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         De La Hire Philippe:     more books (42)
  1. Les Elemens Des Sections Coniques: Démontrées Par Synthese; Ouvrage Dans Lequel On a Renfermé Le Petit Traité Des Sections Coniques De M. Delahire (French Edition) by Antoine-René Mauduit, Philippe De La Hire, 2010-02-12
  2. De A Grandeur Et De La Figure De La Terre, part 1-2 (1720) (French Edition) by Philippe De La Hire, 2010-09-10
  3. Traite De Mecanique: Ou L'On Explique Tout Ce Qui Est Necessaire Dans La Pratique Des Arts (1695) (French Edition) by Philippe De La Hire, 2009-08-27
  4. Nouveaux Elemens Des Sections Coniques, Les Lieux Geometriques, La Construction, Ou Effection Des Equations (1679) (French Edition) by Philippe De La Hire, 2010-09-10
  5. L'Ecole Des Arpenteurs: Ou L'On Enseigne Toutes Les Pratiques De Geometrie, Qui Sont Necessaires A Un Arpenteur (1732) (French Edition) by Philippe De La Hire, 2009-08-27
  6. Traite Du Nivellement (1684) (French Edition) by Jean Picard, Philippe De La Hire, 2009-08-27
  7. Traité De Mécanique: Ou L'on Explique Tout Ce Qui Est Nécessaire Dans La Pratique Des Arts, & Les Propriétés Des Corps Pesants Lesquelles Ont Un Plus Grand Usage Dans La Physique (French Edition) by Philippe De La Hire, 2010-04-08
  8. Tables Astronomiques, Dressées Et Mises En Lumiere Par Les Ordres Et Par La Magnificence De Louis Le Grand ... (French Edition) by Philippe De La Hire, 2010-01-09
  9. L'Ecole Des Arpenteurs, Ou L'On Enseigne Toutes Les Pratiques De Geometrie (1732) (French Edition) by Philippe De La Hire, 2009-07-17
  10. L'ecole Des Arpenteurs, Ou L'on Enseigne Toutes Les Pratiques De Géométrie, Qui Sont Necessaires À Un Arpenteur. On Y a Ajoûté Un Abregé Du Nivellement, ... On Y Trouvera Aussi Une M (French Edition) by Philippe De La Hire, 2010-04-20
  11. L'Ecole Des Arpenteurs, Ou L'On Enseigne Toutes Les Pratiques De Geometrie (1732) (French Edition) by Philippe De La Hire, 2010-09-10
  12. L'Ecole Des Arpenteurs, Ou L'On Enseigne Toutes Les Pratiques De Geometrie (1732) (French Edition) by Philippe De La Hire, 2010-09-10
  13. Philippe de La Hire (French Edition)
  14. Philippe de La Hire

Mathematician, astronomer, physicist, naturalist, and painter, b. in Paris, 18 March, 1640; d. in Paris, 21 April, 1718.
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Philippe de la Hire
Mathematician, astronomer, physicist, naturalist, and painter, b. in Paris, 18 March, 1640; d. in Paris, 21 April, 1718; was, as Fontenelle said, an academy in himself. His father, Laurent de La Hire, (1606-1656), was a distinguished artist. Philippe first studied painting in Rome, where he had gone for his health in 1660, but on his return to Paris, soon devoted himself to the classics and to science. He showed particular aptitude for mathematics, in which subject he was successively the pupil and associate in original investigation of Desargues. In 1678, he was made a member of the Academy of Sciences, section of astronomy. Beginning in 1679, in connexion with the construction of a map for the Government, he made extended observations in Brittany, Guienne, Calais, Dunkirk, and Provence. In 1683, he continued the principal meridian north from Paris, Cassini The chief contributions of La Hire were in the department of pure geometry. Although familiar with the analytic method of Descartes , which he followed in treatises published in 1679, his most important works were developed in the method of the ancients. He continued the work of Desargues and of

2. Droite De La Hire
Translate this page Gerade. Autres noms engrenage, mouche de la hire. philippe de la hire(1640-1718) astronome et mathématicien français. la droite
courbe suivante courbes 2D courbes 3D surfaces ... fractals DROITE DE LA HIRE
La Hire's line, La Hiresche Gerade Autres noms : engrenage, mouche de La Hire.
La droite de La Hire est l
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3. La_Hire
philippe de la hire. Born 18 philippe de la hire was educated as anartist and became skilled in drawing and painting. He visited
Philippe de La Hire
Born: 18 March 1640 in Paris, France
Died: 21 April 1718 in Paris, France
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to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Philippe de la Hire was educated as an artist and became skilled in drawing and painting. He visited Italy where he spent four years developing his artistic skills and learning geometry. The interest in geometry arose from his study of perspective in art. Much influenced by the work of Desargues , La Hire worked on conic sections which he treated projectively. He published his first work on conic sections in 1673. In 1675 he published a more comprehensive work on conic sections Sectiones conicae which contained a description of Desargues projective geometry . In 1708 he calculated the length of the cardioid. Other topics to which he made important contributions included astronomy, physics and geodesy. In astronomy he installed the first transit instrument in the Paris Observatory. He also produced tables giving the movements of the Sun, Moon and the planets. He did much work on surveying, in particular taking measurements of the French coastline. He designed an instrument to find the level at a site. He was also a major contributor to a project to map France.

4. Mathematicians In Richard S. Westfall's Archive
Joachim; Keill, John; Kepler, Johannes; Faille, Charles la; lagny,Thomas de; hire, philippe de la; lamy, Bernard; lansberge, philippe
Mathematicians in Richard S. Westfall's archive
Richard Westfall's archive contains concise biographical details of more than 640 members of the Scientific Community of the 16th and 17th Centuries. The mathematicians who have biographies in our archive are listed below.
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    JOC/EFR January 2000 The URL of this page is:
    School of Mathematics and Statistics

    University of St Andrews, Scotland
  • 5. La Hire, Philippe De [Philippe I]
    Catalog of the Scientific Community. la hire, philippe de philippe I He was the eldest son of laurent de la hire, peintre ordinaire du roi, and founder and professor
    Catalog of the Scientific Community
    La Hire, Philippe de [Philippe I]
    Note: the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on genealogical questions.
    1. Dates
    Born: Paris, 18 March 1640
    Died: Paris, 21 April 1718
    Dateinfo: Dates Certain
    Lifespan: 78 2. Family Financial Circumstance: Gov He was the eldest son of Laurent de La Hire, peintre ordinaire du roi, and founder and professor at the Académie Royale de Peinture and Sculpture. La Hire's father was also one of the first disciples of Desargues. No information on financial status.
    2. Father
    3. Nationality
    Birth: French
    Career: French
    Death: French
    4. Education
    Schooling: No University
    He was educated among artists and technicians. At an early age he became interested in perspective, practical mechanics, drawing and painting.
    5. Religion
    Affiliation: Catholic
    6. Scientific Disciplines
    Primary: Astronomy, Mathematics, Mechanics
    Subordinate: Zoology, Physiology, Meteorology
    After his father's death he spent four years in Venice where he developed his artistic talent and studied classical geometry. Upon his return to France he was active primarily as an artist.
    He formed a friendship with Abraham Bosse, Desargues last disciple, who asked La Hire to solve a problem in stonecutting. In 1673 La Hire published Nouvelle methode en géometrie pour les sections des superficies coniques et cylindriques from his research in constructing conic sections. Twelve years later he published a much more extensive work, Sectiones conicae, through which Desargues' projective geometry became known.

    Joseph la Fosse, Charles de lafuente y Zamalloa, Modesto lagania lagrené, Pierrela Harpe, JeanFrançois la Haye, Jean de la hire, philippe de lahore laibach
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    La Crosse
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    La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, The Duke of
    La Rue, Charles de
    French Jesuit orator (1643-1725)
    La Salette

    La Salette, Missionaries of

    La Salle, John Baptist de, Saint

    La Serena, Diocese of
    Lacordaire, Jean-Baptiste-Henri-Dominique
    Great Dominican orator (1802-1861)
    Fourth-century Christian apologist Lacy, Blessed William Sixteenth-century English priest Laderchi, James Ladislaus, Saint Laetare Sunday Laetus, Pomponius ... LaFarge, John Painter, decorator, and writer (1835-1910) La Fontaine, Jean de La Fosse, Charles de Lafuente y Zamalloa, Modesto Lagania ... Lambert, Louis A. Priest and journalist (1835-1910) Lambert of Hersfeld Lambert of St-Bertin Lamberville, Jacques and Jean de Seventeenth-century Jesuit missionaries Lambillotte, Louis Belgian Jesuit and composer (1796-1855) Lambin, Denis French philologist (1520-1572) Lambruschini, Luigi Lambton, Ven. Joseph Lamego Lamennais, Jean-Marie-Robert de ... Lando, Pope Reigned 913-914 Lanfranc Lanfranco, Giovanni

    7. La_Hire
    Biography of philippe de la hire (16401718) philippe de la hire. Born 18 March 1640 in Paris, France philippe de la hire was educated as an artist and became skilled in drawing and painting
    Philippe de La Hire
    Born: 18 March 1640 in Paris, France
    Died: 21 April 1718 in Paris, France
    Click the picture above
    to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
    Philippe de la Hire was educated as an artist and became skilled in drawing and painting. He visited Italy where he spent four years developing his artistic skills and learning geometry. The interest in geometry arose from his study of perspective in art. Much influenced by the work of Desargues , La Hire worked on conic sections which he treated projectively. He published his first work on conic sections in 1673. In 1675 he published a more comprehensive work on conic sections Sectiones conicae which contained a description of Desargues projective geometry . In 1708 he calculated the length of the cardioid. Other topics to which he made important contributions included astronomy, physics and geodesy. In astronomy he installed the first transit instrument in the Paris Observatory. He also produced tables giving the movements of the Sun, Moon and the planets. He did much work on surveying, in particular taking measurements of the French coastline. He designed an instrument to find the level at a site. He was also a major contributor to a project to map France.

    8. La Hire | Philippe De | 18 March 1640-21 April 1718 | Astronomer And Mathematici
    la hire philippe de 18 March 164021 April 1718 astronomer and mathematician.Solutio Probl de angulis per Algebram vulgarem (1691-1701).
    the project the collections biographies multimedia the project the collections biographies multimedia ...
  • Solutio Probl: ... de angulis per Algebram vulgarem
  • 9. La Hire, Gabriel-Philippe De [Philippe II]
    Catalog of the Scientific Community. la hire, Gabrielphilippe de philippe II He was the son of the astronomer philippe de la hire and his first wife Catherine Lesage
    Catalog of the Scientific Community
    La Hire, Gabriel-Philippe de [Philippe II]
    Note: the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on genealogical questions.
    1. Dates
    Born: Paris, 25 July 1677
    Died: Paris, 4 June 1719
    Dateinfo: Dates Certain
    2. Father
    Occupation: Scientist, Government Official
    He was the son of the astronomer Philippe de La Hire and his first wife Catherine Lesage. His grandfather was Laurent de La Hire, 'peintre ordinaire du roi' and professor of painting and sculpture at the Académie Royale. His half brother studied medicine and became a member of the Académie as a botanist in 1709.
    No information on financial status.
    3. Nationality
    Birth: French
    Career: French
    Death: French
    4. Education
    Schooling: No University
    Gabriel-Philippe was educated at the Paris observatory where he lived after 1682. He was initiated from childhood into astronomy and the techniques of meteorological and astronomical observations. At first he was destined to become a doctor and studied medicine under Duverney. His great interest in mathematics took him down the same path as his father.
    5. Religion

    10. - Math Site For Kids! Home Of Flashcards, Math
    Click Here hire, philippe de la. eer (16401718). Engineer, born inParis, France. He became a teacher of mathematics at the Collège

    11. Biografia De Hire, Philippe De La
    Translate this page hire, philippe de la. (París, 1640- id., 1718) Matemático francés. Profesoren el Colegio de Francia, se ocupó también de temas astronómicos.
    Inicio Buscador Utilidades Recomendar sitio
    Hire, Philippe de La (París, 1640- id ., 1718) Matemático francés. Profesor en el Colegio de Francia, se ocupó también de temas astronómicos. En geometría, se especializó en métodos gráficos y estudió la epicicloide y la concoide. Aplicó el método de proyección de Desargues a la demostración de los teoremas de Apolonio. Destaca su obra Sectiones conicae Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

    12. Paris Pages; Musee De La Vie Romantique - Maison Renan Scheffer - Information
    Scheffer, professeur de dessin des enfants de Louisphilippe, le musée présente les souvenirs de Guided Tours Conferences, hire of Space. Statute Les musées de la Ville de Paris
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    13. LA HIRE, Philippe;, "Memoires De Mathematique Et De Physique, Contenant Un Trait
    Traité des Epicycloïdes, de leurs usages dans les Mechaniques.
    Librairie Thomas-Scheler
    LA HIRE, Philippe; Paris Imprimerie Royale 1694 In-4 de 4, 302 pp. ch., 1 f.; basane, pièce de titre en maroquin rouge, dos à nerfs. (Reliure moderne). D.S.B., VII, pp. 576-79. Smith, Hist. of Mathematics, I, p. 386. Edition originale. La Hire fut pendant près d'un demi-siècle l'un des principaux auteurs scientifiques français. Non seulement il publia de nombreux écrits et mémoires, mais aussi s'occupa de l'édition des oeuvres de Picard, Mariotte et Frénicle, entre autres. L'on trouve ici un certain nombre de ses oeuvres dont la réunion reflète ses nombreux centres d'intérêt. Bel exemplaire. Ex-libris Bibliotheca Mechanica. This item is listed on Bibliopoly by Librairie Thomas-Scheler ; click here for further details.

    14. Lacépède, Bernard Germain Étienne De La Ville, Comte De
    GERMAIN ÉTIENNE de la VILLE, COMTE de ( The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition)philippe Germain, propriétaire, avec Airport Parking and. Car hire. ,
    in All Infoplease Almanacs Biographies Dictionary Encyclopedia
    Infoplease Tools

    15. LA HIRE (Philippe De)., Traité De Mécanique, Où L'on Explique Tout Ce Qui Est
    Llibreria Antiquària Comellas
    LA HIRE (Philippe de). Traité de Mécanique, où l'on explique tout ce qui est nécéssaire dans la pratique des Arts, et les propriétés des corps pesants lesquelles ont un plus grand usage dans la Physique. A Paris, de l'Imprimerie Royale, et se vend chez Jean Anisson Directeur de ladite Imprimerie, 1695. in-12. 6ff. 492pp. Plein veau, dos à nerfs orné (Reliure de l'époque). EDITION ORIGINALE de cet ouvrage de Philipe de La Hire (1640-1718), un des meilleurs géomètres français de cette période. On trouve dans ce traité de mécanique un grand nombre d'instructions pour la construction de diverses machines: "Machine à faire mouvoir plusieurs Scies pour scier la pierre", "Roue à élever des Pistons", "Instrument pour jeter les Bombes", etc. Le livre est illustré de plus de 150 figures dans le texte. Des rousseurs, petit découpage au titre sans atteinte au texte. Quelques défauts à la reliure. This item is listed on Bibliopoly by Llibreria Antiquària Comellas ; click here for further details.

    16. La Hire
    Translate this page la hire philippe de-, français, 1640-1718. Architecte à la cour(sous Colbert et Louvois), astronome, fils du peintre laurent de
    Colbert et La descente de croix Desargues et ses travaux portent exclusivement sur les coniques du point de vue projectif (1694), l'autre sur les Mouche de La Hire Tout point (une mouche, par exemple...) d'un cercle de rayon r roulant sans glisser à l'intérieur d'un cercle de rayon 2r, décrit un diamètre de ce dernier. Gregory Mohr

    17. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - La Hire
    Translate this page Résultats provenant de MSN Search. la hire la hire philippe de-, français, 1640-1718 philippede la hire (1640-1718) astronome et mathématicien français.
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    LA HIRE Philippe de-, fran§ais, 1640-1718 Architecte   la cour (sous Colbert et Louvois), astronome, fils du peintre Laurent de la Hire (1606-1656)   qui l'on doit de nombreux tableaux dont Saint Fran§ois et La descente de croix (
    Le web du Relais de la Hire

    47 600 FRANCESCAS T©l. : 05 53 65 41 59 Fax : 05 53 65 86 42 Au Moyen-¢ge, Francescas fut une terre franche. C'est mªme l'origine du nom de cet ©patant village rond. "
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    19. De La Hire (Hière), Gabriel Philippe
    Elfenbeindrechsler de la hire (Hière), Gabriel philippe. Geb.
    Home Kontakt Sitemap Impressum ... Elfenbeindrechsler De La Hire (Hière), Gabriel Philippe Geb. 1677; gest. 1719. Durch seinen Beruf als Architekt mit der Geometrie vertraut, beschäftigte ihn vor allem das Unvermögen, bei Polyedern die Ecken exakt drechseln zu können. Eine von ihm konstruierte Vorrichtung, die winkelgerechte und seitenparallele Arbeiten auf der Drehbank ermöglicht, wurde von ihm an der königlichen Akademie vorgestellt, deren Mitglied er war. (Bibl., DE LA HIRE, 1719, S.320).
    Es wird berichtet, dass das von De la Hire in Verbindung mit einer Drehbank zu verwendende Werkzeug für winkelgerechte und seitenparallele spanabhebende Arbeiten von Nartoff, der in Russland als Kunstdrechsler tätig war, zu einem eigenständigen Gerät weiterentwickelt wurde. (Bibl., K. MAURICE, 1985, S. 100)
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    20. Imago Mundi - La Hire.
    Translate this page la hire, philippe de (1640-1718) - mathématicien, fils du peintre et graveurlaurent de la hire, il est né à Paris en 1640, et est mort en 1718.
    Dictionnaire biographique Les gens La Hire
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