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         Ehrenfest Paul:     more books (25)
  1. Paul Ehrenfest. Volume I: The Making of a Theoretical Physicist by M.J. Klein, 1970-07
  2. The Conceptual Foundations of the Statistical Approach in Mechanics (Dover Phoenix Editions) (Dover Phoneix Editions) by Tatiana Ehrenfest, Paul Ehrenfest, 2002-05-01
  3. Biography - Ehrenfest, Paul (1880-1933): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2003-01-01
  4. Mathematicians Who Committed Suicide: Alan Turing, Aleksandr Lyapunov, Felix Hausdorff, Paul Ehrenfest, Ludwig Boltzmann, C. P. Ramanujam
  5. Parents Who Killed Their Children: Ivan Iv of Russia, Paul Ehrenfest, Wu Zetian, Susan Smith, Chris Benoit, Belle Gunness, Jeffrey R. Macdonald
  6. Dutch Physicists: Dutch Nuclear Physicists, Edsger W. Dijkstra, Christiaan Huygens, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Hendrik Lorentz, Paul Ehrenfest
  7. Leiden University Faculty: Albert Einstein, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Hendrik Lorentz, Paul Ehrenfest, Herman Boerhaave, Frans Van Schooten
  8. Scientists by Cause of Death: Murdered Scientists, Scientists Who Committed Suicide, Alan Turing, Archimedes, Jurij Vega, Paul Ehrenfest
  9. Paul Ehrenfest
  10. Paul Ehrenfest (in) Die Naturwissenschaften / 21. Jahrgang, Heft 48 (Seite 841-856) / 1. Dezember 1933 by W. Pauli, 1933
  11. Dutch People of Austrian Descent: Paul Ehrenfest
  12. Dutch Jews: Baruch Spinoza, Xaviera Hollander, Paul Ehrenfest, Harry Mulisch, Uriel Da Costa, Tom Okker, Emanuel Tov, Etty Hillesum
  13. Science Teachers: Wilhelm Röntgen, Paul Ehrenfest, Thomas Fincke, Loren Acton, Abraham Pais, Edmund Davy, Sami Solanki, Kenneth R. Miller
  14. Dutch Physicists: Edsger W. Dijkstra, Christiaan Huygens, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Hendrik Lorentz, Paul Ehrenfest, Willem Hendrik Keesom

41. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : EHR
ehrenfest (paul) Photo 1/2 (2) Photo de groupe 1 (avec Niels BOHR)/2(avec Niels BOHR, Max BORN, William Lawrence BRAGG, Léon BRILLOUIN, Louis de
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42. Paul Ehrenfest
Translate this page paul ehrenfest.
Paul Ehrenfest

43. Paul Ehrenfest
Translate this page paul ehrenfest (1880-1933). Físico holandés, de origen austríaco,nacido en Viena. Fue uno de los mejores discípulos de Boltzmann

44. Lexikon - Paul Ehrenfest Definition Erklärung Bedeutung
Translate this page Was Wer Wo ist paul ehrenfest - Definition Erklärung Bedeutung von paul ehrenfest.Logo Net-Lexikon, paul ehrenfest. Definition, Bedeutung, Erklärung im Lexikon.
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Paul Ehrenfest
Definition, Bedeutung, Erkl¤rung im Lexikon
Paul Ehrenfest 18. Januar in Wien 25. September in Amsterdam ) war ein ¶sterreich ischer Physiker . Ehrenfest lehrte von 1907 bis 1912 in Petersburg und von 1912 an als Professor f¼r Theoretische Physik in Leiden . Sein Beitrag zur modernen Physik ist vor allem das nach ihm benannte Ehrenfestsche Theorem (1927), ein Satz der Quantentheorie, der eine allgemeing¼ltige Beziehung zur klassischen Physik herstellt.
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45. Scientific Identity: Portraits From The Dibner Library Of The History Of Science
Scientific Identity Portraits from the Dibner Library of the Scientist ehrenfest, paul (1880 1933). Discipline(s) Physics. Portrait ofpaul ehrenfest ~ Enlarge Image ~. Scientist ehrenfest, Tatiana (1876 - ).

46. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
4. ehrenfest, paul The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition; January 10,2004 paul ehrenfest, paul , 18801933, Austrian physicist.

47. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
Question / Keyword(s) Advanced Search. Save this query to My Saved Searches;Alert Me when there are new results for ehrenfest AND paul.

48. Paul Ehrenfest
Translate this page paul ehrenfest. Born on 18th January in Vienna. 1880, Geboren am18. Januar in Wien. Studies theoretical physics at the Technical
Paul Ehrenfest
Born on 18th January in Vienna. Geboren am 18. Januar in Wien. Studies theoretical physics at the Technical University in Vienna where he attends Ludwig Boltzmann's lectures on the mechanical theory of heat. Receives his doctorate in Vienna for a dissertation on classical mechanics under Ludwig Boltzmann's supervision. Moves to St. Petersburg. Aufenthalt in St. Petersburg. Is appointed to the chair of theoretical physics at the University of Leiden as a successor to Hendrik Antoon Lorentz; Albert Einstein supports his appointment. Formulates the adiabatic hypothesis. Formuliert die Adiabatenhypothese. On 25th September he takes his own life. Freitod am 25. September.

49. Paul Ehrenfest :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius
paul ehrenfest. Online Encyclopedia paul ehrenfest (January 18, 1880 September25, 1933) was an Austrian physicist and mathematician from Vienna.
Quantum Physics Pampered Chef Paintball Guns Cell Phone Reviews ... Science Articles Paul Ehrenfest
Online Encyclopedia

Paul Ehrenfest January 18 September 25 ) was an Austrian physicist and mathematician from Vienna . He died in in Leiden the Netherlands
External links

50. Physics4u-Paul Ehrenfest Ï êáëýôåñïò äÜóêáëïò ôçò Öõóé
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Paul Ehrenfest
Áõóôñéáêüò öõóéêüò, ãåííçìÝíïò óôéò 18 Éáíïõáñßïõ ôïõ 1880. ÁíÞêå óôç ìåóáßá ãåíéÜ ôùí öõóéêþí (Einstein, Born, Bohr, Schrödinger), ðïõ ðÞñáí óôá óïâáñÜ êé áíÝðôõîáí ôçí êâáíôéêÞ èåùñßá ôïõ Max Planck. ÐñïóðÜèçóå íá êáèïñßóåé ôç ó÷Ýóç ôçò íåþôåñçò ìå ôçí ðáëáéüôåñç öõóéêÞ êáé áíáäåß÷èçêå Ýíáò åíåñãçôéêüò, ëáìðñüò, êáé åìðíåõóìÝíïò äÜóêáëïò ôçò ÖõóéêÞò. Ï Einstein Þôáí áõôüò ðïõ åßðå üôé "Ï Ehrenfest åßíáé ï êáëýôåñïò äÜóêáëïò óôï åðÜããåëìÜ ìáò ðïõ Ý÷ù ãíùñßóåé". Ïé ïîåßåò êñéôéêÝò ôïõ êáé ç åñìçíåßá ôïõ ãéá ôçí áäéáâáôéêÞ áñ÷Þ -ðïõ Ýêáíáí ôï Niels Bohr íá ôïí ôïðïèåôÞóåé ìåôáîý ôùí èåìåëéùôþí ôïõ ïéêïäïìÞìáôïò ôçò êâáíôéêÞò èåùñßáò- åß÷áí ìéá óçìáíôéêÞ óõìâïëÞ óôçí ðñïþèçóç ôçò óýã÷ñïíçò öõóéêÞò. Åß÷å üìùò Ýíá ôñáãéêü ôÝëïò, áðüññïéá ôïõ åõáßóèçôïõ ÷áñáêôÞñá ôïõ. Ï Paul Ehrenfest, ðïõ Þôáí ÅâñáúêÞò êáôáãùãÞò, õðÝöåñå ðïëý áðü ôï áíôéóçìéôéêü êëßìá ôçò åðï÷Þò ôïõ. Ôá áäÝëöéá ôïõ ìåôÜ ôïí èÜíáôï ôùí ãïíéþí ôïõ ôïí óôÞñéîáí áñêåôÜ Ýôóé þóôå íá ëÜâåé ìéá êáôáðëçêôéêÞ ìüñöùóç ðÜíù óôá ÌáèçìáôéêÜ êáé ôç ÈåùñçôéêÞ ÖõóéêÞ. Ðáñüëï ôï ðëïýóéï ôáëÝíôï ôïõ ï Ehrenfest Þôáí äõóôõ÷éóìÝíïò ãéá ðïëëïýò ëüãïõò. Ï Ýíáò ëüãïò Þôáí ãéáôß ïé ãïíåßò ôïõ ðÝèáíáí íùñßò, ýóôåñá ãéáôß Þôáí öéëÜóèåíïò êáé ôÝëïò ëüãù ôçò ìåãÜëçò ôïõ åõáéóèçóßáò âñéóêüôáí óå ðëÞñç äéáöùíßá ìå ôï ãýñù êüóìï ôïõ.

51. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Paul Ehrenfest (Physics, Biographies) - Encyclopedia reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information onpaul ehrenfest, Physics, Biographies. paul ehrenfest, Physics, Biographies.
AllRefer Channels :: Health Yellow Pages Reference Weather SEARCH : in Reference May 31, 2004 You are here : Reference Encyclopedia Physics, Biographies ... Paul Ehrenfest
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Paul Ehrenfest, Physics, Biographies
Related Category: Physics, Biographies Paul Ehrenfest [poul A u nfest] Pronunciation Key See M. J. Klein, Paul Ehrenfest: The Making of a Theoretical Physicist (Vol. 1, 2d ed. 1985).
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  • 52. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Paul Ehrenfest
    paul ehrenfest Biography Ph.D. Universität Wien 1904. According to our currentonline database, paul ehrenfest has 3 students and 8 descendants.

    53. CWP At // Ehrenfest-Afanaseva
    Tatiana and paul ehrenfest s work on the foundations of statistical mechanics andstatistical thermodynamics was important to the development of those fields.,_Tatiana@900123456.h
    Welcome to CWP at
    Mathematical Physics
    Reader Comments Other Citations Homepage
    Tatiana Ehrenfest-Afanaseva
    Contributions Publications Additional Information
    Some Important Contributions:
    Tatiana and Paul Ehrenfest's work on the foundations of statistical mechanics and statistical thermodynamics was important to the development of those fields.
      "In 1911 the Ehrenfests gave an incisive analysis of the conceptual and logical status of Boltzmann's efforts to explain thermodynamics and irreversibility on a mechanical basis. In so doing they made extensive use of the phase-space representation of mechanical systems - the behavior of systems as expressed by the time a trajectory spends in certain regions of the energy surface. They also clarified how conjectures about this behavior translated into physical statements: the original ergodic theorem would justify Boltzmann's procedure, while the quasi-ergodic theorem (the statement that the trajectory comes arbitrarily near any point) would not be sufficient to do so. ... [Their] analysis made crystal clear that the introduction of suitable probability notions was esssential for a consistent implementation of Boltzman's program." - p. 599.

    54. Photograph Of Tatiana Ehrenfest-Afanaseva And Her Husband Paul
    Photograph of Tatiana ehrenfestAfanaseva and her husband paul ehrenfest. LeningradPhysico-Technical Institute, courtesy AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives.
    Photograph of Tatiana Ehrenfest-Afanaseva and her husband Paul Ehrenfest. Leningrad Physico-Technical Institute, courtesy

    55. HSmicro
    vol.151. ehrenfest, paul. Notebooks, 1902?1933?. LOCATION 603.17 = Guide.ehrenfest, paul. Personal correspondence, 1900?-1933. LOCATION
    Microform Resources for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology in the Harvard University Library
    Preliminary List General Science Bache family. Bache papersCastle collection, [1683-ca. 1900].
    LOCATION: Microforms (Lamont): Film A 766 Microfilm. Philadelphia : American Philosophical Society Library, 1990. 9 microfilm reels : negative ; 35 mm. Microfilm Library has: 9 microfilm reels
    LOCATION: Microforms (Lamont): INDEX Film A 766 = Guide Boyle, Robert. Letters and papers of Robert Boyle, [ca. 1640-1691], from the archives of the Royal Society.
    LOCATION: Microforms (Lamont): Film A 741 Microfilm. Frederick, Md. : University Publications of America, c1990. 16 microfilm reels ; 35 mm. (Collections from the Royal Society). Microfilm Library has: 16 microfilm reels
    LOCATION: Microforms (Lamont): INDEX Film A 741 = Guide Dee The Books and manuscripts of John Dee, 1527-1608. Renaissance man, the reconstructed libraries of European scholars, 1450-1700; ser. 1. Marlborough, Eng.: Adam Matthew, [1991]-
    LOCATION: Microforms (Lamont): Film A 850.1 Library has: pt. 1-2 on 41 microfilm reels Library currently subscribes to this title.

    56. Learn More About Paul Ehrenfest In The Online Encyclopedia.
    Visit the Online Encyclopedia and learn more and get your questionsanswered about paul ehrenfest. see previous page. paul ehrenfest.
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    see previous page
    Paul Ehrenfest
    Paul Ehrenfest January 18 September 25 ) was an Austrian physicist and mathematician from Vienna . He died in in Leiden the Netherlands
    External links

    57. Colloquium Ehrenfestii
    paul ehrenfest, painted by Harm Kamerlingh Onnes in 1920. paul ehrenfest wasthe successor of Lorentz as professor of theoretical physics in Leiden.
    Paul Ehrenfest, painted by Harm Kamerlingh Onnes in 1920. Wednesday evenings in Leiden during the academic year were reserved for the physics colloquium, an institution still flourishing and now named the Colloquium Ehrenfestii. Paul Ehrenfest was the successor of Lorentz as professor of theoretical physics in Leiden. When Ehrenfest arrived in Leiden in October 1912, he had been struck by the absence of a colloquium. There was no regular meeting that brought together students, professors, and research workers in the university laboratories to hear lectures reporting on new research and, especially, to discuss these reports. Ehrenfest felt this absence keenly. Leiden needed such a physics discussion group, and he immediately set about creating one. Within weeks of his arrival the new colloquium was meeting regularly. Within a few months its success was made evident by the creation of analogous colloquia in mathematics and organic chemistry, both of them organized by participants in Ehrenfest's original group. This was not the first time Ehrenfest had brought a colloquium into existence. When Paul and Tatyana Ehrenfest moved to St. Petersburg in 1907, hoping to settle permanently in Russia, they felt the need for discussions of scientific subjects. Since neither of them had any institutional affiliation, this need was not so readily met. But as soon as they knew some of the other interested young physicists in Petersburg, Ehrenfest persuaded them to join him and his wife in an informal, unofficial colloquium. They met every other week, usually at Ehrenfest's home, for reports on work published recently in the physics literature. Occasionally one of the participants would have some current work of his own to report on. Discussions were lively and vigorous, often extending until midnight or even later. (All these traits characterized the Leiden colloquium as well, though it kept earlier hours.)

    58. Colloquium Ehrenfestii 1993 - 2000
    The colloquium was initiated by paul ehrenfest in 1912. paul ehrenfest, 1912 1933;HA Kramers, 1933 - 1952; SR de Groot, 1953 - 1963; Peter Mazur, 1964 - 1978;
    List of colloquia organized by Pierre van Baal
    September 1993 - August 2000
    The colloquium was initiated by Paul Ehrenfest in 1912. It is now called the Colloquium Ehrenfestii and traditionally takes place Wednesday evenings at 19:30 hours. After 1 hour there is a 15 minutes coffee/tea break and the speaker continues for another 15-30 minutes. It has been a good custom to interrupt the speaker with questions during the colloquium, frequently leading to interesting discussions. From November 1998 a three course meal (including coffee and wine) is catered on site at 18:00 hours, for anyone attending the colloquium. The cost is kept low. The colloquium is generously sponsered already for many years by the Lorentz-Fonds, in memory of the other great theoretical physicist of Leiden, whose name is now attachted to the Instituut-Lorentz for theoretical physics, the guardian of the colloquium Ehrenfestii; it is still going strong today Programmes: history Colloquium Ehrenfestii in 2000 24 May C.M. Varma (Bell Labs, Murray Hill/Leiden)

    59. Paul Ehrenfest Tatiana Ehrenfest Stempen Paul The Conceptual Foundations Of The
    paul ehrenfest Tatiana ehrenfest Stempen paul The Conceptual Foundationsof the Statistical Approach in Mechanics (Dover Phoneix Editions).
    Paul Ehrenfest Tatiana Ehrenfest Stempen Paul The Conceptual Foundations of the Statistical Approach in Mechanics (Dover Phoneix Editions)
    Author or Artist : Paul Ehrenfest Tatiana Ehrenfest Stempen Paul
    Title: The Conceptual Foundations of the Statistical Approach in Mechanics (Dover Phoneix Editions)
    Ehrenfest Paul Ehrenfest Tatiana Paul Stempen
    Paul Ehrenfest
    Tatiana Ehrenfest
    Stempen Paul
    Subject: Mathematical Physics
    Category: Science Nature Physics General
    Format: Hardcover

    Timothy Zahn-Star Wars: Specter of the Past (Star Wars)...

    James Redfield-Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision: Further Adventures of "The Celestine Prophecy"...

    60. Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind Of Science -- Relevant Books
    ISBN 0813526140 . ehrenfest, paul Collected Scientific Papers IntersciencePublishers, 1959. ISBN 0060000783 . ehrenfest, paul
    A B C D E F G H I ... W X Y Z
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    Morphology of the Angiosperms
    McGraw-Hill, 1961. [ISBN 0070187258 Eames, Arthur
    Morphology of Vascular Plants, Lower Groups
    McGraw-Hill, 1936. [ISBN 0882754599
    A Computer Perspective: Background to the Computer Age
    Harvard University Press, 1990. [ISBN 0674156269 Earman, John
    Worlds Enough and Space-Time: Absolute Versus Relational Theories of Space and Time
    MIT Press, 1989. [ISBN 0262050404 Eccles, John C.
    The Philosophy of Nerve Cells
    Johns Hopkins and Oxford University, 1957. [ISBN 0801801826 Faster, Faster: A Simple Description of a Giant Electronic Calculator and the Problems It Solves Eco, Umberto The Search for the Perfect Language Blackwell, 1995. [ISBN 0631174656 Economou, E.N. Green's Functions in Quantum Physics. Second Corrected and Updated Edition. Springer Series in Solid State Sciences 7 Springer-Verlag, 1983. [ISBN 0387122664 Eddington, Sir A.S. Fundamental Theory Cambridge University Press, 1949 Eddington, Sir A.S. The Mathematical Theory of Relativity Cambridge University Press, 1930

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