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         Du Bois-reymond Paul:     more books (29)
  1. Über Die Fernkraft Und Das Durch Paul Du Bois-Reymond Aufgestellte Dritte Ignorabimus (German Edition) by Caspar Isenkrahe, 2010-01-10
  2. Orders of Infinity: The 'Infinitarcalcul' of Paul Du Bois-Reymond [ 1910 ] by G. H. (Godfrey Harold) Hardy, 2009-08-10
  3. Orders of infinity: The 'infinitarcalcul' of Paul Du Bois-Reymond, (Cambridge tracts in mathematics and mathematical physics) by G. H Hardy, 1971
  4. Uber Die Grundlagen Der Erkenntnis: In Den Exacten Wissenschaften (1890) (German Edition) by Paul Du Bois-Reymond, 2010-09-10
  5. Beiträge Zur Interpretation Der Partiellen Differentialgleichungen Mit Drei Variabeln, Volume 1 (German Edition) by Paul Du Bois-Reymond, 2010-01-10
  6. Théorie Générale Des Fonctions (French Edition) by Paul Du Bois-Reymond, 2010-02-23
  7. Die Allgemeine Functionentheorie, Volume 1 (German Edition) by Paul Du Bois-Reymond, 2010-01-11
  8. Orders of Infinity: The 'Infinitarcalcul' of Paul Du Bois-Reymond by G. H. Hardy, 1910
  9. Orders of infinity, the 'Infinitärcalcül' of Paul Du Bois-Reymond by G H Hardy, 2009-11-18
  10. Orders of Infinity:: The 'Infinitarcalcul' of Paul Du Bois-Reymond by M.A., F.R.S., G. H. Hardy, 2010-06-07
  11. Orders of Infinity: The 'Infinitarcalcul' of Paul Du Bois-Reymond. (Second Edition) by G. H. Hardy, 1954
  12. Orders Of Infinity, The 'infinitarcalcul' Of Paul Du Bois-reymond
  13. Zwei Abhandlungen über unendliche (1871) und trigonometrische Reihen (1874) (German Edition) by Paul Du Bois-Reymond, 1913-01-01
  14. Abhandlung über die Darstellung der Funktionen durch trigonometrische Reihen (1876) (German Edition) by Paul Du Bois-Reymond, 1912-01-01

81. Biographie : Georg Cantor (3 Mars 1845 [St-Petersbourg] - 6 Janvier 1918 [Halle]
Translate this page Les mathématiciens contemporains de Cantor (né en 1845) Bernhard Riemann (néen 1826) paul du Bois Reymond (né en 1831) Sophus Lie (né en 1842) Edouard

82. Austrian Literature Online - Kataloge
Translate this page du BOIS REYMOND,. du BOIS REYMOND, - 1862. du Bois - 1978. du BOISReymond, Manuela.du BOISReymond, Manuela - 1972. du BOISReymond, paul - 1913. du BOISReymond, paul.

83. Introduction
Culture. Amsterdam 1988 Stichting Beheer IISG. I06 Manuela du BOIS REYMOND Agnes JONKER 1988b. Relaties 36pp. I13 paul KAPTEYN 1984. Een
a b c d ... h i j k l m ... back to table of content
'Verhäuslichung von Kindheit in 20. Jahrhundert im interkulturellen Vergleich',
[Privatization of children's living space in the 20th century: An intercultural comparison]
Massenwohnung und Eigenheim. Wohnungsbau und Wohnen in der Großstadt seit dem Ersten Weltkrieg . Frankfurt/New York 1988: Campus. See also I04
'Lebensräume von Kindern im Prozeß der Modernisierung. Wiesbadener und Leidener Arbeiterkindheiten um 1900',
[Living space of children in the process of modernization: Working-class childhood in Wiesbaden (GFR) and Leiden (The Netherlands) around 1900]
192-221 in: G. Trommsdorff (ed), Sozialisation im Kulturvergleich (Socialization interculturally compared). Stuttgart 1989: Enke Verlag. See also I04
Stadtgeschichte als Kindheitsgeschichte. Lebensräume von Großstadtkindern in Deutschland und Holland um 1900
[Urban history as history of childhood. Social life space of city children in Germany and the Netherlands around 1900]
'The City's Public Space and Urban Childhood'

84. SAGE Publications - Author/Editor - Manuela Du Bois-Reymond
Manuela du boisreymond Affiliations - Centre for Youth Studies and Youth Policy,Netherlands. Products affiliated with Manuela du bois-reymond 1 Product,

85. Zeittafel
Thomas Huxley; 1896 du-Bois Reymond am 26. 1915 paul Ehrlich am 20.
Timeline des Biografieprojekts

du CHAILLU, paul BELLONI (18351903), traveller and anthropologist, was born eitherat Paris or at New Orleans (accounts conifict) on the 31st of July 1835.

87. Lecture 7
The Nerve Impulse I. Dr. paul Patton. Required reading Obtained the first evidenceof the electrical nature of the nerve impulse. Emil du Bois Reymond 1840 s.
The Nerve Impulse I Dr. Paul Patton Required reading: Text: Delcomyn Chapt. 5 CD: Interactive exercises Expansion Modules Action potentials 3.1-3.4 Exercise: Action potentials Voltage clamp 4.1-4.3 Action potential propagation 5.1-5.4 Additional reading: Shepherd Chapt. 5 The Physiology of Excitable Cells, Fourth Edition
D. J. Aidley Cambridge University Press, 1998 Historical background on nerve impulses Greeks Some thought the brain secreted fluids or "spirits" that flow through the nerves to the muscles Luigi Galvani Discovered that frog muscles can be stimulated by electricity, postulated the existance of "animal electricity" in nerves and muscles, study of frog legs lead to recognition of current electricity, before only static electricity was known, led to development of electric battery Carlo Matteuci 1840's Obtained the first evidence of the electrical nature of the nerve impulse Emil du Bois Reymond 1840's Followed up Matteuci's work, did extensive work on nerve impulses Herman von Helmholtz 1850 Collegue of du Bois Reymond, famous physicist, physiologist, determined velocity of nerve impulse in large nerves of frog, as about 40 m/sec or 140 km/hr, or 88 mi/hr

88. Sharelook Suchergebnisse
Translate this page du bois-reymond, Die sieben Welträtsel Vortrag von Emil du bois-reymond in Leipzig PaulLeppin (1878 - 1945) der “ungekrönte und unbestrittene König der

89. Integrazione E Misura
come quelli di Hermann Henkel, paul du Bois - Reymond, Henry Smith
Il giardino di Archimede
Un museo per la matematica
L'integrazione e la misura
opere della sezione
  • Giuseppe Peano, Applicazioni geometriche del calcolo infinitesimale, Torino-Firenze-Roma-Napoli, Fratelli Bocca editori, 1887.

  • vedi anche
    Nel Résumé des leçons données à l'École Royale Polytechnique del 1823 Cauchy dà quella che viene indicata come la prima definizione moderna di integrale. Egli considera il caso di funzioni continue su un intervallo, estendendosi poi al caso di funzioni con una o con un numero finito di discontinuità. In un articolo del 1829 sul "Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik", trattando il problema della rappresentazione delle funzioni in serie di Fourier, Dirichlet solleva il problema del caso di funzioni con un numero infinito di discontinuità, portando anche l'esempio della funzione che porta il suo nome. Nel 1854 Bernhard Riemann (1826-1866) scrive la tesi di abilitazione per ottenere la libera docenza intitolata Über die Darstellbarkeit einer Funktion durch eine trigonometrische Reihe , ossia "sulla rappresentabilità di una funzione mediante una serie trigonometrica", che resta sconosciuta fino al 1867 quando è pubblicata a cura di Dedekind. Qui viene introdotto l'integrale che porta il suo nome corredato da esempi di funzioni che pur avendo un numero infinito di discontinuità risultano integrabili. Sulla nuova definizione si innestano numerose ricerche riguardanti le proprietà dei sottoinsiemi della retta, prime tra tutte quelle di Cantor, e si aggiungono via via contributi sulla caratterizzazione dell'integrabilità in relazione all'insieme dei punti di discontinuità come quelli di Hermann Henkel, Paul Du Bois - Reymond, Henry Smith, Axel Harnack, Vito Volterra.

    90. Education World Search
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    FUNCTIONENTHEORIE. Erster Theil. Metaphysik un Theorie
    Antiquarian books on mathematics and varias. Livres anciens de mathematiques et autres sciences
    SOMMAIRE-SUMMARY All items in first edition, except where otherwise noted.. Click the chosen item to get full descriptions and comments by 45 Euros APPELL BAIRE . 1905. Avec : DIENES ZORETTI 200 Euros 705. BERTRAND BERTRAND 350 Euros DU BOIS-REYMOND DIE ALLGEMEINE FUNCTIONENTHEORIE 425 Euros
    BORSUK 90 Euros BOULIGAND . 1924. Avec : 60 Euros BOUTROUX 45 Euros 90 Euros DARBOUX . Ensemble 4 volumes. 1887-1896. 400 Euros Notice sur les travaux scientifiques Avec Notice historique sur Gaston DARBOUX 718. DENJOY (Arnaud) 719. DENJOY (Arnaud) 120 Euros 726. FREDHOLM (Ivar) HADAMARD 35 Euros ITARD 55 Euros KOWALEVSKI (S.) 451 bis. KOWALEVSKY (S.) - LEFFLER (A.-C.) SOUVENIRS D'ENFANCE, suivis de BIOGRAPHIE 100 Euros 738. LAURENT (H.) MANDELBROJT (S) 120 Euros MANDELBROJT (S) Collection de 5 articles Euros 250 Euros MITTAG-LEFFLER 190 Euros 753. PICARD (Emile) Notice sur les travaux scientifiques et ses rapports avec diverses sciences. 1905.

    92. Borel
    Translate this page Mais, d’un point de vue historique, la réponse pointe sans conteste vers PaulDu bois-reymond (1831-1889), et attire ainsi l’attention sur une oeuvre qui
    Michel Bourdeau (Paris) intuitionniste empirique in adjecto Au plan proprement mathématique, Brunschvicg et Cavaillès accordaient à Du Bois-Reymond une place non négligeable dans la genèse de la théorie des ensembles. Son influence est très sensible dans l’oeuvre de Borel. Il est en effet l’inventeur du raisonnement diagonal, souvent attribué à Cantor et, avec son "théorème fondamental" il nous a, le premier, montré l’existence de l’indénombrable. Les pré-intuitionnistes ne cachaient pas leur sympathie pour un point de vue où, à la différence de chez Cantor, le transfini repose non sur un principe posé a priori, a priori, ou mieux des reconstructions a posteriori

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