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61. Encyclopedia4U - Diophantus - Encyclopedia Article Diophantus. diophantus of alexandria (circa 20/214 circa 28/298) wasan ancient Greek mathematician. We do not know much of his life. http://www.encyclopedia4u.com/d/diophantus.html | |
62. SearchBug Directory: Science: Math: History: People diophantus of alexandria (c. 200284 ) - http//history.math.csusb.edu/Mathematicians/Diophantus.htmlBest known for his Arithmetica, a work on the theory of http://www.searchbug.com/directory.aspx/Science/Math/History/People/ | |
63. On Wisconsin - Summer 2002 140 AD Ptolemy (Greek) Wrote Syntaxis Mathematica. 250 AD diophantus of alexandria(Greek) Wrote thirteen books on mathematics titled Arithmetica. http://www.uwalumni.com/onwisconsin/summer02/laska.html | |
64. Fermat's Last Theorem And The Fourth Dimension Fermat s collection had been a seventeenthcentury Latin edition of a millennium-oldGreek treatise on numbers by the mathe- matician diophantus of alexandria. http://www.g4g4.com/4d/4djimp.htm | |
65. Historical Teaching Modules In Mathematics alKhowarizmi. 27. Using diophantus of alexandria to Teach Algebra(Shelly Hangen, NMSU) Algebra, Diophantus. 28. Using Stigler s http://math.nmsu.edu/~history/projects.html | |
66. INBOX: From Science News Online Nearly 2,000 years ago, for instance, diophantus of alexandria observed in his bookArithmetica that 65 can be written in two different ways as the sum of two http://www.math.wisc.edu/~ono/squares.html | |
67. Re: Isidoros And Anthemios - Great Buildings Online - Architecture Forum Apollonius of Pergamon (Turkey), Autolycus of Pitane (Turkey), diophantus of alexandria(Egypt), Eudoxus of Cnidus (Turkey), Hero(n) of Alexandria (Egypt http://www.designcommunity.com/discussion/24882.html | |
68. Relics From The Dawn Of Time old editions of the works of Archimedes, Apollonius, Clavius, Nicomachus of Gerasa,Ptolemy (Regiomantanus translation), diophantus of alexandria, Pappus of http://www.maa.org/features/relics.html | |
69. Diophantus Diophantus. diophantus of alexandria (circa 200/214 circa 284/298) wasan ancient Greek mathematician. We do not know much of his life. http://www.sciencedaily.com/encyclopedia/diophantus | |
70. History Of Astronomy: What's New At This Site On March 8, 1999 references. diophantus of alexandria Diophantos von Alexandrien (c.200 c. 284) Short biography. Duhem, Pierre Maurice Marie (1861-1916 http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/new/new990308.html | |
71. Sciforums.com - What Have The Muslims Ever Done For Us? A comprehensive treatise on the subject, entitled Arithmetica, waswritten in the 3rd century AD by diophantus of alexandria. In http://www.sciforums.com/archive/index.php/t-35644 | |
72. DIOPHANTUS diophantus. diophantus, of alexandria, Greek algebraist, probably flourished about the middle of the 3rd quoted by Theon of alexandria (who observed an eclipse at alexandria in AD http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/D/DI/DIOPHANTUS.htm | |
73. Detailed Record Books IV to VII of diophantus Arithmetica in the Arabic translation attributedto Qusta ibn Luqa By Jacques Sesiano ; diophantus, of alexandria. http://worldcatlibraries.org/wcpa/ow/44dd94b9d69907d5.html | |
74. DIOPHANTUS diophantus, of alexandria, Greek algebraist, probably flourished about the middleof the 3rd century. Not that this date rests on positive evidence. B. http://29.1911encyclopedia.org/D/DI/DIOPHANTUS.htm | |
75. Biography Of Diophantus Died about 284 AD in alexandria , Egypt. diophantus worked during the middle ofthe third century and is best known for his Arithmetica, a work on the theory http://www.andrews.edu/~calkins/math/biograph/biodioph.htm | |
76. History Of Mathematics: Alexandria Ptolemaeus) (CE 100178); diophantus; Pappus of alexandria (c. 320);Theon; Hypatia of alexandria (c. 370-415). References on the Web. http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/alexandria.html | |
77. Diophantus, Greece, Ancient History diophantus (3rd century AD). Living in alexandria, this Greek mathematicianmainly worked on the so called Diophantine analysis. http://www.in2greece.com/english/historymyth/history/ancient/diophantus.htm | |
78. Bibliography diophantus, of alexandria, fl.250, Arithmetik des Diophantos aus alexandria; aus dem Griechischen ubertragen and erklart von Arthur Czwali, Gottingen, http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/bibliography/display.cgi?start=D& |
79. Diophantus Did you solve the puzzle? The answer is 84 years old. diophantus studiedat the University of alexandria in Egypt. His major contribution http://www.math.wichita.edu/history/men/diophantus.html | |
80. The Life And Legacy Of Hypatia world. diophantus lived and worked in alexandria in the third centuryAD and has been called the father of algebra . He developed http://home8.swipnet.se/~w-80790/Works/Hypatia.htm |
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