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Drach Jules: more detail | ||||||
1. Drach Jules Joseph Drach. Born 13 March 1871 in Jules Drach worked as anarchitect in his youth to help his family. He went to the Lycée http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Drach.html | |
2. ASTROLOGIE : Affinités Du Couple, Etudes Astrologiques, Horoscopes Translate this page Jennifer, JALLAT Paul, FRISON-ROCHE Roger, DUVE Pascal de, FORT Paul, GERALDY Paul,GOURDON Jacques, JONES Quincy, JUNCTINUS Giuntini, drach jules, GUNTHER Hans http://www.astrotheme.fr/celestar/photos_cartes_celebrites_2.php | |
3. Editions Jacques Gabay - Jules DRACH Translate this page Jules DRACH. Jules DRACH. 1871 - 1941. Au catalogue des Editions JacquesGabay MOLK ENCYCLOPEDIE DES SCIENCES MATHEMATIQUES PURES http://www.gabay.com/sources/Liste_Bio.asp?NP=DRACH Jules |
4. Notre-Dame De La Croix, Morts Pour La France drach jules (cg), auxiliaire à Bobigny; Watrin Paul(mm) (cg), vicaire à la Plaine-Saint-Denis; Habert Adrien (cg http://notredamecroixparis.free.fr/morts_pour_la_france.html | |
5. Le Romain Des Mots-croisés. **Mathématiciens DESCARTES (RENE) NÉ, A, LA HAYE (15961650) drach (jules) NÉ, A, SAINTE-MARIE-AUX-MINES (1871-1949 NÉ, A, GENEVE (1803-1855) TANNERY (jules) NÉ, A, NANTES (1848-1910 http://www.mots-croisiste.com/19.html | |
6. Biography-center - Letter D www.dassin.net/en/ Dassin, jules. www.mrmoody.com/goldenboy/whoswho4/ dassin_j.htm .net.au/btn/australians/caldicott.htm. drach, jules. www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk http://www.biography-center.com/d.html | |
7. Famous People - D Downs, Hugh. Dozier, David. drach, jules. Dragon, Daryl. Drapeau, Jean Dubois, Marie. Dubois, Theodore. Dubos, Rene jules. Dubout, Albert http://www.astrodatabank.com/Nms_d.htm | |
8. Drach Biography of jules Joseph drach (18711941) jules Joseph drach. Born 13 March 1871 in Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines, France drach was encouraged by jules Tannery to undertake mathematical research http://sfabel.tripod.com/mathematik/database/Drach.html | |
9. Tannery_Jules teacher gave valuable guidance to many students and inspired a number of them toseek careers in science (for example, Paul Painlevé, jules drach, and Emile http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Tannery_Jules.html | |
10. Biografia De Drach, Jules Translate this page drach, jules. (Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines, 1871-Cavalaire-sur-Mer, 1949) Matemáticofrancés. Profesor en Poitiers, Lille y en la Universidad http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/d/drach.htm | |
11. Índice Alfabético - D Translate this page Dozy, Reinhart drach, jules drachmann, Holger Dracón Draghi, Antonio Drago, LuisMaría Dragonetti, Domenico Dragún, Osvaldo Dragut Drake, Edwin Laurentine http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/d/index0013.htm | |
12. Education World Search Around the World in Eighty Days. jules Verne's classic novel presented here by the University of history/Mathematicians/Lissajous.html. drach. jules. http//wwwgroups.dcs.st-and http://www.educationworld.com/search/search.jhtml;$sessionid$0055JYAAARKDRLAQBIK |
13. Résultats De La Recherche http://www.numdam.org/numdam-bin/recherche?h=aur&aur=Drach, Jules&format=short |
14. Drach Biography of jules drach (18711941) jules Joseph drach. Born 13 March 1871 in Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines, France jules drach worked as an architect in his youth to help his family http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Mathematicians/Drach.html | |
15. Auteur - Drach, Jules Translate this page Auteur drach, jules, 2 documents trouvés. Ajouter au panier, Imprimer,Envoyer par mail, Liste détaillée. Ouvrage Oeuvres de Henri http://bibli.cirm.univ-mrs.fr/Auteur.htm?numrec=061048591922030 |
17. Descripteur - 01A75 drach, jules(Collab.) Gauthier Villars Oeuvres de Henri Poincaré, 0001 1928 Oeuvres http://bibli.cirm.univ-mrs.fr/Thesaurus.htm&numrec=051919713919150&Range=0024 |
18. Drach Some remarks on the work of jules drach. It seems that a lot can be learnt,especially from the point of view of constructive mathematics http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~coquand/drach.html | |
19. Carte Du Ciel Et Planètes Pour Jules DRACH Translate this page célébrités, Carte du ciel et positions planétaires de jules drach,né le 13 mars 1871 à 07h00 à Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines (France). http://www.astrotheme.fr/portraits/f9Cg9HMHWx2w.htm | |
20. TU/e Publication Lists par Emile Borel et jules drach d apres des conferences faites al ecole normalesuperieure par M. jules Tannery / Borel, Emile; Tannery, jules; drach, jules. http://library.tue.nl/catalog/TUEPublicationNew.csp?Language=eng&Type=digitalboo |
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