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         Dehn Max:     more detail
  1. Papers on Group Theory and Topology by Max Dehn, 1987-03-23
  2. Idaho State University Faculty: Kathryn Grayson, Eugene E. Campbell, Ed Dorn, Dan Morse, Max Dehn, N. Randy Smith, Richard D. Hansen
  3. Die Legendre'schen Satze Urer die Winkelsumme in Dreieck. (German Edition) by Max Dehn, 2009-11-25
  4. Vorlesungen über neuere Geometrie: Mit einem Anhang von Max Dehn: Die Grundlegung der Geometrie in historischer Entwicklung (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften) (German Edition) by Moritz Pasch, 1976-09-07
  5. A Decade of American Printmaking (Philadelphia Museum Bulletin, Vol. XLVIII, No. 235, Autumn 1952) by Kneeland McNulty, 1952
  6. American Lithographers: William Gropper, Max Kahn, Nathaniel Currier, John Henry Bufford, Adolf Dehn, Napoleon Sarony, William Sommer
  7. For Love and Money by Paul dehn, 1956

61. - Historia ~ Galería De Genios Matemáticos
Darboux, Gaston. Dedekind, Richard. dehn, max. MP3. RAM. MP3. RAM. MP3. RAM. MP3.RAM.

Translate this page dehn ITALIA. dehnlink DLI TC ECO art. n. 929080 Scaricatore di sovratensione.Dati tecnici tensione di riferimento scaricatore (tens. d´esercizio max.
Dati Tecnici DEHN ITALIA DEHNlink DLI TC ECO: art. n. 929080
Scaricatore di sovratensione Dati tecnici: tensione di riferimento scaricatore
U c 170 V DC corrente nominale I N 200 mA corr. imp. nom. di scarica (8/20) i sn 10 kA livello di protezione con i sn
filo / filo
filo / PG U p
filo / filo
filo / PG U p
frequenza limite f G 2 MHz occupazione pin standard 1 coppia 4/5 collegamenti
entrata e uscita RJ 45 Dimensioni (largh. x lungh. x alt.) 86 mm x 56 mm x 31 mm
Esecuzione per reti monofasi Dati Tecnici Tipo DEHNguard T 275 + NPE L-N N-PE provato secondo E DIN VDE 0675-6:1989-11, -6/A1:1996-03
e -6/A2:1996-10 tensione di riferimento scaricatore (tens. d'esercizio max ammiss.) U c 275 V AC 350 V DC 255 V /50 Hz corr. imp. nom. di scarica (8/20) i sn 20 kA 20 kA corr. imp. limite di scarica (8/20) I max 40 kA estinz. corr. susseguente con U C I f 200 Aeff prova corrente da fulmine (10/350) I imp 12 kA livello di protezione con 5 kA (8/20) con isn U p tens. impuls. adescamento 1.2/50

63. InternetOPAC Der Gemeindebücherei Tutzing
Translate this page Davisson, Clinton Joseph, Davy, Sir Humphry, Debye, Peter, Dedekind, Julius WilhelmRichard, Defant, Albert Joseph Maria, dehn, max Wilhelm, Delambre, Jean

64. .:: Ole Dehn Marine - Bådudlejning & Fiskegrej -> Vejestedet ::.
Jubilæumspris April, Maj Inklusive Havnepenge, Ekkolod Pris pr uge. Uttern 490/30Styrpult. 30 HK. max. 5. 2.430 kr. 2.150 kr. Uttern 490/40 Styrpult. 40 HK. max.
Prisliste for 2004
Motor Antal personer Normal-
Marts, Juni, Juli, August, September, Oktober.
Havnepenge, Ekkolod
Pris pr uge
Uttern 490/30
Styrpult 30 HK Max. 5 2.430 kr. 1.825 kr. Uttern 490/40
Styrpult 40 HK Max. 6 2.880 kr. 2.190 kr. Uttern 560/40
Kahyt 40 HK Max. 6 3.770 kr. 2.920 kr.

65. .:: Ole Dehn Marine - Bådudlejning & Fiskegrej -> Bådtyper ::.
Uttern 490/30 Styrpult. Motor Længde max antal pers. Pris pr. uge*. Depositum Uttern560/40 Styrpult. Motor Længde max antal pers. Pris pr.

Bestil online
Uttern 490/30 Styrpult Motor:
Max antal pers.:
Pris pr. uge*.:
Mariner 30 HK
4,9 m.
fra 1850,- til 2150,-
700,- kr. Beskrivelse
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Prisliste Uttern 560/40 Styrpult Motor: Max antal pers.: Pris pr. uge*.: Depositum: Mariner 40 HK 5,6 m. fra 2300,- til 2590,- 700,- kr. Beskrivelse Bestil online Prisliste Uttern 560/40 Kahyt Motor: Max antal pers.: Pris pr. uge*.: Depositum: Mariner 40 HK 5,6 m.

66. Full Alphabetical Index
Claude (175) Dedekind, Richard (2081*) Dee, John (358*) dehn, max (691*) del
Full Alphabetical Index
The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait.
Abbe , Ernst (602*)
, Niels Henrik (2899*)
bar Hiyya (641)
Abraham, Max

Abu Kamil
Shuja (1012)
Abu Jafar

al-Buzjani (1115)
, Wilhelm (205)
Adams, John Couch

Adams, J Frank

of Bath (1008) Adler , August (114) Adrain , Robert (79*) Adrianus , Romanus (419) Aepinus , Franz (124) Agnesi , Maria (2018*) Ahlfors , Lars (725*) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (660) Ahmes Aida Yasuaki (696) Aiken , Howard (665*) Airy , George (313*) Aitken , Alec (825*) Ajima , Naonobu (144) Akhiezer , Naum Il'ich (248*) al-Baghdadi , Abu (947) al-Banna , al-Marrakushi (861) al-Battani , Abu Allah (1333*) al-Biruni , Abu Arrayhan (3002*) al-Farisi , Kamal (1102) al-Haitam , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Hasib Abu Kamil (1012) al-Haytham , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Jawhari , al-Abbas (627) al-Jayyani , Abu (892) al-Karaji , Abu (1789) al-Karkhi al-Kashi , Ghiyath (1725*) al-Khazin , Abu (1148) al-Khalili , Shams (677) al-Khayyami , Omar (2140*) al-Khwarizmi , Abu (2847*) al-Khujandi , Abu (713) al-Kindi , Abu (1151) al-Kuhi , Abu (1146) al-Maghribi , Muhyi (602) al-Mahani , Abu (507) al-Marrakushi , ibn al-Banna (12)

67. Max-Planck-Schule
Translate this page für Olympia die MPS-Mannschaft mit Niclas Bozyk, Nils Bozyk, Frederic dehn, LukasEckhard Auch in diesem Jahr konnte an der max-Planck-Schule wieder der
Forum MPS News Infos ...
  • Leistungsbewertung
    • Schon document.write (''); summe = eval(count) + eval (16000);document.write(summe); Besucher
      Schwimmen I/1999
      Mathe Kreismeister I/1999
      Chemie Preisträgerin 1999 ... Musikwettbewerb 1999
      ...das Benefizkonzert zugunsten türkischer Erdbebenopfer
      Da muss; etwas geschehen, sagten sich viele aus der Oberstufe und begannen zu planen.
      "The Shadows of Elvis", "Circle of Change", "Leftover" und "Crass" heizten den Gästen gehörig ein, und die "Security"-Posten mußten nicht eingreifen, und das Ganze wurde als schöner Erfolg verbucht. Aufbau und Abbau der Bühne, der Scheinwerfer und Stände wurden nach harter, körperlicher Arbeit auch geschafft, so dass alle zufrieden in die Herbstferien gehen konnten.
      Weitere Eindrücke von "Rock for Turkey"
      Das Publikum Die Band "Circle of Change" Die "Shadows Of Elvis" Roman Jöris(aus der HomePage-AG) und Lars
      Bozyk - Die Jungs von der Technik Für Verpflegung war auch gesorgt (Aysegül Bahar[Mitte], Tanja Herbert [rechts])

    68. Mathem_abbrev
    de La Condamine, Charles, de Moivre, Abraham De Morgan, Augustus de Prony, Gaspardde Rham, Georges de Wronski, Josef Dedekind, Richard dehn, max Democritus of
    Mathematician Report Index Below is a list of mathematicians. You may choose from this list or report on a mathematician not listed here. In either case, you must discuss with me the mathematician you have chosen prior to starting your report. No two students may write a report on the same mathematician. I would advise you to go to the library before choosing your topic as there might not be much information on the mathematician you have chosen. Also, you should determine the topic early in the term so that you can "lock-in" your report topic!! The report must include: 1. The name of the mathematician. 2. The years the mathematician was alive. 3. A biography. 4. The mathematician's major contribution(s) to mathematics and an explanation of the importance. 5. A historical perspective during the time the mathematician was alive.
    Some suggestions on the historical perspective might be:
    (a) Any wars etc.
    (b) Scientific breakthroughs of the time
    (c) Major discoveries of the time
    (d) How did this mathematician change history etc.

    69. Universitätsbibliothek Karlsruhe
    Geometrie / Pasch, Moritz; dehn, max , 1926. . . Vorwärts blättern. &opacdb=

    70. Universitätsbibliothek Karlsruhe
    Translate this page 23) Enth. ausserdem Die Grundlegung der Geometrie in historischerEntwicklung / max dehn Schlagwörter s.Geometrie UB Karlsruhe

    71. 1845 - 1945
    Translate this page Debye, Peter, 1884-, Dedekind, Richard, 1831-1916, TAzM-Suppl.01, Dedoff, Theodor,dehn, max, 1878-1952, Delassus, E. Delaunay, N. Dickson, Leonard Eugene, 1874-1954,

    Teubner-Autoren und -Herausgeber
    Mathematik / Naturwissenschaften
    (1845 - 1945 / Auswahl)
    Siehe auch:
    Teubner-Autoren und -Herausgeber Mathematik / Naturwissenschaften / Informatik

    (1948 - 2000 / Auswahl) ...

    B ... Z
    Name des Hrsg. / Autors Vorname Geb. / Gest. A Abbot Edwin A. Abel Niels Henrik Ahrens Wilhelm Apollonius 3./2. Jh. v. Chr. Archimedes v. Chr. Aristoteles v. Chr. Artin Emil B Bachmann Paul Bardey Ernst Bianchi Luigi Bieberbach Ludwig Blaschke Wilhelm TAzM-Bd.08 Bliss Gilbert Ames Blumenthal Otto Bocher Maxime Boltzmann Ludwig Bolyai Janos (Johann) TAzM-Bd.04 Bolyai Wolfgang Bolza Oskar Bonola Roberto WH-Bd.IV Boole George Borel Emile Born Max Börnstein R. Bortkewitsch L. von Boutroux Pierre WH-Bd.XXVIII Brill Alexander von Bruhns Carl Christian Bruns Heinrich Burkhardt Heinrich C Cantor Georg TAzM-Bd.02 Cantor Moritz Caratheodory Constantin TAzM-Bd.18 Cartan Elie Joseph Carvallo R. Castelnuovo Guido Cesaro Ernesto Chittenden Brace Christoffel Elvin B. Clebsch Alfred Crantz Paul Curtze Maximiliam Czuber Emanuel WH-Bd.XXIV D Dalwigk F. v.

    72. Bibliography
    Co. 1969. dehn, max, 18781952, Papers on group theory and topology / translatedand introduced by John Stillwell, New York, Springer-Verlag, 1987.

    73. Berliner Stadtplan / Dehn Hausverwaltung / Berlin
    Translate this page Name, Stichwort oder Branche max Entfernung (Umkreis). dehn Hausverwaltung,Tipp Sie können in die Karte klicken. Kartenlegende anzeigen|6010/size/650x500/zoom/
    if(top.frames.length>0)top.location.href=self.location; X Zum Login Zur Zeit sind 230 Besucher online.
    Suchen radiobutton_suchauswahlform_pv[radiobutton_suchauswahlform_pv.length]=5684638;
    radiobutton_suchauswahlform_pv[radiobutton_suchauswahlform_pv.length]=4628880; Neu radiobutton_suchauswahlform_pv[radiobutton_suchauswahlform_pv.length]=4916167; GPS - Koordinaten
    Hinweis: Ohne JavaScript stehen Ihnen nicht alle Suchfunktionen zur Verfügung. Sie haben JavaScript deaktiviert. Straße / Platz / Name: Nr.: PLZ Suche in Berlin Berlin mit Umland Caputh Falkensee Geltow Golm Groß Glienicke Großbeeren Großziethen Güterfelde Hennigsdorf Kleinmachnow Mühlenbeck Neu-Fahrland Potsdam Potsdam-Groß-Glienicke Potsdam-Sacrow Rehbrücke Schenkenhorst Schildow Schönfließ Schönwalde Seeburg Sputendorf Stahnsdorf Teltow Werder Name, Stichwort oder Branche: Max Entfernung: (Umkreis) Beliebig Bis zu 25 km Bis zu 10 km Bis zu 5 km Bis zu 2 km Bis zu 1 km Bis zu 500 m Bis zu 250 m Bis zu 100 m
    Unternehmen eintragen
    Schnellsuche Wohnungen Zimmer
    von - bis Grundfläche m²
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    von - bis Lassen Sie nicht benötigte Felder einfach frei.

    74. =V RUBRICE= Komentare =CLANEK= Prednaska DEHN
    Za spolecnost dehn+SOEHNE prednasel jiz u nas popularni Zdenek Rous prepetovych ochran;celkovy odvadeny impulsni proud; ochranna uroven; schopnost zhaseni (max.
    ==> Prihlasit se! ....nevite jak? Adresar elektrotechniku Text verze ... Energetika Reklama Rubriky fachmana O normach jinak

    Testy elektro

    BUS systemy
    Tipy na odborniky...
    Miroslav Pospisil
    Jihomoravsky kraj
    - elektromontaze vseobecne
    - udrzba, servis, opravy elektro
    - energetika
    Volna mista... ...pres nasi redakci:
    ...dalsi aktualni z Jobpilot:
    Projektant elektrickych stroju elektrotechnik servisni technik Vyrobni inzenyr - udrzba ... Pracovnik ve vyrobe - udrzbar Editorial Autor: Alena Homolkova Novy system otazek a odpovedi budou moci vyuzivat registrovani a overeni ctenari. Vice zde...! Zobrazit starsich 21 editorialu. PROFI adresar Nechybite zde? Kraj: Vyberte kraj -Ceska Republika- Praha, Hlavni mesto Stredocesky kraj Jihocesky kraj Plzensky kraj Karlovarsky kraj Ustecky kraj Liberecky kraj Kralovehradecky kraj Pardubicky kraj kraj Vysocina Jihomoravsky kraj Olomoucky kraj Moravskoslezsky kraj Zlinsky kraj -Slovenska Republika- Bratislavsky kraj Trnavsky kraj Nitriansky kraj Trenciansky kraj Zilinsky kraj Banskobystricky kraj Kosicky kraj Presovsky kraj Profese: Vyberte profesi maloprodejny pomucky velkoobchody svetla kabely mereni revize revize naradi bezpecn. technici

    75. DEHN + SÖHNE · Produkte
    Ethernet 10 Base 2 (Thinwire), UGKF BL, BNC. 5 kA. 1. coax plugin adapter. Ethernet10 Base 2 (Thickwire), UGKF NL, N-Connector. 5 kA. 1. max. 2 devices per bus segment.
    Products / Surge Protection (UE) / Selection upon Interfaces Data Networks A Interface/Signal Recommended SPD Type Connection System Data Capacity per line Protected Lines CC* Miscellaneous Arcnet UGKF BNC BNC 2.5 kA coax plug-in adapter ATM UGKF RJ45 4TP 300 A plug-in adapter patch line included NET PRO 4 TP RJ45, LSA 300 A 8 x 8 for enclosures EG NET PRO 19'' DSM RJ45 4TP RJ45, LSA 300 A Cat.5 box DATA PRO 4 TP 300 A combined adapter *CC = Coodination Characteristics E Interface/Signal Recommended SPD Type Connection System Data Capacity per line Protected Lines CC* Miscellaneous Ethernet 10 Base 2
    (Thinwire) UGKF B L BNC 5 kA coax plug-in adapter Ethernet 10 Base 2
    (Thickwire) UGKF N L N-Connector 5 kA max. 2 devices per bus segment Ethernet 10 / 100 Base TX DRA MD HF 5 LSA 2.5 kA 1 kA 5 x 2 X / 1 for DEHNrapid and rct disconnection blocks DPL 1 F ATP 5 LSA 5 kA for KRONE LSA-plus disconnection block UGKF RJ45 4 TP 300 A plug-in adapter patch line included NET PRO 4 TP.. RJ45, LSA 300 A 8 x 8 for enclosures EG NET PRO 19'' DSM RJ45 4 TP RJ45, LSA

    76. DEHN + SÖHNE · Products
    for the protection of 10 twocore conductors. Can be assemled withBM 10DA Block Magazine (without surge arresters) to fix max.
    Products / Surge Protection (UE) / DPL
    Surge Arrester Pluggable Surge Arrester for IT-installations and equipment connected via terminal and disconnection blocks in LSA-PLUS insulation displacement connection system (solderless, screwless and stripless connection system). Versions:
    • Surge Protective Plug for 1 two-core conductor (TC) (Types DPL 1 G, DPL 1 F, DPL 1 FC APE). This universal version protects 2 lines (1 two-core conductor). With this plug also partial assemblies of LSA-Plus Blocks can be made, or protective plugs with different circuits or nominal voltages can be used on one LSA-PLUSBlock. Type DPL 1 FC APE additionally has an integrated overcurrent protection. Surge Protective Blocks for 10 two-core conductors (Types DPL 10 G or DPL 10 F). This version is designed for the protection of 20 lines (10 TC).
    view PDF , incl. technical data [88 KB]

    77. BMC Research Project - Series 5. Donated Materials
    Photocopies of notes taken during Summer 1944. dehn, max. Geometry for Artists;Sihvonen, Eine. Photocopies of notes. Plato; Heling, Janet (Roberts),.
    Back to Introduction Series 5. Donated Materials Original copies of college publications which were donated to the research project have been removed from the Donated Materials series and placed in their own series (Series 6. College Publications). Sub-series: Student Notes Miscellaneous Documents Articles about BMC and Related Subjects Oversized Materials Architectural Drawings Student Notes Arranged by teacher's name. Box 67 Albers, Anni Weaving; Cullis, Mary Irene [Not Released] Photocopies of notes (ca. 1944?). Weaving; Goldsmith, Nell (Heyns) Original notes ca. 1942-44. Released by Nell Goldsmith Heyns. Weaving; Heling, Janet (Roberts) Original notes (ca. 1943-47?). Also includes weaving samples and yarn samples. Released by Janet Heling Roberts. Weaving; Kadden, Lore (Lindenfeld) Photocopies of notes ca. 1945-48. Originals located at the Josef and Anni Albers Foundation. Released by Lore Kadden Lindenfeld. Weaving; Osbourne, Elizabeth (Richards) Photocopies of notes (ca. 1944-46?). Released by Elizabeth Osbourne Richards. Albers, Josef

    78. Collected Works
    Added Entry Halberstam, H. (Heini) Added Entry Rogers, CA (Claude Ambrose),1920 cn CALL NO QA171 D393 A25 1987 AUTHOR dehn, max, 1878-1952.
    CALL NO: QA3 A14 1881
    AUTHOR: Abel, Niels Henrik, 1802-1829.
    MAIN TITLE: OEuvres completes de Niels Henrik Abel.
    EDITION: Nouv. ed., publiee aux frais de l'etat norve-gien par L. Sylow
    PUBLISHER: Christiania [Sweden] Grondahl, 1881.
    LOCATION: Branson
    Material: 2 v. in 1. 28 cm.
    Contents: t. 1. Memoires publies par Abel.t. 2. Memoires posthumes d'Abel
    Subject: Mathematics. cm
    Added Entry: Sylow, Peter Ludvig Mejdel, 1832-
    Added Entry: Lie, Sophus, 1842-1899. CALL NO: QB3 A2 AUTHOR: Adams, John Couch, 1819-1892. MAIN TITLE: The scientific papers of John Adams Couch, edited by William Grylls
    Adams, with a memoir by J. W. L. Glaisher. PUBLISHER: Cambridge, University press, 1896-1900. LOCATION: Branson V.1 and V.2
    Material: 2 v. front. (port.) fold. map, facsims., diagr. 30 cm.
    Contents: v. 1. Biographical notice, by J. W. L. Glaisher. [Original papers published by the author during his lifetime, 1844-1890, ed. by William Grylls Adams]v. 2. pt. 1. Extracts from unpublished manuscripts, ed. by Ralph Allen Simpson. pt. 2. Terrestial magnetism, ed. by William Grylls Adams.
    Subject: Geomagnetism.

    79. UW Math PhD Alumni (Advisors: D)
    Related Links. Contact Us PhD History PhD Histogram News Math Genealogy.max W. dehn. PhD students Engel, Joseph Henry,1949. R. Wayne Dickey.
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    Max W. Dehn
    PhD students
    Engel, Joseph Henry,1949 R. Wayne Dickey PhD Students
  • Bowman, Bonita,1979
  • Newman, William G.,1993
  • Johnson, Kurt N.,1994
  • Hermann, Paul D.,1997 Linnaeus Dowling PhD Students
  • Running, Theodore,1899
  • Pengra, Charlotte Elvira,1901
  • Allen, Florence Eliza,1907
  • Parkinson, George A.,1929
  • Pollard, Harry Strange,1933 Arnold Dresden PhD Students
  • Roth, William Edward,1928
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    80. Julius Kraft Papers
    32. Church, Alonzo. 6 L., 1 Ptc. 19561959. 33. D - 8 L. 34. dehn, max. 1 L., 1 Ptc.1940,1942. 35. Department of State. 3 L., 1 memo. 1950. 3 L. by Kraft. 36.
    [Back to Department Home Page]
    M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives
    Inventory of the
    PAPERS, 1921-1960
    (GER-054) For reference queries contact Grenander Department Reference staff or (518)-437-3933

    University Libraries / University at Albany / State University of New York
    1400 Washington Avenue / Albany, New York 12222 / (518) 437-3935
    VOLUME: 4 cubic feet ACQUISITION: All items in this manuscript group were donated to the University Libraries, M.E. Grenander Department Special Collections and Archives , by ACCESS: Access to this record group is unrestricted. The researcher assumes full responsibility for conforming with the Head of Special Collections and Archives
    Julius Kraft Papers
    Scope and content note
    Correspondence, 1936–76; memoranda, reports, photographs, and other materials pertaining to his work with the United Nations, 1953–73; speeches, 1944–65; and typescripts of articles and reports, 1944–76. Kotschnig taught at Smith College and Mt. Holyoke College from 1937 to 1942. As an expert on international organization, he became an official of the U.S. State Department in 1944 and represented the United States in the United Nations in the 1950s.
    Julius Kraft Papers
    Box and Folder List
    Box 1
    Folder 3. Notebook (small green steno). A. 1959. 48p.

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