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21. Paul Dirac Paul Dirac s influence on the background to EMR through his exposition ofquantum mechanics pervades all modern texts. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac. http://www.chm.bris.ac.uk/emr/History/dirac.htm | |
22. Paul A.M. Dirac - Biography Includes a brief biography and a copy of his Nobel lecture. http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1933/dirac-bio.html | |
23. Physics 1933 Awarded jointly to Erwin Schr¶dinger and paul Adrien Maurice dirac for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory. http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1933/ | |
24. Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice (1902-1984) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scienti Physicists. Nationality. English. Prize Winners. Nobel Prize. Physics Prize. dirac, paul Adrien Maurice (19021984) English physicist whose calculations predicted that particles should exist with negative energies. Reminiscences about a Great Physicist paul Adrien Maurice dirac. Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 1987 http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Dirac.html | |
25. Paul Dirac The Bristolborn physicist paul dirac was one of the most influential scientistsof the twentieth century, writes Peter Rodgers, editor of Physics World. http://www.iop.org/diracbio.html | |
26. ESVA: Dirac Mini-Exhibit It is the same in all countries and at all periods of time."paul dirac Click Here to Search for More paul dirac Photos. Next Eddington http://www.aip.org/history/esva/exhibits/dirac.htm | |
27. PhysicsWeb - Dirac, Einstein And Physics Antonino Zichichi argues that the discoveries made by paul dirac had a much bigger impact on the science always address the same question to dirac 'paul, where is the antielectron http://physicsweb.org/article/world/13/3/2 | |
28. Interview With Paul Adrian Maurice Dirac - F. David Peat paul dirac discusses the importance of aesthetics and beauty in theoretical physics. He also reflects upon the need for a much deeper theory of physics that goes beyond current quantum theory. paul Adrian Maurice dirac. The following interview with paul dirac was conducted by David Peat (DP) and paul Buckley (PB http://www.fdavidpeat.com/interviews/dirac.htm | |
29. Dirac Biography of paul dirac (19021984) paul dirac's father was Charles Adrien Ladislas dirac and his mother was Florence Hannah Holten being Beatrice Isabelle Marguerite Walla dirac. paul had a http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Dirac.html | |
30. - Great Books - paul dirac ( 19021984) dirac is famous as the creator of a complete theoretical formulation of The Great Books paul dirac. This web page is part of a http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_415.asp | |
31. Bringing The Dirac Coincidences Up To Date This year marks the 60th anniversary of paul diracs paper A new basis for cosmology,outlining a new cosmological model based on the existence of a set of http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/rajm/agdirac.htm | |
32. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac Winner Of The 1933 Nobel Prize In Physics paul Adrien Maurice dirac, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. paul ADRIEN MAURICE dirac. 1933 Nobel Laureate in Physics dirac Biography( submitted by Shuber) dirac, paul Adrien Maurice (19021984) http://www.almaz.com/nobel/physics/1933b.html | |
33. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac Winner Of The 1933 Nobel Prize In Physics paul ADRIEN MAURICE dirac. dirac, paul Adrien Maurice (19021984) (submitted by Davis);paul Adrien Maurice dirac (Physics, Biographies) (submitted by Jackson). http://almaz.com/nobel/physics/1933b.html | |
34. Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice dirac, paul Adrien Maurice (19021984). British physicist who worked outa version of quantum mechanics consistent with special relativity. http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/D/Dirac/1.html | |
35. MSN Encarta - Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice Encyclopedia Article, from, Encarta, Advertisement. dirac, paul Adrien Maurice. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761579313/Dirac_Paul_Adrien_Maurice.html | |
36. Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. dirac, paul Adrien Maurice. (dr k´) (KEY) , 190284, English physicist. He was educated at the Univ. http://www.bartleby.com/65/di/Dirac-Pa.html | |
37. Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English La dirac, paul Adrien Maurice. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English LanguageFourth Edition. 2000. dirac, paul Adrien Maurice. SYLLABICATION Di·rac. http://www.bartleby.com/61/31/D0243100.html | |
38. Dirac, Paul dirac, paul. paul Adrien Maurice dirac (8. august 1902 20. oktober1984), britisk fysiker der kom til at spille en ledende rolle http://www.leksikon.org/art.php?n=4945 |
39. Dirac, Paul dirac, paul. paul Adrien Maurice dirac (8. august 1902 20. oktober1984), britisk fysiker der kom til at spille en ledende rolle http://www.leksikon.org/print.php?n=4945 |
40. Biografia De Dirac, Paul Translate this page dirac, paul. (Bristol, Reino Unido, 1902-Tallahassee, EE UU, 1984)Físico británico. Hijo de un profesor de francés de origen http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/d/dirac.htm | |
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