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         Eckert J Presper:     more detail
  1. Eckert, J. Presper, Jr. 19191995 Mauchly, John W. 19071980: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Macmillan Reference USA Science Library: Computer Sciences</i> by James E. Tomayko, 2002
  2. Computer Designers: Alan Turing, John Von Neumann, Steve Wozniak, Seymour Cray, Konrad Zuse, J. Presper Eckert, John Mauchly, Butler Lampson
  3. J. Presper Eckert, Jr.: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i>
  4. Computer Hardware Engineers: Douglas Engelbart, Konrad Zuse, J. Presper Eckert, Martin Brennan, Chuck Peddle, Lynn Conway, Voja Antonic
  5. The history of computing: A biographical portrait of the visionaries who shaped the destiny of the computer industry by Marguerite Zientara, 1981
  6. John Presper Eckert Jr.: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Nathan L. Ensmenger, 2001
  7. Early Pioneers: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Macmillan Reference USA Science Library: Computer Sciences</i> by Pamela Willwerth Aue, 2002
  8. John William Mauchly: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Nathan L. Ensmenger, 2001
  9. ENIAC Progress Report: An entry from Gale's <i>American Decades: Primary Sources</i>
  10. Early Computers: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Macmillan Reference USA Science Library: Computer Sciences</i> by Ida M. Flynn, 2002

61. J. Presper Eckert
This paper examines the early life of J. presper eckert, one of the inventors ofthe ENIAC, and details those experiences which obviously came to influence his
p p. 25-44 J. Presper Eckert Peter Eckstein The life experiences of any human influence the way we think and the types of activities in which we engage. This paper examines the early life of J. Presper Eckert, one of the inventors of the ENIAC, and details those experiences which obviously came to influence his contributions to the creation of the ENIAC and subsequent computers. The full text of IEEE Annals of the History of Computing is available to members of the IEEE Computer Society who have an online subscription and an web account

62. John Presper Eckert
J. presper eckert was only a graduate student at the University of Pennsylvaniain 1943 when he began his momentous work on ENIAC (Electronic Integrator and
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Presper Eckert
Born: April 9, 1919 Died: June 3, 1995
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J. Presper Eckert was only a graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania in 1943 when he began his momentous work on ENIAC (Electronic Integrator and Computer). His ingenuity helped to solve a major problem of ENIAC: how to make vacuum tubes which often burned out without warning more reliable on the whole. Eckert's success went beyond his work on ENIAC. He formed his own company with co-inventor, John Maunchly, which later merged with Remington Rand. His business experience rivaled that of top success stories and his optimum success is evident in the various awards, including the US National Medal of Science in 1969.
Maize, Kennedy (1995) What¹s New: ENIAC Inventor Dies At 76 [WWW document]. URL http://tcp.cs/July95/Eniac.html John Presper Eckert [WWW document]. URL

63. Looking.back -- FEBRUARY
Almost two years later, on February 14, 1946 the University of Pennsylvania unveiledthe ENIAC, designed by J. presper eckert and John Mauchly, for the purpose
During World War II a group of scientists led by Max Newman, mathematician from Cambridge University, and including Alan Turing and several thousand others, attacked the German high command coded messages to decrypt their contents and to produce intelligence that became known as "Ultra". Located at Bletchley Park, England, these scientists achieved their goal, even though complicated by an ever more complex encryption devices, through the development of a series of computer-like machines culminating in an electronic marvel known as Colossus. The first prototype began operating in February 1944, and several additional machines were prepared in time for D-day in June 1944, and two years prior to the unveiling of ENIAC. Though not revealed to the world until 1970, the scientists at Bletchley Park were able to use their knowledge to provide portions of the British computer industry. Today a museum at Bletchley Park is reconstructing a Colossus. Almost two years later, on February 14, 1946 the University of Pennsylvania unveiled the ENIAC, designed by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, for the purpose of computing firing tables for the Aberdeen Proving Ground. Though arguably not the first "computer", having been preceded by Konrad Zuse's Z-1 and Z-2 machines in Germany from 1935-38, John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry's regenerative memory machine in 1939, and Howard Aiken's Harvard Mark I (aka ASCC) in 1944, and Colossus in Great Britain, ENIAC was the first fully operational electronic, general purpose, machine. Though programming was essentially completed by rewiring and the stored memory was not yet implemented, ENIAC was a parallel processor well ahead of its time.

Artifacts and ephemera related to Dr. J. presper eckert, ENIAC and theearly years of the computer industry were auctioned by Skinner, Inc.
PEOPLE and PIONEERS The Winter 2000 issue of "Invention and Technology" included an interesting picture (above) and description of the 20 "greatest" innovators of the 20th century, including John von Neumann, J.C.R. Licklider, Robert Noyce, and Bill Gates. Listings of Pioneers: CNET has started a series of articles on "The Decade in Computing". The first collection is entitled " The Visionaries
Who are the Computer Architects?
by Mark Smotherland.
Computer Pioneers
by J.A.N. Lee.
Homebrew hobbyists who cooked up a revolution
Daily Telegraph (UK): Personal computer: 1975 - A handful of young enthusiasts in California changed the world when they formed a couple of companies called Microsoft and Apple Software Design and Management (Germany) Conference 2001 was on the Pioneers of Software. Held in Bonn on 28 and 29 June 2001, the program was filled with the "stars" of programming languages, software engineering, and structured programming. Their web site is a gemstone of videos and graphics worth visiting! Individual Pioneers: A Picture of Ada King (nee Byron), Countess of Lovelace

65. - Approfondimenti - Storia Dell'Informatica - I Protagonisti - Ecker
Translate this page I Protagonisti. J. presper eckert e John William Mauchly. J. presper eckert(1919-1995) e John William Mauchly (1907-1980), Tecnologi americani.
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I Protagonisti
J. Presper Eckert e John William Mauchly J. Presper Eckert (1919-1995) e John William Mauchly (1907-1980) Dr. J. Presper Eckert (foto pubblicitaria del LARC System della Sperry Univac) La diffusione dei princìpi fondamentali del computer moderno attraverso il testo di von Neumann seguirà, tra il 1945 e il 1951, molte strade che porteranno alla costruzione di cinque macchine principali: tutte possono giustamente pretendere di essere il prototipo delle future macchine informatiche. A partire dal 1951, l'UNIVAC e poi l'IBM 701 saranno i primi modelli messi in commercio, direttamente influenzati da prototipi quali l'EDVAC, la macchina IAS, il BINAC, l'EDSAC e il Manchester Mark 1. ENIAC Ricky Spelta Torna a i Protagonisti Corso - Formato Tutor (Giugno)

66. Encyclopedia4U - J. Presper Eckert - Encyclopedia Article
J. presper eckert. This article is licensed under the GNU Free DocumentationLicense. It uses material from the Wikipedia article J. presper eckert .
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J. Presper Eckert
John Presper Eckert , a computer pioneer, was born April 9 in Philadelphia and died June 3 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania Together with John W. Mauchly he constructed the ENIAC , sometimes considered the first digital computer (but see John Vincent Atanasoff for conflicting claims), from . Mauchly concentrated on the overall design while Eckert constructed the electronic circuits. Both Eckert and Mauchly left the Moore School at the University of Pennsylvania in October . They started up the Electronic Control Company which built the Binary Automatic Computer ( BINAC ). One of the major advances of this machine, which was used from August , was that data was stored on magnetic tape rather than on punched cardss Electronic Control Company soon became the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation and it received an order from the National Bureau of Standards to build the Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC). In , Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation ran into financial troubles and was acquired by Remington Rand Corporation. The UNIVAC I was finished in December Eckert remained with Remington Rand and became an executive within the company. He continued with Remington Rand as it merged with the Burroughs Corporation to become Unisys in

The UNIVAC was designed by J. presper eckert and John Mauchly. It was began inabout 1946 and completed in March 1951. The name UNIVAC was chosen in 1947.
Main Technology htmlAdWH('7002737', '234', '60'); The UNIVAC FAQ (UNIVAC Frequently Asked Questions This edition dated: July 14, 2001 What does UNIVAC stand for? Universal Automatic Computer. Who created the UNIVAC? The UNIVAC was designed by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly. It was began in about 1946 and completed in March 1951. The name UNIVAC was chosen in 1947. What is so special about the UNIVAC? The UNIVAC was the first mass produced commercial business computer. This means it was the first computer that businesses could actually order and purchase, back in 1951. Prior to this, most computers built were "one of a kind" machines that were not mass-produced. In the case of the UNIVAC I, only 46 were made, but that was considered mass production for the time. How many UNIVACs were there? There were 46 UNIVAC model I computers built. They didn't get the name UNIVAC I until later computers were built (such as the UNIVAC II, UNIVAC III, etc.). Many computers had the UNIVAC name, which was used up until about 1983. Who owned the UNIVAC company?

68. Looking At The Future With J. Atanasoff
The initial credit for inventing the electronic computer went to the purported pirate,John W. Mauchly, who died in 1980, and to J. presper eckert, who used
Looking at the Future with John Atanasoff
Joel A. Snow
(Commentary aired on WOI Radio on July 14, 1995) The story of John Vincent Atanasoff has become an Iowa legenda legend that's still unfolding. The basic outlines of the tale are familiar. A bright young physics professor pursuing forefront research during the depths of the depression found the theoretical calculations extraordinarily tedious, using the desk top adding machines and calculators of the day. He became obsessed with the idea of automating such calculations using some combination of electrical and mechanical devices. After researching and pondering this problem to no avail, he hit upon a scheme for such an automatic computing device during a long wandering trip across the Iowa countryside, scribbled down his plan in an Illinois road house, and returned to Ames to embark on the construction of the first electronic digital computer. With help from a bright graduate student, and an expenditure of less that $1,000, an amount close to half of a young professor's salary in those depression years, the device was designed, redesigned, constructed, tested, and it worked. This achievement was little noted at the time, and after Atanasoff left Iowa State College for the Naval Ordnance Laboratory in 1941, the machine was consigned to oblivion in the Physics Building on campus. For a long time there was also little likelihood that this achievement would be long remembered. The fundamental ideas were pirated away, used as building blocks in the design of subsequent computers during and after World War II, and machines based on Atanasoff's concepts now from part of the bedrock of today's information revolution. The initial credit for inventing the electronic computer went to the purported pirate, John W. Mauchly, who died in 1980, and to J. Presper Eckert, who used the ideas in a wartime device built for computing artillery trajectories, (called ENIAC), which led eventually to UNIVAC.

69. Historia De Las Computadoras
Translate this page ENIAC. 1946, J.presper eckert John W. Mauchly, Electronic Numerical Integratorand Computer (Integrador Numérico Electrónico y Computadora).
Nombre Autor Abaco Pascaline Blas Pascal M.Diferencial Charles Babbage Charles Babbage Lady Ada Augusta Lavolace Ayuda a Babbage, es hija de Lord Byron y fue considerada la primer mujer programadora en Tarjetas perforadas. M. Tabularora Hernan Hollerith Era de EAM Konrad Zuse MARK I Howard Aiken ENIAC J.Presper Eckert John W. Mauchly EDVAC John von Newman UNIVAC J.Presper Eckert John W. Mauchly Referencia: Long Larry; "Introducción a las Computadoras y al Procesamiento de la Información"; Cuarta Edición; Prentice Hall; México 1995, pp 295-310. Joyanes A. Luis; Metodología de la Programación"; McGrawHill; México; 1988; pp 55-66.
Por Eduardo Salcedo

70. Timeline
1945, ENIAC project started, John W Mauchly, J presper eckert, 1944, Germany,Z4, Konrad Zuse, 1945, ENIAC completed, John W Mauchly, J presper eckert,

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71. J._Presper_Eckert Information, Explanation, Recent Texts
J. presper eckert. John presper eckert, a computer pioneer, was born April9, 1919 in Philadelphia and died June 3, 1995 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.
refined J._Presper_Eckert
J. Presper Eckert
John Presper Eckert, a computer pioneer, was born April 9 in Philadelphia and died June 3 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania . Together with John W. Mauchly he constructed the ENIAC , sometimes considered the first digital computer (but see John Vincent Atanasoff for conflicting claims), from . Mauchly concentrated on the overall design while Eckert constructed the electronic circuits. Both Eckert and Mauchly left the Moore School at the University of Pennsylvania in October . They started up the Electronic Control Company which built the Binary Automatic Computer ( BINAC ). One of the major advances of this machine, which was used from August , was that data was stored on magnetic tape rather than on punched cards . Electronic Control Company soon became the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation and it received an order from the National Bureau of Standards to build the Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC). In , Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation ran into financial troubles and was acquired by Remington Rand Corporation. The UNIVAC I was finished in December . Eckert remained with Remington Rand and became an executive within the company. He continued with Remington Rand as it merged with the Burroughs Corporation to become Unisys in . In , Eckert retired from Unisys but continued to act as a consultant for the company.

72. Eckert, John Presper- E-Dictonary, Glossary, Meaning, Synonym, Computer Terms -
Mauchley needed someone tooversee the design and construction of the ENIACcomputer, and it was J. presper eckert who rose to the challenge.

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Simrik Solutions (P) Ltd.

73. Articles And Resources For Internet Work At Home Based Business Opportunity, Eba
eckert, J. presper, Jr. b. April 9, 1919, Philadelphia, Pa., US d.June 3, 1995, Bryn Mawr, Pa. in full JOHN presper eckert, JR.
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Eckert, J. Presper, Jr. b. April 9, 1919, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S. d. June 3, 1995, Bryn Mawr, Pa. in full JOHN PRESPER ECKERT, JR. , American engineer and coinventor of the first general-purpose electronic computer , a digital machine that was the prototype for most computers in use today.

74. Sobre Deuses E Tiranos - Timeline
Translate this page 1946. Em Fevereiro, o público tem seu primeiro vislumbre do ENIAC, uma máquinaconstruída por John Mauchly and J. presper eckert aprimorada em 1.000 vezes a
John Von Neumann propôs que um programa poderia ser armazenado em um computador da mesma forma que os dados eram armazenados. Sua proposta, chamada de "von Neumann Architeture", foi a base para os computadores modernos.
John Bardeen, Walter Brattain e William Schockley do Bell Labs entram com o pedido de patente do primeiro transistor. O "The Mathematical Theory of Communication", de Claude Shannon, mostrou aos engenheiros como codificar dados de modo que eles pudessem ser checados para exatidão após uma transmissão entre computadores. Shannon identificou o bit como a unidade fundamental dos dados e, coincidentemente, a unidade básica da computação. IBM SSEC
Speed: 50 multiplications por segundo
Manchester Mark I
Completado em: 1949
A filosofia de Alan Turing foi o que direcionou o desenvolvimento do computador britânico Pilot ACE no National Physical Laboratory. "Nós estamos tentando construir uma máquina que possa fazer todos os tipos de coisas diferentes apenas através da programação, ao invés da adição de aparato extra", disse Turing durante um simpósio sobre máquinas de cálculo digitais de alta escala, em 1947, em Cambridge, Massachussets.

75. J. PRESPER ECKERT - Meaning And Definition Of The Word
Search Dictionary J. presper eckert Dictionary Entry and Meaning. Computing Dictionary.Definition One of the developers of ENIAC. Biography. See Also person. presper eckert
English Dictionary Computer Dictionary Thesaurus Dream Dictionary ... Medical Dictionary
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J. PRESPER ECKERT: Dictionary Entry and Meaning
Computing Dictionary Definition: One of the developers of ENIAC Biography See Also: person HOME ABOUT HYPERDICTIONARY

76. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
J. presper eckert discovered radio waves and photoelectric effect(1886-7). David known as Doppler effect. J. presper eckert

77. 4Reference || J. Presper Eckert
Read about J. presper eckert and thousands of other subjects at J.presper eckert. John presper eckert, a computer
Front Page Encyclopedias Dictionaries Almanacs ... Quotes J. Presper Eckert John Presper Eckert , a computer pioneer, was born April 9 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and died June 3 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania . Together with John W. Mauchly he constructed the ENIAC , sometimes considered the first digital computer (but see John Vincent Atanasoff for conflicting claims), from . Mauchly concentrated on the overall design while Eckert constructed the electronic circuits. Both Eckert and Mauchly left the Moore School at the University of Pennsylvania in October . They started up the Electronic Control Company which built the Binary Automatic Computer ( BINAC ). One of the major advances of this machine, which was used from August , was that data was stored on magnetic tape rather than on punched cards. Electronic Control Company soon became the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation and it received an order from the National Bureau of Standards to build the Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC). In , Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation ran into financial troubles and was acquired by Remington Rand Corporation. The UNIVAC I was finished in December . Eckert remained with Remington Rand and became an executive within the company. He continued with Remington Rand as it merged with the Burroughs Corporation to become Unisys in . In , Eckert retired from Unisys but continued to act as a consultant for the company.

78. Erfinder
Optik eckert, J. presper; John William Mauchly; Rechenautomat (elektronische
Physik Realschule Freudenberg
Datei Erfinder / Entdecker
B C D ... Z
, Salvino degli, Brille 1285 Optik
Arnold , Heinrich, Uhrfeder 1427 Feinmechanik
B Bardeen
, John; Braittain Walter Houser; Shockley William; Transistor 1948 Elektronik
Bassow , Aleksandr; Prochorow
Johannes Georg; Gennadijewitsch , Nikolai; , Karl Alexander; keramische Hochtemperatur-Supraleiter 1986 Elektrik
Behm , Alexander; Echolot 1912 Technik Beidler ; Fotokopie 1903 Technik Bell , Alexander Graham; Fernsprechapparat 1876 Kommunikation Bennett jr. , William Ralph; Javan , All; Herriott , Donald Richard; Gaslaser ( L ight A mplification by S timulated E mission of R adiation) 1961 Optik Benz Bergius , Friedrich; Verfahren zur direkten Kohlehydrierung 1911 Chemie Berliner , Emil; Schallplatte (Zinkplatte mit Wachsschicht) 1887 Kommunikation Bessemer , Henry; Windfrischverfahren zur Stahlerzeugung (Bessemer-Birne) 1855 Verfahrenstechnik Binnig , Gerd; Rohrer , Heinrich; Rastertunnelmikroskop 1981 Blon Jakob Christof Le; Dreifarbendruck (+ Schwarz) 1710 Buchdruck , Friedrich; Porzellan 1709 Verfahrenstechnik

79. Début A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
eckertWallace (non apparenté à J. presper eckert, le plus célèbre).
Début A B C ... PAGE D'ACCUEIL DE L'ASTI EAEEIE . European association for education in electrical and information engineering. AH No EATCS EBG AH No (actu). Eccai : European coordinating committee on artificial intelligence. Ecken Claude Eckert J. Presper Eckert Wallace Voir : Histoire Ecma . European computer manufacturers association ECN . Electronic communications network (Reuters) Edelman G.M. Neural darwinism. The theory of neuronal group selection . Basic books 1988. Edifact
- Interview de Jean-Yves Gresser AH No Edifrance
Edison Thomas . (1847-1931) Invente notamment le phonogaphe (1876) Educatec.
AH No (enseignement) Educasource . Rectificatif AH No (enseignement). AH No EEA Voir ClubEEA Eema . Le sigle voulait dire European electronic messaging association. Mais l'association préfère maintenant le décliner "The european forum for electronic business".
- Forum de juin 2003 sur les Web services AH No EFF . Electronic frontier foundation AH No Egels Yves , avec Michel Kasser : Egypte
Page Refer

- Internet, cyberspace et usages en Afrique

80. -1946-
Built by Mr. J. presper eckert and Mr. John Mauchley as well as 50 engineers at theUniversity of Pennsylvania’s Moore School, the computer becomes the first

Donald A. Thomas, Jr.

  • Initiated in 1943, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator ENIAC ) is installed and officially unveiled. Built by Mr. J. Presper Eckert and Mr. John Mauchley as well as 50 engineers at the University of Pennsylvania’s Moore School , the computer becomes the first large-scale electronic digital computer. The $500,000 army sponsored project can calculate millions of military ballistics tables at the speed of 357 multiplication problems per second. Assisted by Dr. John von Neumann, a Hungarian-born mathematician, the designers of the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator ENIAC ) begin work on a stored-program successor which will become known as the Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer EDVAC ). The concept of the stored-program technology which was an electronic serial vacuum tube machine with mercury delay lines and magnetic wire secondary memory is published in a lecture series at the University of Pennsylvania’s Moore School . The actual project will not be completed until 1952.
INDUSTRY I/O’s (1946)
  • Cohn and Marks is founded.

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