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         Digges Thomas:     more books (26)
  1. The Letters of Thomas Attwood Digges by Robert Henry Elias, Eugene D. Finch, 1982-05
  2. Adventures of Alonso by Thomas Attwood Digges, 1943
  3. Astronomical Thought in Renaissance England: A Study of the English Scientific Writings from 1500 to 1645 by Francis R. Johnson, 1937
  4. A bibliography of Indian geology .. by Thomas Henry Digges La Touche, 2010-08-05
  5. A geometrical practical treatize named Pantometria diuided into three bookes, longimetria, planimetria, and stereometria, containing rules manifolde for ... First published by Thomas Digges. (1591) by Thomas Digges, 2010-07-13
  6. The Theodelitus and Topographical Instrument of Leonard Digges of University College, Oxford. Described by His Son Thomas Digges in 1571. by Thomas (1546-1595). DIGGES, 1927-01-01
  7. LETTERS Of THOMAS ATTWOOD DIGGES (1742 - 1821). by Thomas Attwood].Elias, Robert H. & Finch, Eugene D. - Editors. [Digges, 1982
  8. An essay on ways and means to maintain the honour and safety of England, to encrease trade, merchandize, navigation, ... Written by Sir Walter Raleigh, ... on our harbours, ... by Sir Henry Sheers. by Thomas Digges, 2010-05-29
  9. Adventures of Alonso: Containing Some Striking Anecdotes of the Present Prime Minister of Portugal. by Thomas Atwood & Elias, Robert H. Digges, 1943-01-01
  10. The Portable Elizabethan Reader (Viking Portable Library) by John Donne, Michael Drayton, et all 1946-12
  11. A prognostication everlastinge: Corrected and augmented by Thomas Digges (The English experience, its record in early printed books published in facsimile) by Leonard Digges, 1975
  12. The theodelitus and topographical instrument of Leonard Digges of University College, Oxford: Described by his son Thomas Digges in 1571. Reprinted from ... of Pantometria (Old Ashmolean reprints) by Thomas Digges, 1927
  13. Thomas Digges, the Copernican system, and the idea of the infinity of the universe in 1576 by Francis R Johnson, 1934
  14. In defense of Thomas Digges by William Bell Clark, 1953

81. I7847: Thomas Digges ( - 1687)
. thomas digges. Death Date, 1687. Spouses of thomas digges. 1. Mary Abbot.thomas digges and Mary Abbot had the following children. 1, Maurice digges.
Thomas Digges
( - 25 AUG 1595) Anne St. Leger
Dudley Digges

(ABT 1583 - 18 Mar 1638/1639) Mary Kempe
(ABT 1583 - ) Thomas Digges Death Date Spouses of Thomas Digges Mary Abbot Thomas Digges and Mary Abbot had the following children Maurice Digges Dudley Digges John Digges Thomas Digges ... Leonard Digges Descendants of Thomas Digges and Mary Abbot

82. Table Of Contents For Hetherington, Norriss S., Ed., Encyclopedia
Matter 148 Deceleration of the Universe 158 Decoupling Time 159 Descartes, Rene(15961650) 160 Descartes s Mechanical Cosmology 164 digges, thomas (1546-1595 of contents for Hetherington, Norriss S., ed., Encyclopedia of Cosmology (Garland, NY, 1993). ISBN 0-8240-7213-8. Absolute Magnitude 3 Alhazen (965-ca. 1040) 3 Alpha-Beta-Gamma Theory 3 Anaximander (610-546 B.C.) 4 Anaximenes (fl. 546 B.C.) 4 Andromeda Galaxy 4 Anthropic Principle 11 Apparent Magnitude 17 Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) 19 Aristotle's Cosmology 20 Astronomical Unit 25 Atomist Cosmology 25 Averroes (1126-1198) 27 Avicenna (980-1037) 27 Baade, Walter (1893-1960) 29 Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm (1784-1846) 30 Big Bang Cosmology 31 Big Chill/Big Crunch 42 Big Squeeze 42 Blue Shift 42 Bolometric Magnitude 42 Brahe, Tycho (1546-1601) 42 Brahe's Cosmology 46 Buridan, Jean (1295-1358) 48 C-Field 51 Callippus (b. ca. 370 B.C.) 51 Campbell, Wm. Wallace (1862-1938) 52 Cave Dweller Cosmology 53 Chalcidius 55 Chamberlin, Thomas C. (1843-1928) 56 Chamberlin-Moulton Hypothesis 56 Chaucer's Cosmology 58 Chinese Cosmology 63 Cold Dark Matter 70 Cold Dark Matter Model 70 Copernican Cosmology 71 Copernican Revolution 92 Copernicus, Nicolas (1473-1543) 99 Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation 100 Cosmic Mindstep 105 Cosmic Scale Factor 106 Cosmic Strings 106 Cosmogony 115 Cosmological Constant 115 Cosmology 116 Cosmology 1900-1931 116 Creation in Cosmology 126 Critical Energy Density 136 Curtis, Heber Doust 138 Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) 139 Dante's Moral Cosmology 140 Dark Matter 148 Deceleration of the Universe 158 Decoupling Time 159 Descartes, Rene (1596-1650) 160 Descartes's Mechanical Cosmology 164 Digges, Thomas (1546-1595) 176 Dirac, Paul Andrien Maurice (1902-1984) 177 Dirac's Cosmology 177 Distance Modulus 179 Doppler, Christian (1803-1853) 179 Doppler Shift 180 Dreyer, Johann Louis Emil (1852-1926) 180 Early Greek Cosmology 183 Eddington, Arthur Stanley (1882-1944) 188 Egyptian Cosmology 189 Einstein, Albert (1879-1955) 194 Empedocles (ca. 492-432 B.C.) 195 Empyrean Orb 196 Eternal Universe 196 Eodoxus (ca. 400-347 B.C.) 197 Eudoxus's Cosmology 198 Evolution of a Newtonian Universe 201 Exponential Expansion in an Inflationary Universe 204 False Vacuum 205 Fath, Edward A. (1880-1959) 206 Fireworks Theory of Cosmic Evolution 208 Flatness Problem 208 Fontenelle, Bernard de Bovier(1657-1757) 212 Formation of Galaxies 212 Fraunhofer, Joseph von (1787-1826) 217 Fundamental Cosmological Parameters 218 Galilei, Galileo (1564-1642) 245 Galileo and the Inquisition 248 Galileo's Cosmology 252 General Catalogue 254 Grand Unified Theories 254 Great Attractor 260 Great Debate 260 Great Wall 262 Greek Cosmology 263 Heavens 267 Henderson, Thomas (1798-1878) 268 Heraclitus (fl. ca. 500 B.C.) 268 Herschel, F. William (1738-1822) 268 Herschel, John F.W. (1792-1871) 269 Herschel's (W.) Cosmology 273 Hertzsprung, Ejnar (1873-1967) 277 Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram 278 Hexameral Treatises 280 Hipparchus (2nd century B.C.) 281 Horizon Distance 281 Horizon Problem 281 Hot Dark Matter 283 Hot Dark Matter Model 283 Hoyle-Narlikar Theory 283 Hubble, Edwin P. (1889-1953) 283 Hubble Constant 284 Hubble Diagram 284 Hubble Time 285 Hubble's Cosmology 285 Hubble's Law 296 Huggins, Sir William (1824-1910) 296 Humason, Milton (1891-1972) 297 Ibn al-'Arabi (1165-1240) 299 Index Catalogues 301 Inflationary Universe 301 International System 322 Islamic Cosmology 322 Jeans, James Hopwood (1877-1946) 331 K-effect 333 Kant, Immanuel (1724-1804) 334 Kant's Cosmology 335 Keeler, James Edward (1857-1900) 343 Kepler, Johannes (1571-1630) 345 Kepler's Cosmology 346 Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert (1824-1887) 353 Laplace, Pierre-Simon, Marquis de (1749-1827)355 Large-Number Hypothesis 355 Large-Scale Structure and Galaxy Formation 356 Lemaitre, Georges (1894-1966) 365 Light-Year 366 Lombard, Peter (died ca. 1160) 366 Magnitude System 367 Martianus Capella (ca. 365-400) 369 Mayer-Teller Theory 369 Medieval Cosmology 370 Megalithic Cosmology 380 Mesopotamian Accounts of Creation 387 Messier, Charles (1730-1817) 408 Messier Catalogue 409 Milne, Edward Arthur (1896-1950) 409 Milne's Cosmology 410 Minkowski, Rudolph L. (1895-1976) 416 Moulton, Forest Ray (1872-1952) 417 Multiple Universes 417 Native American Cosmologies 427 Nebular Hypothesis 436 Neutralinos 437 New General Catalogue 437 Newton, Isaac (1642-1727) 437 Newtonian Cosmology 438 Nineteenth-Century Cosmology and Reflecting Telescopes 444 North Polar Sequence 450 Oresme, Nicole (1320-1382) 451 Origins of Primordial Nucleosynthesis and Prediction of Cosmic Background Radiation453 Origins of Steady State Theory 475 Parallax 479 Parmenides (ca. 515-450 B.C.) 479 Parsons, Wm, Third Earl of Rosse (1800-1867)479 Perfect Cosmological Principle 480 Philosophical Aspects of the Origin of Modern Cosmology 481 Phoenix Universe 495 Photographic Magnitude 495 Photovisual Magnitude 495 Plato (428/427-348/347 B.C.) 495 Plato's Cosmology 499 Plurality of Worlds 502 Primeval Atom Hypothesis 512 Proper Motion 513 Ptolemaic Planetary Theory 513 Ptolemy (2nd century A.D.) 526 Ptolemy's Cosmology 528 Pythagoras (ca. 560-480 B.C.) 544 Quantum Cosmology and the Creation of the Universe 547 Quasars and Cosmology 558 Radius of Curvature of the Universe 565 Redshift 565 References 565 Relativistic Cosmology 566 Religion and Cosmology 579 Robertson-Walker Metric 595 Robinson, Thomas Romney (1793-1882) 595 Romantic Cosmology 596 Sakharov, Andrei Dmitrievich (1921-1989) 605 Scheiner, Julius (1858-1913) 608 Secular Parallax 609 Seeds 609 Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (ca. 4 B.C.-A.D. 65) 609 Sentences 609 Slipher, Vesto Melvin (1875-1969) 609 Smoothness Problem 610 Spectroscopic Parallax 612 Spectroscopy and Cosmology 613 Spectrum 625 Speed of Light 626 Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking 626 Statisticial Parallax 628 Steady State Theory 629 Stebbins-Whitford Effect 636 Stellar Parallax 636 Struve, Friedrich Georg Wilhelm 639 Systematic Constitution 640 Thales (625?-547 B.C.) 641 Theon of Smyrna (early 2nd century A.D.) 642 Timaeus 643 Topological Defects 643 Trigonometric Parallax 643 Tully-Fisher Relation 643 U B V System 645 Universe 645 Van Maanen, Adriaan (1884-1946) 645 Van Maanen's Internal Motions in Spiral Nebulae 646 Vogel, Hermann Carl (1841-1907) 656 Weakily Interacting Massive Particles 659 Wilkins, John (1614-1672) 659 Wirtz, Carl Wilhelm (1876-1939) 660 Xenophanes (ca. 575-478 B.C.) 661 YLEM 661 Zwicky, Fritz (1898-1974) 661 J. S. Tenn, 1997-03-30

83. Margaret Russell Lee, B: -
Husband thomas Lee Born 1774 Marr - Died 1826 - Father thomas Sim Lee MotherMary digges Other Spouses Wife Eleanor Cromwell Born - Died - Father
Family Group
Husband James Clerklee Born: - Marr: - Died: - Father: Mother: Other Spouses: Wife Margaret Russell Lee Born: - Died: - Father: Philip Thomas Lee Mother: Other Spouses: INDEX HOME EMAIL Generated May 22, 2004
GEDCOM to HTML by GedHTree V2.20
Family Group
Husband Benjamin Contee Born: - Marr: - Died: - Father: Mother: Other Spouses: Wife Sarah Russell Lee Born: - Died: - Father: Philip Thomas Lee Mother: Other Spouses: INDEX HOME EMAIL Generated May 22, 2004
GEDCOM to HTML by GedHTree V2.20
Family Group
Husband John Weems Born: - Marr: - Died: - Father: Mother: Other Spouses: Wife Alice Lee Born: - Died: - Father: Richard Lee Mother: Grace Ashton Other Spouses: INDEX HOME EMAIL Generated May 22, 2004
GEDCOM to HTML by GedHTree V2.20

84. Louisa County, VA, Posted Queries For September 1998
He died before 9 Sept. 1776, the Adv. Bond for John DIGGS, Louisa Co.,VA Will Book 2, p. 293, when thomas digges was named Administrator.
Louisa County, VA
Posted Queries for September 1998
SURNAMES: A B C D ... YANCEY posted by Lori Deardorff Marquette on Wednesday, September 2, 1998
  • Email:
    Looking for Mercer TATE (1801-1848) and wife Nancy A. GUNTHER TATE (b. 1810) descendants. Both born in Louisa County, VA. Mercer's father was Joshua TATE and mother, Sally YANCEY TATE.
    ALPHIN MERIWETHER posted by Patrick H. Murray on Wednesday, September 2, 1998
  • Email: pat.murray@juno. com
    DICKASON DICKENSON MEADE posted by Bob Hancock on Saturday, September 5, 1998
  • Email:
    In Will Book 4, LOUISA CO. VA. notes the appraisement of the estate of HENRY DICKASON. ROZAMON DICKENSON. Adm. by Samuel Cole, Malcom Hart, William Meade, Joseph Sandidge, and John Gibson. Recd. 11 Dec. 1798. Who were HENRY DICKASON'S parents? Who were his wife, ROZAMON (ROSANAH) DICKENSON'S parents? Rosanah and Henry's daughter, Joannah (Elizabeth) Dickerson (Dickenson) married HENRY MEADE (1760-1836) in Louisa Co. on April 9, 1798. Who were HENRY MEADE'S parents? He had sons named VIVION MEADE and MINOR MEADE, so I suspect Minor ancestry. Thanks.
    COOK SISK WARE posted by Linda Sisk Weary on Wednesday, September 9, 1998
  • 85. Catalogue
    digges, thomas, A geometrical practical treatize named Pantrometria divided intothree BookS. Folio. 1691. augmented by thomas digges his sonnet BL 4to. 1676.
    BABINGTON, JOHN, Pyrotechnia: or, A Discourse of Artificiall Fire works. Whereunto is annexed a short treatise of Geometrie. Folio. 1635
    BACON, ROGER. Frier Bacon his discovery of the miracles of art nature and magick. Faithfully translated out of Dr. Dee's own copy, by T. M. and never before in English. London Printed for Simon Miller, at the Starre in St. Pauls Church-yard. 12mo. 63 pages. 1659.
    BATE, JOHN, The Mysteries of Nature and Art in four severall parts. The first of water-works: the second of fire-works: the third of drawing, washing, limping, painting, and engraving: the fourth of sundry experiments. 4to. 1634. The second edition. 1635.
    BECHERUS, J. J. Character, pro Notia Linguarum universali. 8vo. Franc. 1661.
    BEDWELL, WILLIAM._See Peter Ramus. BESSON JACQUES. Il Theatro de gl' Instrumenti e Machine con una brieve dichiaration di tutte le figure di F. Beroaldo. Folio. Lione, 1582.

    86. Stories, Listed By Author
    digges, JEREMIAH; pseudonym of Josef Berger, (19031971) (chron.) * The ArbutusCollar, (ss) Story Aug 1936 di GIOVANNI, NORMAN thomas (chron.) _, trans.
    Index to Science Fiction Anthologies and Collections
    Stories, Listed by Author
    Previous Table-of-Contents
    DICKSON, GORDON R. (books) (chron.) (continued)

    87. Richey-Herndon Family Tree
    Olantigh, Kent; whose ancestors included Cardinal John Kempe, Archbishop of Canterburyin 1454, and thomas Kempe, Bishop of London. Sir Dudley digges and Lady

    88. Diggs Family Genealogy Forum
    Tn. Pinson. thomas DAVID RICHARDSON 3/31/04 Photograph Charlotte Shehorn Blakeney Travis Evans SC - Linda Cyers 11/09/03 Augustus digges - Martha Potteiger
    DisplayAdBanner("Top,Right,Bottom!Top", 468, 60 , "boards/") Chat Daily Search My GenForum Community Standards ... Terms of Service Jump to Forum Home Surnames : Diggs Family Genealogy Forum This forum serves all obvious variations Diggs Family Genealogy Forum Search this forum:
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    89. R. D. W. Connor (Robert Digges Wimberly), 1878-1950, Ed. A Manual Of North Carol
    Connor, RDW (Robert digges Wimberly), ed. . . . Raleigh; MCS NOBLE . . .. . Chapel Hill; thomas M. PITTMAN . . . . . Henderson; DH HILL . . . . .
    A Manual of North Carolina Issued by the North Carolina Historical Commission for the Use of Members of the General Assembly Session 1913:
    Electronic Edition.
    Connor, R. D. W. (Robert Digges Wimberly), ed.
    Funding from the Institute for Museum and Library Services
    supported the electronic publication of this title. Text transcribed by Apex Data Services, Inc.
    Images scanned by Tampathia Evans
    Text encoded by Apex Data Services, Inc., Lee Ann Morawski, Elizabeth S. Wright, and Jill Kuhn Sexton
    First edition, 2001
    ca. 3MB
    Academic Affairs Library, UNC-CH
    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
    Source Description:
    (title page) A Manual of North Carolina Issued by the North Carolina Historical Commission for the Use of Members of the General Assembly Session 1913 Compiled and Edited by R. D. W. Connor 1053 p. Raleigh Call Number: C917.05 N87m c.4 (North Carolina Collection, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Documenting the American South.         All double right and left quotation marks are encoded as " and " respectively. Library of Congress Subject Headings, 24th edition, 2001

    Also some years after the Banckerts and Shrivers had settled in digges Choice,Anna Eva Banckert was the sponsor for a little daughter of the thomas CROUCH.
    Christophel BANKERT
    Rin I7111
    • BURIAL : Old Christ Church
    Family 1: Anna Eva
  • John Jacob BANKERT Sr Six sons and six daughters
  • Julianna BANKERT
  • Anna Margretha BANKERT ...
  • Margaretha Elenore BANCKERT Our Bankert family background has a great depth of historical association with our home area. The name has been variously spelled Banckert, Bankard, Banker, Bencher, Benchert, and Bankert. It's possible that it is of Holland (Dutch) origin because in the late 1600's there were Bankerts in the New York area who are known to have come from Holland. Also, in the Armorial General by Rietstap, a set of books having nearly a hundred thousand coats of arms of European background, the author gives the name of Banckert as being found in the Zeeland area of Holland. Thus even it our Banckert ancestors were to have come form the German Palatinate, the chances would be very food that originally our family name came from Holland.
    Our immigrant Bankert ancestors were Christophel and Anna Eva Banckert. Both were probably born around 1685- 1690. They sailed from Rotterdam, Holland on the Ship Mortonhouse, John Coultas, Commander, stopped briefly at Deal in England on June 15, 1728 and after a voyage of nine weeks they arrived at the port of Philadelphia on Aug 23, 1728. The next day Aug 24 the passengers composed of about 207 persons of which 80 were men, left ship. All males sixteen years and over were taken to the Court House in Philadelphia on High (now Market) Street where they signed oaths of allegiance to the British Crown and were then released to their waiting families.
  • 91. The Bookshop, Inc.: MARYLAND
    digges, thomas Attwood. LETTERS OF thomas ATTWOOD digges (17421821).Edited by Robert H. Elias Eugene D. Finch. Douglas, John.
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    The Bookshop, Inc.
    400 W. Franklin Street
    Chapel Hill, NC 27516-2313
    Fax:919-942-1837 28 matches found for MARYLAND
    THE FIRST PARISHES OF THE PROVINCE OF MARYLAND. THE STUDY OF COMETS: ABSTRACTS. I. A. U. Colloquium No. 25, Co-Sponsored by COSPAR. Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, October 28 - November 1, 1978 Browne, Gary Lawson. BALTIMORE IN THE NATION, 1789-1861. Browne, William Hand (editor). ARCHIVES OF MARYLAND: JOURNAL AND CORRESPONDENCE OF THE MARYLAND COUNCIL OF SAFETY, JULY 7 - DECEMBER 31, 1776. Carothers, Bettie Stirling (compiler). MARYLAND SOLDIERS ENTITLED TO LANDS WEST OF FORT CUMBERLAND. Digges, Thomas Attwood. Douglas, John. Dunn, Walter G. Farquhar, Roger Brooke. OLD HOMES AND HISTORY OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND. Fields, Barbara Jeanne. SLAVERY AND FREEDOM ON THE MIDDLE GROUND: MARYLAND DURING THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Yale Historical Publications, Miscellany, No 123

    digges FAMILY TREE. Related Surnames Dismukes, Herndon, Kemp, Neville, Page, St. Leger, and Wilsford. This page last updated 8/17/1999. Information contained on this page may NOT be used for profit
    var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
    Related Surnames: Dismukes, Herndon, Kemp, Neville, Page, St. Leger, and Wilsford.
    This page last updated: 8/17/1999
    Information contained on this page may NOT be used for profit or gain!
    The following information is the credited to and the property of Carol Colvin, and may NOT be reproduced without Carol's consent!
    b.abt. 1446 Kent, England
    d.abt. 1574 England
    *Esquire of Woslton Court.
    *Wife: Sarah Wilsford.
    1)Thomas DIGGES, THOMAS b.1548 Digges Court, England d.1595 Chilham Castle, Kent, England *Wife: Anne ST. LEGER. Edward III, King of England , more info on ST. LEGER AND NEVILLE lineage can be viewed at the Royal Links Page. 1)Dudley b.1583 Kent, England 2)Ursala 3)Margaret 4)Leonard DIGGES, DUDLEY b.1583 Kent, England d.3/18/1639 Chilham Castle Kent, England *Wife: Mary KEMPE. **The KEMPE line dates back to Edward I, King of England and can be viewed at the Royal Links Page. *Children: 1)Thomas 2)Ann 3)Edward DIGGES, EDWARD

    93. Dudley DIGGES/Mary KEMPE
    at digges Court,Kent,England Married ABT 1612 at Chilham,Kent,England Died 18MAR 1638/1639 at Chilham Castle,Kent,England FatherThomas digges MotherAnn
    web hosting domain names email addresses
    Husband: Dudley DIGGES Born: 1583 at: Digges Court,Kent,England Married: ABT 1612 at: Chilham,Kent,England Died: 18 MAR 1638/1639 at: Chilham Castle,Kent,England Father: Thomas DIGGES Mother: Ann SAINT LEGER Other Spouses: NOTES Wife: Mary KEMPE Born: 1583 at: Olantigh Manor,Barham,Kent,England Died: MAY 1631 at: Chilham,Kent,England Father: Mother: Other Spouses: NOTES CHILDREN Name: Anne DIGGES Born: 1610 at: Chilham,Kent,England Married: at: Died: at: Spouses: NOTES Name: Thomas DIGGES Born: 1612 at: Chilham,Kent,England Married: at: Died: 1687 at: ,,Kent,England Spouses: NOTES Name: Dudley DIGGES Born: 1614 at: Chilham,Kent,England Married: at: Died: 1 OCT 1643 at: Oxford,P. a.,,England Spouses: NOTES Name: Elizabeth DIGGES Born: 1617 at: Chilham,Kent,England Married: at: Died: 28 OCT 1617 at: Chilham,Kent,England Spouses:

    94. The Political Graveyard: Charles County, Md.
    thomas Jenifer; sonin-law of John Campbell. thomas Stone National HistoricSite Habre de Venture, Port Tobacco, Charles County, Maryland.
    Questions? Return to The Political Graveyard main page
    Charles County
    Charles County information: Neighboring areas: The Political Graveyard: Important Notes: Please Read!
  • This web site is about U.S. political history and cemeteries. For convenient presentation of this material, the site includes a page for each of the more than 3,000 counties in the U.S., as well as for various U.S. and foreign territories and countries. The Political Graveyard has no official connection with any of those areas or governments. For more information about this project, please see the Main Page
  • The list of cemeteries here is not comprehensive, nor is it intended to be. This site only lists about 5,000 cemeteries
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