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         Ehresmann Charles:     more books (16)
  1. Introduction to the theory of structured categories (University of Kansas. Dept. of Mathematics. Technical report, n.s) by Charles Ehresmann, 1966
  2. Esquisses d'un folklore de geometrie differentielle by Charles Ehresmann, 1967
  3. Algebre. Premiere Partie (Maitrise de Mathematiques : C3 (Algebre et Geometrie)) by Charles Ehresmann, 1968
  4. Esquisses et structures monoidales fermees (Euvres completes et commentees / Charles Ehresmann) by Charles Ehresmann, 1983
  5. Valentin Poénaru: Low-dimensional Topology, Paris-Sud 11 University, University of Bucharest, International Congress of Mathematicians, University of Paris, Charles Ehresmann
  6. Catégories ordonnées: Applications des ordres en topologie (Œuvres complètes et commentées / Charles Ehresmann) by Charles Ehresmann, 1982
  7. Categories structurees et quotients (Eeuvres completes et commentees / Charles Ehresmann) by Charles Ehresmann, 1980
  8. Catégories structurées et quotients (Œeuvres complètes et commentées / Charles Ehresmann) by Charles Ehresmann, 1980
  9. Esquisses et structures monoïdales fermées (Œuvres complètes et commentées / Charles Ehresmann ; ptie 4, 2) by Charles Ehresmann, 1983
  10. Catégories internes et fibrations (Œuvres complètes et commentées / Charles Ehresmann) by Charles Ehresmann, 1980
  11. Œuvres complètes et commentées by Charles Ehresmann, 1980
  12. Categories et Structures. by Charles Ehresmann, 1965
  13. Introduction to the Theory of Structured Categories, Technical Report 10 (new series) by Charles Ehresmann, 1966
  14. Euvres completes et commentees by Charles Ehresmann, 1980

41. Full Alphabetical Index
Translate this page 623*) Eddington, Arthur (410*) Edge, William (1044*) Edgeworth, Francis (597*) Egorov,Dimitri (408*) Ehrenfest, Paul (276*) ehresmann, charles (69*) Einstein
Full Alphabetical Index
The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait.
Abbe , Ernst (602*)
, Niels Henrik (2899*)
bar Hiyya (641)
Abraham, Max

Abu Kamil
Shuja (1012)
Abu Jafar

al-Buzjani (1115)
, Wilhelm (205)
Adams, John Couch

Adams, J Frank

of Bath (1008) Adler , August (114) Adrain , Robert (79*) Adrianus , Romanus (419) Aepinus , Franz (124) Agnesi , Maria (2018*) Ahlfors , Lars (725*) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (660) Ahmes Aida Yasuaki (696) Aiken , Howard (665*) Airy , George (313*) Aitken , Alec (825*) Ajima , Naonobu (144) Akhiezer , Naum Il'ich (248*) al-Baghdadi , Abu (947) al-Banna , al-Marrakushi (861) al-Battani , Abu Allah (1333*) al-Biruni , Abu Arrayhan (3002*) al-Farisi , Kamal (1102) al-Haitam , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Hasib Abu Kamil (1012) al-Haytham , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Jawhari , al-Abbas (627) al-Jayyani , Abu (892) al-Karaji , Abu (1789) al-Karkhi al-Kashi , Ghiyath (1725*) al-Khazin , Abu (1148) al-Khalili , Shams (677) al-Khayyami , Omar (2140*) al-Khwarizmi , Abu (2847*) al-Khujandi , Abu (713) al-Kindi , Abu (1151) al-Kuhi , Abu (1146) al-Maghribi , Muhyi (602) al-Mahani , Abu (507) al-Marrakushi , ibn al-Banna (12)

42. Zeitschriften-Bestand / Journal Holdings
cat.; 1.1957/5841.2000,4 Vorl. ehresmann, charles Séminaire de topologie Calculusof variations and PDEs; 1.1993-12.2001,1 Canadian journal of mathematics
Zeitschriften-Bestand / Journal holdings (Stand/Date: 02.02.2000) A B C D ... V W X Y Z [Bibliothek] [Library] A B A B C H I J O P Q Z C A B C H I J O P Q Z D A B C H I J O P Q Z Deutsche Forschungsberichte; 1.1971/72,1-3; 2.1973-5.1976/77 , abgeschlossen Nachf.: Forschungsberichte aus Technik und Naturwissenschaften Didaktik der Mathematik; 1.1973-23.1995, ab 1996 enth. in "Praxis der Mathematik" - (22.1994 vermisst) Dissertationes mathematicae; 1.1952-2.1953; 4.1953-5.1954; 7.1954-359.1996 , Ende 1999 Tauschabkommen eingestellt Vorl.: Rozprawy matematyczne Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR; 143.1962-192.1970 , abbestellt 1971 Duke mathematical journal; 1.1935-105.2000,3 DUZ 1972-57.2001,4 E A B C H I J O P Q Z F A B C H I J O P Q Z Fibonacci quarterly; 1.1963-13.1975 , abbestellt 1975 Forschungsberichte aus Technik und Naturwissenschaften; 1.1971/72-6.1978 , abbestellt 1978 Vorl.: Deutsche Forschungsberichte Forum mathematicum; 1.1989-13.2001,1 Functional analysis and its applications; 1.1967-34.2000,3 Fundamenta mathematicae; 1.1920-158.1998 , Ende 1999 Tauschabkommen eingestellt G A B C H I J O P Q Z General topology and its applications; 1.1971-10.1979 , abgeschlossen Nachf.: Topology and its applications Geometriae dedicata; 1.1972/73-68.1997 , abbestellt 1998 Geometric and functional analysis; 1.1991-10.2000,6 Glasgow mathematical journal; 1.1952/53-40.1998 , abbestellt 1999 Vorl.: Proceedings of the Glasgow Mathematical Association Graduiertenkolleg Mathematik Physik; 9403/1; 9403/2; 9403/3; 9405/4; 9406/5; 9407/7; 9409/9; 9410/10; 9410/11; 9410/12; 9410/13; 9411/15; 9411/16; 9502/17; 9409/18; 9506/19; 9507/20

43. Collected Works In Mathematics And Statistics
Author, Title, Volumes, Call Number, Location. ehresmann, charles,19051979, Oeuvres complètes et commentées, 2, QA 611 C235 v.21,Killam.
Collected Works in Mathematics and Statistics
This is a list of Mathematics and Statistics collected works that can be found at Dalhousie University and at other Halifax universities. The vast majority of these works are located in the Killam Library on the Dalhousie campus. A guide to other locations is given at the end of this list. If a title is owned by both Dalhousie and another university, only the Dalhousie site is listed. For all locations, and for full bibliographic details, see the NOVANET library catalogue This list was compiled, and the collection is being enlarged, with the invaluable help of the Bibliography of Collected Works maintained by the Cornell University Mathematics Library. The thumbnail sketches of mathematicians were taken from the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive at the University of St. Andrews. For correction, comments, or questions, write to Karl Dilcher ( You can scroll through this list, or jump to the beginning of the letter:
A B C D ... X-Y-Z
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N.H. Abel

44. STRING{cahiers = Cah\-iers De Topo\-lo\-gie Et G\ E\-o\-m\ E
Programming , series = lncs, volume = 240 , year = 1986 , publisher = springer,} @TECHREPORT{ehrkan, author = ehresmann, charles , title = Introduction to

45. Research
19731981 Theory of Categories. charles ehresmann A Great Man and MathematicianResearch, aimed to develop some ideas of charles ehresmann.
Home About me Papers Research ... Feedback
Dedicated to my teacher
Professor Dimiter Skordev
Theory of Categories
Charles Ehresmann
A Great Man and Mathematician Research, aimed to develop some ideas of Charles Ehresmann.
Ph.D. in Mathematics in 1985, for papers on Ehresmann's Category Theory

Deterministic Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Mechanics on deterministic basis, Prediction of the Future, Supermicroscope.

New genetic models, aimed to produce new kind of life.

Algebra, Mathematical Logic, Computer Science
Partial groupoids, Semigroups, Finite axiomatizability, Rewriting systems.
Associate Professor in 1997 for papers on Algebra.

Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
Automated reasoning, Formal Language Theory, Voice Recognition,
Knowledge management, Artificial intelligence.

Software development
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, WML, WMLScript, DirectX, PHP, Java, C#, C/C++ Home About me Papers Research ... Feedback

46. (Sam EHOFF , Jr. - ELIZABETH )
) Lynn Ellen ehresmann (Private ) Milton Adolph ehresmann (Private - 1752-1788- ABT.1779-1866) Sue ELAM (Private - ) charles William ELBERT
Index of Persons
I have collected all of the information gathered into these pages from various sources:
  • Personal knowledge Official records and documents Obituaries and newspaper clippings Genealogy books Family Tree Maker CDs LDS Personal Ancestral Files E-mails and other correspondence from "cousins"
I make no claims to the accuracy of any of this information, but I have tried to verify everything you'll find here. I hope you enjoy your visit! Sam EHOFF , Jr. (Private - )
Sam EHOFF , Sr.
(ABT.1858-1898 - ABT.1886-1977)
(Private - )
(Private - )
(Private - )
Milton Adolph EHRESMANN
(Private - )
(Private - )
Henrietta EIRICH
(21 Sep 1843 - ABT. 27 FEB 1899)
Mariette EIRICH
Anne Louise EKSTROM
(Private - )
(Private - ) Linda Susan EKSTROM (Private - ) Margaret Eleanor EKSTROM (Private - ) Sancho Lopez EL MOTILA (ABT. 1257 - ABT.1290-1348)

47. List Of Mathematicians - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
1923 ). E. charles ehresmann (France, 1905 - 1979); Samuel Eilenberg(Poland, 1913 - 1998); Albert Einstein (World, 1879 - 1955); Ferdinand
List of mathematicians
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The famous mathematicians are listed below in English alphabetical transliteration order (by surname
Table of contents: A B C D ...

48. NEW NEW NEW Representation Theory Around The Channel
Download the abstracts of the talks The talks will all be hold in the amphithéâtrecharles ehresmann. The last one is charles ehresmann Where is Amiens ?
Representation theory around the channel
International Workshop in Amiens,
31 August to 1 September 2001
download the announcement
confirmed main speakers
Download the 28 August (and probably final) version of the programme of the workshop.
Download the abstracts of the talks
Charles Ehresmann.
When you enter into the main entrance of the faculty of sciences and mathemamatics building, you are in a hall. To the left you see a coffee machine and behind them there are three lecure halls. The last one is ''Charles Ehresmann'' Where is Amiens ? and the Picardie ?
Other people who you might meet at the workshop
Back to Alexander Zimmermann's homepage

49. Research Interests
In the early 1990 s, I became interested in the ordered groupoid approachto inverse semigroups due to charles ehresmann. In particular
Research Interests
Background Tilings and their semigroups
E*-unitary inverse semigroups
Homotopy and cohomology of inverse semigroups
This work, and the work above, led us naturally to look again at the cohomology of inverse semigroups which has been largely neglected since the pioneering work of Lausch and Loganathan. Joe Matthews and I are currently involved in developing the cohomology of inverse semigroups further. In particular, it transpires that there are two such theories - the other due to Renault - which classify slightly different kinds of extensions in the case of H^2. We are ultimately interested in applying our work to tiling semigroups.
Etendues and ordered groupoids Back in the 1990's, I extended work of Leech to establish a correspondence between left cancellative categories and ordered groupoids. This result remained an unpublished manuscript, until Ben Steinberg and I realised that it could be used as the basis of a new approach to etendues. Work first by Rosenthal and later by Kock and Moerdijk showed that etendues could be described by left cancellative sites. Ben and I showed how to define the analogue of a site on an ordered groupoid - what we call an Ehresmann topology - and proved that every left cancellative site can be constructed from an ordered groupoid equipped with an Ehresmann topology. Our work also led to the formulation of the definition of an important class of inverse semigroup actions: inverse semigroups acting on presheaves of structures.

50. Electronic Research Announcements
MR 89f17017 9. AC ehresmann, editor. charles ehresmann OEuvres complèteset commentées. Seven volumes. Imprimerie Evrard, Amiens, 1984. 10.
ISSN 1079-6762 Previous volume Table of contents Next volume
Most recent volume
... All volumes Drinfel'd doubles and Ehresmann doubles for Lie algebroids and Lie bialgebroids Author(s): K. C. H. Mackenzie
Journal: Electron. Res. Announc. Amer. Math. Soc.
MSC (1991): Primary 58F05; Secondary 17B66, 18D05, 22A22, 58H05
Posted: October 22, 1998
Retrieve article in: PDF DVI TeX PostScript ... Forward Citations Abstract: We show that the Manin triple characterization of Lie bialgebras in terms of the Drinfel'd double may be extended to arbitrary Poisson manifolds and indeed Lie bialgebroids by using double cotangent bundles, rather than the direct sum structures (Courant algebroids) utilized for similar purposes by Liu, Weinstein and Xu. This is achieved in terms of an abstract notion of double Lie algebroid (where double is now used in the Ehresmann sense) which unifies many iterated constructions in differential geometry. References:
A. L. Besse.

51. Documento Sin Título
Translate this page Sus miembros fundadores eran André Weil, Henri Cartan, Claude Chevalley, JeanCoulomb, Jean Delsarte, Jean Dieudonné, charles ehresmann, René de Possel y
Contenidos , un matemático o, mejor, un científico polifacético que dijo de si mismo: "Al escuchar la relación de mis ocupaciones pasadas, llego a dudar de mi propia existencia. La intersección de tales conjuntos está indudablemente vacía". fractal Nicolas Bourbaki Charles Denis Sauter Bourbaki Haga click para ver detalle Su tio Szolem Mandelbrot , publicado en 1918 en el Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, y que fue un documento precursor de la moderna teoría de los sistemas dinámicos. Además, de acuerdo con las ideas de la escuela de la que formaba parte, Szölem aconsejó a su sobrino: "Olvida la geometría". Estudiando ideas de Gaston Julia El primer dibujo Haga click para ver detalle Primeros trazados del hombre de Mandelbrot, marzo y abril de 1980. Haga click para ocultar el detalle 'polvo' de un continuo. A. Douady y J.H. Hubbard demostraron en 1982 que el conjunto gozaba de la citada propiedad: se trataba, en efecto, de un conjunto conexo.

52. Matematica - Articoli - Interventi Di…
Translate this page Stiamo parlando di matematici del calibro di Henri Cartan, André Weil, Claude Chevalley,Jean Dieudonné, Samuel Eilenberg, charles ehresmann, Laurent Schwartz
Sotto questo nome di fantasia (che ricorda quello di un generale napoleonico) si "nasconde" un gruppo di matematici francesi (quasi tutti), formatosi a metà degli anni Trenta. Il 10 dicembre 1934 (quando alcuni di loro si trovarono in un caffè del quartiere latino, a Parigi) è la data simbolica della nascita di Bourbaki. Stiamo parlando di matematici del calibro di Henri Cartan, André Weil, Claude Chevalley, Jean Dieudonné, Samuel Eilenberg, Charles Ehresmann, Laurent Schwartz, Pierre Cartier, Jean- Pierre Serre, ecc. che hanno avuto un’influenza davvero considerevole negli sviluppi della Matematica della seconda metà di questo secolo. Congresso Bourbaki 1939
C. Chabauty, Ch Ehresmann, J. Delsarte Bourbaki è anche una rivolta generazionale, "contro" la vecchia matematica e le sue arcaiche suddivisioni. L’obiettivo è di riscrivere tutta la Matematica (attraverso la pubblicazione degli struttura
La comparsa di Bourbaki sulla scena internazionale ha significato una visione completamente nuova della Matematica, una profonda riorganizzazione, uno stile espositivo particolare con terminologia e notazioni originali.

53. OTL - Technology Transfer Newsletter, July 1996
Angeline S. Douvas, Yoshi Takehara and Glenn ehresmann (Medicine) (2370) NEW ZEALAND Rodgersand Gere S. diZerega (Medicine) (2503) PCT L charles E. McKenna
Technology Transfer Newsletter
Office of Technology Licensing, University of Southern California Vol. 8, No. 1 July, 1996
For the fiscal year 1995-1996, the University received a total of 11 issued patents: 7 U.S. and 4 foreign. A total of 38 patents have been applied for with USC holding title, of which 22 are U.S. and 14 are foreign. Eight additional applications were filed including coownership by other entities. These inventions, arising from USC research, are listed by inventor(s), title and file number. Inventions which are licensed to industry are marked with "L". Please call OPCA for further information. U.S. PATENTS ISSUED: Massoud Pirbazari and Badri N. Badriyha (Engineering) MICROFILTRATION AND ABSORBENT PARTICLE SUSPENSION FOR REMOVING CONTAMINANTS FROM WATER (2243A) 5,505,841
Viktor Prasanna, Heonchul Park and Cho-Li Wang (Engineering) SINGLE CHIP DESIGN FOR FAST IMAGE COMPRESSION (2362) 5,468,069

54. MathComp Database - Browse - List
1, Egorychev, GP. 1, Ehrenfeucht, Andrzej. 5, Ehrenpreis, Leon. 1, ehresmann,charles. 1, Ehrich, HansDieter. 1, Ehrich, Roger W. 1, Ehrig, Hartmut. 1, Ehrlich,Amos.
MathComp database - Browse - AUTHOR list - ALL DOCUMENTS
The numbers in the list below indicate the number of documents listed under a term.
To display the documents, click on an eye . To move up or down the list, click on the arrow. Egorov, Yu. V.
See: $$aEgorov, IU. V.$$q(IUrii Vladimirovich) Egorychev, G. P. Ehrenfeucht, Andrzej Ehrenpreis, Leon Ehresmann, Charles Ehrich, Hans-Dieter Ehrich, Roger W. Ehrig, Hartmut Ehrlich, Amos Ehrlich, Gertrude Ehrlich, Philip Eichenbaum, Howard

55. MAP Home Page
Megan Latchaw (charles Hilton) ANT499 Tuberculosis in Inuits Sarah Gossett (charlesHilton) ANT-499 Urbanization at Mayapan Phillip ehresmann (Timothy S
MAP Program Search FAQs Forms MAP Policy ... Mohrman Fellowship MAPs by Semester Summer 2002 Fall 2002 Spring 2003 Summer 2003 ... Spring 2004 Summer 2003
Africana Studies
ANT-499: Iowa Welsh Culture: Jennifer Robinson (Doug Caulkins) ANT-499: Lakota Healthways: Cristina Wood (Doug Caulkins) ANT-499: Pueblos of Prehist SW US: Judd Swanson (Kathryn Kamp) ANT-499: Rheum Arth in Pt. Hope: Megan Latchaw (Charles Hilton) ANT-499: Tuberculosis in Inuits: Sarah Gossett (Charles Hilton) ANT-499: Urbanization at Mayapan: Phillip Ehresmann (Timothy S. Hare)
Bio-Chemistry BCM-499: Mascarine Biphasic Effct: Austin Graves (Clark Lindgren) BCM-499: O.V./P.L.E. Interactions: Lauren Flessner (Chuck Sullivan) BCM-499: pH Dependence of MTHFR: Lara Galloway (Elizabeth Trimmer) BCM-499: pH Dependence of MTHFR: Mary Catherine O'Conor (Elizabeth Trimmer) BCM-499: pH Dependence of MTHFR: Sara Scannell (Elizabeth Trimmer) BCM-499: Starvation Genes: Paul Duffin (Bruce Voyles) BCM-499: Starvation Genes: Felicia Barriga (Bruce Voyles)
CHM-499: Mass Spec Peptides: Rachel Sellon (Elaine Marzluff) CHM-499: Mass Spec Peptides: Jonathan Wright (Elaine Marzluff) CHM-499: Mass Spec Peptides: Masayo Ozaki (Elaine Marzluff) CHM-499: Mass Spec Peptides: Katherine Hodes (Elaine Marzluff) CHM-499: Organometallic Sythesis: Karna Barquist (Andrew Mobley) CHM-499: Organometallic Sythesis: Annie Leung (Andrew Mobley) CHM-499: Organometallic Sythesis: Eric Gillis (Andrew Mobley) CHM-499: Organometallic Sythesis: Rahul Palchaudhuri (Andrew Mobley) CHM-499: Stannyl Complexes: Presha Rajbhandari (Andrew Mobley) CHM-499: Sysnths Mo Imido Cmplex: Nileena Job (Martin Minelli) CHM-499: Sysnths Mo Imido Cmplex: David Amagai (Martin Minelli)

CAHIERS DE TOPOLOGIE ET GEOMÉTRIE DIFFÉRENTIELLE CATÉGORIQUES. Director of thepublication Andrée charles ehresmann. ISSN 1245530X. Volume XLIII - 2002 .
ISSN 1245-530X Volume XLIV - 2003 Volume XLIII - 2002 Volume XLII - 2001 Volume XLI - 2000 ... Backsets See for abstracts, indices and other information.
Volume XLIV (2003)
Theory and Applications of Categories : Information on the electronic Journal TAC
A. Kock, The stack quotient of a groupoid, 85
I. Kolar, A general point of view to nonholonomic jet bundles, 149
M. Grandis, Directed homotopy Theory, I 281
Volume XLIII (2002)
J. Paseka, A note on nuclei of quantale modules, 19
V. Lyubashenko, Tensor product of categories of equivariant perverse sheaves, 49
P. Gaucher, About the globular homology of higher dimensional automata, 107
Theory and Applications of Categories : Information on the electronic Journal TAC
P. Kainen, Isolated squares in hypercubes and robustness of commutativity, 213
T. Pirashvili, On the PROP corresponding to bialgebras, 221
L. Stramaccia, Shape and strong shape equivalences, 242
Y.T. Rhineghost, The boolean prime ideal theorem holds iff maximal open filters exist, 313
Volume XLII (2001)
M. Grandis, Higher fundamental functors for simplicial sets, 101

ehresmann,charles. Dir.,,S eacute;minaire de Topologie

CAHIERS DE TOPOLOGIE ET GEOMÉTRIE DIFFÉRENTIELLE CATÉGORIQUES. Directorof the publication Andrée charles ehresmann. ISSN FR00080004
ISSN FR0008-0004 Volume XL - 1999 Volume XXXIX - 1998 Volume XXXVIII - 1997 Subscriptions ... Editors
Volume XL (1999)
J. PENON, Approche polygraphique des infini-catégories non strictes, 31
THEORY AND APPLICATIONS OF CATEGORIES: Information on the electronic Journal TAC 158
D.-C. CISINSKI, La classe des morphismes de Dwyer n'est pas stable par rétractes 227
E. DAVID, Stone spaces of more partially ordered sets 233
E. VITALE, Multi-bimodels 283
D. BOURN, Baer sums and fibered aspects of Malc'ev operations 297
RESUMES des articles parus dans le Volume XL 317
Volume XXXIX (1998)
S. MANTOVANI, Semilocalizations of exact and Lextensive categories, 27
P.I. BOOTH, Fibrations and classifying spaces: an axiomatic approach, 83
P.I. BOOTH, Fibrations and classifying spaces: An axiomatic Approach II, 181
P. CRISTOFORI, Heegard and regular genus agree for compact 3-manifolds, 221
J. BICHON, Trivialisations dans les catégories tannakiennes, 243 P.I. BOOTH, On the geometric bar construction and the Brown Representability Theorem, 271 INDEX des Volumes XXVI à XXXIX (1985-1998), 307

59. Shipley: Specialist Art Booksellers. Bibliographic References
Fine Arts A Bibliographic Guide to Basic Reference Works, Histories and Handbooks.Donald L ehresmann. Libraries Unlimited. Englewood. David charles. 1972.
Introduction Bibliography Mailing List Glossary
  • Arntzen. Guide to the Literature of Art History. Etta Arntzen and Robert Rainwater. American Library Association. Chicago. 1980. Freitag. Art Books. A Basic Bibliography of Monographs on Artists. Wolfgang M Freitag. Garland Publishing Company. New York. 1985. History of Photography. A Bibliography of Books. Laurent Roosens and Luc Salu. Mansell. London. 3 volumes, 1989, 1994, 1996. Ehresmann ADA. Applied and Decorative Art. A Bibliographic Guide. Donald Ehresmann. Libraries Unlimited. Englewood. Colorado. 2nd edition. 1993. Ehresmann FA. Fine Arts: A Bibliographic Guide to Basic Reference Works, Histories and Handbooks. Donald L Ehresmann. Libraries Unlimited. Englewood. Colorado. 3rd edition. 1990
Amongst the many other titles used, these following books have been consulted on a more regular basis:
  • Art Books. 1876 - 1984. 3 volumes. Bowker. 1979, 1981, 1985. Werkkataloge zur Kunst des 20 Jahrhunderts. Wilhelm Arntz. Verlag Arntz-Winter. 2 volumes. 1984. Bibliography of 20th Century Art Publications.

60. 03-12-97 10.00am @PREAMBLE{ \newcommand{\noopsort}[1]
1967, pages = {3140}, note = {Contained in \cite{ehresmann}, Partie I}, } @BOOK{ehresmann,editor = {AC ehresmann}, title = {charles ehresmann \OE uvres

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