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         Du Bois-reymond Paul:     more books (29)
  1. Die allgemeine Functionentheorie. Erster Theil: Metaphysik und Theorie der Mathematischen Grundbegriffe, etc. by Paul Du Bois-Reymond, 1882

41. O. Darrigol
Translate this page Helmholtz peuvent être regroupées en quatre rubriques fondements des mathématiques,avec les frères Grassmann et paul du bois-reymond, psychologie, avec
Olivier Darrigol
(CNRS-REHSEIS) " La mesure au tournant critique : quelques réflexions de Hermann Helmholtz "
Olivier Darrigol a introduit son exploration des sources de la réflexion de Helmholtz en faisant remarquer que l'on a beaucoup mesuré au XIXe siècle, et de mieux en mieux, ce qui a occasionné un retour réflexif sur les conditions de fiabilité et de précision des mesures, illustré par les écrits de Gauss, Weber, Bessel, etc. Ces travaux avaient pour but, et ont eu comme conséquence, d'améliorer les mesures effectuées au quotidien en physique. S'ils se posent les questions : " comment mesurer ? ", et " comment mieux mesurer ? ", ils ne se demandent pas pourquoi mesurer, pourquoi attacher des nombres à des grandeurs physiques. C'est à cette question que tente de répondre Helmholtz. L'article de Helmholtz commence par analyser l'opération de comptage, qui est ramenée, selon une optique kantienne, à la faculté d'ordonner nos impressions dans le temps. Selon Helmholtz, notre première notion de nombre est celle de nombre ordinal, rapportée à l'ordonnancement naturel de nos actes de conscience dans le temps. Helmholtz donne plusieurs définitions permettant de retrouver les propriétés bien connues des entiers à partir de cette caractérisation. L'introduction de la notion de comptage d'ensembles d'objets permet d'aborder celle de nombre cardinal, et l'introduction du comptage d'objets semblables permet de définir les " nombres concrets ", c'est-à-dire suivis d'une unité. Dans ces définitions, la récurrence joue un rôle fondamental.

Translate this page En 1869 elle est à Heidelberg, où elle suit les cours de physique de Kirchoff,et, en mathématique, ceux de paul du bois-reymond et de Kœnigsberger.
SOPHIE KOWALEVSKI Notice biographique de Mittag-Leffler (1892). 425 Euros En mai 1882, accompagnant Mittag-Leffler et sa femme en France, elle fit la connaissance de
451 bis. Sophie KOWALEVSKY - Anna-Charlotte LEFFLER Les Souvenirs d'enfance de Sophie Kovalewsky sont traduits du "roman" russe paru sous le titre Les soeurs Rajewsky , et la Biographie de Sophie Kovalewsky 100 Euros to order, pour commander :
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Antiquarian bookseller
Membre du SLAM et de la LILA-ILAB

43. 5000 BC China Acupuncture
Coupled with the record of paul’s subsequent years of recurring unilateral thatsmall arteries were under control of motor nerves, du boisreymond, who is
The Historical Development of Migraine Etiology Theories Peter R. Andrews, PCII Submitted for Miniphase Project 1998 Abstract Introduction The history of migraine is one of cycles of observations followed by over-zealous theories, which drive the next round of observations and discoveries; this seems to have been so since antiquity, and continues today. Many of the modern theories of migraine etiology were foreshadowed by the beginning of the dark ages and have been rediscovered, refined, and used in modern theory. While this is not an uncommon model for scientific advancement, migraine disease has one of the longest histories of recognition without sufficient understanding. As we begin to view the development of mankind’s understanding of migraine, this perspective must be retained. In some ways it seems frustrating that given the length of its history, migraine disorder has not been fully understood, let alone solved. Yet, given the variability of the disorder, the mere fact that modern medicine has codified migraines and head pain to the degree it has should be seen as a significant accomplishment. Migraine history is often a tale described by changing and often competing etiological theories, however there are some constants as well. Given the subjective character of migraines, they seem to have been an area to which the latest medical revelations were applied as an explanation. When a new discovery was made in one area (e.g., circulatory system, epilepsy) that was quickly applied to migraine as a panacea for explanation. Sometimes, the application of new paradigms was appropriate and they have remained part of the modern models, but often they were exaggerated attempts and have fallen out of favor. We begin with ancient times, from which aspects describing the symptoms and the modern name of "migraine" are derived.

44. From David Petry Subject Re Largest
I mentioned (in my other post) a neat historical survey paper by Gordon Fisheron paul du boisreymond s work with series (bois-reymond was the person who
From: "David Petry" [sci.math 10 Jan 2001 04:34:00 GMT] , but it isn't there (as of 1:00 P.M. CST Jan. 10, 2001). However, E. Borel has written a lot of stuff about growth rates of functions and sequences (I learned this from researching the "Borel rarefaction" classification of measure zero sets), and there are two digitally scanned books by Borel (both in French) that deal with series convergence/divergence matters. Emile Borel, "Lecons sur les Series a Termes Positifs" ["Lectures on Series with Positive Terms"], 1902. [The table of contents is on page vii.] Emile Borel, "Lecons Sur la Theorie de la Croissance" [Lectures on the Theory of Growth"], 1910. [The table of contents is on page vii.] Here's another digitally scanned book that might be of interest: Paul du Bois-Reymond, "Die Allgemeine Functionentheorie" (I), 1882. [The table of contents is on page xi.] Dave L. Renfro ============================================================================== From: "Rainer Rosenthal" Subject: Re: "Largest" integrals and "slowest" series. Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 21:45:13 +0100 Newsgroups: sci.math Dave L. Renfro

45. 95f94005 94A12 00A69 42C15 68U10 94A11 Meyer, Yves(F-PARIS9-A)
The first steps toward an attempt to address functions with these characteristicswere taken by paul du boisreymond (1873) and Haar (1909), in whose studies

46. Tagesfakten
Translate this page 1866, paul Lincke wird in der ehemaligen Berliner Holzgartenstraße 5 als Sohndes 1878, Dem Physiologen Emil du bois-reymond wird anläßlich seines 60.
An einem 7. November
Durch Unvorsichtigkeit des Marktmeisters Georg Wars, der mit einem brennenden Kienspan im Rathaus hantierte, brennt das Berliner Rathaus bis auf die Mauern aus. August von Staegemann wird in Vierraden (Uckermark) geboren. Er war ab 1806 als Geheimer Finanzrat Leiter der Preußischen Bank und von 1834 bis 1840 vierter "Zwingherr" der 1809 gegründeten "Gesetzlosen Gesellschaft zu Berlin". Der "Verein für Cultur und Wissenschaft der Juden" wird gegründet. Lise Meitner wird in Wien geboren. Die Physikerein lebte und arbeitete von 1907 bis 1938 in Berlin. Der Ingenieur Heinrich Seidel, Miterbauer des Anhalter Bahnhofs, stirbt in Berlin. Mit der Aufführung des "König Ödipus" im Zirkus Schumann an der Weidendammer Brücke macht Max Reinhardt den ersten Versuch, klassisches Theater in einen Großraum zu verlegen. Der militärische Oberbefehlshaber für Berlin und die Mark Brandenburg, Generaloberst Alexander von Linsingen, verbietet die Bildung von "Arbeiter- und Soldatenräten nach russischem Muster", da sie die "öffentliche Sicherheit gefährden". Der USPD-Vorsitzende Hugo Haase, der am 8. Oktober vor dem Reichstag Opfer eines Attentats geworden war, erliegt seinen schweren Verletzungen.

47. Mitarbeiter: PD Dr. Christoph Gradmann - Publikationen
Translate this page Probleme und Perspektiven, Norbert paul and Thomas Schlich (eds.), Frankfurt ,Hans Eduard Driesch, Ferdinand Julius Cohn, Emil du bois-reymond, Wilhelm Roux
Monographie "Historische Belletristik". Populäre historische Biographien in der Weimarer Republik, Frankfurt: Campus 1993, 256 pp. Herausgeberschaften und Wolfgang U. Eckart (eds.), Die Medizin und der Erste Weltkrieg, Freiburg: Centaurus 1996, 367 pp. und Oliver von Mengersen (eds.), Das Ende der Weimarer Republik und die nationalsozialistische Machtergreifung, Heidelberg: Manutius 1994, 205 pp. Robert Koch and the Pressures of Scientific Research: Tuberculosis and Tuberculin, Medical History 45 (2001), pp.1-32. Isolation, Contamination, and Pure Culture: Monomorphism and Polymorphism of Pathogenic Micro-Organisms as Research Problem 1860-1880, Perspectives on Science 9 (2000), pp. 147-171. Money and Microbes: Robert Koch, Tuberculin and the Foundation of the Institute for Infectious Diseases in Berlin in 1891, History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 22 (2000), pp.51-71. Geschichte als Wissenschaft: Ernst Hallier und Emil du Bois-Reymond als Kulturhistoriker, Medizinhistorisches Journal 35 (2000), pp.31-54.

48. 1521-1522 (Nordisk Familjebok / 1800-talsutgåvan. 3. Capitulum - Duplikant)
Guillaume, fransk statsman och kardinal dubois, paul Francois, fransk skriftställare- dubois, paul, fransk bildhuggare - du bois-reymond, Emil, tysk
Nordisk familjebok 1800-talsutgåvan. 3. Capitulum - Duplikant
(1880) Tema: Reference
Table of Contents / Innehåll
Project Runeberg Catalog ... Print (PDF) On this page / på denna sida - Dublin - Dublon - Dubno - Du Boccage, Marie Anne Fiquet, fransk skaldinna. Se Boccage. - Dubois, Guillaume, fransk statsman och kardinal - Dubois, Paul Francois, fransk skriftställare - Dubois, Paul, fransk bildhuggare - Du Bois-Reymond, Emil, tysk fysiolog - Duborg
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49. Burkhardt Söll, Composer & Painter | Agenda
cycle for mezzosoprano, flute, cello and guitar, with lyrics by Manuela du bois-reymond. theone that Augustin Harder wrote for paul Gerhardt s Geh aus mein

50. Biographien Bedeutender Naturwissenschaftler (zusammengestellt Vom AK Stohrer, U
paul; Doppler, Christian; du bois-reymond,Emil; dulong, Pierre-Louis; Ehrenfest, paul; Einstein, Albert;
Biographien bedeutender Naturwissenschaftler
(zusammengestellt vom Arbeitskreis Stohrer A B C ... H I J K L M ... P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

51. Famous Electrochemists
Translate this page Giovanni Caselli Emil du bois-reymond James Prescott Joule Adolf Wilhelm HermannKolbe Svante August Arrhenius Willem Einthoven paul-LT Héroult Charles Martin
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Biographies of William Gilbert
Otto van Guericke
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Benjamin Franklin
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Charles A. de Coulomb
Luigi Galvani Alessandro G.A.A. Volta Martinus Van Marum Samuel Thomas Soemmering Johann G. Friedrich Bohnenberger William Hyde Wollaston Thomas Johann Seebeck Johann Wilhelm Ritter Sir Humphry Davy Jons Jacob Berzelius Johann S.C. Schweigger Robert Hare William Sturgeon Leopoldo Nobili Georg Simon Ohm John Frederic Daniell Michael Faraday Johann Christian Poggendorff Joseph Henry Nicholas Joseph Callan Joseph Saxton Carl August von Steinheil Auguste Arthur de La Rive Thomas Davenport Charles Wheatstone Heinrich Daniel Ruhmkorff William Fothergill Cooke Guillaume Benjamin Duchenne Antoine Masson Antoine-Hippolyte Pixii Antonio Santi Giuseppe Meucci Alexander Bain Sir William Robert Grove Robert W. E. von Bunsen Charles Grafton Page Daniel Davis Jr. Giovanni Caselli Emil Du Bois-Reymond James Prescott Joule Adolf Wilhelm Hermann Kolbe Hermann L. von Helmholtz

52. Paul F. Cranefield: New & Used Books: Find The Lowest Price
Two Great Scientists of the Nineteenth Century Correspondence of Emil du boisreymond Carl Ludwig By paul F. Cranefield Hardcover / June 1958 / 080182351X

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53. Full Alphabetical Index
Translate this page 145*) Doppelmayr, Johann (181) Doppler, Christian (2467*) Douglas, Jesse (206*) Drach,Jules (143) Drinfeld, Vladimir (401*) du bois-reymond, paul (137*) du Val
Full Alphabetical Index
The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait.
Abbe , Ernst (602*)
, Niels Henrik (2899*)
bar Hiyya (641)
Abraham, Max

Abu Kamil
Shuja (1012)
Abu Jafar

al-Buzjani (1115)
, Wilhelm (205)
Adams, John Couch

Adams, J Frank

of Bath (1008) Adler , August (114) Adrain , Robert (79*) Adrianus , Romanus (419) Aepinus , Franz (124) Agnesi , Maria (2018*) Ahlfors , Lars (725*) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (660) Ahmes Aida Yasuaki (696) Aiken , Howard (665*) Airy , George (313*) Aitken , Alec (825*) Ajima , Naonobu (144) Akhiezer , Naum Il'ich (248*) al-Baghdadi , Abu (947) al-Banna , al-Marrakushi (861) al-Battani , Abu Allah (1333*) al-Biruni , Abu Arrayhan (3002*) al-Farisi , Kamal (1102) al-Haitam , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Hasib Abu Kamil (1012) al-Haytham , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Jawhari , al-Abbas (627) al-Jayyani , Abu (892) al-Karaji , Abu (1789) al-Karkhi al-Kashi , Ghiyath (1725*) al-Khazin , Abu (1148) al-Khalili , Shams (677) al-Khayyami , Omar (2140*) al-Khwarizmi , Abu (2847*) al-Khujandi , Abu (713) al-Kindi , Abu (1151) al-Kuhi , Abu (1146) al-Maghribi , Muhyi (602) al-Mahani , Abu (507) al-Marrakushi , ibn al-Banna (12)

54. Porträt: Paul Ehrlich
Translate this page der bahnbrechend in die Welt der Mikroorganismen eindrang, Emil du bois-reymond (1818–1896 Indiese Phalanx reihte sich paul Ehrlich ein, der nicht als erster
Paul Ehrlich Bernhard Meyer
Paul Ehrlich Paul Ehrlich

20. Dezember 1948 in New York im Alter von 84 Jahren, 33 Jahre nach dem Tod ihres Mannes.
Paul Ehrlich
ter konnte er ihm die nun vollends sichtbaren Tuberkelbakterien demonstrieren.
Paul Ehrlich
Paul Ehrlich

chel der zutiefst als ungerecht empfundenen Anschuldigungen.
Bildquelle: Archiv LBV

55. Porträt: Paul Langerhans
Translate this page paul Wilhelm Heinrich Langerhans wurde am 27 Semestern wechselte Langerhans 1867 nachBerlin und geriet in den Bann solcher Ordinarien wie Emil du bois-reymond,
Paul Langerhans Bernhard Meyer
Hoffnung der Diabetiker, Opfer der Tuberkulose
Paul Langerhans in Funchal, 1878 Paul Langerhans
Paul Langerhans
Paul Langerhans
Paul Langerhans

56. Personenregister
Translate this page um 70 uZ, 1 Dirichlet, Gustav, 1805 - 1859, 1 du bois-reymond, Emil, 1818 1707 - 1783,1 Falckenberg, Günther, 1879 - 1963, 1 Falkenberg, paul, 1848 - 1925, 1
Abbildungen Titelseite Vorherige Seite: Literatur Inhalt
Aepinus , Franz Ulrich Theodor, 1724 - 1802,
Anderson , Carl David, 1905 - ?,
Aristoteles , 384 - 322 v.u.Z.,
Arndt , Ernst Albert, geb. 1927,
Becher , Siegfried, 1884 - 1921,
Becherer , Gerhard, geb. 1915,
Berg , Lothar, geb. 1930,
Bessel , Friedrich Wilhelm, 1784 - 1846,
Blochmann , Max, 1858 - ?,
, Helmut von, 1805 - 1862,
Blumenbach , Johann Friedrich, 1752 - 1840, Braun , Maximilian, 1850 - ?, , Harald, 1911 - 1988, , Kurd von, 1899 - 1971, , Jost, 1552 - 1632, Cantor , Georg, 1845 - 1918, Chytraeus , Nathan, 1543 - 1598, De Brahe , Tycho, 1546 - 1601, Dieterici , Conrad, 1858 - 1929, Dioskurides , Pedanios, um 70 u.Z., Dirichlet , Gustav, 1805 - 1859, Du Bois-Reymond , Emil, 1818 - 1896, , Willy, 1887 - 1957, Ebeling , Werner, geb. 1936, Einstein , Albert, 1879 - 1955, Engel , Wolfgang, geb. 1928, Euclid , um 365 - 300 v.u.Z., Euler , Johann Albrecht 1734 - 1800, Euler , Leonhard, 1707 - 1783, Falckenberg Falkenberg , Paul, 1848 - 1925, Falkenhagen , Hans, 1895 - 1971, Faraday , Michael, 1791 - 1867, , Istvan, 1917 - 1988, , Heinrich Gustav, 1764 - 1835, Freud , Geza, 1922 - 1979, Frisch , Karl von, 1886 - 1982, , Christian, 1877 - 1959, Furch , Robert Otto, 1894 -1967, Geinitz , Eugen, 1854 - 1925, Goebel , Karl Eberhard, 1855 - 1932, Goette , Alexander, 1840 - 1922, Grenacher , Hermann, 1843 - 1923, Guttenberg , Hermann von, 1881 - 1969, Haupt , Otto, 1887 - 1988, Heinkel , Ernst, 1888 - 1958, Helmoltz , Hermann von, 1821 - 1894, Herbst , Hans Georg, 1920 - 1991

57. BusDbios43
him with the words of du boisreymond - The human spirit is brightest when it unitesthe field of art with the field of science. . The art of paul H. Schram
Buffalo und Sein Deutschtum , Pages 291 - 295
Beginning of biography for Paul H. Schramm can be found on Webpage 42 In the short amount of time he has been here he has produced a significant number of excellent pieces, including portraits, sculptures, bronze castings, designs on leather, goldwares, etc. Examples of his art - portraits, sculpture, and other finery, are shown here and can be found at the Albright Art Gallery and Theo. Sevin's art dealership. Caption under picture at left center reads Mrs. Carrie Peek, nee Auracher (as portrayed in oils by Paul H. Schramm) Caption under picture at right center reads Miss Aline von Liebich (as portrayed in oils by Paul H. Schramm) Although Mr. Schramm has only been in Buffalo for two years, he has already made many good friends. Besides his many artistic accomplishments, which have gathered the attention of an ever widening circle of people and which have awed so many, Mr. Schramm is noted for his lovable nature and his modesty. Mr. Schramm is a member of the Christian Science Church, the Society of Buffalo Artists, and the National Society of Craftsmen in New York. For some time now he has been employed by the School Department as a special teacher for design in the manual training and vocational schools. He has introduced a new system of training, which quickly clarifies the principles of art to the students and enables them to unite practical technique with original design within a few lessons. After spending last winter at the night school at Central High School teaching industrial design and technique, he was engaged for the summer at the Technical High School teaching the same course. His studio and private residence are located at "The Surrey" at 106 Elmwood Avenue.

58. Fiche Document -Orders Of Infinity BR The Infinitärcalcül Of
paul du bois-reymond Hardy, GH (Principal) Cambridge

59. Fiche Document -Orders Of Infinity BR The Infinitarcalcul Of Paul
Translate this page Ouvrage - Cote 00008337 - (disponible) Orders of infinity the infinitarcalculof paul du bois-reymond Hardy, GH (Principal) Cambridge Cambridge University

60. AllRefer Reference - Medicine, Biographies Encyclopedia
Elizabeth Kenny • Emil Adolph von Behring • Emil du boisreymond • Emil Theodor OttoLoewi • Otto Meyerhof • Patrick Manson • paul Broca • paul
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