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         De Sitter Willem:     more books (16)
  1. Astronome Néerlandais: Christian Huygens, Anton Pannekoek, Willem de Sitter, Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser, Bart Bok, Jacobus Kapteyn (French Edition)
  2. William De Sitter: Een Menschenleven. by Willem de (1872-1934)] SITTER-SUERMONDT, E. de. [SITTER, 1948-01-01
  3. Kosmos;: A course of six lectures on the development of our insight into the structure of the universe, delivered for the Lowell institute in Boston, in November 1931, by Willem de Sitter, 1932
  4. On the system of astronomical constants (Bulletin of the Astronomical institutes of the Netherlands) by Willem de Sitter, 1937
  5. On the longitude of the sun in the years 1864-1900, and the rotation of the earth (Bulletin of the astronomical institutes of the Netherlands) by Willem de Sitter, 1927
  6. Willem de Sitter by Frank Schlesinger, 1935
  7. On the expanding universe, by Willem de Sitter, 1932
  8. Short history of the Observatory of the University at Leiden, 1633-1933, by Willem de Sitter, 1933
  9. A determination of the inclinations and nodes of the orbits of Jupiter's satellites (Annals of the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope) by Willem de Sitter, 1906
  10. Derivation of final inclinations and nodes of the orbital planes of Jupiter's satellites (Annals of the Cape Observatory) by Willem de Sitter, 1914
  11. Kosmos A course of six lectures on the development of our insight into the struc by Willem de Sitter, 1932-01-01
  12. Jupiter's Galilean satellites: George Darwin lecture by Willem de Sitter, 1931
  13. On the secular accelerations and the fluctuations of the longitudes of the moon, the sun, Mercury, and Venus by Willem de Sitter, 1927
  14. The astronomical aspect of the theory of relativity, (University of California publications in mathematics) by Willem de Sitter, 1933

41. The Great Astronomers - General Information About Some Astronomers
Schwarzschild, Karl Schwarzschild, Martin Secchi, Pietro Angelo Seyfert, Carl (Keenan)Shapley, Harlow Shoemaker, Eugene M. sitter, willem de Slipher, Vesto
The Great Astronomers
Today A B C D ... Z
Abetti, Giorgio

Adams, John Couch

Adams, Walter Sydney

Airy, George Biddell
Arp, Halton Christian

Baade, Walter

Babcock, Harold Delos

Bailly, Jean Sylvain
Baily, Francis ... Burbidge, Geoffrey C Cameron, Alastair Graham Walter Campbell, William Wallace Cannon, Annie Jump Carrington, Richard Christopher ... Curtis, Heber Doust D De la Rue, Warren De Vaucouleurs, Gerard Henri Deslandres, Henri Alexandre Dollfus, Audouin Charles ... Dyson, Frank Watson E Eddington, Arthur Stanley Edlen, Bengt Eggen, Olin Jenck Encke, Johann Franz ... Evershed, John F Field, George Brooks Flamsteed, John Fleming, Williamina Paton Stevens Fowler, William G Galileo Galle, Johann Gottfried Gamow, George Gill, David ... Greenstein, Jesse Leonard H Hall, Asaph Halley, Edmond Hanbury-Brown, Robert Hartmann, Johannes Franz ... Huygens, Christian J Jansky, Karl Guthe Janssen, (Pierre) Jules Cesar Jeans, James Hopwood Joy, Alfred Harrison K Kapteyn, Jacobus Cornelius Keeler, James Edward Kepler, Johannes Khayyam, Omar ... Kuiper, Gerard Peter L Lacaille, Nicolas Louis de Lalande, Joseph Jerome le Francois de Langley, Samuel Pierpoint Lassell, William ... Lyttleton, Raymond Arthur M Mastlin, Michael

42. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Willem De Sitter (Astronomy, Biographies) - Encyclopedia reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete informationon willem de sitter, Astronomy, Biographies. willem de sitter.
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  • 43. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Willem De Sitter (Astronomy, Biographies) - Encyclopedia reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information onWillem de sitter, Astronomy, Biographies. Includes related research links.
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    Related Category: Astronomy, Biographies Willem de Sitter u m d u u r] Pronunciation Key Kosmos (1932) and The Astronomical Aspect of the Theory of Relativity
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  • 44. Astronomy Interactive Network - Astronomers
    de sitter, willem. willem de sitter was one of the few astronomers to appreciateEinstein s special theory of relativity when it was published in 1905.

    45. Willem De Sitter
    Födelseland Holland Födelseår 1872 Död år 1934. willem deSitter föddes den 6 maj år 1872 i Holland. Han studerade vid
    Födelseland: Holland Födelseår: 1872 Död år: 1934 Willem de Sitter föddes den 6 maj år 1872 i Holland. Han studerade vid universitetet i Groningen och tillbringade den största delen av sin karriär vid universitetet i Leiden där han hade hand om astronomiprogrammet. Observerade dessutom under ett kort tag med David Gill vid Godahoppsudden. Han arbetade mycket med jupitermånarnas rörelser och bestämde deras massor och omloppsbanor genom årtionden av observationer. Han återinförde astronomins grundläggande konstanter och bestämde variationen i Jordens rörelse. Utförde statistiska studier av fördelningen och rörelser hos stjärnor. Han är dock numera mest känd för hans bidrag till kosmologin. Hans lösning till Einsteins fältekvationer år 1917 visade att ett universum fritt från massa måste expandera. Senare fann de Sitter och Albert Einstein (1879-1955) en lösning med ett expanderande universum som inte är krökt. Modifierade Einsteins statiska teori inom kosmologin till en skenbart statisk teori och förutsade därmed att avståndet är proportionellt mot rödförskjutningen. Fick 1931 års brucemedalj . Dog den 19 november år 1934.

    46. Kosmologika - Vetenskapsmännen
    Translate this page 1997) Schwinger, Julian Seymour (1918- ) Sciama, dennis (1926- ) Selberg, Atle (1917-) Shannon, Claude (1916- ) sitter, willem de (1872-1934) Smarr, Larry (194
    På Kosmologikas sidor återfinns på många ställen länkar till kortare biografier över olika vetenskapsmän som har deltagit i utvecklandet av dessa spännande teorier. På denna sida finns länkar till alla dessa biografier samlade på ett enda ställe. Personerna är dels listade i både bokstavs- och födelsedagsordning men även efter nobelprisår (för de personer som har fått nobelpriset) samt i betydelsefullhetsordning för vetenskapen. Dessutom har jag nyligen lagt till Brucemedaljörer som är den högsta utmärkelsen inom astronomin, nobelpriset undantaget, samt Fields medalj som är matematikens nobelpris och som dessutom bara delas ut en gång vart fjärde år samt slutligen wolfpriset som är ett israeliskt pris som rankas steget under Nobelpriset men som ofta är åtminstone ett decennium snabbare med utnämningarna. Alfabetisk ordning Ahlfors, Lars (1907- )
    Alembert, Jean le Ronde d' (1717-1783)

    Alfvén, Hannes Olof Gösta (1908-1995)

    Alpher, Ralph A. (1921- )
    Zwicky, Fritz (1898-1974)

    Födelsedagsordning Fermat, Pierre de (1601-1665)

    47. DEEPSKY, Community Fuer Astronomie
    Translate this page Mehr Wetter. auf Wetteronline. Top Onlinehost. Werbung. de sitter, willem Niederlande(1872-1934) Postituliert 1917 Rotverschiebung in seinem Weltmodel.

    48. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : SIT
    SITTE (Willi) Photo 1; sitter (Günther) Photo 1; sitter (willem de) Photo degroupe 1 (avec Arthur Stanley EDDINGTON, Paul EHRENFEST, Albert EINSTEIN et Hendrik
    SIT A B C D ... Z

    49. Detailed Record
    ISBN 0198518765 • Primary Language English • Named Person Albert Einstein;willem de sitter; willem de sitter • Document Type Book • Subject
    About WorldCat Help For Librarians The invented universe : the Einstein-De Sitter controversy (1916-17) and the rise of relativistic cosmology
    Pierre Kerszberg
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    50. VEDA
    MATEMATIKOVÉ V HISTORII willem de sitter Jirí Svršek willem de sitter studovalmatematiku v Groningenu a pak zde pracoval v astronomické laboratori.
    Sobota 10.11.2001
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    akce zaèíná na serveru HTTP:// Motto akce: "Politik nemùže pøijímat do státního rozpoètu peníze získané prodejem nejnebezeènìjší drogy cigarety, která zabije jen v Èeské Republice dvacet tisíc lidí roènì, absurdnì v dobì, kdy policie a záchranné sbory musí a po právu prohlížet kupøíkladu obálky, ale i všeliké lokality, které jsou by jen podezøelé z toho, že by mohly být kontaminovány nebezpeènou nákazou. Policie nás chrání pøed terorem a patøí jí za to dík i ohleduplnost nás všech." Smrt a nemoci z cigaret nejsou legální tím, že je brání zkorumpovaní politikové, leckdy bohužel i prostou ignorací žurnalisté, èi lobisté tabákových koncernù. Smrt z cigaret je stejný teroristický èin jako kterýkoliv jiný a po duchu platných zákonù je veøejným ohrožením èíslo jedna. Což ví ostatnì i pan ministr zdravotnictví, jak nám vzkazuje na krabièkách, ale nikterak ho to nevzrušuje zøejmì?, nebo nechává cigarety dále distribuovat jako potraviny - v této souvislosti je smutné zjištìní, že žvýkací tabák neprojde.. Cigarety ano? Proè tedy cigareta není novokuøákùm zakázána, co hledá v kapitole "Potravináøský a tabákový prùmysl?" Co hledá na pultu každých potravin, ve skryté i otevøené reklamì. Dùmyslnou strategií tak asociuje zejména mladým lidem, že ono to zase tak hrozné není, to by to nedali do potravin, to by nekouøil ten a ten... Cigareta bez zábran hledá nové obìti a jejich nárùst u žákù základních i støedních škol je rekordní za poslední desetiletí.

    51. History Of Astronomy: Persons (D)
    German version.). de sitter, willem see sitter, willem de (18721934);deslandres, Henri-Alexandre Henri Alexandre (1853-1948) Short
    History of Astronomy Persons
    History of Astronomy: Persons (D)
    Deutsche Fassung
  • d'Alembert: see Alembert, Jean-Baptiste Le Rond d' (1717-1783)
  • Dalgarno, Alexander (b. 1928)
  • Dallmeyer, John Henry (1830-1883)
  • Dalrymple, Alexander (1737-1808)
  • Dalton, John (1766-1844)
  • Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)
  • Danti, Egnatio [Egnazio; Ignazio] Pellegrino Rainaldi (1536-1586)
  • Darquier de Pellepoix, Antoine (1718-1802)
  • 52. History Of Astronomy: Persons (S)
    Short biography and references (MacTutor Hist. Math.). Sisson, Jeremiah(18th c.) Very short biography. sitter, willem de (18721934)
    History of Astronomy Persons
    History of Astronomy: Persons (S)
    Deutsche Fassung

    53. Willem De Sitter Definition Of Willem De Sitter. What Is Willem De Sitter? Meani
    willem de Kooning definition of willem de Kooning. What is willem willem de Kooning. Word Word. Legend Synonyms Related Words Antonyms. Some wordswith willem de Kooning in the definition de Sitter
    Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
    Willem de Sitter
    Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Noun Willem de Sitter - Dutch astronomer who calculated the size of the universe and suggested that it is expanding (1872-1934) Sitter astronomer uranologist stargazer - a physicist who studies astronomy Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Some words with "Willem de Sitter" in the definition: Agnes de Mille
    Agnes George de Mille

    artist's model

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    55. Portrait Of The Art World
    1985) / sitter Alice Neel Brook, John (born 1924) / sitter Massachusetts PaintersBudnik, Dan (born 1933) / sitter willem de Kooning Burckhardt, Rudolph
    PORTRAIT OF THE ART WORLD A Century of ARTnews Photographs
    Artist Index A

    Abbott, Bernice
    (1898-1981) / Sitter: Edward Hopper
    Auerbach, Julia
    (born 1933) / Sitter: Lucian Freud
    Avedon, Richard
    (born 1923) / Sitter: Self-portrait
    Beals, Jessie Tarbox
    (1870-1942) / Sitter: George W. Maynard
    Beaton, Cecil
    (1904–1980) / Sitter: Gertrude Stein
    Bellamy, Peter
    (born 1954) / Sitter: Hanne Tierney
    Ben-Yusuf, Zaida
    (active 1896-1915) / Sitter: Daniel Chester French
    Ben-Yusuf, Zaida
    (active 1896-1915) / Sitter: Everett Shinn Boughton, Alice (1865-1943) / Sitter: Albert Pinkham Ryder Breitenbach, Josef (1896–1984) / Sitter: Lyonel Feininger Brody, Sam (1907-1985) / Sitter: Alice Neel Brook, John (born 1924) / Sitter: Massachusetts Painters Budnik, Dan (born 1933) / Sitter: Willem de Kooning Burckhardt, Rudolph (1914–1999) / Sitter: Elaine de Kooning Burckhardt, Rudolph (1914–1999) / Sitter: Paul Georges Burckhardt, Rudolph (1914–1999) / Sitter: C. T. Loo Burckhardt, Rudolph

    56. Artist Index
    1985) / sitter Alice Neel Brook, John , (born 1924) / sitter Massachusetts PaintersBudnik, Dan , (born 1933) / sitter willem de Kooning Burckhardt, Rudolph
    Abbott, Bernice
    , (1898-1981) / Sitter: Edward Hopper
    Auerbach, Julia
    , (born 1933) / Sitter: Lucien Freud
    Avedon, Richard
    , (born 1923) / Sitter: Richard Avedon
    Beals, Jessie Tarbox
    , (1870-1942) / Sitter: George W. Maynard
    Beaton, Cecil
    , (1904–1980) / Sitter: Gertrude Stein
    Bellamy, Peter
    , (born 1944) / Sitter: Hanne Tierney
    Ben-Yusuf, Zaida
    , (active 1896-1915) / Sitter: Daniel Chester French
    Ben-Yusuf, Zaida
    , (active 1896-1915) / Sitter: Everett Shinn
    Boughton, Alice
    , (1865-1943) / Sitter: Albert Pinkham Ryder Breitenbach, Josef , (1896–1984) / Sitter: Lyonel Feininger Brody, Sam , (1907-1985) / Sitter: Alice Neel Brook, John , (born 1924) / Sitter: Massachusetts Painters Budnik, Dan , (born 1933) / Sitter: Willem de Kooning Burckhardt, Rudolph , (1914–1999) / Sitter: Elaine de Kooning Burckhardt, Rudolph , (1914–1999) / Sitter: Paul Georges Burckhardt, Rudolph , (1914–1999) / Sitter: Jack Tworkov Burckhardt, Rudolph , (1914–1999) / Sitter: C. T. Loo Burri, René

    57. Circle, Sphere, Hypersphere, Fourth Spatial Dimension
    Appendix 4 Brief Comments of willem de sitter and Albert Einstein On CurvedSpace. The first is from willem de sitter s Kosmos published in 1932.
    Appendix 4: Brief Comments of Willem de Sitter and Albert Einstein On Curved Space
    [If you don't see "pi" (3.14159) displayed correctly in what follows, you probably have one of the older browsers. It's a problem that is discussed in Appendix 11 That space might differ significantly from a simple Euclidean model was hypothesized rather often in the first two or three decades of the twentieth century. The Friedmann models became popular in the mid 1930s, and the gravimetric considerations in those models seemed to indicate that space could be curved one way or the other, but probably not enough to affect its basic appearance as an expanding sphere within our Hubble horizon. We have traditionally been assumed to be "inside" this sphere, seemingly at its center - as any position would appear to be - with a "radius" currently thought to be around 13 to 14 billion light years in every direction. As we look back in time, we are actually looking into eras where the universe had not had as much time to expand as it has in the current era, that is, in the nearby universe. In fact, if we could look out far enough, the universe would seem to shrink to virtually nothing (or nearly so). This "virtually nothing" position is called the "singularity", and the conventional cosmological wisdom assumes that it is receding at the speed of light. You've probably never seen the universe depicted as anything other than an expanding Euclidean sphere, which still doesn't make it right and may be nothing more than improper Pavlovian conditioning.

    Matematika. Nemcina. Umení. Zemepis. ZSV. Pošlete nám materiál Pošlete námpripomínku. Titulní stránka Fyzika Lexikon, sitter, willem de (18721934)

    59. Willem De Sitter - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    Not logged in Log in Help. willem de sitter. willem de sitter (May 6 1872– November 20 1934) was a mathematician, physicist and astronomer.
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    Willem de Sitter May 6 November 20 ) was a mathematician, physicist and astronomer. He was born in the city of Sneek in the Netherlands De Sitter contributed to our concept of the universe. One of his accomplishments was to have co-authored a paper with Albert Einstein in in which they argued that there might be large amounts of matter which does not emit light, now commonly referred to as dark matter He won the James Craig Watson Medal in and the Bruce Medal in , as well as the gold medal of the Royal Astronomical Society in that same year.
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    60. Willem Jacob Luyten, March 7, 1899—November 21, 1994 | By Arthur Upgren | Biogr
    astronomers, mostly of the Leiden Observatory, which began before 1900 with JC Kapteynand included PJ van Rhijn, Ejnar Hertzsprung, willem de sitter, and Jan H
    BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRS National Academy of Sciences
    Photo by Kallman Studio
    Willem Jacob Luyten
    By Arthur Upgren
    WILLEM LUYTEN WAS THE central figure in the determination of the stellar luminosity function, the frequency function of stars by their luminosity. In this, his major research contribution, he followed in the tradition of Dutch astronomers, mostly of the Leiden Observatory, which began before 1900 with J. C. Kapteyn and included P. J. van Rhijn, Ejnar Hertzsprung, Willem De Sitter, and Jan H. Oort. Luyten was one of a number of distinguished students of these scientists who emigrated to the United States and had a memorable career. His contemporaries included Bart J. Bok, Dirk Brouwer, Gerard P. Kuiper, Jan Schilt, Kaj Aa. Strand, and Peter van de Kamp. Luyten spoke of his ancestry as part French, originating in Provence in the fourteenth century. The family name may have been Lutin and derived from lute players and minstrels attending the popes who resided in Avignon. In 1377 the popes moved back to Rome and the progenitor lute player resettled at the Court of Burgundy. The dukes there united the cities of Holland, and during ducal rule over the next century, the family may have found its way to the Netherlands. His mother's family name of Francken reveals her origin there. Luyten, himself, was born of parents of North Holland, who had settled in Indonesia, then a colony of the Netherlands. His birth on March 7, 1899, was in the city of Semarang in north-central Java, where his father taught French in the local high school. Luyten lived there until 1912, when the family moved back to the Netherlands. At that time he spoke Dutch and French; he also became fluent in German and English before his high school graduation. Later in college he mastered Latin and Greek, and still later, he picked up some Spanish and Italian, and finally, in 1927, Russian. He was rightfully proud of his ability to learn to read and speak so many languages.

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