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21. Christian-Doppler-Gymnasium Infos ¼ber die Schule, Lehrer, Projekte und Veranstaltungen stehen zur Verf¼gung. http://www.doppgym.at/ |
22. Doppler, Christian Donnersbach Dorfwirth, Josef Raimund ( 11/25) doppler, Adolf. Dopsch, Alfons. doppler, christian. ©. Copyright. christian doppler. Lithographie. doppler, christian, * 29. 11. 1803 Salzburg, 17. 3. http://www.aeiou.at/aeiou.encyclop.d/d750588.htm | |
23. Christian Doppler: A Who2 Profile christian doppler. . Mathematician. christian doppler studied mathematics and astronomy in Czechoslovakia and Austria, and http://www.who2.com/christiandoppler.html | |
24. DOPPLER, Christian, Ueber Das Farbige Licht Der Doppelsterne Und Einiger Anderer doppler, christian Ueber das farbige Licht der Doppelsterne und einiger anderer Gestirne des Himmels by Einstein's relativity theory, the doppler effect is now cited by historians http://www.polybiblio.com/blroot/4833.html | |
25. Christian Doppler Laboratory For Nonlinear Signal Processing Addresses fundamental research questions arising from signal processing applications which are challenging due to their nonlinear aspects. Includes information on the staff and current projects. http://spsc.inw.tugraz.at/cdlnsp/ | |
26. Salzburger Diplome Zugunsten kranker Kinder; f¼r Kontake mit Stationen aus Salzburg, Linz, Wien, Prag und Venedig; aus Salzburg (OE2); beliebig. http://www.oe2.oevsv.at/awards.htm | |
27. SALK - Salzburger Landeskliniken Der Zusammenschlu des St. JohannSpitals, der christian-doppler-Klinik und des LKH St. Veit informiert ¼ber die Kliniken. http://www.lks.at/ |
28. Doppler Biography of christian doppler (18031853) christian doppler's family were stonemason's who had a successful business in Salzburg, Austria from 1674 near to the river. christian doppler was http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Doppler.html | |
29. Doppler Effect. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Language: Four Also called doppler shift. ETYMOLOGY After christian Johann doppler. The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. http://www.bartleby.com/61/40/D0344000.html | |
30. Mark Huber's Weather Site christian radio station in Rainsville, Alabama broadcasts Southern Gospel music. Also has a playlist, community information, and live doppler radar. http://home.hiwaay.net/~wvsm/ | |
31. LookSmart - Directory - Christian Johann Doppler YOU ARE HERE Home Sciences Physics Physicists Physicists CD doppler, christian. christian Johann doppler Learn about http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317914/us55566/us330165/us331335/us11 | |
32. Christian Doppler (1803-1853) christian doppler (18031853) This is a biographical sketch of christian doppler. christian Johann doppler was a nineteenth century physicist and mathematician who is most often remembered for his http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/optics/timeline/peo |
33. MSN Encarta - Doppler, Christian Johann doppler, christian Johann. doppler, christian Johann (180353), Austrian physicist and mathematician, born in Salzburg, and educated there and in Vienna. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761561725/Doppler_Christian_Johann.html | |
34. Copyright: Christian Doppler. Lithographie. Translate this page christian doppler. Lithographie. © Copyright by christian Brandstätter Verlag, Wien. siehe doppler, christian. http://www.aeiou.at/aeiou.encyclop.cp_right.image.d/d750588a.htm | |
35. Dictionary Definition Of DOPPLER, CHRISTIAN Dictionary definition of doppler, christian. Medical dictionary. Browse Dictionary by alphabet. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H http://www.dictionarybarn.com/DOPPLER-CHRISTIAN.php | |
36. Anecdote - Christian Doppler - Christian Doppler: Doppler Effect stars was shifted to the red part of the spectrum (the famous red shift ), thereby demonstrating that the universe is expanding. doppler, christian (18031853 http://www.anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=3082 |
37. Biografia De Doppler, Christian Translate this page doppler, christian. (Salzburgo, actual Austria, 1803-Venecia, 1853) Físico austriaco. Estudió en la Politécnica de Viena, y fue http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/d/doppler.htm | |
38. Christian Doppler Translate this page Johann christian doppler 1803 - 1853. Hauptseite/Main Page. Deutsch. English. christian doppler. christian doppler. christian doppler. christian doppler. http://www.niester.de/p_natwis/doppler/doppler.html | |
39. Doppler, Christian Johann - Physik Lexikon - Doppler, Christian Johann Translate this page doppler, christian Johann. Diese Seite ist unter der GNU FDL verfügbar Beiträge sind teilweise von Wikipedia. Warning Supplied http://www.physik-lexikon.de/viewlexikon2.php?suchwort=Doppler, Christian Johann |
40. AbsoluteFacts.nl - Doppler, Christian (1803-1853) De Oostenrijkse wiskundige en natuurkundige christian doppler werd in 1803 geboren in Salzburg. christian doppler christian doppler. De Oostenrijkse http://www.absofacts.com/wetenschap/data/dopplerchristian.shtml | |
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