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         Dirac Paul:     more books (64)
  1. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, 1902--1984, elected F.R.S. 1930 by R. H Dalitz, 1986
  2. State Space (Physics): Physics, Complex Number, Hilbert Space, Unit Vector, Quantum State, Paul Dirac, Bra- Ket Notation, Coordinate Vector
  3. The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Mystic of the Atom
  4. Dirac: A Scientific Biography. by Paul Adrien Maurice (1902-1984)] KRAGH, Helge. [DIRAC, 1991-01-01
  5. Discussion of the infinite distribution of electrons in the theory of the positron. by Paul Adrian Maurice (1902-1984). DIRAC, 1934
  6. The quantum theory of dispersion. Within: Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series A, Vol. 114, No. A 769, May 2, 1927. by Paul Adrian Maurice (1902-1984). DIRAC, 1927-01-01
  7. Principles of Quantum Mechanics by Paul A. Dirac, 1989
  8. The basis of statistical quantum mechanics. by Paul Adrian Maurice (1902-1984). DIRAC, 1929
  9. A new notation for quantum mechanics. by Paul Adrien Maurice (1902-1984). DIRAC, 1939
  10. Lectures on quantum mechanics, (Belfer Graduate School of Science Monographs ser by Paul A. M Dirac, 1964-01-01
  11. On the annihilation of electrons and protons. WITH: Note on exchange phenomena in the Thomas atom. by Paul Adrian Maurice (1902-1984). DIRAC, 1930
  12. High-Energy Physics : In Honor of P.A.M. Dirac in His 80th Year (Studies in the Natural Sciences, Vol 20)
  13. Antiparticle: An entry from UXL's <i>UXL Encyclopedia of Science</i>
  14. A Mathematical Introduction to Dirac's Formalism (North-Holland Mathematical Library) by S. J. L. Van Eijndhoven, 1986-12

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Translate this page dirac, paul Adrien Maurice. Plus de résultats pour dirac, paul Adrien Maurice,Autres fonctionnalités Encarta. Rechercher dirac, paul Adrien Maurice.
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63. References
Reference Guide. dirac,paul. Reference. Context. Mathex4, Paradox. Thinkmat, Godis a mathematician. Randreal, Antimatter. QFront, Quantum Physics. Discover, Antimatter.
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64. Dirac
dirac, paul Adrien Maurice. (19021984). Anglický fyzik, jeden z hlavníchtvurcu kvantové teorie 20. století. Položil základy
Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice
Anglický fyzik, jeden z hlavních tvùrcù kvantové teorie 20. století. Položil základy kvantové elektrodynamiky a kvantové teorie pole. V roce 1928 odvodil slavnou Diracovu rovnici - relativistickou rovnici pro elektron. Stavy se zápornými energiemi správnì interpretoval jako antièástice a pøedpovìdìl existenci pozitronu (antielektronu). Pozitron byl nezávisle objeven Carlem Andersonem v roce 1932. Za jeho práci na antièásticích a kvantové teorii pole byl v roce 1933 odmìnìn Nobelovou cenou za fyziku. V pozdìjších letech se zabýval dùsledky, které by plynuly z hypotetické promìnnosti základních konstant (gravitaèní, rychlost svìtla a Planckova konstanta). Po celý život byl zastáncem principu jednoduchosti fyzikálních rovnic. Jako jeden z prvních si uvìdomil, že symetrie v pøírodì jsou primárním principem pøi sestavování správných fyzikálních rovnic. P. A. M. Dirac se narodil 8.8.1902 v Anglii v Bristolu. (matka Anglièanka, otec Švýcar). Zaèal studovat Vysokou školu technickou v Bristolu.

65. Dirac
Translate this page paul Adrien Maurice dirac. dirac, paul Adrien Maurice (1902-1984),britischer Physiker und Nobelpreisträger. dirac wurde in Bristol
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac

66. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (1902 - 1984)
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (1902 - 1984) P N Carl Anderson Fermi LISTE HOME

67. Paul Dirac: Il Padre Dell'antimateria
è uno dei concetti rivoluzionari nati nei primi trent anni
Paul Dirac: il padre dell'antimateria
Albert Einstein
L'antimateria è uno dei concetti rivoluzionari nati nei primi trent'anni del '900, esaltante periodo in cui si gettarono le basi della fisica moderna. A ipotizzarne l'esistenza fu nel 1928 Paul Dirac , alla ricerca di una teoria che conciliasse i principi della meccanica quantistica con quelli della relatività ristretta .La teoria della relatività ristretta, formulata da Albert Einstein all'inizio del secolo, portò i fisici ad unificare i concetti di spazio e tempo e, allo stesso tempo, cambiò radicalmente la descrizione dei fenomeni che avvengono alle alte energie, ovvero a velocità comparabili a quella della luce.
In un ambito del tutto indipendente -quello della fisica atomica- nasceva pochi anni dopo la meccanica quantistica, formulata matematicamente da Erwin Schrodinger e Werner Heisenberg.
Questa seconda rivoluzione, forse ancor più straordinaria di quella di Einstein, portò ad una nuova concezione delle particelle subatomiche, considerate ora entità con caratteristiche comuni sia alle onde che ai corpuscoli.
Enrico Fermi, Werner Heisenberg e Wolfgang Pauli

68. National Academy Of Sciences - Deceased Member
dirac, paul A. Date of Birth August 8, 1902. Electedto NAS 1949. Date of Death October 20, 1984.

69. Cosmic Questions Term: Dirac, Paul (1902-84)
dirac, paul (190284). English born theoretical physicist who sharedthe 1933 Nobel Prize in physics with Erwin Schroedinger for
Dirac, Paul (1902-84)
English born theoretical physicist who shared the 1933 Nobel Prize in physics with Erwin Schroedinger for his contributions to the development of quantum theory and its relation to relativity theory . In 1930 Dirac also proposed the existence of the "positron," a positively charged particle with the same mass as the negatively charged electron . It was discovered experimentally in 1932. Contributed by: Dr. James Miller More Terms... Glossary Index To return to the previous topic, click on your browser's 'Back' button.

70. LookSmart - Directory - Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
Directory Listings About. dirac, paul Encyclopedia Britannica Examine the accomplishmentsof this Bristol, England, native, who development the theory of the
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YOU ARE HERE Home Sciences Physics Physicists ... Physicists C-D
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac - Dive into these profiles of the scientist who played a major role in the development of quantum mechanics.
Directory Listings About
  • Dirac, Paul - Encyclopedia Britannica
    Examine the accomplishments of this Bristol, England, native, who development the theory of the spinning electron. Includes a photo.
    Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice - 1933 Nobel Biography

    Read a profile of the Nobel Prize-winning scientist and a copy of the presentation speech that explains his contributions to atomic theory.
    Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice - American Inst. of Physics

    Find a collection of photographs and a quote by the scientist concerning the nature of mathematical beauty.
    Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice - Institute of Physics

    Read a career profile of the man often credited with the development of quantum mechanics. Includes a discussion of his theories.
    Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice - MacTutor
  • 71. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
    Translate this page paul Adrien Maurice dirac. dirac wurde am 8.August 1902 in Bristol, Gloucestershire,England geboren und starb am 20.Oktober 1984 in Tallahassee, Florida, USA.
    Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
    Dirac wurde am 8.August 1902 in Bristol, Gloucestershire, England geboren und starb am 20.Oktober 1984 in Tallahassee, Florida, USA. Er gilt mit Werner Heisenberg Niels Bohr und Max Born 'Principles of Quantum Mechanics'

    72. Glossary
    dirac, paul Adrien Maurice British physicist (19021984). He worked outa version of quantum mechanics consistent with special relativity.
    Acceleration : the process which consists of giving energy to a particle beam. This is achieved by the radio-frequency (RF) cavities Antiproton The antimatter equivalent of the proton, with the same mass but opposite charge. Atomic energy levels The possible energy of electronic orbitals in an atom are restricted to well-defined and discrete values. They are called the "energy levels of the atom". Their value is measured relative to the energy required to remove an electron, which is called the ionization potential of the atom Beam : a collection of particles traveling in an accelerator, storage ring, or transfer line. Bubble Chamber A detector filled with a liquid close to its boiling point, where the ionizing particles' trajectories materialize in the form of tracks made of bubbles. Cloud Chamber A detector filled with a gas close to its condensation point, where the ionizing particles' trajectories materialize in the form of tracks made of droplets. Cooling By analogy with the kinetic theory of gases where heat is equivalent to disorder, the term "cooling" designates the reduction of the beam's transverse dimensions and energy spread. Different techniques can be used to this effect.

    dirac, paul Adrien Maurice (19021984) Anglický fyzik, jeden z hlavníchtvurcu kvantové teorie 20. století. Položil základy

    74. Essays Page
    dirac, paul Adrien Maurice dirac, paul Adrien Maurice. The Facts On FileDictionary of Atomic and Nuclear Physics. Facts On File, Inc. 2003.

    75. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac - Kvantová Mechanika
    paul Adrien Maurice dirac. paul dirac vystudoval elektroinženýrstvína Universite v Bristolu, pak se zacal zabývat matematikou v St.
    Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
    Domovská stránka Fyzici Anglický fyzik Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac se narodil 8. dubna 1902 v Bristolu (Gloucestershire). Paul Dirac vystudoval elektroinženýrství na Universitì v Bristolu, pak se zaèal zabývat matematikou v St. John's College v Cambridge.
    Teoretická formulace kvantové mechaniky
    Paul Dirac je znám jako tvùrce kompletní teoretické formulace kvantové mechaniky. 1925 - vydal èlánek, který se stal jeho prvním velkým pøíspìvkem ke kvantové teorii. 1930 - Dirac publikoval Principy kvantové mechaniky (The Principles of Quantum Mechanics). Èlen Královské spoleènosti. 1932 - Dirac jmenován profesorem University v Cambridge; místo zastával 37 let.
    Nobelova cena
    Nobelova cena za fyziku za práci Principy kvantové mechaniky. 1939 - obdržel Královskou medaili. 1952 - Dirac získal Copleyovu medaili za pøínos k relativistické dynamice èástic v kvantové mechanice. 1971 - Dirac jmenován profesorem fyziky na Floridské státní universitì 1973 - obdržel Øád za zásluhy. Diracùv hrob - Westminsterské opatství (Londýn) Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac zemøel 20. øíjna 1984 v Tallahassee, Florida, USA.

    76. BBC NEWS | In Depth | Newsmakers | Paul Dirac: The Unsung Genius
    Friday, 5 July, 2002, 1529 GMT 1629 UK paul dirac The unsung genius. By Bob ChaundyBBC News profiles unit. Most people have never heard of paul dirac.
    You are in: In Depth: Newsmakers News Front Page Africa ... Programmes SERVICES Daily E-mail News Ticker Mobile/PDAs Text Only ... Help EDITIONS Change to UK Friday, 5 July, 2002, 15:29 GMT 16:29 UK Paul Dirac: The unsung genius
    By Bob Chaundy
    BBC News profiles unit Most people have never heard of Paul Dirac. But, a new exhibition by Britain's Royal Society points out, it's because of him that we've got electronics. So who was he? The mathematician Mark Kac divided geniuses into two classes. Ordinary ones whose achievements others will emulate, and magicians whose inventions are so astounding that it is hard to see how any human could have imagined them. Paul Dirac was one of these magicians. When he went to Cambridge in 1923, at the age of 21, the world of physics was in turmoil. Experiments had shown that classical physicists could not explain the behaviour of atoms. The old principles of Isaac Newton didn't seem to apply to the microscopic world. The Dirac equation Dirac soon developed his own widely-acclaimed theory of quantum mechanics. His theory included wave mechanics, the version of quantum mechanics developed by Erwin Schrodinger, and matrix mechanics, the theory put forward by Werner Heisenberg.

    77. Paul Dirac: The Man And His Work (Pais, Jacob, Olive, Atiyah)
    In 1995, eleven years after his death, a plaque to paul dirac was dedicatedin Westminster Abbey paul dirac The Man and His Work.
    Danny Yee's Book Reviews
    Titles Authors ... Latest
    Paul Dirac:
    The Man and His Work
    Abraham Pais, Maurice Jacob, David I. Olive + Michael F. Atiyah
    Cambridge University Press 1998 Amazon A book review by Danny Yee 13 January 1999
    External links:
    - details at Cambridge University Press
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    Related reviews:
    - more biography
    - more history of science
    - books about physics
    - books published by Cambridge University Press
    %T Paul Dirac
    %S The Man and His Work
    %A Pais, Abraham
    %A Jacob, Maurice %A Olive, David I. %A Atiyah, Michael F. %I Cambridge University Press %D 1998 %O hardcover, references %G ISBN 0-521-58382-9 %P xv,124pp Subjects Titles Authors Best Books ... Book Reviews by Danny Yee

    78. Physics4u-Paul Dirac, 100 ÷ñüíéá áðü ôçí ãÝííçóÞ ôçò áã
    The summary for this Greek page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
    Paul Dirac (1902-1984)
    Ï öõóéêüò Paul Dirac Þôáí áðü ôïõò öõóéêïýò ðïõ äéáìüñöùóáí êáé óõíÝâáëëáí óôçí ðñüïäï ôçò åðéóôÞìçò ôïõ åéêïóôïý áéþíá. Ï Niels Bohr Ýëåãå ãé' áõôüí üôé "áðü üëïõò ôïõ öõóéêïýò, ï Dirac Ý÷åé ôçí áãíüôåñç øõ÷Þ". Åß÷å ðïëëÝò êñßóéìåò óõíåéóöïñÝò óôçí êâáíôéêÞ Ìç÷áíéêÞ, ôç èåùñßá ðïõ ðåñéãñÜöåé ôïí ìéêñüêïóìï, êáé ìïéñÜóôçêå ôï âñáâåßï Íüìðåë ôïõ 1933 ãéá ôç öõóéêÞ "ãéá ôçí áíáêÜëõøç ôùí íÝùí êáé ðáñáãùãéêþí ìïñöþí ôçò áôïìéêÞò èåùñßáò". Åßíáé ðåñßåñãï, ðùò ðáñáìÝíåé ó÷åôéêÜ Ýíáò Üãíùóôïò óôï åõñý êïéíü, åíþ ôá åðéôåýãìáôÜ ôïõ åßíáé éóüôéìá ìå áõôÜ ôïõ Íåýôùíá, Maxwell êáé ôïõ ÁúíóôÜéí. ¼ðùò ëÝåé ï Feynmann "ï Dirac ðÞñå ôéò áðáíôÞóåéò ôïõ... ìáíôåýïíôáò ìéá åîßóùóç". Ôçí åîßóùóç ðïõ öáíôÜæåé áðëÞ áëëÜ Ýêñõâå ðïëëÝò áðáíôÞóåéò. Ï ÁéíóôÜéí ôïí åêôéìïýóå ãéáôß ðáñïõóßáóå ôçí ðéü ôÝëåéá ìïñöÞ ôçò ÊâáíôéêÞò Ìç÷áíéêÞò, åíþ ï Pauli Ýëåãå ãé' áõôüí "Äåí õðÜñ÷åé Èåüò, êáé ðñïöÞôçò ôïõ ï Dirac".
    Ï Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice, Þôáí Ýíáò Âñåôáíüò,ðïõ ãåííÞèçêå óôï Ìðñßóôïë ôçò Áããëßáò ðñéí áðü 100 ÷ñüíéá, ôï 1902 . Ï ðáôÝñáò ôïõ, Ýíáò óõíôçñçôéêüò êáèçãçôÞò áëëéêþí, Þôáí ðïëý áõóôçñüò êáé Ýâáæå ôá ðáéäéÜ ôïõ íá ìéëÜíå ìüíï áëëéêÜ ãéá íá ôá ìÜèïõí êáëÜ. ÅðåéäÞ üìùò ï Paul äåí ìðïñïýóå íá ôá ìéëÞóåé Ýìáèå íá åßíáé óéùðçëüò óå üëç ôïõ ôç æùÞ åíþ Üíïéãå êïõâÝíôá ìüíï üôáí ôïõ ìéëïýóáí ïé Üëëïé.

    79. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac Micro-biography
    dirac, paul Adrien Maurice, Date and Place of Birth, 8 August 1902. Bristol,England. Parents, Charles Adrien Ladislas dirac. Florence Hannah Holten,
    DIRAC, Paul Adrien Maurice Date and Place of Birth 8 August 1902. Bristol, England. Parents Charles Adrien Ladislas Dirac. Florence Hannah Holten Education University of Bristol. Academic qualifications B.Sc (Bristol), PhD (Cantab) Posts held Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, Cambridge, 1932-1969. Fellow of St John's College. Professor of Physics, Florida State University. FRS 1930. Nobel Prize for Physics, 1933. Royal Medal of Royall Society, 1939. Betrothal Married 1937, Margit Wigner, Budapest. Deceased Died 20 October 1984. Tallahassee, FA. BACK TO BIOGRAPHY INDEX BACK TO LIVING ARCHIVE HOME PAGE

    80. Read This: Paul Dirac: The Man And His Work
    paul dirac the man and his work edited by Peter Goddard. Reviewed by Fernando Q.Gouvêa. Publication Data paul dirac the man and his work, by Peter Goddard.
    Read This!
    The MAA Online book review column
    Paul Dirac: the man and his work
    edited by Peter Goddard
    Reviewed by Fernando Q. Gouvêa
    Mathematics and Physics have always had a close relationship, though the level of friendliness between the two disciplines has, of course, varied from time to time. This little book focuses on a physicist who was trained as a mathematician and who brought a very mathematical turn of mind to bear on physical problems in a very fruitful way. As Peter Goddard says in his introduction, "Dirac cited mathematical beauty as the ultimate criterion for selecting the way forward in theoretical physics." This method was sometimes enormously successful, as when Dirac predicted the existence of the positron simply because his mathematics required such particles to exist. This is a feat on the order of the prediction of the existence of Uranus and Neptune on the basis of the gravitational anomalies in the solar system. In both cases, a mathematical theory led physicists to postulate, and then verify, the existence of some objective entity; they both demonstrate the real power of mathematics as a tool to understand the universe. The story isn't all positive, though, as Abraham Pais makes clear in his survey of Dirac's life and work. After his initial successes in the 1930s, Dirac seems to have been far less fortunate in his research. Though he remained an interesting and powerful voice, he seemed seriously distressed by the mathematical difficulties in quantum theory, most particularly in quantum electrodynamics, of which he said "the resulting theory is an ugly and incomplete one." The "renormalization" procedure which is used to deal with the divergent expansions in the theory did not satisfy him at all, and he spent great energy in trying to find the "right" theory. Pais quotes a letter that expresses his final attitude on this subject:

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