) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (835 - 912) Ahmes (um 1680 - um 1620 v. Chr.) Aida Yasuaki (1747 - 1817) Aiken, Howard Hathaway (1900 - 1973) Airy, George Biddell (27.7.1801 - 2.1.1892) Aithoff, David (1854 - 1934) Aitken, Alexander (1895 - 1967) Ajima, Chokuyen (1732 - 1798) Akhiezer, Naum Il'ich (1901 - 1980) al'Battani, Abu Allah (um 850 - 929) al'Biruni, Abu Arrayhan (973 - 1048) al'Chaijami (? - 1123) al'Haitam, Abu Ali (965 - 1039) al'Kashi, Ghiyath (1390 - 1450) al'Khwarizmi, Abu Abd-Allah ibn Musa (um 790 - um 850) Albanese, Giacomo (1890 - 1948) Albert von Sachsen (1316 - 8.7.1390)

65. La Page Des Mathematiques Au Lycee Claude Fauriel, Classes Preparatoires, Saint
Translate this page immeubles charles ehresmann, inventeur des mots fibre, jet, germe,tige, avait quant à lui l’imagination plus botanique.

Autres disciplines
MP ... Documents
Les mots mathématiques
et transcendant aux mots et fonction nombres impossibles nombres imaginaires nombres imaginaires nombres complexes touchantes sont devenues des tangentes . Les fluxions , et les fonctions synectiques holomorphes squelette , de ossuaire murs , des appartements et des immeubles ... Charles Ehresmann, inventeur des mots : fibre, jet, germe, tige injection injectif en 1952 dans les Foundations of algebraic topology surjectif surjection en 1964 dans les Foundations of algebraic topology bijection biunivoque n mots
En tout bien tout honneur... Tout commence avec : Pythagore (580-520 av. J C) Pythagoriciens classification des nombres : nombres pairs, impairs, impair-pair, nombres pairement pairs (puissances de 2), pair-impair (i.e. de la forme 2(2m+1)), impair-pair (i.e. de la forme 2 n+1
: puissance : logique. Euclide (365-300 av. J C) oper edei deiksai q.e.d., quod erat demonstrandum, : arbelos. Apollonios de Perge (262-190 av JC) : ellipse, parabole et hyperbole, cylindre, asymptote (probablement) Al Khowarizmi (790-850) Fibonacci (1170-1250) : addition, extraction (1201

66. CANALCIÊNCIA - Saiba Mais
Translate this page São citados os matemáticos brasileiros e estrangeiros que trabalharam nesta unidadeda USP, como Maurício Matos Peixoto, charles ehresmann, Joseph A. Wolf

67. The Heaney Family
We must mention a debt of gratitude to Jan (O’Brien) ehresmann, a kinswoman ofthe Julia O’Brien who married 27 One of his children was charles Hugh Gibney
In our Reagan notes, we have referred to the Heaneys as part of a 19 th The possibility of associations among these families prior to their arrival in Canada is one which should be investigated. Almost all the members of the first two generations of this Healey family are buried in the Chapel Hill Roman Catholic Cemetery, Orcharville, on lot 12, concession 1 of Normany Tp., near the Normanby-Egremont townline.
1. Owen Heaney (Sr.), of Normanby Tp., Grey Co., Ontario, b. probably in 1799, in Ireland, d. 5 Jan. 1870, and buried in the Chapel Hill Roman Catholic Cemetery, Orchardville. He m. before 1830, presumably in Ireland, , b. ca. In 1871 and 1881 Mary appears as a widow in the household of her son, Owen Heaney, Jr. Known issue, mainly per census records:
  • Jane Heaney, b. ca. 1829-30 (aged 41 in 1871) in Ireland, d. 31 Dec. 1902, and buried beside her husband in the Chapel Hill Roman Catholic Cemetery, Orchardville (the birthdate of 1833 given on her tombstone being clearly incorrect). She m. in 1850, John Taylor, b. ca.
  • 68. Alsace Sciences Et Technologies - Alsace
    Translate this page 90. ehresmann Biographie (en anglais) de charles ehresmann né à Strasbourg(1905-1979) Strasbourg - Sciences et technologies Problème avec ce site ?

    69. Authors (
    Translate this page ehresmann, Donald L. 1937- (Donald ehresmann). ehresmann, Julia M. (Julia ehresmann).Ehret, charles F. (charles Ehret). Ehret, Christopher (Christopher Ehret).

    70. Books On History And Genealogy Of Kane County, Ill
    LC Call No. PR2944.R55. Geneva, Illinois, a history of its times and places/ Julia M. ehresmann, editor; Edward Dietrich, photographer. charles, Ill.
    Relating to Kane County, Illinois and Communities
    Library of Congress Search Form
      BERRY, VERNON: THE AURORA STORY (Illinois); IL: AURORA BICENTENIAL, 1976. Farm Structures in Kane County, Illinois. Geneva: Kane County Urban Development, 1980. Hervert, Jean and Elizabeth Allen. Midwestern Vernacular: Aurora 1837 - 1987 by Robert Barclay. A collection of columns on Aurora history published originally in The Beacon-News during 1987, the city's sesquicentennial year. Soft cover. C.A. Bogardus: One Thousand Secrets of Rich and Wise Men Revealed ; 1898, privately printed by author, author from Aurora, Illinois was Champion Quick Shot of the World, THE COPLEY PRESS ; Aurora, IL: The Copley Press, 1953. 1st, HB.,8vo. 460pgs. Index. A history of the Copley Press and its 13 newspapers, 4 in Illinois and 9 in California.,
      Batavia West Side Cemetery , Batavia, Illinois / compiled and indexed by Kane County Genealogical Society.Published: [Geneva, Ill.] : Kane County Genealogical Society, 1984. LC Call No.: F549.B2B38 1984 Gustafson, John A. Title:

    71. Pioneer Cemetery Dawson Creek
    DEAK Julia, 1933, Pioneer, Dawson Creek. DECHENE - charles, 2/13/37,Pioneer, Dawson Creek. ehresmann - P. 10/15/46, Pioneer, Dawson Creek. Creek/5-026.html
    Data prepared by The Roots Group, genealogical branch of the South Peace Historical Society. For further information contact
    NAME DEATHDATE CEMETERY Ackers Christopher Pioneer Dawson Creek ADAMS -JAMES ORMOND Pioneer Dawson Creek ADAMS -Simeon Pioneer Dawson Creek ADDY -Annie Pioneer Dawson Creek ADDY -Edwin Bullock Pioneer Dawson Creek ADDY -Ida Dean Proct Pioneer Dawson Creek ALLEN -Mary Alice Pioneer Dawson Creek ALLEN -Margaret Pioneer Dawson Creek ANDERSON - Alma Alina Pioneer Dawson Creek ANDERSON - Alex Pioneer Dawson Creek ANDERSON -Edward Bruce Pioneer Dawson Creek ANDERSON -Karolina Pioneer Dawson Creek ARMITAGE, Edwin Cecil Pioneer Dawson Creek ASPINALL -Elizabeth Anne Pioneer Dawson Creek BAILLIE - H.E. Pioneer Dawson Creek BARBER - (INF.) Pioneer Dawson Creek BARE - Helen Pioneer Dawson Creek BARRE - I. Pioneer Dawson Creek BARTLEY - Hannah Pioneer Dawson Creek BAXTER - EDWARD Joseph James Pioneer Dawson Creek BEACH - W. Kenneth Pioneer Dawson Creek BEAULNE - Joseph Arthur Pioneer Dawson Creek BECK - M.M. Pioneer Dawson Creek BECKWITH - Jesse Robert Pioneer Dawson Creek BEDIER - Frank Lawarance Pioneer Dawson Creek BELCOURT, Leo

    72. Week174
    et Geom. Diff. XV1 (1974), 3-20. More formally it could also be called the 2-sketchof an adjunction in the terminology in my paper with charles ehresmann
    November 28, 2001
    This Week's Finds in Mathematical Physics (Week 174)
    John Baez
    Groups are how mathematicians and physicists talk about symmetry, and Lie groups are how they talk about continuously varying symmetries, like rotations, translations and the like. Sophus Lie helped start the subject of Lie groups in the late 1800s, and it's been in constant growth ever since. I spend lots of time studying it, and I probably will all my life - there's a lot to learn! To really understand it, it helps to know the history. And for that, this is the book to read: 1) Thomas Hawkins, The Emergence of the Theory of Lie Groups: an Essay in the History of Mathematics, 1869-1926, Springer, New York, 2000. You have to know your Lie groups pretty well to enjoy this book, but if you do, you'll find it's full of interesting facts. For example: folks often complain about Wilhelm Killing's original classification of simple Lie algebras - it wasn't rigorous, he made some mistakes, and so on. Elie Cartan came along later and cleaned it up, and many people applaud Cartan's work and sneer at poor old Killing, even though he was the one who came up with the original ideas. But in this book, it becomes clear that Killing was pretty much pushed into publishing his ideas in a half-baked state by mathematicians who were dying to know his results! Now I feel even more sorry for him.

    73. Also Available At A Href= A Href= Http//
    More formally it could also be called the 2sketch of an adjunction in the terminologyin my paper with charles ehresmann Categories of sketched structures
    <-L.e.R- <-L.e.RLR- <-L.e.R- <-L.e.RLR-

    74. A Very Incomplete List Of Papers On Groupoids
    groupoids and cubical Tcomplexes, Cah. Top. Geom. Diff. (3 Coll. surles categories dedie a charles ehresmann) 22 (1981), 370-386.
    A very incomplete list of papers and books on groupoids (or that mention groupoids) arranged chronologically (by publication date) Brown, Ronald, and Higgins, P.J., The algebra of cubes, J. Pure Appl. Alg. This paper shows that w-groupoids and crossed complexes are equivalent. Brown, Ronald, and Higgins, P.J., Colimit theorems for relative homotopy groups, J. Pure Appl. Alg. The authors work with equivalences of w-groupoids and crossed complexes. Brown, Ronald, and Higgins, Philip J., The equivalence of w-groupoids and cubical T-complexes, Cah. Top. Geom. Diff. (3 Coll. sur les categories dedie a Charles Ehresmann) O.M. Gornostaev, Extensions of Orders with Partial Subgroupoids of Semigroups, Contemporary Algebra. Semigroup Constructions Leningrad State Pedagogical Institue, Leningrad (1981), 4-9. In Russian. Higgins, P.J. and Taylor, J., The fundamental groupoid and homotopy crossed complex of an orbit space in Category theory: Proceedings Gummersbach 1981, K.H. Kamps et. al. (eds), (Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics 962) Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (1982) 115-122. Ramsay, Arlan, Topologies on measured groupoids

    75. Biblioteca De La Facultad De Ciencias Matemáticas    Boletín De Nuevas Adqu
    IN510.6EDW. AUTOR ehresmann, charles. TÍTULO Catégories et Structures / charlesehresmann. PUBLICAC. Paris Dunop, 1965. DES.FÍSICA xvii, 358 p. ; 24 cm. Mariano Martinez.htm
    Biblioteca de la Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas
    'Donativo Mariano Martínez'.
    TÍTULO Abhandlungen aus zahlentheorie und analysis : zur erinnerung and Edmund Landau (1877-1938) / Herausgegeben von Paul Turán...[] PUBLICAC. Berlín : Veb Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, cop. 1968.
    DES.FÍSICA 355 p. ; 25 cm.
    AUTOR SEC. Landau, Edmund. Turán, Paul, ed.
    SIGNATURA. IN511.33ABH AUTOR Adler, Ronald. TÍTULO Introduction to general relativity / Ronald Adler, Maurice Bazin, Menahen Schifeer.
    PUBLICAC. New York : McGraw-Hill Book, 1965.
    DES.FÍSICA XIV, 451 p. ; 24 cm.
    AUTOR SEC. Schifeer, Menahen. Bazin, Maurice.
    SIGNATURA.IN530.12ADL AUTOR Aeschlimann, Florence. TÍTULO Recherches sur la notion de système physique / par F. Aeschlimann.
    PUBLICAC. París : Gauthiers-Villars, 1960. DES.FÍSICA IX, 250 p. ; 25 cm. COLECCION Les grands problèmes des sciences ; 11. AUTOR SEC. Aeschlimann, Florence. SIGNATURA. IN53AES Libro nuevo en la Biblioteca TÍTULO Álgebra y fundamentos : una introducción / Miguel Ángel Goberna... [et al.]

    76. JBC -- Search Result
    Catherine Isel, Chantal ehresmann, Philippe Walter, Bernard ehresmann, and RolandMarquet ENZYMOLOGY Bruno Canard, Simon R. Sarfati, and charles C. Richardson;M110836200&journalcode=jbc&minscore=5000

    77. JBC -- Search Result
    Catherine Isel, Chantal ehresmann, Philippe Walter, Bernard ehresmann, and Roland KajalChowdhury, Robert Sarfati, Sylvie Doublié, and charles C. Richardson;M212911200&journalcode=jbc&minscore=5000

    78. Publications
    ehresmann KR, Kassenborg H Vaccines in Public Health Emergencies, February, 40. GregoryA. Plotnikoff, charles Numrich, Chu Wu, Deu Yang, and Phua Xiong, June
    Minnesota Medicine Published monthly by the Minnesota Medical Association
    December 2002/Volume 85 2002 Index A Aarghhh! Tony Schmitz, July, 26. ACP-ASIM Poster Competition Winners. February, 44. Addiction Help for Physicians. Cynthia Orange and Marty Duda, July, 44. Aftershocks. Elizabeth Bartlett, April, 16. All in my Head. Gary DeCoker, November, 18. Alternative Dispute Resolution: The Court of First Resort. Linda F. Close, January, 43. AMA Alliance Confluence (The)—A Tool for Developing Leaders. Pamela L. Schmidt, February, 58. American Health Insurance Landscape (The). Robert W. Geist and Duchess Harris, January, 12. Anonymous: My Greatest Fear, December, 14. Antimicrobial Use in Animal Feed: an Ecological and Public Health Problem. David Wallinga, October, 12. Aromatherapy: Therapeutic Applications of Plant Essential Oils. Linda L. Halcón, November, 42. Asthma in Children: A Report on the Minnesota Asthma Coalition. Gail Brottman, June, 41. Aughey DR: Plugging Gaps in Adolescent Health Care. August, 26.

    79. Villard Bibliog Author Index
    Translate this page charles 1861.1. Chappuis, Françoise 1970.4. Chauffert-Yvart, Bruno 2000.5. Chevalier,Cyr Ulysse Joseph 1905.1. Chicago, University of (Donald L. ehresmann)
    Author Index Ackerman, James S.: 1953.1; 1997.4 Acland, James H.: 1972.9 Adam, Jean-Pierre: 1985.1 Alexander, Jennifer S.: 1996.2; 2001.4 Assier, Alexandre: 1866.1 Aubert, Marcel: 1935.1; 1947.1; 1961.1; 1966.1 Barnes, Carl F., Jr.: 1960.1; 1978.1; 1981.1; 1981.2; 1982.1; 1986.1; 1987.2; 1987.3; 1987.4; 1988.1; 1988.2; 1988.3; 1989.4; 1990.1; 1991.1; 1991.2; 1995.1; 1996.2; 2001.6; 2001.7 Bechmann, Roland: F.VIII; 1984.1; 1985.2; 1986.3; 1988.2; 1988.3; 1990.6; 1991.3; 1991.4; 1995.2; 1997.1; 1997.2; 2001.3 Bober, Harry: 1963.1 Booz, Paul: 1956.1 Bosman, Lex: 1993.5 Bouleau, Charles: 1980.2 Bowie, Theodore Robert: F.V Branner, Robert: 1955.2; 1957.1; 1957.2; 1958.1; 1959.2; 1960.4; 1960.5; 1961.2; 1963.2; 1968.2; 1973.1; 1987.4 Briggs, Martin S.: 1927.1 Brunet, Jacques-Charles: 1864.2 Bucher, Francois: 1968.3; 1969.1; 1972.2; 1976.1; 1977.2; 1978.3; 1980.3; 1982.2; 1983.1; 1987.5; F.VII Buchthal, Hugo: 1979.2 Burges, William: 1858.1; 1860.1 Calkins, Robert G.: 1979.3; 1998.2 Camille, Michael: 1996.3

    80. Grouprement Des Familles 236 (Pages Des Familles)
    Translate this page Enfants CLAUSS, charles n. OCT 1865 Gries,67240,Bas-Rhin,Alsace,FRANCE, Sexe HommeCLAUSS, Éve n. 20 JUL Père CLAUSS, Jacques Mère ehresmann, Marie Éva.
    Grouprement des Familles 236 (Pages des familles)
    Les individus marqués d'un point rouge , sont les ancêtres directs de Didier OTTcousin
    Pour des raisons de vie privée, les dates de naissance et de mariage des personnes censées être encore en vie ne sont pas affichées..
    Retour vers la page principale
    SCHMITT, Claude
    n. BEF 1696 Weitbruch,67500,Bas-Rhin,Alsace,FRANCE,
    Sexe: Homme
    Famille: Conjoint: CLAUSS, Anne Marie
    n. BET 1686 AND 1696
    Sexe: Femme
    Parents: Père: CLAUS, Michel
    Mère: ACKER, Marie
    Retour vers la page principale
    KREIS, André
    Sexe: Homme
    Parents: Père: KREIS, Léonard Famille: Mariage: 26 NOV 1737 Soultz-sous-Forêt,67250,Bas-Rhin,Alsace,FRANCE, Conjoint: CLAUSS, Anne Marie n. 13 MAR 1718 Mietesheim,67580,Bas-Rhin,Alsace,FRANCE, Sexe: Femme Parents: Père: CLAUSS, Jean Michel Mère: SCHMID, Anne Marie
    Retour vers la page principale
    JACOB, Henri d. AFT 1756 Engwiller,67350,Bas-Rhin,Alsace,FRANCE, Sexe: Homme Parents: Père: JACOB, Henri Famille: Mariage: 17 APR 1742 Mietesheim,67580,Bas-Rhin,Alsace,FRANCE, Conjoint: CLAUSS, Anne Marie

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