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         Diocles:     more books (21)
  1. Essai Sur les Propriétés de la Nouvelle Cissoïde,: Et sur les rapports de cette courbe, tant avec la cissoïde de dioclès, qu'avec un grand nombre d'autres courbes (French Edition) by Rallier, 2009-04-27
  2. Diocles of Carystus: A Collection of the Fragments With Translation and Commentary (Studies in Ancient Medicine) by Philip J. Van Der Eijk, 2001-08-01
  3. The Number One A-Z Family Health Adviser by Diocles, 1996-04
  4. Home Medical Encyclopaedia (Paperfronts) by Diocles, 1989-11-14
  5. Lusitania: Viriathus, Lusitanian Language, Lusitanian War, Audax, Ditalcus and Minurus, Gaius Appuleius Diocles, Cornelius Bocchus
  6. The home medical encyclopedia (Paperfront series) by Diocles, 1965
  7. Cissoid of Diocles
  8. Diocles of Carystus: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Evelyn B. Kelly, 2001
  9. Date de Naissance Inconnue (Ve Siècle Av. J.-C.): Hippocrate, Sophocle, Empédocle, Marcus Furius Camillus, Alcibiade, Dioclès, Mélissos (French Edition)
  10. Ancient Euboeans: Isaeus, Lycophron, Callias of Chalcis, Euphraeus, Diocles of Carystus, Euphorion of Chalcis, Charidemus
  11. Diocles: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  12. Essai Sur Les Propriétés De La Nouvelle Cissoïde: Et Sur Les Rapports De Cette Courbe, Tant Avec La Cissoïde De Dioclès, Qu'Avec Un Grand Nombre D'Autres Courbes (French Edition) by Rallier, 2009-12-31
  13. Date de Décès Inconnue (Ive Siècle Av. J.-C.): Hippocrate, Thucydide, Dioclès, Publius Cornelius Rufinus, Platon le Comique, Cléarque (French Edition)
  14. Meneur: Aurige de Delphes, Cocher, Postillon, Ratuména, Crescens, Gaius Appuleius Diocles, Publius Aelius Gutta Calpurnianus (French Edition)

81. La Boutique GeneaNet
dioclesTangent of the Cissoid of diocles. r = sin ? tan ?. Sorry, thispage requires a Javacompatible web browser. diocles.gsp.

82. Cabri Java Applet Illustrating The Tangent Of The Inverse Of The Rose Curve
Tangent of the Cissoid of diocles. r = sin ? tan ?. References Robert C. Yates,A Handbook on Curves and Their Properties, p. 129. J. Dennis Lawrence.
Tangent of the Cissoid of Diocles r = sin £c tan £c References:
  • Robert C. Yates, A Handbook on Curves and Their Properties , p J. Dennis Lawrence. A catalog of special plane curves , pp. 98-100.
  • 83. Saints Of May 24
    William was a Cistercian monk at the abbey of Villers, Belgium (Benedictines).Zoëllus, Servilius, Felix, Sylvanus diocles MM (RM). Date unknown.
    VLINK="#660099" ALINK="#669999">
    Saints O'the Day
    May 24
    Afra of Brescia VM (RM)
    Date unknown. Saint Afra was martyred at Brescia. She is connected with Saints Faustinus and Jovita . The rest of the legend is untrustworthy (Benedictines).
    David I, King of Scotland (PC)
    Born 1084; died at Carlisle, Scotland, on May 24, 1153. Saint David was the son of King Malcolm III and Queen Saint Margaret of Scotland . He was sent to the Norman court in England in 1093. In 1113, he married Matilda, the widow of the earl of Northampton, thereby becoming earl himself, and added the title earl of Cumbria when his brother Alexander I became king. He waged a long war against King Stephen for the throne of England on behalf of his niece Matilda, but was defeated at Standard in 1138. As King of Scotland from 1124, he was much more successful, ruling with firmness, justice, and charity. David established Norman law in Scotland, set up the office of chancellor, and began the feudal court. He also learned the spirit of Cistercian monks from Ailred of Rievaulx , who for a time was David's steward. Scottish monasticism began to flower from the start of David's reign and countless almshouses, leper-hospitals, and infirmaries were established.

    84. - Personen - Kaiser - Diocletianus
    Valerius diocles wurde am 22. Dezember 245 in Dalmatien
    Version XX PERSONEN




    ... zurück zum Index Gaius Valerius Diocles ( Diocletian
    Gaius Valerius Diocles wurde am 22. Dezember 245 in Dalmatien, möglicherweise bei Spalato (Split), als Sohn armer Leute geboren. Sein Vater könnte Schreiber oder Freigelassener im Dienste eines Senatoren gewesen sein. Er ging zur Armee und diente sich dort in jenen illyrischen Reiterformationen hoch, die das Geschick des Reiches im 3.Jh.n.Chr. massgeblich beeinflussten. In den 270er Jahren fungierte er als Befehlshaber in Moesien. Später begleitete er Kaiser Carus auf dessen Perserfeldzug, wo zum Kommandeur der protectores domestici , einer berittenen kaiserlichen Gardeformation, ernannt wurde. Auch Numerianus bestätigte ihn in diesem Amt. 284 wurde er in Nicomedia von den Soldaten dazu auserkoren den Mord an Numerianus zu rächen. Der Prätorianerpräfekt Aper stand im Verdacht den Kaiser getötet zu haben und wurde nach einem Standgericht von Diocletian zu Tode gebracht. Anschliessend riefen die Truppen den Rächer zum Kaiser aus. Wenn er in das Verbrechen verwickelt war, so hatte er es gekonnte verschleiern können. Dabei änderte er seinen Namen von Diocles auf Diocletianus und fügte noch Aurelius als Vornamen hinzu, was Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus ergab. Als Titel erwählte er sich zudem Iovius, der auf seine Funktion als Oberaufseher des Reiches hinweisen sollte. Gleichzeitig begann eine zunehmende Entrückung der kaiserlichen Person in die religiöse Sphäre. Als Sohn des

    85. The Quality Of Mercy
    diocles tossed and turned restlessly in the moonlit room and the godlightly touched his churning thoughts; he was dreaming of Apollo.
    The Quality of Mercy
    by MB The Quality of MercyThe Quality of Mercy by MB Archive: Joxerotica Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Jett/Strife/other male Category: Drama Warnings: BDSM, violence, consent issues Summary: Jett helps Strife deal with a follower's betrayal. Note: My Jett and Strife are a little different than canon Many thanks to Candace for beta reading! Strife stood silently, gazing down at the fitfully sleeping mortal. Diocles tossed and turned restlessly in the moonlit room and the god lightly touched his churning thoughts; he was dreaming of Apollo. Strife lay down on the bed and sighed, regretfully twirling one of the man's long, dark curls around a finger. He only trusted a few of his followers to actually help him achieve his godly aims, and fewer still were allowed to know the reasons why he asked them to do what they did. With an unintelligible mumble the mortal rolled onto his back and Strife lowered his head to look at the strong profile. He had known as Diocles matured that the man longed more and more for glory and recognition, chafing at the secretive nature of Strife's work. Strife had expected to eventually lose him to one of the more glamorous gods. What he hadn't expected was that Diocles would betray him. To be fair, Apollo had played dirty, choosing one of Strife's most trusted servants and capitalizing on the mortal's love of music to win his confidence. Strife hadn't realized Apollo was that interested in what he was doing. The god smirked at the image of Diocles, dark and slender, being fucked by the shining golden god, and the pillow talk that followed. His smile widened; too bad the secrets Apollo's efforts had bought were practically worthless. Fully aware of the mortal's restlessness, Strife had long since cut Diocles off from any real information.

    86. Diocles Av Sicambri/?
    Husband diocles av Sicambri Born at Married at Died ABT 300 (BC)at 1 FatherHelenus V av Sicambri Mother Other Spouses Wife

    87. Mecanismos/Cissóide,estrofóide
    Translate this page Mecanismo para traçado da cissóide e da estrofóide recta. Este mecanismo podetraçar a cissóide de diocles (c. 240 - mc. 180 aC) ea estrofóide recta.
    é o nome dado por Geminus (séc. I a.C.), nos seus comentários ao livro de Arquimedes "Sobre a Esfera e o Cilindro". Geminus atribui a Diocles a invenção desta curva como contribuição para a resolução do problema clássico da Duplicação do Cubo. Com esta curva, é possível determinar dois meios proporcionais entre dois segmentos dados, e esta determinação, como foi demonstrado por Hipócrates de Quios (c.470-c.410 a.C.), é suficiente para obter a duplicação do cubo. A
    e H
    Para montar o mecanismo: JK no topo da base;
    P da base;
    L , que existe na haste, para fixar a peca EFGHI a esta, servindo-nos para isso do furo F , tendo o cuidado de fazer passar a haste EF G , quando fazemos deslizar a haste JK de cima para baixo, a calha P EFGHI a rodar em torno do pino situado a meio da haste JK H JK P JK JK EFGHI , de baixo para cima. Se possui o programa Sketchpad aqui Notas: JK EFGHI Bibliografia: Macchine matematiche e altri oggeti , Maria G. Bartolini Bussi e Pasquale Quattrocchi, Nucleo di Ricerca in Storia e Diddattica della Matematica. Universita degli Studi di Modena.

    88. Lucian-eunuch.htm
    Many competitors took part in the funeral games of the deceased, but two of themin particular were the most favoured to win, the aged diocles (you know the
    Return to Born Eunuchs Library LUCIAN OF SAMOSATA THE EUNUCH
    [Translation from Lucian; with an English translation, by A.M. Harmon. In eight volumes. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press; London, W. Heinemann, 1947-1957, volume 5, pp. 331-345. Translation amended by me.]
    PAMPHILUS Where have you been, Lycinus, and what are you laughing at, I should like to know, as you come? Of course, you are always in a good humour, but this appears to me to be something out of the ordinary, as you cannot restrain your laughter over it. LYCINUS I have been in the Agora, I'd have you know, Pamphilus; and I shall make you share my laughter at once if you let me tell you what sort of case has been tried in my presence, between philosophers wrangling with each other. PAMPHILUS Well, what you have already said is laughable, in all truth, that followers of philosophy should have it out with one another at law, when they ought, even if it should be something of importance, to settle their complaints peaceably among themselves. LYCINUS Indeed, you blessed simpleton! Peaceably! They! Why, they came together at full tilt and flung whole cartloads of abuse upon each other, shouting and straining their lungs enough to split them!

    89. Pages De Données
    DE ROHAN, Alain V

    DE ROHAN, Alain VI

    Sexe: Masculin
    Naissance: vers 1280
    Profession: Seigneur
    Famille DE ROHAN - DE COETLOGON Mariage: DE COETLOGON, Aliette Sexe:
    vers 1300
    L'enfant du couple DE ROHAN - DE COETLOGON DE ROHAN, Olivier Ier
    DU GUESCLIN, Bertrand III
    Sexe: Masculin
    Naissance: vers 1220
    Famille DU GUESCLIN - DE COETQUEN Mariage: DE COETQUEN, Guillaume DE COETQUEN, Raoul DE ROSTRENEN, Jeanne DE COETQUEN, Blanche N..., Plesou Sexe: Naissance: vers 1230 Les 2 enfants du couple DU GUESCLIN - DE COETQUEN DU GUESCLIN, Bertrand IV Robert DU GUESCLIN, Pierre II
    DE DINAN, Guillaume
    DE DINAN, Olivier ... DE DOL, Denise DE COETQUEN, Guillaume DE COETQUEN, Havoise Sexe: Masculin Naissance: vers 1180 Famille DE COETQUEN - DE ROSTRENEN Mariage: DE ROSTRENEN, Jeanne Sexe: Naissance: vers 1180 L'enfant du couple DE COETQUEN - DE ROSTRENEN DE COETQUEN, Raoul
    DE DINAN, Raoul
    DE DINAN, Guillaume DE DINAN, Olivier DE DOL, Jean DE DOL, Denise Sexe: Masculin Naissance: vers 1160 Famille DE DINAN - DE COETQUEN Mariage: DE COETQUEN, Havoise

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