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         De Sitter Willem:     more books (16)
  1. Astronome Néerlandais: Christian Huygens, Anton Pannekoek, Willem de Sitter, Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser, Bart Bok, Jacobus Kapteyn (French Edition)
  2. William De Sitter: Een Menschenleven. by Willem de (1872-1934)] SITTER-SUERMONDT, E. de. [SITTER, 1948-01-01
  3. Kosmos;: A course of six lectures on the development of our insight into the structure of the universe, delivered for the Lowell institute in Boston, in November 1931, by Willem de Sitter, 1932
  4. On the system of astronomical constants (Bulletin of the Astronomical institutes of the Netherlands) by Willem de Sitter, 1937
  5. On the longitude of the sun in the years 1864-1900, and the rotation of the earth (Bulletin of the astronomical institutes of the Netherlands) by Willem de Sitter, 1927
  6. Willem de Sitter by Frank Schlesinger, 1935
  7. On the expanding universe, by Willem de Sitter, 1932
  8. Short history of the Observatory of the University at Leiden, 1633-1933, by Willem de Sitter, 1933
  9. A determination of the inclinations and nodes of the orbits of Jupiter's satellites (Annals of the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope) by Willem de Sitter, 1906
  10. Derivation of final inclinations and nodes of the orbital planes of Jupiter's satellites (Annals of the Cape Observatory) by Willem de Sitter, 1914
  11. Kosmos A course of six lectures on the development of our insight into the struc by Willem de Sitter, 1932-01-01
  12. Jupiter's Galilean satellites: George Darwin lecture by Willem de Sitter, 1931
  13. On the secular accelerations and the fluctuations of the longitudes of the moon, the sun, Mercury, and Venus by Willem de Sitter, 1927
  14. The astronomical aspect of the theory of relativity, (University of California publications in mathematics) by Willem de Sitter, 1933

61. Den
de sitter, willem. de Smet, Pierre Jean. de Pere. de Predis, Ambrogio. deQuincey, Thomas. de Sanctis, Francesco. de Sica, Vittorio. de sitter, willem.
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    sitter, willem de. Sitting Bull. Sites of the Modern Olympic Games. Sitka. SitkaNational Historical Park. sitter, willem de. Sitting Bull. Sittingbourne.
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    63. Willem Orologio Antico Su Scovato!
    Translate this page willem Janszoon Blaeu, Ejnar Hertzsprung Oort, Antonie Pannekoek,willem de sitter, Willibrord Snel 6 San Paolo orologio antico.html
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    Sezione 4 - STORIA LOCALE ITALIANA. 304. ALBANI CARLO., Di Luigi Canina da Casale Monferrato., Casale, Tip. Bertero, 1873., In 8¼, (mm. 240x160) brossura coeva figurata a colori, pagg. ... In 4¼, cartoncino antico, pagg. 37 con stemma papale incis...
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    ... Parola di un operaio antico - Jaca Book - 1. Bigongiali Athos - Le ceneri del Che - Giunti - 2 ...
    Vogue Gioiello - Il portale internazionale della gioielle...

    ... Platino. Smalti. Stile antico. Uomo. Zirconi ... il principe ereditario olandese Willem Alexander hanno disegnato personalmente ... Mentre il principe Willem Alexander si è cimentato ...

    64. Science Timeline
    de Moivre, Abraham, 1718. de Morgan, Augustus, 1847, 1860. de sitter, willem, 1917,1932, 1948. de Vries, Hugo, 1900, 1901, 1917. debye, Peter Joseph Wilhelm, 1932.
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    da Vinci, Leonardo, 1482 Daimler, Gottlieb, 1883 Dalibard, Jean, 1982 Dalton, John, 1801, 1801, 1803, 1808 Dam, Henrik, 1934 Danielli, James Frederick, 1935 Dart, Raymond Arthur, 1925 Darwin, Charles Robert, 435 bce, 1829, 1844, 1844, 1858, 1859, 1867, 1867, 1871, 1871, 1872, 1901 Darwin, Erasmus, 1794, 1809 Dausset, Jean, 1954 Davis, Mark, 1980 Davis, Ronald, 1973, 1980 Davisson, Clinton Joseph, 1927 Davson, Hugh, 1935 Davy, Humphrey, 1799, 1807, 1813, 1821 Dawkins, Richard, 1973, 1975 Dawson, John M., 1979 de Beer, Gavin, 1930, 1934, 1940 de Broglie, Louis Victor, 1924, 1926, 1927, 1927, 1952 de Herbert, Joseph, 1778 de la Mettrie, Julian, 1747

    65. Conceptual Timeline II
    18721970. Russell, Bertrand. Principia Mathematica, Our Knowledge of theExternal World. 1872-1934. sitter, willem de. 1872-1967. Angell, Norman.
    Conceptual Timeline
    Part II - Born after 1860 AD plus Addendum
    A stream of conceptual works of importance, those in blue denoting a particularly rich channel
    Additions and corrections welcome, please e-mail me) Whitehead, Alfred North Adventures of Ideas, Principia Mathematica, Science and the Modern World, Process and Reality, Modes of Thought Steiner, Rudolf Goethe the Scientist, The Philosophy of Freedom, Theosophy Duhem, Pierre The Aim and Structure of Physical Theory, Essays, Medieval Cosmology, The Evolution of Mechanics Hilbert, David The Problems of Mathematics Henry, O. The Ransom of Red Chief, The Gift of the Magi, Collected Stories Chapman, John Jay New Horizons in American Life, Causes and Consequences, Practical Agitation Wharton, Edith The Age of Innocence, Ethan Frome, The Gods Arrive Maeterlinck, Maurice The Life of the Bee, The Treasure of the Humble, Monna Vanna, Wisdom and Destiny Mead, George Herbert

    66. Willem De Sitter
    Article on willem de sitter from, licensed fromWikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Return Index willem de sitter.
    World History (home) Encyclopedia Index Localities Companies Surnames ... This Week in History
    Willem de Sitter
    Willem de Sitter May 6 November 20 ) was a mathematician, physicist and astronomer. He was born in the city of Sneek in the Netherlands. De Sitter contributed to our concept of the universe. One of his accomplishments was to have co-authored a paper with Albert Einstein in in which they argued that there might be large amounts of matter which does not emit light, now commonly referred to as dark matter He won the James Craig Watson Medal in and the Bruce Medal in , as well as the gold medal of the Royal Astronomical Society in that same year.
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    67. COZMO Biografier Over Videnskabsmænd
    1909) EB, SA; Wright, Thomas EB(?); Leavitt, Henrietta Swan (18681921)EB; de sitter, willem (1872-1934) EB, SA; Slipher, Vesto Melvin
    Danske: Tycho Brahe
    Niels Bohr (1885-1962)
    Websider med referencer til originalartikler:
    A.S. Eddington
    E.A. Milne

    E.P. Hubble

    G. Gamow
    G. Lemaitre
    EB= Encyclopedia Britannica
    SA= St. Andrewsi - Indexes of Biographies
    ET= Eric's Treasure Trove of Scientific Biography
    AB= History of Astronomy: Index of Persons , (see also this page
    ST= .
    • Thales (624-550)
    • Anaximander (610-546)
    • Pythagoras (580-500)
    • Heraklit (540-480)
    • Anaxagores (499-428)
    • Empedokles (490-430)
    • Zenon (490-430)
    • Demokrit (470-360)
    • Leokippos (ca. 440)
    • Platon (427-347)
    • Aristoteles (384-322). Aristoteles' Fysik
    • Epikur (341-270)
    • Euklid (300 f.v.t.) EB
    • Aristarch (310-230)
    • Eratostenes (275-195)
    • Hipparch (161-126)
    • Poseidonius (135-51)
    • Arkimedes (287-212)
    • Augustin, Aurelius (354-430) EB : Absorberer Nyplatonismen i kristendommen.
    • Avicenna (980-1037)
    • Roger Bacon (1220-1292) EB
    • Aquinas, Thomas (1225-1274) EB : Absorberer Aristotelismen i kristendommen.
    • Ockham, William of (1285-1347/48) EB
    • Cusanus, Nicolas (1401-1464) EB
    • Kopernikus, Nikolaus (1473-1543) EB
    • Digges, Thomas (1546-1595)
    • Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) EB CZ
    • Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) EB
    • Galilei, Galileo (1564-1642)

    68. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï
    14 Oct 1687 in West Kilbride, Ayrshire, Scotland Died 1 Oct 1768 in Glasgow, Scotlandsitter, willem de sitter Born 6 May 1872 in Sneek, Netherlands Died 20

    69. Mr. J.J. De Sitter - Parlement & Politiek
    naam vader Mr. W. de sitter, willem naam moeder MAJ de Drews, Maria Albertina Johannasamenlevingsvorm gehuwd te Leeuwarden, 31 oktober 1817 naam partner AA
    Mr. J.J. de Sitter
    moderaat of gematigd liberaal
    in de periode 1850-1855: lid Eerste Kamer
    Johan Jacob
    geboorteplaats en -datum
    Groningen, 7 februari 1793
    overlijdensplaats en -datum
    Groningen, 12 april 1855
    Ned. Hervormd
    luitenant Nationale Garde, 1812 eerste luitenant der infanterie tot 1823; verlaat dienst ambtenaar belastingdienst, van 1823 tot 1843 controleur bij de belastingdienst inspecteur van 's Rijks belastingen in Friesland actieve dienst als majoor, van 1830 tot 1831 notaris te Groningen, omstreeks 1842 en 1849 lid Eerste Kamer der Staten-Generaal voor de provincie Groningen, van 7 oktober 1850 tot 12 april 1855
    soort en plaats academisch onderwijs
    Romeins en hedendaags recht (gepromoveerd op stellingen) Hogeschool te Groningen, van 18 september 1810 tot 12 juni 1815
    als parlementariër
    Sprak in de Eerste Kamer onder meer over waterstaat, binnenlandse zaken en financiën
    publicaties over
    Ned. Patriciaat, 1915

    70. LISA: AstronomInnen
    sitter, willem 1872 geborener niederländischer Kosmologe, der dasmasselose, hypothetische de sitter-Universum als Modell durchgerechnet hat.
    LISA: Hauptseite Artikel Geschichte
    LISA: Personen
    Leute, die einen Beitrag zur Astronomie geleistet haben
    und/oder die mir wichtig erscheinen
    • Aristarch Baade, Walter Balmer, Johann Jakob Barnard, E.E. Bartsch, Bayer, Johann Belopolski, Aristarch Apollonowitsch Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm Bethe, Hans Albrecht Biela, W. Biermann, Ludwig Blashko, S.N. Bok, Bart Jan Boltzmann, Ludwig Bradley, James Brahe, Tycho Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm
    • Cassegrain Chandler, S.C.: Entdecker der Chandlerschen Periode der Polschwankungen. Chandrasekhar, S.: einer der produktivsten Wissenschaftler, der mit 2 Nobelpreisen ausgezeichnet wurde. Christy, J.S.: Entdecker des Plutomondes Charon Clark, Alvan Graham: Geboren 1832 als Sohn von Alvan Clark, der beim Testen des 0.47 m Clark Refraktors den ersten Weissen Zwerg, den Begleiter des Sirius, entdeckte. Er starb 1897. Compton, A.H.: Amerikanischer Physiker, lebte von 1892 bis 1962. Entdeckte 1923 den nach ihm benannten Compton-Effekt.
    • Coriolis, Gustave Gaspard de: Geboren 1792, wurde der Franzose als Entdecker der Coriolis-Kraft bekannt. Gestorben 1843.

    71. Store Product Details
    Item ID Russell Henry Norris D2. Title Henry Norris Russell, HarlowShapley, willem de sitter. description suit; sitting; outdoors

    72. AstronomiA - L'astronomie Pédagogique
    Translate this page a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q r s t v w. willem de sitter. Astronome hollandaisayant vécu de 1872 à 1934. Personnages / S / willem de sitter. Recherche


    Stations orbitales

    Divers Observation

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    Willem de SITTER
    cosmologie Einstein Univers Localisation Personnages / S / Willem de SITTER
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    73. Astronomes : Lettre S
    Translate this page granulation solaire (1748). sitter (willem de), Astronome et mathématiciennéerlandais (Sneek 1872 - Leyde 1934). Directeur de
    Nom Sa vie... Sagan (Carl) Astrophysicien américain Brooklyn Seattle
    Spécialiste de la planétologie et d'exobiologie, il a décrit, dès 1961, à partir d' observations radioastronomiques , les conditions atmosphériques et climatologiques de Vénus , prévoyant l'effet de serre induit par le gaz carbonique de son atmosphère , hypothèses confirmées ultérieurement par l'exploration spatiale. Il a joué un rôle majeur dans la mise au point des programmes américains de sondes planétaires Viking et Voyager . Il fut aussi un vulgarisateur très apprécié. Saha (Meghnad) Astrophysicien indien Dacca New Delhi
    Il a étudié l'effet des hautes températures et des fortes pressions sur les spectres ; il a établi, en 1920, une loi qui règle les équilibres entre les atomes et les ions et déterminé, en fonction de la densité, à l'équilibre thermodynamique, la fraction ionisée dans un milieu gazeux. Cette relation a permis, notamment, de classer les étoiles des plus chaudes aux plus froides, d'après leur type spectral Sandage (Allan Rex) Astrophysicien américain Iowa City
    Ses premiers travaux ont porté sur les amas globulaires , l'évolution des étoiles et la structure de la Galaxie . En 1960, il découvrit le premier

    74. Winschoten
    President. sitter, willem de; Personalia NH; ged. Groningen 217-1750- + Midlaren 7-6-1827; zn. van mr. Wolter Reinolt, secretaris
    Lit: J.G. Kampman, Te-recht in Winschoten. Honderdvijftig jaar rechtspraak in Oost-Groningen (Scheemda, 1988) President SITTER , Willem de; Personalia: NH; ged. Groningen 21-7-1750 - + Midlaren 7-6-1827; zn. van mr. Wolter Reinolt, secretaris en raad Groningen, en Johanna Schultens; tr. 1777 Maria Albertina Johanna de Drews, dr. van Rudolf, ambtman van het Goorecht; Loopbaan: studie rechten Groningen (promotie 1772); 1772 advocaat te Groningen, 1776-nov 1795 lid Hoge Justitiekamer Groningen, 1803-1805 lid Wetgevend Lichaam, sinds jun 1805 rechter of drost jurisdictie Wedde en Westerwoldingerland, bleef tot zijn dood president Rb Winschoten, was in 1811-1813 president Conseil général departement Wester-Eems; Opgave 1810: verklaarde een matig vermogen te bezitten, bestaande uit beleggingen in publiek fondsen; was toen gehuwd en had acht kinderen; Bronnen: NP 6 (1915) 331; Nationaal Archief MJP, 331, 26; Elias, Volksrepresentanten, 216 (ook biografie van zijn broer A.J.) Bijz. Zijn oudere broer en tevens zwager Albert Johan, studie Groningen 1763 maar niet afgestudeerd, zou een grotere carrière maken als drost van het Woldambt, stadssyndicus, in 1795 lid Comité Revolutionair, lid Nationale Vergadering, drost van beide Oldambten (1803-1811), maar in 1811 vanwege zijn niet-jurist zijn slechts vrederechter worden in het kanton Veendam. Rechter van instructie SPANDAW , Hajo Albert;

    75. Kosmologi-serie
    Albert (18791955); de sitter, willem (1872-1934); Friedmann, AlexanderAleksandrovich (1888-1925); Hubble s lov; En nuklear eksplosion;
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    • Thales (624-550)
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    • Anaxagores (499-428)
    • Zenon (490-430)
    • Leokippos (ca. 440)
  • 76. Wiley::Einstein A To Z
    Roosevelt, Franklin D.. RussellEinstein Manifesto. Schroedinger, Erwin. de sitter,willem. Solvay Conferences. Space-Time. Spinoza, Baruch (Benedictus).,descCd-tableOfCont
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    77. MNASSA Biographical Index
    de sitter, willem. Cosmologist. Spent Aug 1897 to december 1899 at RO Cape.d 20 November 1934. Obit JASSA 3, pp1656, 1935. Driver, Frederick John.
    news the society sections centres ... mnassa
    Biographical Index to MNASSA and JASSA
    Prepared by I S Glass
    Index of obituaries and other biographical notes from MNASSA and JASSA (predecessor of MNASSA) of various people of note in Southern African astronomy, who spent at least a year here. [This index can also be retrieved as a PDF file
  • Alden, Harold Lee. Dir Yale Southern Station. b Chicago 10 Jan 1890. d Charlottesville, Virginia, 3 February 1963. Pres ASSA 1931-32. Obit and picture: Rosenthal, Eric, MNASSA 30, pp4-5, 1971. Obit: MNASSA 23, p2, 1964. Hon member: MNASSA 4, p 56, 1945. Anderson, R.G.B. Founder of Solar Section, ASSA. d 14 May 1987. Obit: Winskill, C.G., MNASSA 47, p67, 1988. Atkins, G.R. Benefactor of Cape Centre. MNASSA 31, p73, 1972. Pictures: MNASSA 29, pp144,146, 1970. Barker, James Gilbert (Jimmie). Active member of Natal Centre. b 13 October 1913, Crieff, Scotland. d Durban (?), 21 March 1989. Obit: MNASSA 48, pp55-56, 1989. Bateman, Forrest de J. Active member of Transvaal Centre. b 1909. d 1983. Obit: Overbeek, M.D., MNASSA 42, p56, 1983. Bell, H.J.S. Active member of Natal Centre. Death notice: MNASSA 11, p102, 1950.
  • 78. Walter Sydney Adams Papers, American Philosophical Society
    4. ALS, 2p. Day, Arthur L., To Walter Sydney Adams. 1924 Oct. 13. TLS,1p. sitter, willem de, To Walter Sydney Adams. 1925 Jan. 24. ALS, 1p.
    Walter Sydney Adams Papers (0.25 linear feet) B Ad19 American Philosophical Society 105 South Fifth Street * Philadelphia, PA 19106-3386 Table of contents Abstract An expert in stellar spectroscopy, Walter Sydney Adams made important empirical contributions to the analysis of the physical conditions of stellar and planetary atmospheres, determining the distances to extragalactic objects, and understanding stellar evolution. Adams succeeded his mentor George Ellery Hale as director of the Mount Wilson Observatory, serving in that capacity from 1923 to 1946. The Adams Papers contains approximately 100 letters addressed to the astronomer Walter Sydney Adams, dating primarily from the period after his move to Mount Wilson Observatory in 1904. Much of the correspondence is relatively perfunctory, however a few letters include interesting scientific content, including Harlow Shapley discussing his photometric study of HV 3435 and interest in Alpha Circini, Arthur Compton's comments on Keener's photoelectric method, Svante Arrhenius on the possibilities of constructing a new observatory for the Swedish Academy of Sciences, and Arthur Eddington discussing the implications of the spectrum of the companion to Sirius. Among Adams' other correspondents are J. C. Kapteyn, James H. Jeans, Henry Norris Russell, Elihu Thomson, and Willem de Sitter.

    79. Encyclopedia: Willem De Sitter
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    80. Willem De Sitter
    Encyclopedia. Main Page See live article, willem de sitter. willem de sitter (May6 1872 – November 20 1934) was a mathematician, physicist and astronomer.
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    Willem de Sitter
    Willem de Sitter May 6 November 20 ) was a mathematician, physicist and astronomer. He was born in the city of Sneek in the Netherlands . De Sitter contributed to our concept of the universe. One of his accomplishments was to have co-authored a paper with Albert Einstein in in which they argued that there might be large amounts of matter which does not emit light, now commonly referred to as dark matter . He won the James Craig Watson Medal in and the Bruce Medal in , as well as the gold medal of the Royal Astronomical Society in that same year.

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