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         Ehrenfest Paul:     more books (25)
  1. Paul Ehrenfest. Volume I: The Making of a Theoretical Physicist by M.J. Klein, 1970-07
  2. The Conceptual Foundations of the Statistical Approach in Mechanics (Dover Phoenix Editions) (Dover Phoneix Editions) by Tatiana Ehrenfest, Paul Ehrenfest, 2002-05-01
  3. Biography - Ehrenfest, Paul (1880-1933): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2003-01-01
  4. Mathematicians Who Committed Suicide: Alan Turing, Aleksandr Lyapunov, Felix Hausdorff, Paul Ehrenfest, Ludwig Boltzmann, C. P. Ramanujam
  5. Parents Who Killed Their Children: Ivan Iv of Russia, Paul Ehrenfest, Wu Zetian, Susan Smith, Chris Benoit, Belle Gunness, Jeffrey R. Macdonald
  6. Dutch Physicists: Dutch Nuclear Physicists, Edsger W. Dijkstra, Christiaan Huygens, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Hendrik Lorentz, Paul Ehrenfest
  7. Leiden University Faculty: Albert Einstein, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Hendrik Lorentz, Paul Ehrenfest, Herman Boerhaave, Frans Van Schooten
  8. Scientists by Cause of Death: Murdered Scientists, Scientists Who Committed Suicide, Alan Turing, Archimedes, Jurij Vega, Paul Ehrenfest
  9. Paul Ehrenfest
  10. Paul Ehrenfest (in) Die Naturwissenschaften / 21. Jahrgang, Heft 48 (Seite 841-856) / 1. Dezember 1933 by W. Pauli, 1933
  11. Dutch People of Austrian Descent: Paul Ehrenfest
  12. Dutch Jews: Baruch Spinoza, Xaviera Hollander, Paul Ehrenfest, Harry Mulisch, Uriel Da Costa, Tom Okker, Emanuel Tov, Etty Hillesum
  13. Science Teachers: Wilhelm Röntgen, Paul Ehrenfest, Thomas Fincke, Loren Acton, Abraham Pais, Edmund Davy, Sami Solanki, Kenneth R. Miller
  14. Dutch Physicists: Edsger W. Dijkstra, Christiaan Huygens, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Hendrik Lorentz, Paul Ehrenfest, Willem Hendrik Keesom

81. Ehrenfest
Origin. paul ehrenfest. Born 18 Jan 1880 Welcome page paul ehrenfestwas a student at the Technische Hochschule in Vienna. There he
Paul Ehrenfest
Born: 18 Jan 1880 in Vienna, Austria
Died: 25 Sept 1933 in Leiden, Netherlands
Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous ( Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Paul Ehrenfest was a student at the Technische Hochschule in Vienna. There he formed a close friendship with three other students of mathematics, Heinrich Tietze , Hans Hahn and Herglotz. They called themselves the 'inseparable four'. Ehrenfest attended Boltzmann 's lectures on the mechanical theory of heat during 1899-1900. Max Abraham 's course on the electromagnetic theory of light. He also attended courses by Stark, Walther Nernst, Schwarzschild and Zermelo Ehrenfest obtained his doctorate from Vienna in 1904, under Boltzmann Klein Hilbert Minkowski and In 1907 Ehrenfest went to St Petersburg. He was appointed to a chair to succeed Lorentz at the University of Leiden in 1912. Einstein was one of the main influences in Ehrenfest's appointment. They first met in Prague in 1912 and their deep friendship lasted until Ehrenfest's death. Ehrenfest was also a close friend of Niels Bohr Ehrenfest worked on quantum theory applying it to rotating bodies. He recognised that

82. Das Virtuelle Bücherregal NRW
Translate this page 7.559.108 854.459 Ehrendoktorwürde 12.859.699 13.399.652 6.524.386 6.798.884 7.405.426Ehrenfels, Christian von 138.891 2.305.736 ehrenfest, paul 1.372.843
Ein freundliches Angebot des Hochschulbibliothekszentrums des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Ehrenfels, Christian von
Ehrenfest, Paul
Ehrenfried, Matthias
Ehrenmitglied Ehrenpforte Ehrenpreis Deutsche Keramik Ehrenpromotion Ehrenschutz Ehrensenator Ehrenstein, Albert Ehrenthal Ehrentitel Ehrentreich, Alfred Ehrenurkunde Ehrenwirth-Verlag Ehrenzeichen Ehrenzweig, Albert A. Ehrenzweig, Anton Ehreshoven Ehrfurcht Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben Ehrgeiz Ehrhardt, Otto Ehrich-Haefeli, Verena Ehringhausen, Willy Ehrismann, Gustav Ehrlich, Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich, Eugen Ehrlich, Paul Ehrlich-Ascitestumor Ehrlich-Ascitestumorzelle Ehrlichia-canis-Infektion Ehrlichkeit Ehrlosigkeit Ehrmann, Marianne Ehrsen Ehrung Ehrverletzung Ei Eiablage EIB Eibe Eibergen Eibia-Gesellschaft Eibingen Eibisch Eichbaum, Erwin Eichbaum-Brauereien Eichberg, Henning Eiche Eichel Eichen Eichen-Birkenwald Eichenanbau Eichenbach Eichendorff, Joseph von

83. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Update Data For Paul Ehrenfest
The Mathematics Genealogy Project

84. Bibliography/Appendix
Princeton University Press. ehrenfest, paul and Tatiana. 1959 TheConceptual Foundations of the Statistical Approach in Mechanics.
Soshichi Uchii, Kyoto University Bibliography Boltzmann, L. Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen , 3 vols. Edited by F Hasenoerl. J. A. Barth, Leipzig, 1909. Reprinted by Chelsea Pub. Co., New York, 1968. [1868] Studien ueber das Gleichgewicht der lebendigen Kraft zwischen bewegten materiellen Punkten. Wien. Ber Abhandlungen [1871] Einige allgemeine Saetze ueber Waermegleichgewicht. Wien. Ber Abhandlungen [1872] Weitere Studien ueber das Waemegleichgewicht unter Gasmolekuelen. Wien. Ber. 66, 275-370. Abhandlungen [1877] Bemerkungen ueber einige Probleme der mechanischen Waermetheorie. Wien. Ber Abhandlungen [1877a] Ueber die Beziehung zwischen dem zweiten Hauptsatze der mechanischen Waermetheorie und der Wahrshceinlichkeitsrechnung respektive den Saetzen ueber das Waermegleichgewicht. Wien. Ber Abhandlungen [1881] Referat ueber die Abhandlung von J. C. Maxwell "Ueber Boltzmanns Theorem betreffend die mittlere Verteilung der lebendigen Kraft in einem System materieller Punkte." Wied. Ann. Beiblaetter Abhandlungen [1884] Ueber die Eigenschaften monocyclischer und anderer damit verwandter Systeme.

85. InternetOPAC Der Gemeindebücherei Tutzing
Translate this page Dutrochet, René-Joachim-Henri, Eccles, John C., Eddington, Arthur, Edison, ThomasAlva, Ehrenberg, Christian Gottfried, ehrenfest, paul, Ehrlich, paul, Eiffel

86. Paul Ehrenfest
Article on paul ehrenfest from, licensed from Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia. Return to Article Index paul ehrenfest.
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Paul Ehrenfest
Paul Ehrenfest January 18 September 25 ) was an Austrian physicist and mathematician from Vienna . He died in in Leiden , the Netherlands. His major contributions include the theory of phase transition
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87. Computing Before Computers
J., 147, 149, 153, 214, 224,244 EckertMauchly Computer Corporation, 239, 245Edison, Thomas, 223 EDVAC computer, 243, 254 ehrenfest, paul, 117 Electric
Go to On Line Documents , Go to Go to Antique Computer home page This is a presentation of
Computing Before Computers
Edited by William Aspray
with contributions by
W. Aspray
A. G. Bromley
M. Campbell-Kelly
P.E. Ceruzzi
M. R. Williams
ISBN 0-8138-0047-1
1. Calculators-History. 2. Computers-History. I. Aspray, William.
Statement of permission to web publish Scanned, and processed into Adobe .PDF format by Ed Thelen September 2000 from a first edition copy lent by Michael R. Williams - one of the contributors. To make the contents of this 266 page book more accessable for Internet viewers:
  • the various chapters and sections are presented as separate files of 6 megabytes max each
  • the Table of Contents (linked to the sections) is presented below
  • the Index is presented below. (searchable by your browser)
  • each .PDF section is searchable by the Adobe Acrobat viewer - "Image on Text".
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................... vii
William Aspray Chapter One: Early Calculation
Michael R. Williams Chapter Two: Difference and Analytical Engines
Allan G. Bromley

88. Physics
The Conceptual Foundations of the Statistical Approach in Mechanics AUTHOR ehrenfest,paul ISBN 0486495043 Publish Date May 2002 Format Hardcover Book
Science : Physics
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89. Harald Bohr Correspondence
ehrenfest, paul, 192830, 9, 1928-33, 4, German. The correspondence betweenpaul ehrenfest and Harald Bohr They may be found at ESC 1, Section 5, No.
Harald Bohr correspondence
The destiny of Harald Bohr's correspondence
The few letters in the Harald Bohr Papers in Copenhagen is a very tiny fraction of the large amount of letters to and from Bohr which once existed. According to Bohr's son, Ole Bohr, Bohr kept the letters he received and organized them well until April 1940 where he destroyed most of them shortly after the German invasion of Denmark. He did that because he was anxious that the Germans should seize on his correspondence and misuse its information about German mathematicians, whom Bohr had helped to leave Germany. According to Asger Aaboe (Yale University), who has had contact with the surviving relatives, the left over of Bohr's collection of correspondence (among other things his correspondence with Godfrey H. Hardy) was kept by Bohr's wife Ulla Bohr for many years, but destroyed by her in the 1970s. There is probably no more correspondence kept by the surviving relatives, at least not any scientific correspondence, and the only part of Bohr's own collection of correspondence which has survived are the letters in the Harald Bohr Papers and some family correspondence (mainly letters to and from his brother Niels) kept in the Family correspondence at the Niels Bohr Archive Hence, the major part of the correspondence listed below is located in other collections. The correspondents are divided in two groups. The first group, which is given alphabetical in a table with links to more details, consists of correspondents where more than one letter to or from Bohr has been conserved. The second group consists of all the minor correspondents where only one letter to or from Bohr has been conserved.

90. Encyclopedia4U - Paul Ehrenfest - Encyclopedia Article
paul ehrenfest. paul ehrenfest (January 18, 1880 September 25, 1933)was an Austrian physicist and mathematician from Vienna. He
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Paul Ehrenfest
Paul Ehrenfest January 18 September 25 ) was an Austrian physicist and mathematician from Vienna . He died in 1933 in Leiden , the Netherlands External link:

91. Wiley::Einstein A To Z
Dukas, Helen. E=Mc2. Eddington, Sir Arthur. Education. ehrenfest, paul. Einstein,Elsa L”wenthal. Einstein, Mileva Maric. Einstein Field Equations.,subjectCd-RF00,des
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92. Perry N. Finley Foundation - Library Catalog
, Mechanics, Conceptual Found. of the Statitical Approach, ehrenfest,paul and Tatiana. *, Mechanics, Foundations of, Abraham and Marsden.
Subject(s): Physics Sorted by TITLE A B C D ... Z Press asterisk for details on individual book!!!!! TITLE Author Analysis, Manifolds and Physics, Part I Choquet-Bruhat and DeWitt-Morette Analysis, Manifolds and Physics, Part II Choquet-Bruhat and DeWitt-Morette Boundary and Eigenvalue Problems in Math. Physics Sagan, Hans Ozorio De Almeida, Alfredo M. Chaos and Integrability in Nonlinear Dynamics Tabor, Michael Gutzwiller, Martin C. Chaos, Deterministic Schuster, Heinz Georg Chaos, Order Within Chaos Berge, Pomeau and Vidal Chaotic Dynamical Systems - An Introduction Devaney, Robert L. Chaotic Dynamics Baker and Gollub Classical and Quantum Physics, Mathematics of Byron, Jr. and Fuller Complexity, Entropy and the Physics of Information Zurek, Wojciech H. Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics Gaisser, Thomas K. Current Algebra and Anomalies Treiman, Jackiw, Zumino and Witten Data Reduction and Error Analysis Bevington, Philip R. Distribution Theory and Transform Analysis Zemanian, A.H. Electricity and Magnetism Purcell, Edward M.

93. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of EH
Translate this page Technology, 1993. Ehrenfeld, Sylvain, ehrenfest, paul, UniversitätWien, 1904. Ehrenfeucht, Andrzej, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Ehrenfried

94. F‹IˆÉš ‰®‘“X
61. The Conceptual Foundations of the Statistical Approach in Mechanics(HRD)US- ehrenfest, paul /PublisherDover Pubns Published 2002/06 US$25.00 62.

95. Paul Drake - Encyclopedia Article About Paul Drake. Free Access, No Registration
paul Drake. Word Word. paul Gottlieb Nipkow proposed and patented the first electromechanicaltelevision system in 1884. . Drake
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Paul Drake
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Paul Drake was the detective in the television Television is a telecommunication system for broadcasting and receiving moving pictures and sound over a distance. The term has come to refer to all the aspects of television programming and transmission as well. The televisual has become synonymous with postmodern culture. The word television is a hybrid word, coming from both Greek and Latin. "Tele-" is Greek for "far", while "-vision" is from the Latin "visio", meaning "vision" or "sight".
Click the link for more information. lawyer series Perry Mason Perry Mason is a fictional defense attorney who originally appeared in novels by Erle Stanley Gardner and who was portrayed by Raymond Burr in a television series of the 1960s. The general plot involves Perry Mason unmasking the actual murderer in a final dramatic courtroom showdown. As such it is a highly unrealistic portrayal of the criminal justice system, and some of the structure of the television show was dictated by the motion picture and television codes of the 1950s which required an ending in which justice was served and in which the police and judicial institutions were not questioned.
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96. Paul Hindenburg - Das Shoppingportal Im Internet. Verlgeichen Sie Die Preise! Ei
Translate this page Noch schien es Hoffnung für eine Zukunft in Deutschland zu geben. paul Ehrenfestin Berlin - eine Einschätzung der Lage Es ist aufschlussreich

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Produkt bei: eBay Beschreibung: Akt am Waldbach von Paul Marcel Meys - Paris um 1910 Gebote: momentaner Preis: EUR 68,00 Verbleibende Zeit: Akt im Walde von Paul Marcel Meys - Par ... Produkt bei: eBay Beschreibung: Akt im Walde von Paul Marcel Meys - Paris um 1910 Gebote: momentaner Preis: EUR 68,00 Verbleibende Zeit: Aufkleber - 3 Rolling Stones- 1 Paul Mc ... Produkt bei: eBay Beschreibung: Aufkleber - 3 Rolling Stones- 1 Paul McCartney- Sticker Gebote: momentaner Preis: EUR 1,00 Verbleibende Zeit: E. Paul Wilson - Leiser Verdacht Produkt bei: eBay Beschreibung: E. Paul Wilson - Leiser Verdacht Gebote: momentaner Preis: EUR 1,50 Verbleibende Zeit: fabelhafte SAVINELLI OOM PAUL in der DE ...

97. Poincaré à Ehrenfest
History of Quantum Physics, EHR-24, §8. Références. ehrenfest
Poincaré à Ehrenfest
[30.01.1912 Paris] Mon cher Collègue, Je suis heureux de voir que vous êtes arrivé à des résultats conformes aux miens par une voie différente. Je vous remercie de votre brochure qui me sera certainement utile pour la rédaction de mon prochain article. Le Journal de Physique (Janvier 1912) ne m'a pas encore envoyé de tirages à part et je commence à me demander s'il m'en enverra. Votre bien dévoué Collègue, Poincaré
ALS 2p. Paul Ehrenfest Papers, Museum Boerhaave, Leiden, Holland; Archives for History of Quantum Physics, EHR-24, §8.
[Ehrenfest 1911]
Ehrenfest, P. Welche Züge der Lichtquantenhypothese spielen in der Theorie der Wärmestrahlung eine wesentliche Rolle? Annalen der Physik
[Krips 1986]
Krips, H. Atomism, Poincaré and Planck. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
[Kuhn 1978]
Kuhn, T. S. Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity, 1894-1912 . Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978.
[McCormmach 1967]
McCormmach, R. Henri Poincaré and the quantum theory. Isis Navarro, L. et Pérez, E. Paul Ehrenfest on the necessity of quanta (1911): discontinuity, quantization, corpuscularity, and adiabatic invariance.

98. Perry N. Finley Foundation - Library Catalog
, DeWitt, Bryce, Supermanifolds Second Edition. *, ehrenfest, Pauland Tatiana, Mechanics, Conceptual Found. of the Statitical Approach.
Subject(s): Physics Sorted by AUTHOR A B C D ... Z Press asterisk for details on individual book!!!!! AUTHOR Title Abraham and Marsden Mechanics, Foundations of Abrikosov, Gorkov and Dzyaloshinski Quantum Field Theory, Methods of Anderson, Herbert L. Physicist's Desk Reference Arfken, George Mathemathical Methods for Physicists Baker and Gollub Chaotic Dynamics Bamberg and Sternberg Physics 1 Bamberg and Sternberg Physics 2 Mechanics, Classical Barut, A.O. Bekefi and Barrett Electromagnetic Vibrations, Waves and Radiation Berge, Pomeau and Vidal Chaos, Order Within Chaos Bergmann, Peter Gabriel Relativity - Theory of Relativity, Introduction to Bevington, Philip R. Data Reduction and Error Analysis Brandt and Dahmen Quantum Mechanics on the Personal Computer Bransden and Joachain Quantum Mechanics Budak, Samarskii and Tikhonov Mathemtical Physics, Collection of Problems Byron, Jr. and Fuller Classical and Quantum Physics, Mathematics of Campbell, Ecke and Hyman Nonlinear Science Carrigan, Jr. and Trower Particles and Forces - At the Heart of the Matter Chaikin, P.M. and Lubensky, T.C.

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