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61. 14: Algebraic Geometry MR89b14016; deligne, pierre À quoi servent les motifs? (French; What isthe use of motives? ) Motives (Seattle, WA, 1991), 143161; Proc. Sympos. http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/index/14-XX.html | |
62. 1796, La Justice Pour Tous brebis Hubert). Le juge condamne deligne à indemniser pierre Beuve. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/raymond.elphege/histoirecreney/HCre07.htm | |
63. Publications Mathématique Index Of The Volumes p 185231. (2001), 94, - BRYLINSKi, Jean-Luc and deligne, pierre Central extensionsof reductive groups by K2, p 5 deligne, pierre, La conjecture de Weil II. http://www.ihes.fr/IHES-A/Publication/indexvolumeA.html | |
64. Index Des Publications Mathématiques BRYLINSKi, JeanLuc and deligne, pierre Central extensions of reductive groups byK2, 94(2002) p 5-85. deligne, pierre, Théorie de Hodge II. 40 (1971), 5-57. http://www.ihes.fr/IHES/Publications/pub-index.html | |
65. Fields Medal Prize Winners -- 1978 pierre René deligne born October 3, 1944, Brussels, Belgium Institutdes Hautes Études Scientifiques. Gave solution of the three http://www.icm2002.org.cn/general/prize/medal/1978.htm | |
66. This Week In The Mathematics ArXiv (22 Jan - 26 Jan) By Greg Kuperberg Tung http//front.math.ucdavis.edu/author/yau Here are others who appear throughcoauthorship, migration, or proxy submission deligne, pierre http//front http://mathforum.org/epigone/sci.math.research/clangumsmo | |
67. Neuerwerbungslisten 10/2003 / Bibliothek Der Fakultät Für deligne, pierre Commensurabilities among lattices in PU(1,n) / by pierre deligneand G. Daniel Mostow. Princeton, NJ Princeton Univ. Pr., 1993. http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/helios/nel_inst/00/MA/2003_10_65.html | |
68. Bluemud.org Sci-math-faq-fields John Ottawa, KA USA 37 1974 Bombieri, Enrico Milan Italy 33 1974 Mumford, DavidWorth, Sussex UK 37 1978 deligne, pierre Brussels Belgium 33 1978 Fefferman http://www.bluemud.org/article/17390 | |
69. Ledoux: 4ème Génération deligne (pierre Catherine Roch) Enfants Jean-Baptiste. http://www.grandesfamilles.org/Ledoux/04.html | |
70. Www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Pierre-Deligne Congrès lln 2004 Translate this page av. F. Roosevelt, 1050 Bruxelles (c.deligne@ulb.ac.be). Président SOSSON Jean-pierre. Vice-président RAEPSAET Georges. Représentant http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Pierre-Deligne |
71. Mathematical And Computer Sciences Library: New Books Received In June 2003 CALL QA76.9 .U83 C66 2003. AUTHOR deligne, pierre. TITLE Quantum fields andstrings a course for mathematicians / pierre deligne et al., editors. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/mathcs/newbooks/NBJun03.html | |
72. Jean-Pierre Serre Awarded The First Abel Prize || Kuro5hin.org Alain Connes, 5%. John H. Conway, 9%. John Tate, 3%. Yuri Manin, 1%. pierre deligne,1%. other, see comment below, 5%. Who the hell are all these people? 56%. Votes53. http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2003/4/7/123915/1838 | |
73. You Have Already Checked Out Item Number I55015 Price $7.00 Order This Book Author(s) deligne, pierre and Mostow,G. Daniel; Title Commensurabilities Among Lattices In Pu(1,N) Annals http://www.vintage-books.com/cgi-bin/Perlshop/perlshop.cgi?ACTION=push&thispage= |
74. Deligne, P. And Mostow, G.D.: Commensurabilities Among Lattices In PU (1,n). (AM Commensurabilities among Lattices in PU (1,n). (AM132). pierre deligne and G.Daniel Mostow. Paper 1993 $60.00 / £39.95 ISBN 0-691-00096-4 218 pp. http://pup.princeton.edu/titles/5383.html | |
75. Quantum Fields And Strings: A Course For Mathematicians By Pierre Deligne (Edito Buy Quantum Fields and Strings A Course for Mathematicians by pierre deligne(Editor), et al (Hardcover June 1999) from home at our online store. http://www.mathbook.com/bio/w/Edward_Witten/Quantum_Fields_and_Strings_A_Course_ | |
76. MATH Database: Online Ordering Author deligne, pierre; Serre, Jeanpierre. Title Formes modulaires de poids1. Source Ann. Sci. \ Ec. Norm. Sup\ er., IV. S\ er. 7, 507-530 (1974). http://www.emis.de/cgi-bin/zmolos?0321.10026 |
77. MATH Database: Online Ordering Author deligne, pierre. Title Le groupe fondamental du complement d unecourbe plane n ayant que des points doubles ordinaires est abelien. http://www.emis.de/cgi-bin/zmolos?0478.14008 |
78. Jafet Library Webliography Collaborative learning underlying processes and effective techniques, Bosworth,Kris, 1994. Commensurabilities among lattices in PU (1,n), deligne, pierre, 1993. http://www.aub.edu.lb/~webjafet/jl_weblio/8/12.html | |
79. Informations Généalogiques Translate this page DELFOSSE, pierre Joseph Décès 21 septembre 1840 à Arc-Ainières,7910,,HAI,BEL deligne,François Naissance vers 1787 à Frelinghien,59,,NPC,FRA Famille http://perso.club-internet.fr/octavia0/frelinghien/dat158.htm | |
80. Academy Members (D) Deift, Percy, A. I, 1, FELLOW. Delbanco, Andrew, IV, 3, FELLOW. deligne,pierre, I, 1, FHM. DeLillo, Don, IV, 4, FELLOW. Dellinger, Walter,E. V, 1, FELLOW. http://www.amacad.org/members/d.htm | |
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